International students contribute to the cultural, social, and economic landscape of Canada, and are viewed as ideal candidates for permanent residency, given their language proficiency, Canadian education credentials, and Canadian work experience. Tourism Revenues in the United States averaged 14014.64 USD Million from 1999 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 21327 USD Million in December of 2017 and a record low of 3910 USD Million in August of 2020. The bank contains information collected by the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in the administration of citizenship applications. Okay to continue Retention and Disposal Standards: Information related to applications for permanent residency under a Business Immigrants class are retained for sixty-five years. Applications for immigration as a permanent economic resident may be received and processed in Canada or overseas. Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Canadian Passport Order, and as authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides domestic passport service delivery functions and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) provides international passport service delivery functions, respectively. Description: Canada resettles refugees to save lives and to provide stability to those fleeing persecution. As part of health admissibility screening, the Branch collects and creates personal information about panel members, including: Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to physicians and radiologists selected by IRCC and designated as panel members. All information collected may be used to determine whether grounds exist to refuse the issuance of a passport, to cancel or revoke a valid passport, and/or to impose a period of refusal for passport services. The information may also be used for internal audit purposes. Note: Effective July 2, 2013, and pursuant to Order in Council P.C. This indicator is measured as a percentage of total GDP or a percentage of GVA. We look at the last four years of tourism in numbers. Following the application process, records are retained electronically or in microfilm. Find economic accounts information and learn about the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts through a module offered by Statistics Canada. That information is systematically destroyed after 15 years or upon granting of Canadian Citizenship. Information related to specific IRCC-funded service provider organizations may be shared with such organizations on an individual basis. Our website uses cookies to improve your online experience. Bank Number: IRCC PPU 054. The information may also be used internally for research and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit. A Canadian citizenship or naturalization certificate number, where issued, may also be required to access historical records. In support of passport program delivery, information may be disclosed between the three departments, (insert reference to ESDC Passport Program PIB once registration completed by TBS) as described in the GAC institution specific personal information bank Consular Affairs-Assistance to Canadians, GAC PPU 010. Information about invalidated travel documents and the individuals to whom the documents were issued may be disclosed to the RCMP and is available to police services across Canada via the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Information may be shared with IRCC citizenship officers to verify if entrepreneur category residents applying for citizenship have met the conditions of permanent residency (see IRCC PPU 050, Assessment for Canadian Citizenship). Latest official GDP figures published by the World Bank. Tourism direct GDP corresponds to the part of GDP generated by all industries directly in contact with visitors. TBS Registration: 001976
TBS Registration: 20180037
This class also includes individuals who apply to IRCC for a pre-removal risk assessment. Information regarding investments made by Investors in the 1999-2014 Investor program is held by IRCCâs International Network. Visitor exports are compared with exports of all goods and services Domestic Travel & Tourism spending is compared with GDP Government individual Travel & Tourism spending is compared with total government spending Internal Travel & Tourism consumption is compared with total internal consumption (i.e. Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is used to administer IRCCâs refugee and humanitarian resettlement program requirements, and to establish an inventory of private sponsorship undertakings. Personal information and privacy practices previously described in personal information bank PPU 039, International Services: Overseas Immigration Case Files (TBS Registration: 000344) are now described in the present bank. In conducting these activities, the program may collect, use, disclose or retain personal information of persons seeking permanent or temporary residence, including the individualâs: Under the program, information may also be collected about third parties, including bond depositors or those willing to assist in a relocation. Global Economic Trends: US Overtaken by China as a Global Trade Power, Travel & Tourism Total Contribution to GDP, Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP, Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (LCU), Real contribution of travel and tourism to GDP, Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP growth. total domestic spending plus total export) Leisure Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Business Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Travel & Tourism capital investment spending is compared with all fixed investment spending. Information