A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. ETF and Mutual Fund data provided by Morningstar, Inc. Dow Jones Terms & Conditions: http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/html/tandc/indexestandcs.html. Fifteen Lyrics (Taylor’s Version) 3. She now has 10 Grammys on her shelf, several tours under her belt (including one that generated a staggering quarter of a billion dollars), an endless list of chart-topping songs and albums, and a beloved fan base who dub themselves "Swifties.". She announced the existence of "evermore" just hours before releasing it. M any fans try to get the attention of celebrities with … Source: Who What Wear, Who What Wear, People. There may be a silver lining to Taylor Swift's stormy battle with Scooter Braun.. Kenny Chesney, who holds the number two slot in terms of concert revenue, took in … The pop star is a … According to Fortune Magazine, T-Swift is more than just a pretty voice and face. The 29-year-old stands to make a fortune by re-recording her masters, according to Neil Sedaka -- … Alors que son nouvel album, Lover, doit sortir au mois d’août prochain, Taylor Swift s’offre la meilleure des publicités en se hissant à la première place du classement Forbes des 100 célébrités les mieux payées de l’année. She Makes An Estimated $150 Million Each Touring Year FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. She … Taylor Swift Net Worth: Taylor Swift is an American singer and songwriter who has a net worth of $400 million.She was discovered at age 15 by … Fortune thinks only the leaders of China, India, Apple, the ECB, and the Catholic Church are better than Taylor Swift — who has a manager. Taylor Swift was named the world's highest-paid celebrity by Forbes, with $185 million in pretax income in the past year. Taylor Swift has an estimated net worth of $365 million, which has likely grown due to her music, merchandise, and endorsements. Let’s take a deep look at Taylor Swift’s fortune! Is Taylor Swift the world’s greatest female leader? Swift has been strategic and generous with her money, investing in a sprawling real-estate portfolio and often donating to causes she supports and people in need. Kelli Serio 27 Mar 2015. Wealth Inherited From: Andrea Swift. She doesn't have to life a finger for the rest of her life, and yet, she continues to make fantastic music for the fans. Taylor Swift found fame as a teenager, and now at the age of 30, is worth an estimated £286million ($360million), much of which she appears to have invested in property. Taylor Swift dropped a surprise ninth album at midnight on Thursday. Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. Elle est l’une des rares personnes qui écoutent l’appel précoce de leur vie et est destinée à agir en conséquence. In a statement to CNN, Big Machine Records denied that the company has prevented Swift from performing at the AMAs or blocked her music from an in-the-works Netflix special, saying “Taylor… American country pop singer-songwriter, musician, and actress, Taylor Alison Swift has an estimated net worth of $280 million. Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. Get it now on Libro.fm using the button below. ", At 15 years old, Swift was the youngest songwriter to ever sign with Sony. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice, http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/html/tandc/indexestandcs.html. In July 2020, Swift surprise-released Folklore, written and produced entirely in quarantine. — Myles Udland (@m_udland) March 26, … Ses gains auraient grimpé de 131 % depuis l’année dernière. by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Save this story for later. Account active She became one of the country's brightest (and youngest) faces in 2006, when the 16-year-old released her first album. 12. Beyoncé just pledged $6 million toward mental health services during the pandemic. Not only was she born on the 13th, but her first album also went gold after 13 weeks and … Taylor Swift likes to invest in real estate and has eight properties in the United States. Taylor Swift In, Obama Snubbed on Fortune’s 50 Greatest Leaders List “This isn’t a political statement,” Fortune writes about snubbing the president for second straight year. Nom: Taylor Swift; Fortune en 2020 : 360 millions de dollars; Date de naissance: 13 décembre 1989; Sexe : féminin; Taille : 1,78 m; Principale source de richesse: musique; Nationalité: américaine (Swift, ahem, is arguably the anti–Miley Cyrus.) And she’s done it without resorting to dumbed-down salacious gimmickry. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Taylor Swift released new album Lover in 2019, the first in her new deal with Universal's Republic Records. The World’s Greatest Female Leader Is Taylor Swift, Says Fortune. Taylor Swift is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, winning 10 Grammys and other awards and with a net worth of $360 million at 29 years old. "We just couldn't stop writing songs," Swift wrote in a tweet. Such success makes Swift one of the world's highest-paid celebrities and one of the richest female singers. The country crooner turned pop mega-star was the single highest-earning musician last year, but that’s not what earned her the respect and attention of the business world. Dès l’âge de 9 ans, elle a commencé à se produire aux divers événements, y compris aux productions de la Berks … The $54 million puts Swift far and away ahead of any other acts on the road these days. Photo by Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty. Un tel succès fait de Taylor Swift l'une des célébrités les mieux payées au monde et l'une des chanteuses les plus riches. he … Taylor Swift didn’t become the highest-paid woman in the music business by accident. FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Sign up for Insider Advertising — what ad and media professionals read to start their day. © 2020 Fortune Media IP Limited. Although there have been a few controversies surrounding her personal romantic life, it doesn’t change the fact that Taylor Swift is one of the most famous American singers of all time. Some fans are speculating that Swift's latest is a trilogy and that she'll release a third surprise album, called "woodvale. