Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Apparently, Star Wars Rebels nearly saw the TV debut of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed lead Starkiller. Only h… "Dave [Filoni] did share with me, by the way, he considered making Starkiller an Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels," Witwer explained. With Taylor Gray, Dave Filoni, Vanessa Marshall, Freddie Prinze Jr.. A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights. The darkly humorous, provocative drama stars Sam as the heroic, "Aidan", a sensual and brooding vampire. Starkiller The hero of the hugely successful Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game is likely to be the best known apprentice of Darth Vader's, given the honor of being personally blessed by George Lucas himself. 0 Presents a Pulse-Pounding Prequel for the Rising Shonen Star, Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance Is a Rocky Comeback, Death Metal: The Last 52 - War of the Multiverses Chronicles DC's Final Battles, Transformers: How an Autobot Legend Redeemed Himself After Betraying the Faction, Cobra Kai Is Setting Up Potential Spinoffs, Breaking Bad Style, Cobra Kai: Mary Mouser Slept Through Her First Audition, Ahsoka Tano's Secret Star Wars Nemesis Actually Freed Her - From the Jedi, The Office Gives Fans a Dunder Mifflin Employee Simulator, The Simpsons: It's Time for the Show to Talk About Chief Wiggum, Alex Trebek and Ryan Reynolds Use a Jeopardy Clue to Hype Free Guy, Trickster Is a Powerful Indigenous Superhero Story, Cobra Kai: Why Amanda LaRusso Is the Best Character, Cobra Kai's Big Season 3 Reunion Came THIS Close to Not Happening, South Park Guy Cosplayer Passes Away From COVID-19, Doctor Who: How TWO Companions Leave the Thirteenth Doctor. Related: Star Wars: 10 Ways Shadows Of The Empire Aged Like Bantha Fodder. Starkiller, the fabulously ridiculous antihero of The Force Unleashed, almost featured in Star Wars: Rebels.This would have been bonkers. In that scenario, Starkiller could have followed a similar arc, being a vicious Jedi hunter who ultimately turns to support the Rebellion after being betrayed. Inquisitor Starkiller from unused concept of Star Wars: Rebels. Juno and Starkiller They were recurring characters in the first two seasons of Rebels until the last met their end in Malachor during the season 2 finale 'Twilight of the Apprentice'. This map was made non-commercially for Hyperion Networks | First Order RP < > 38 Comments SplattedAseri Dec 8 @ 7:23am Can someone add like a starkiller laser that fires? Starkiller/Galen Marek was first conceived as what Luke Skywalker would have hypothetically become had he joined Darth Vader at the end of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. KingPommes is the trick, if you dont know how you can ask him for help. Throughout both of The Force Unleashed games, Sam Witwer's performance as Galen Marek AKA Starkiller is breathtaking. Definition of STARKILLER in the dictionary. Check it out down below. Starkiller and Juno. Anyway... sure put him in the game... but he should just auto-die on 3rd turn regardless of anything. Filoni and Co. could opt to implement their plan and have Starkiller be the Inquisitor hot on Obi-Wan's trail, pursuing every lead in order to impress his mentor. Accidental geek who is perpetually curious, Ana rekindled her love for writing several years back and married it with everything pop culture. This would add a great tragic element to Obi-Wan Kenobi and add to the greater Star Wars lore, all while bringing back an iconic fan-favorite character. In that game, Starkiller is one of Darth Vader's apprentices. Kane Starkiller fled to the Fourth Moon of Utapau after the Knights of Sith supplanted the Jedi-Bendu as bodyguards to the Galactic Emperor. Cartoons Star Wars Rebels. He writes up an episode depicting exactly how the Lusankya was lowered down and buried on Coruscant. Starkiller Base was a mobile forested ice planet rich in kyber crystals that was located in the Unknown Regions. The character was also meant to have a Sith title via an official mandate from George Lucas, with the considered titles either being \"Darth Icki\" or \"Darth Insanius\". Starkiller was voted the top 10th Star Wars character by IGN's readers. Meaning of STARKILLER. Saved from The Force Unleashed features a young man by the name of Galen Marek (codenamed "Starkiller"), the secret Sith apprentice of Darth Vader, and his missions as such in the year 2 BBY. There, the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca confronted the Dark