may be shared with provincial, territorial and municipal governments under the terms of an agreement. Information related to individuals whose application is refused is retained for up to 5 years after the last administrative action. The PIB describes how personal information is collected, used, disclosed, retained and/or disposed of in the administration of a government institution's program or activity. When an individual holds a valid Canadian passport that will expire after his/her 100th birthday, the passport application and supporting documentation are retained electronically for one additional period that is equivalent to the validity period of the passport. It may also include information about individuals unable to pay Canadaâs Right of Permanent Residence fee, medical costs overseas, and/or the basic needs of life. Class of Individuals: The information described in this bank pertains primarily to individuals who have received transportation, admissibility or assistance loans. Though Canada contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2001 - 2020 period ending at 6.6 % in 2020. Select information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada for litigation purposes, pursuant to section 5 of the Department of Justice Act and paragraph 8(2)(d) of the Privacy Act (see JUS PPU 010, Civil Proceedings and Legal Services). IRCC may also use this personal information with computer analytics to support research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, risk management, strategy development and reporting. TBS Registration: 005188
Our tools allow individuals and organizations to discover, visualize, model, and present their data and the world’s data to facilitate better decisions and better outcomes. When an individual holds a valid certificate of identity or refugee travel document that will expire after his/her 100th birthday, the certificate of identity or refugee travel document application and all supporting documentation will be retained electronically for one additional period that is equivalent to the validity period of the travel document. Subject to the terms of an agreement or arrangement, select information may be shared with foreign governments and immigration authorities in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce laws. TBS Registration: 005249
Select information may also be shared with provincial and territorial governments for purposes of administering S.32 of IRPR and enforcing public health programs, or with resettlement services organizations for resettlement activities. The information may also be used internally for research, archival and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit. The description is composed by our digital data assistant. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and its Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR); the Immigration Act (1976) and the Immigration Regulations (1978). Information may be shared with designated learning institutions in Canada for the purposes of determining an international studentâs compliance with study permit conditions. Retention and Disposal Standards: Certificate of identity and refugee travel document applications and supporting documentation are retained until the applicant has reached 100 years of age. family members, parents, tutors or guardians), the person(s) authorized to apply for a certificate of identity or travel document for a child, representatives (e.g. World and regional statistics, national data, maps and rankings, Discover new signals and insights from leading alternative and fundamental data providers, Latest releases of new datasets and data updates from different sources around the world. Protected Person Status Documents (PPSDs) issued on or before December 31, 2012 nonetheless remain valid until their expiry date. Information described in personal information banks related to those programs was retained for up to 6 years following the last settlement service provided. Personal information collected, used, disclosed or retained from individuals who access resettlement services may include: Personal information needed for the provision of resettlement services, as compiled from other IRCC immigration systems may include: Additional personal information may be collected according to the resettlement services accessed by an individual. Biometric information attached to an individual who has been deemed inadmissible under sections 34 through 37 of the IRPA will be retained until the individual has reached the age of 100. IRCC uses facial recognition technology to convert an applicantâs photo into a biometric template and to compare that template with information contained in the Passport facial recognition database. This bank describes information related to individuals who have applied for a passport. L'agence Statistics Canada publie le chiffre du PIB tous les mois, environ 60 jours après la fin du mois. Information is provided and updated by Press Information Bureau âAâ wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi â 110001, Phone: 23389338. This bank describes information related to individuals who apply for a study permit for the purposes of study in Canada. Select information may be shared externally with parties to verify or assess an individualâs claims or qualifications. Personal information that is printed on passports and travel documents is also electronically stored on a chip embedded in the passport booklet and travel document. To access this information, an individual must provide his or her name, date of birth and/or a Unique Client Identifier (UCI). Case files that have been appealed are retained for 10 years and then transferred to the Library and Archives Canada as archival. Current