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. Pop’s savviest star has crossed swords with Spotify, embraced corporate sponsorship, and moved to secure dozens of trademarks (including phrases like “This sick beat”)—plus she has proved shrewder at honing a brand in the social media age than virtually any other person or company. Taylor Swift’s house in Rhode Island was purchased in 2013 for a whopping $17.75 million…and rumor has it she paid CASH. Taylor Swift - Net Worth: $320 Million. Properties. Market data provided by Interactive Data. Son père, Scott Kingsley Swift, était conseiller financier et sa mère, Andrea Gardner Swift, était responsable marketing avant de devenir femme au foyer. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Sa fortune est estimée à 365 millions de dollars, sans compter les revenus finaux de sa tournée 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour, la plus lucrative de l'histoire des États-Unis. En octobre 2020, Taylor Swift avait une valeur nette estimée à 400 millions de dollars. Contrary to the norm, 13 is Taylor Swift's lucky number. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Taylor Swift Fearless (Taylor's Version) Album Lyrics Fearless (Taylor's Version) Over Lyrics Artiste: Taylor Swift Album: Fearless (Taylor's Version) Genre: Country Date: April 9 Year: 2021 Taylor Swift Fearless (Taylor's Version) Tracklist 1. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | Ad Choices  Over time, Taylor Swift has been hauling in millions of dollars, leading her to an incredible fortune. Her father, Scott Kingsley Swift, is a former stockbroker for Merrill Lynch; her mother, Andrea Gardner Swift (née Finlay), is a former homemaker who previously worked as a mutual fund marketing executive. By Josh Dubof f. March 27, 2015. ; The singer and songwriter has … The U.S. Navy Band reimagined Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" in the style of maritime folk songs called sea shanties, a trend that's caught fire across the internet. According to Forbes as of August 2017, Taylor was worth $280 million. She has an estimated net worth of $365 million — and that's not including the final earnings from her 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour, which was the highest-grossing tour in US history. Son beau visage lui permet également d’agir comme modèle pour plusieurs marques et … Swift has Scottish heritage and was named after singer-songwriter James Taylor. Here's how she spends her $400 million fortune, from yachting vacations to a private jet for Jay-Z. It's her second surprise album drop this year, following "folklore," released in July. And the outlet reported that she made $185 million in 2019 alone (a pay raise of … Elle empoche 185 millions de dollars avant impôts, un record depuis le début de sa carrière. All rights reserved. Taylor is worth an estimated $400m (£307.6m) and earns $150m (£115.3m) per year, according to Celebrity Net Worth. She also took the title of the 'world’s highest-paid celebrity' in 2019, according to a report. The numbers don’t lie. Terms & Conditions. Below, see how Swift earns and spends her fortune. Subscriber Elle a fait son empire d’un million de dollars grâce à ses ventes de disques et de tournées. Love Story… Taylor Swift didn’t become the highest-paid woman in the music business by accident. S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. Fearless Lyrics (Taylor’s Version) 2. The Rhode Island mansion , built in 1930, is packed full of fancy features, including 8 fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, and a swimming pool, all while sitting on 5-acres of oceanfront property. A vastly improved search engine helps you find the latest on companies, business leaders, and news more easily. With 1989, the top-selling album in 2014, Swift’s efforts to ensure she gets paid for her music could have a huge ripple effect on the way artists are compensated in an era of free streaming. Taylor Swift est né le 13 décembre 1989, à Reading, Pennsylvanie. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Zhang Hengwei/China News Service/VCG via Getty Images, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories, Swift accepted Billboard's Woman of the Decade award, Taylor Swift owns at least $84 million in real estate across four states. Throughout her 15-year career, the pop superstar has earned 29 AMAs, making her the artist with the most AMA wins ever. Fortune: Taylor Swift More Influential World Leader Than Obama AP/Wade Payne. Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989, in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Fortune de Taylor Swift. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Taylor Alison Swift [ˈ t e ɪ l ɚ ˈ æ l ɪ s ə n s w ɪ f t] [1], née le 13 décembre 1989 à Reading, en Pennsylvanie, est une autrice-compositrice-interprète et actrice américaine.. La sortie de son premier album intitulé Taylor Swift (2006) fait d'elle une star de la musique country. More recently, Swift accepted Billboard's Woman of the Decade award. Taylor Swift performs at the 58th Annual Grammy Awards in 2016. Haters gonna hate, but Taylor Swift is a greater world leader than President Obama, a top business magazine says. Save this story for later.