Sider,but quickly fell to friendly fire and his crimson blade. Season 4 is shaping up to be jam-packed with several existing mysteries waiting to be resolved. Bananakin's Maps. That said, possibly the most interesting example of the Star Wars franchise repurposing something like this is the name Starkiller. The 2019 comic Star Wars #68 reveals that the Rebels considered creating their own version of a Death Star by luring Star Destroyers to a tectonically unstable planet and setting it off with proton detonators. Sabine stood besides Zeb behind Rex and Hera while the rest of the rebels remind at their stations doing their work but at least turned their heads as the Phantom turning around as it … The First Order, a regime that believed themselves to be the successors to the ideals of the Galactic Empire, converted the planet into a base of operations owing to its unique energy-transmitting crystalline deposits, and used it to house a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems. Unfortunately, this scenario could result in a tragic fall for Starkiller, who, torn between allegiances, may end up aiding the young Rebellion at the cost of his own life. Saved by Hannah Marro The character had a parallel story with his master. Wade is a non Force lightsaber trained smuggler that works several jobs across the galaxy, he has a Twi'lek gunner, a mandalorian engineer, an astromech and a Clone Pilo... Ahsoka x reader The Mandilorian Sith. After three storied seasons that definitely added a new dynamic to the space opera mythos, the Disney XD series is looking to close out with a huge bang as it treads the events leading up to the start of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. (Star Wars Reb... 46K 501 341. Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi might have created an opportunity to bring Darth Vader's apprentice, Starkiller, into the Star Wars canon once again. In that way, Vader's most iconic pupil could be the link necessary to bring Obi-Wan and Vader together again for their epic rematch, giving him another opportunity to be a major part of canon. She has a soft spot for The Lion King, old songs, and home design; is currently obsessed with old sitcoms (The Golden Girls! TaradosGon Manager Emeritus VIP - Former Mod/RSA. Johnston. According to the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary, within a year of rising to power the Emperor had begun to Terraform Ilum, beginning the process of converting the Kyber-rich planet into Starkiller Base. Starkiller Almost Appeared In Star Wars Rebels Star Wars has no shortage of iconic characters from its library of video games over the years, but … The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Unsubscribe In 1 collection by Bananakin. Starkiller became an immediate fan-favorite character but ended up being struck from canon when Disney reset the expanded canon to make room for its new continuity. "It didn't quite fit the story they were telling, but he did think about it because he thought that would be interesting.". Follow/Fav Star Wars Rebels: StarKiller. ... - Kylo Ren's Lightsaber with Inquisitor Starkiller's Lightsaber. Galen Marek a.k.a. I thought he was a clone anyway which means he lived less than a year or two. Even as a child, Armitage harbored notions of grandeu… InterestingLurker, Jun 1, 2013 #11. rdhight, Charlie512, Trebor Sabreon and 1 other person like this. The Force Awakens features Starkiller Base, the kyber crystal-rich planet called Ilum converted into a superweapon built by the First Order. While it would have been treat to see Starkiller officially make the jump to the extended universe canon, it is great that the franchise explores new material already. If Galen Marek had killed Darth Vader and became the Emperor's apprentice, he would have become Lord 'Starkiller' (also called Darth Starkiller by fans occasionally). All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. "â â 27.0 27.1 Williams, Sean (19 August 2008). His existence is considered non-canon, and he does not conflict with existing Star Wars lore, even within Legends continuity. A one-stop shop for all things video games. RELATED: Star Wars: The Jedi Opinion on Blasters Was Super Condescending, Filoni's plan to bring Starkiller back in Star Wars Rebels was revealed during a Twitch stream run by the character's actor, Sam Witwer, back in 2017. Kane asked General Luke Skywalker to take Annikin as his Padawan. In the Star Wars comics, the Rebellion wins numerous victories against the Empire after the destruction of the Death Star, destroying