economic classes include: the Federal Skilled Workers Class, the Federal Skilled Tradespersons Class, the Quebec Skilled Workers Class, the Provincial Nominees Class, Start-up Business Class, Live-in Caregivers Class, the Canadian Experience Class, the Self-Employed Persons Class, and the Quebec Business Immigrants Classes (Entrepreneurs, Self-Employed Persons, and Investors). Visitor Counter: 63372. Personal information may be used for client satisfaction surveys, with the consent of the individual. Marital status, including year of marriage and name of spouse; Occupation history including employment and education history; Occupation details including title, accreditation, and employee service number; Address history for up to five year prior to the date of application; Biometric information (including facial recognition alphanumeric photo identifier); Citizenship status including certificate number and registration number; Date and place of death for deceased passport bearers and deceased parents/legal guardians for children; Other identification numbers as reflected on documents used to support an individualâs identity; Supporting documentation in relation to changes to biographical information and medical records; Other information collected in order to determine an individualâs ongoing entitlement to a travel document; and. Notes: Information collected for immigration loans is stored in the Immigration Loans System. Select information may be shared for the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation or for law enforcement purposes with: the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) (see CSIS PPU 005, Security Assessments/Advice); the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (see RCMP PPU 005, Operational Case Records). The statistic shows the distribution of travel and tourism's contribution to GDP in Japan in 2017, by type of travel. In keeping with the above, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) collects, uses, discloses and retains information about Canadian citizens or permanent residents who apply to sponsor foreign nationals seeking permanent resident status in Canada; foreign nationals who are sponsored for permanent residence or who apply under a discretionary policy; and family members included in an application. Curated by Knoema’s data analysts to deliver leading short-term and long-term indicators and forecasts from trusted sources for each of the covered industries. Lists containing the names, addresses, gender and preferred official language of new Canadian citizens may be supplied, with their express consent, to the Prime Minister of Canada and to respective Members of Parliament, for the purpose of facilitating the drafting and distribution of congratulatory letters. IRCC may use the personal information collected on an application and other information collected in support of an application for computer analytics that may be used to support processing applications and decision-making. The investor category sought to attract immigrants with capital and business management experience. Previous pilot programs include the Immigrant Venture Capital Class and the Start-up Visa pilot (Start-up visa became a permanent program in April 2018). Class of Individuals: The program collects, uses, discloses and retains information about individuals who access settlement services, including permanent residents of Canada, protected persons as defined in Section 95 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), and persons whose applications for permanent resident status are being processed (and who have been informed of the initial approval of their application, subject to an admissibility assessment). Personal information collected, used, disclosed or retained for immigration loans may include an individualâs: Social Insurance Number: As part of its Immigration Loans Program, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) may collect an individualâs Social Insurance Number (or âSINâ). Information about the applicant may be shared with Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) to identify offenders who are incarcerated (see Case Management, CSC PIB PPU 042). DA Number: 2018/008
Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to determine the citizenship status of Canadians, and to facilitate the processing of applications for citizenship. It is estimated that there were over 600 000 tourist accommodation establishments active within the EU-27 in 2018 and that together they provided nearly 28.3 million bed places (see Table 1). Records of SINs collected may remain in records under the control of the department in keeping with the retention standards above. This bank describes personal information collected, used, disclosed and retained in relation to the destining and arrival of Government Assisted Refugees and the submission of sponsorship undertakings for Privately Sponsored Refugees. Information relating to immigration loans that have been written-off is retained for 35 years. Confirmation of Canadian citizenship status may be provided to The Chancellery in support of nominations to the Order of Canada. Note: Effective July 2, 2013, and pursuant to Order in Council P.C. As of December 17, 2012, protected persons can present the following documents as proof of their status: a decision letter (Notice of Decision) from the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) or, a Verification of Status document from IRCC. Population figures based on United Nations data. As a result of that transfer, this personal information bank was transferred from the former Passport Canada to IRCC. Retention and Disposal Standards: Information described in this bank is retained from 2 to 25 years and then destroyed as non-archival. Bank Number: IRCC PPU 042. Updated March 2019 Which industries contribute the most to Canada's economy? Income Support (comparable to Immigration Loans R&D), iCAM information (now in iCARE) is retained for 21 years before being destroyed as archival. Information may also be shared with transportation companies in accordance with their responsibilities under immigration laws, and with medical practitioners for the purpose of providing medical services to newly arrived immigrants being held in detention centres. Related Record Number: CIC ASB 008
