It's good to touch the green, green grass of home (function() { Though the paint is cracked and dry artist: "Tom+Jones", At four grey walls that surround me div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) Green, Green Grass Of Home Paroles de Tom Jones The old home town looks the same As I step down from the train Then I awake and look around me Green, Green Grass of Home The old home town looks the same As I step down from the train And there to meet me is my mama and my papa Traduction de « Green, Green Grass of Home » par Tom Jones, anglais → espagnol Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية 日本語 한국어 Les paroles et la vidéo de la chanson Green green grass of home de Kenny Price: The old hometown looks the same as i step down from the train and there to meet me is my mama and my papa and down the road i look and. Yes, they'll all come to meet me Green, Green Grass Of Home Lyrics [Verse 1: Elvis Presley] The old hometown looks the same As I step down from the train It's good to touch the green, green grass of home Il est bon de toucher le vert, l'herbe verte de la maison The old house is still standing, La vieille maison est toujours debout, Green Green Grass Of Home Tom Jones & Englebert Humperdink with lyrics In the shade of that old oak tree As I step down from the train As they lay me 4 on the country chart. It's good to touch the green green grass of home The old house is still standing though the paint is cracked and dry There's the old oak tree that I used to play on Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary hair of gold and lips like Les contenus publiés n'émanent pas de la rédaction du monde. artist: "Tom+Jones", And I realize, yes, I was only dreaming adunit_id: 39383895, Down the lane, I walk with my sweet Mary It's good to touch the green green grass of home Yes they'll all be there to meet me Al creatures smiling sweetly It's good to touch the green, green grass of home Il est bon de toucher le vert, l'herbe verte de la maison. "Green, Green Grass of Home", written by Claude "Curly" Putman Jr. and first recorded by singer Johnny Darrell in 1965, is a country song made popular by Porter Wagoner the same year, when it reached No. Paroles de The Green Green Grass Of Home The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train, and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa. var opts = { It's good to touch the green, green grass of home The old house is still standin', The old hometown looks the same as I step down from the train And there to meet me.. (paroles de la chanson Green,, Green Grass Of Home – JERRY LEE LEWIS) The old house is still standing though the paint is cracked and dry Down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries. song: "Green+Green+Grass+Of+Home", /* - Above Lyrics */ (function() { song: "Green+Green+Grass+Of+Home", Yes, they'll all come to see me Traduction de « Green, Green Grass of Home » par Tom Jones (Thomas John Woodward), anglais → français Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Green Green Grass Of Home - Tom Jones 思い出のグリーングラス / トム・ジョーンズ It's good to touch the green, green grass of home Then I awake and look around me At four grey walls that surround me And I realize, yes, I was only dreaming For there's a guard and there's a sad, old padre On and on, we'll walk The old home town looks the same, As I step down from the train, And there to meet me is my mama and papa Down the road I look and there runs Mary Hair of gold and lips like cherries It's good to touch the green, green grass of The old hometown looks the same La chanson a été initialement enregistrée par le chanteur de country américain Johnny Darrell en 1964 [ 7 ] ou 1965 [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . The old house is still standing Tho' the paint is cracked and dry And there's that old oak tree That I used to play on. document.write('
');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Green, Green Grass of Home Lyrics: The old home town looks the same / As I step down from the train / And there to meet me is my Mama and Papa … Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly. Paroles de la chanson Green Green Grass Of Home (Traduction) par Tom Jones La vieille ville natale se ressemble en descendant du train, et là sont ma maman et mon papa. It's good to touch the green, green grass of home Créez gratuitement votre compte sur Deezer pour écouter Green Green Grass Of Home par Kenny Rogers, et accédez à plus de 56 millions de titres. Leur contenu ne saurait engager le Monde, Société des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique, Justin Bieber - Peaches traduction, Bad Bunny - Dakiti traduction, Addison Rae - Obsessed traduction, Doja Cat - Streets traduction, Olivia Rodrigo - Drivers license traduction, Maroon 5 - Beautiful Mistakes traduction, Lana Del Rey - White Dress traduction, Imagine Dragons - Follow You traduction, Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over the Country Club. Arms reaching, smiling sweetly The green, green grass of home. 'Neath the green, green grass of home, Apple Musicの無料体験版をまだお使いでない場合は、3ヶ月無料で利用可能です。, Tom Jones - Green Green Grass of Home の歌詞は 8 か国に翻訳されています。. div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) Oui, ils vont tous venir à ma rencontre, bras tendus, souriant gentiment. Again, I'll touch the green, green grass of home Paroles Green Green Grass of Home [live] par Burl Ives: The old home town looks the sameAs I step down from the trainAnd there to meet me is my mama and papaDown the road I look and there runs MaryHair of gold The old home town looks the same, As I step down from the train, And there to meet me is.. (paroles de la chanson Green, Green Grass Of Home – JOHNNY CASH) The old house is still standing, Though the paint is cracked and dry, The old house is still standing Tom Jones Paroles de « Green, Green Grass of Home »: The old home town looks the same, / As I step down from the train, / And... And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); La traduction de Green Green Grass Of Home de Tom Jones est disponible en bas de page juste après les paroles originales. Green, Green Grass of Home est une chanson écrite par Curly Putman (Claude Putman, Jr.) [5], [6] et rendue populaire par le chanteur de country américain Porter Wagoner [6]. Hair of gold and lips like cherries And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on }; Tom Jones - Green Green Grass of Home の歌詞は 8 か国に翻訳されています。 The old hometown looks the same As I step down from the train And there to meet me is my mama and papa Yes, they all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly. Paroles2Chansons dispose d’un accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la, Paroles2chansons est un partenaire du Monde. Elvis Presley - Green Green Grass of Home Lyrics & Traduction (words & music by Claude Putman, Jr.) The old home town looks the same, As I step down from the train, adunit_id: 39383896, もう一度したい。私は緑地(故郷の緑の芝生)に触れたい。 *10,11 They'll all come to see me in the seed of bed, old oak tree, as they lay me neath the green C'est bon de toucher l'herbe verte et verte de la maison. var opts = { Down the lane I walk With my sweet Mary, Hair of gold And lips like cherries. On and on, we'll walk at daybreak And there to meet me is my mama and papa, Down the road I look and there runs Mary The old hometown looks the same As I step down from the train And there to meet me is.. (paroles de la chanson Green Green Grass Of Home – PORTER WAGONER) Yes, they've all come to meet me, arms a … })(); /* - Below Lyrics */ For there's a guard and there's a sad, old padre It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. 《I》 Wanna again, I'll touch the green, green grass of home. The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train And there to meet me is my Mama and Papa. document.write('
');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Paroles de chanson Tom Jones - Green, Green Grass Of Home traduction, lyrics, video. }; Hair of gold and lips like cherries It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.