its major weapons factory on Cymoon 1, breaking an Imperial blockade around the Rebel world of Tureen VII by stealing the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Harbinger and recruiting the Mon Calamari trading fleet to be refitted as an assault fleet. IGN later claimed Starkiller as the 34th top Star Wars character. In a new piece of fan art from PhaseRunner, the Mandalorian has crossed paths with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed's Starkiller. starkiller starwars sith kyloren darthvader jedi kylo bensolo galenmarek theforceunleashed empire hansolo lukeskywalker wars lightsaber fanfiction starwarsfanfiction skywalker star ⦠Episodes, Doctor Who’s Jodie Whittaker Reportedly Leaving After Season 13 [UPDATED], Cobra Kai’s Constant Karate Kid Flashbacks Are Ridiculous, Walking Dead: Every Character Who Left The Show (& Later Returned), Bridgerton: What Was Wrong With King George (And Why He's Hidden), Doctor Who's Harry Potter Reference Really Didn't Work, Nickelodeon Goes Off Air, Shares Message To Kids In Support Of Black Lives Matter, WandaVision Character Posters Reveal More Of Scarlet Witch's New Costume, Caillou Cancelled At PBS After 20 Years On Air, The Expanse Reveals Why Amos Needs Holden (Not Naomi), The Boys: Everything We Know About Homelander's Origins, Cobra Kai: Why Ali DIDN'T Save Miguel (& Why This Makes More Sense), Cobra Kai Season 3: Why Only Johnny Can Help Miguel, Bridgerton: Why Simon Basset, Duke Of Hastings, Starts Wearing Color, First WandaVision Clip Reveals Full MCU Sitcom Comedy, Umbrella Academy: Why Hargreeves Named His Second Family The Sparrows. Introduced in Star Wars Rebels and popping up in other works like Jedi Fallen Order, these guys basically fulfill the same purpose as Starkiller with a … By: Masso 2010. set at the end of the second Season but instead of Ashoka dying. As a final part of his trial, Galen is confronted by a mysterious Sith Warrior clad in a sinister armor. Cartoons Star Wars Rebels. One of the most beloved stories now branded as non-canonical "Legends" after Disney took control of the Star Wars franchise in 2012, is the tale of Darth Vader's secret apprentice Garen "Starkiller" Marek. Description. Starkiller Base. 80.9K 1.2K 280. So it seems that Dave Filoni had some amazing plans for Starkiller from Star Wars Force Unleashed in the Star Wars Rebels Story Arc...Stay hyped! Debuting in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game, Galen Marek, aka Starkiller, becomes Vader's apprentice as the Sith Lord hunts the remaining Jedi following Order 66. The Star Wars Expanded Universe was all the books, comics, games, and short stories that was told outside of the original six Star Wars movies and 2008 The Clone Wars ⦠Starkiller was not only the voice but also the face, making it the only Star Wars character that actually resembles Sam. 19K 328 797. Filoni's intention was to re-adapt Starkiller into one of Empire's elite Jedi hunters, but it's unclear how his relationship with Vader would've changed. When he finally gives his loyalty to the Emperor he takes over Vader's position as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet and the Executor. Witwer, a veteran Star Wars voice talent has voiced both Maul and Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious in numerous projects, has revealed during his Twitch stream event (via that Starkiller was at one point being mulled over as a potential Inquisitor: “Dave did share with me, by the way, he considered making Starkiller an Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels,” Witwer said. When you have created an alliance of rebels and dissidents, we will use them to occupy the Emperor and his spies. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a 2008 multimedia project created by LucasArts, in collaboration with Dark Horse Comics, Del Rey, LEGO, Hasbro Inc., and Palace Press. Apparently, Star Wars Rebels nearly saw the TV debut of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed lead Starkiller. Earned my MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. The Disney+ series takes place roughly ten years after Revenge of the Sith, meaning it would take place around 9 BBY. Created by Simon Kinberg, Carrie Beck, Dave Filoni. Actor Sam Witwer says Starkiller from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game almost made his TV debut on Star Wars Rebels. The episode working title is The Freud Gambit. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Armitage Hux was born on the planet Arkanis around the time of the Battle of Yavin, approximately 0 ABY, during the reign of the Galactic Empire. 