They come with a great cost but can be effective in your late game stages, becoming vital to your Clicker Heroes strategy. Save editor for Clicker Heroes. The Ancients that help you throughout the game are key to being successful in Clicker Heroes Hacked, as they are essential to increasing your DPS which is known as damage per second. To answer the best time to summon I will kind of echo what @Chippies has said in that there really is not a best time to do it. Save game Data Author: /u/Legocro Legofury#9425 /Legocro. Note that idle mode does not use DR. This game is Very dependent upon your DPS. Get Outsider Suggestions for Clicker Heroes version e10 or e11. Could somebody give me some advice on how to level outsiders for both active and hybrid builds as the information I came across is severely lacking. Transcendence is the second tier reset in Clicker Heroes. It does not replace the current ascension system. You can find a list of all their capabilities on the Clicker Heroes' Wiki. Ancient Souls Borb Ancient Souls are the highest obtainable economy in the game. Info/Feedback: Late game optimizer | Ancients optimizer | Ancients optimizer (souls) | Gild optimizer This is a new & improved ancients optimizer that optimizes the most important metric of all - soul farm efficiency. The goal of Clicker Heroes game is to optimize the speed at which you expand passing zones. On peut renouveler le tirage (reroll) contre des HS supplémentaires si on cherche un Ancient précis. Hope you enjoyed!Show some love and subscribe!Leave a comment! A chaque invocation, on vous propose un choix de 4 Ancients aléatoires que vous ne possédez pas encore. The goal of the Clicker Heroes game. I currently have 28 Ancient Souls, but I suspect that I will transcend once I have 12 more. Clicker Heroes. If you want to include it while still using idle mode (minus two minutes for using the abilities), uncheck idle mode and set every field inside to zero. You have to give up your gold, hero level, zone progress, Ancients, Hero Souls, Relics, and Gilds; however, you receive Ancient Souls … Output. Hope you enjoyed!Show some love and subscribe!Leave a comment! The Ancient Souls can be used to purchase Outsiders, which add higher bonuses to your game. Changelog: Date Change; 21/05/2018: Added the tutorial. Hero Souls. Ancient Souls. Encode. Thanks for watching! It’s the next level of ascension. Bosses are another factor in the game they appear every 5 levels so watch out for them as they provide higher amounts of gold and a chance to drop hero souls! When you transcend, you sacrifice all of your hero souls, ancients, relics, and gold, keeping only rubies, mercenaries, clan immortal damage, ancient souls and transcendent power. An ancient is not desired and you don't have it; Clicking ancients with an idle playstyle; Iris recommendation is experimental, following this analysis of Iris. You can speed up by gaining hero souls, (HeroSoul Hero Souls) and buying ancients. Clicker Heroes Ancient Calculator by /u/findmeanewone. Thanks for watching! By gaining ancient souls (AncientSoul Ancient Souls), your goal can be further sped up. Based on the Clicker Heroes Rules of Thumb, Morg/Siya DPS efficiency and more of that sweet math. End of transcension estimates are only accurate for active pushing, switch to Active or Hybrid ASAP if you are still playing Idle. Info. Decoded save mode. Au nombre de 29, les Ancients peuvent être invoqués moyennant une dépense de vos Hero Souls. Transcendence is also called "super-ascension," and it is essentially a prestige system for Clicker Heroes. This becomes more apparent as you go through more ascensions and accumulate Hero Souls. Une ascend ne changera pas… Rubies.