LinkedIn. Fimaser n.v. Muntcentrum Bisschopslaan 26 B4 1000 Brussel Belgium. Le smartscan, ça marche comment? Je souhaite modifier mes données personnelles. L’installation de l’application est facile. This web site contains confidential and proprietary information of First Data Corporation. Fimaser is an electronic money institution focused on payment cards Visa and loans for Carrefour customers. Incorporated in Belgium, Fimaser is authorized and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium. No disclosure or use of these materials may be made without the express written consent of First Data Corporation. Client Access no longer supports the internet browser you’re using to view this page. As part of our commitment to you, Client Access security is constantly monitored and enhanced. FIMASER is a banking company based out of 20 Avenue des Olympiades, Evere, Belgium. Est-ce possible ? Fimaser NV offers financial services. Dans tous les cas, nous vous conseillons d’envoyer votre résiliation par courrier recommandé. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. Télécharger l’app sur … Can you sign in? Fimaser offers services throughout Belgium. Join to Connect FIMASER. Y-a-t-il un Carrefour près de chez moi ? Grâce à myVOO, vous pouvez suivre votre consommation, consulter vos factures, activer vos options (data mobile, + chaînes TV). brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. Consult contact data, management and financial key figures for Fimaser (BE 0434.818.930) from Brussel (1140). Un service client à votre écoute; Contactez Kompass, base de données en ligne : ... Les données que nous collectons sont uniquement celles nécessaires à la bonne utilisation de notre service. Security Updates Keeping your internet browser up to date is important for maintaining your online security. Une question sur le Bonus challenge? Comment obtenir une Carrefour Bonus Card? Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. Report this profile Experience Service clientèle FIMASER Jul 2017 - Present 3 years 10 months. Vous pouvez également contacter Carrefour Finance par téléphone au 02/226.38.00 ou par e-mail à l’adresse The Company provides services for the purchases of larger personal projects and products. Please provide a short description of your issue Close. Customer Service Representative jobs Fimaser offers credit cards, personal loans to individuals. Customer service / sales Brussels Area, Belgium 9 connections. Service après vente Questions les plus consultées. Or for other companies in the sector Financial services - other.