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Lord Starkiller is an antagonist in an alternateStar Wars timeline in which Darth Vader is defeated and killed by his former apprentice Galen Marek, code named Starkiller. Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi has the opportunity to bring Starkiller, Darth Vader's iconic apprentice, back into canon. By: Masso 2010. set at the end of the second Season but instead of Ashoka dying. Rebels have previously used this trajectory with Agent Kallus -- originally an Imperial officer turned Rebel fighter. In its run, it has been able to find the balance between old and new, making the mythos more diverse and detailed. Registered: Feb 28, 2003 . The superweapon con… Vader's intention was to create an apprentice he could use against Palpatine, but along the way, Marek ends up betrayed by Vader and helps create the Rebel Alliance. Years later, Vader commanded his apprentice to attack the Rebels on the Forest Moon of Endor, who where trying to disable the energy shield around the second Death Star. The result is a passionate young writer who could ramble (and of course, pen) about films and series multiple hours a day. Vader dispatches Starkiller t… Star Wars Rebels. Given the Sith name "Starkiller" for his unmatched potency with the Force, … Darth Maul voice actor Sam Witwer revealed that another of his Star Wars characters almost made it on Disney XD’s Star Wars Rebels. Starkiller is brought into Rebels. That said, possibly the most interesting example of the Star Wars franchise repurposing something like this is the name Starkiller. Related: Star Wars: 10 Ways Shadows Of The Empire Aged Like Bantha Fodder. The death of all hope for the rebels and the end of Vader. Vader's intention was to create an apprentice he could use against Palpatine, but along the way, Marek ends up betrayed by Vader and helps create the Rebel Alliance. A Remastered edition of the original, 2009 âMovie Duels 2â mod for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, with updated maps, models, sounds and various other ⦠In concept art, Marek wears what appears to be some sort of Force shackles. Sam Witwer headlines the SyFy series, Being Human, the U.S. adaptation of the popular British television series. Lifelong lover of comics, anime, and weird films. Debuting in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game, Galen Marek, aka Starkiller, becomes Vader's apprentice as the Sith Lord hunts the remaining Jedi following Order 66. Star Wars | Starkiller Base. The Inquisitors -- who had a similar role to Starkiller, was a group of Force-sensitives whose job was to make sure that no Jedis and other Force-sensitive creatures were left alive. Loves different varieties of coffee. In the Star Wars Rebels (part of new canon) second half of season 2 trailer, we see a few Hammerhead-class cruisers (KOTOR game). He deserves the fame, too, since his story is one of the best ones not to be told in the movies. He could not instruct his son in the Force because he was a cyborg, though he had kept this a secret even from his family. However, problems in game development caused the project to be delayed until 2008. While this was shortened to by the time the first Star Wars film hit theaters in 1977, a neutral force-wielder named Bendu did pop up in the third season of Star Wars Rebels nearly four whole decades later. The rage and fury combined with the likable, sassy nature of his character made for a unique Jedi character. (Same thing for the Main mod released a while ago) - Waiting for someone to be avaliable in order to replace some voicelines with starkiller's voicelines. Years later, Dave Filoni, while working on Star Wars Rebels, considered bringing Starkiller back, only to shy away from the idea. Star Wars Rebels. Information and translations of STARKILLER in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. With the Jedi hunters already after prominent Force users, it would make sense that Inquisitors might serve as a primary threat to Obi-Wan. Sam Witwer is an actor who is well known to fans as the voice of many different characters in recent years, including The Son, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, and many others in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.But it was perhaps his first role as Darth Vader's secret apprentice "Starkiller", a.k.a Galen Marek, in The Force Unleashed video game series that made the … Who was granted permission by the Emperor himself and you