Appeals of a decision to the Federal Court of Canada, if of archival value, are transferred to Library and Archives Canada after a 65 year retention period. Subject to the terms of an agreement or arrangement, select information may be shared with foreign governments and immigration authorities in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce laws. Select information may be shared, under an agreement or arrangement, for research or program administration and enforcement purposes with: Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) (see ESDC PPU 440, Temporary Foreign Worker Program), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB)(see IRB PPU 105, Immigration Appeal Board Records; IRB PPU 110, Immigration Appeal Division Records; IRB PPU 115, Convention Refugee Determination Division Records; and IRB PPU 145, Research Directives, Claim Specific Information), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Health Canada (HC), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and Statistics Canada. Bank Number: IRCC PPU 080 (formerly PPTC PPD 101). Personal information collected by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for regular and official passports may include the following: Class of individuals: The information described in this bank relates to Canadian citizens and in exceptional cases to non-Canadians who have applied for passports. Description: The Immigration Loans Program provides financial loans to government-assisted and privately sponsored refugees to cover the costs to procure necessary travel documents, and to obtain transportation to Canada. Through the use of standardized medical examinations, IRCC screens all applicants for permanent and temporary residence for infectious diseases, and other medical conditions that impact on admissibility. The information may also be used internally for research and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit. The information may be disclosed externally to provincial authorities, by agreement or arrangement, in order to conduct a lawful investigation or to administer or enforce any law of Canada or a province. Related Record Number: To be confirmed
Personal information collected, used, disclosed or retained by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for certificates of identity and refugee travel documents may include an individualâs: Class of individuals: The information described in this bank relates to non-Canadian citizens who have applied for a certificate of identity or refugee travel document, including: permanent residents of Canada who are not yet Canadian citizens and who are stateless or unable, for a valid reason, to obtain a travel document from any source including their country of origin, and who have applied for a certificate of identity; and persons with protected person status in Canada, including Convention refugees and persons in need of protection, who have applied for a refugee travel document. Express Entry is a mandatory pre-application stage for an application for permanent residence in the select economic immigration classes, including Federal Skilled Workers, Federal Skilled Trades, Canadian Experience Class, and portions of Provincial Nominees. The information may be used internally for the detection, suppression and prevention of immigration offences, for quality assurance purposes, and to determine an individualâs eligibility for other programs. Tourist Arrivals in France averaged 81350.79 Thousand from 2003 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 89300 Thousand in 2018 and a record low of 75000 Thousand in 2003. Class of Individuals: The program collects, uses, discloses and retains information about individuals who have applied to Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for temporary resident status in Canada as international students, along with information about family members included in their application. Information regarding enforcement actions. Description: The Asylum Program works to provide refugee protection to people, in Canada, who have a well-founded fear of persecution or are at risk of torture, or cruel or unusual punishment in their home countries. Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is used to determine the eligibility of applicants for permanent residency under an economic class, as authorized under IRPA, and to administer and enforce program requirements. Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, Food & Tourism Experience, climate change & tourism, Tourism Satellite Account, int. In 2020, contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) for Canada was 6.6 %. TBS Registration: 005154
Select information may be shared with Elections Canada, such as the name, date of birth, sex, residential and mailing address, and UCI, (see Elections PPU 037 Voter Registration and Identification) for the purpose of updating the National Register of Electors. Information collected may include the following: Class of Individuals: The information described in this bank pertains to Protected Persons, as defined under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), and who are physically present in Canada.