were given orders to destroy a small Rebel group know as t... Ahsoka Tano x Male Reader . Sam Witwer, Actor: The Mist. Dispatched by the Dark Lord to track and kill Jedis who survived the purge, his journey gave him multiple opportunities to come back to the light and be a hero instead of an antagonist. Rebels Starkiller in Rebels Discussion in ' Star Wars TV- Completed Shows ' started by InterestingLurker , May 31, 2013 . And let Star Wars Rebels flow into TFU flawlessly. If anything, LucasFilm is carefully picking ideas and characters from its storied Legends' catalog to bring to audiences. After finding and murdering the Jedi, Vader discovers his Force-sensitiveson (young Starkiller), choosing him as his apprentice. Dave Filoni, horrified at the power of Starkiller, then one-ups his Waifu to beat him at his own game. KEEP READING: Star Wars' Lando Spinoff Should Explore The Rise of Skywalker's Fallout. 12 items. You are the Apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. “It didn’t quite fit the story that they were telling, but he did think about it because he thought that would be interesting.”. It is possible that even as an Inquisitor, Starkiller might have seen Vader as a mentor, especially since the Sith Lord led the group, ranking even above the Grand Inquisitor. Subscribe. Starkiller has shielded himself from heat equivalent to the outer layer of a star whilst guiding 300 meter frigate with telekinesis. The tidbit comes from a ⦠One of the more famous scenes in The Force Unleashed is when Starkiller pulls an entire Star Destroyer out of space using just the Force, all while fighting off tie-fighters that are also trying to kill him, a feat that hasn't been replicated before or since. He quickly engaged with Rebel and Ewok forces, until he made his way to the Shield Genarator. The Office Reboot Isn’t In Development, But Isn’t Impossible Says Showrunner, Star Wars Rebels Almost Included Starkiller from Force Unleashed, Star Wars Rebels: Rex Isn’t Officially In Return of the Jedi Yet, Star Wars Rebels: Dave Filoni Reveals Kanan and Ahsoka’s History, Avatar: Every Last Airbender Character That Returned In The Legend of Korra, Alex Trebek Pleads For Kindness In One Of His Last Jeopardy! While this was shortened to by the time the first Star Wars film hit theaters in 1977, a neutral force-wielder named Bendu did pop up in the third season of Star Wars Rebels nearly four whole decades later. The tidbit comes from a Twitch stream event broadcasted by Sam Witwer. Though a bit late to the party and was an actual Force non-believer, she now finds the Star Wars franchise quite fascinating (fun fact: it was a crazy Jar Jar Binks/Sith theory that drew her in). One has to wonder whether Filoni planned to incorporate Marek the way that he was depicted in The Force Unleashed. You are the Apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Ships previously excluded from cannon, but now subtly re-added. That said, it wouldn't be inconceivable to see the Sith apprentice appear in future animated series, novels or maybe event a live-action film. What does STARKILLER mean? title All credits go to: Lucasfilms & Disney for making Star Wars Rebels. Who was granted permission by the Emperor himself and you were given orders to destroy a small Rebel group know as the Ghost crew....... Will you stay loyal to the dark side or will you be turned to the light. Written for The Mary Sue, ScreenRant, The Anime Feminist, The Gamer, and Vocal. Maybe the reason the rebel alliance wasn't born till TFU is because the Rebels could be getting innocents killed due to the Empire keeping a close eye on anyone rebelling, and threaten the innocent people in the galaxy if they harbor any rebels they could be highly fined and questioned with extreme prejudiced. With Hayden Christiansen reprising his role as Darth Vader, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi is the perfect place for the Sith Lord to bring the Inquisitors to live-action. That said, it is still great to look back and mull over the what-ifs of the show, including one that could have added Galen Marek as another threat to the Ghost Crew. After three storied seasons that definitely added a new dynamic to the space opera mythos, the Disney XD series is looking to close out with a huge bang as it treads the events leading up to the start of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Ezra was forced to content with the dark lord alone and with no-one to support him, he was easily swayed by Vader to embrace the Dark Side and become his apprentice (Cancelled)