He chose it because our first romantic encounter was on the left bank of the River Meuse! The name suited it perfectly. but maybe a little more modern? This one is comforting! A clean, warm yet cool "vetiver" style aldehydic floral, light on the aldehydes, soft on the power, and easy on the green. Not pretty! It is a fragrance that I treasure and hope to continue wearing forever. Emis en 2021. Rive Gauche is a beautiful floral perfume, very close to Quelques Fleurs by Houbiguant. I had little money but big hair, big attitude, big faith, always in black and red lipstick. I first started wearing Rive Gauche at the age of 14 (!). I find it hard to describe! It's the perfume I get the most compliments about, mainly men for some reason, and it's the perfume that makes me smile when I smell it on someone else. No wonder it was so popular in it's day. Fast forward forty years and I think, let's try the reformulated version! I am just now learning to appreciate the powdery iris notes in scents, and this one does it very well. One of our students came in to my office today and said “oh, you smell soooo good!”, so the sillage is obviously good. Rive Gauche is and always will be lovely. I'm glad a few others have mentioned a similarity to Chanel No. It is that unusual. Not wild about the reformulations. Still love the bottle design though. Reminds me of Panache by Yardley. A perfume for grown ups who like their fragrances tepid, mannered and slightly aloof. I did spray a little into the cap, which was a mistake as I didn't like the scent at all. Anyhow, I'm no longer worried. If you like roses, aldehydes, old-school chypres, I recommend sampling this. That’s not a bad thing, but a generational thing. I get it, we all love to cuddle with nostalgia and familiarity. After three hours of wear, I was enveloped in a lovely, soft veil of creamy gardenia, with a touch of powder. I just finished University, working casual in jobs at low pay. I wanted to know how different it is and if it really is as nasty as they claim. I'm a great lover of woody notes. Secrétaire Administratif de l'éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur classe supérieure examen professionnel d'avancement Publication ouverte à partir du lundi 25 février 2019 À 15H45 jusqu'au lundi 25 mars 2019 À 17H00 (Publication fermée temporairement) , these aldehydes come to slay. My mum wore this in the 80s and I remember the sleek, cold can and the powerful gust (of what I now know to be aldehydes and oak moss) when she first applied it. They are both complementary as their scent is common to both IMO, and 500ml will cost you not more than £6. I totally adore adore the bottle. But really, having a test strip of this one lying around in my hotel room it feels as if a woman aged around 50-60 was present. It is not easy to wear. I feel like the reformulated version ruined this most wonderful fragrance. Yes it has changed! I guess I missed something that is uncomparable, but at least I'm not longing for something that will never be mine. one of the best scent for man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aldehydes are a vintage smell to me. The dry down is slightly powdery but it mostly has a freshwater feel. La rive droite est plus récente, et s'inscrit dans la tradition française du style Hausmannien. ... Ces ancêtres de nos partis politiques de gauche sont donc d’abord des éducateurs politiques de masse. It is “cleaner” than the original. I am very pleased with this blind buy. Dessin Paris rive gauche vs rive droite. If I had to define what a French scent smelt like this would be it. Farewell. Every weekend while growing up my family would go to the local town for shopping or just a walk and lunch and my mother would apply this just before getting in to the car and the aldehydes would make me feel nauseous in an enclosed space. As opposed to the classic image of naturism being a spontaneous stripping-off in summer on the beach, sprawling naked beside a river, or skinny dipping in a mountain lake, this practice finds ways of regularly enjoying a nudist lifestyle amidst the city chaos. Absolutely love Rive Gauche. I finally got around to sampling this oldie but goodie and found that I actually liked it a lot. Perfumes that were inspired that were unique . I'd like to get a bottle for her and one for me. It was divine. Fragrantica® Inc, San Diego, CA United States. I have a love hate relationship with this perfume and clearly it's taken me a long time to bother to review it, something I don't usual afford many perfumes specifically marketing towards women. Train with chess problems. I remember feeling very sophisticated and "grown-up" when I bought it. RIVE GAUCHE is the scent of a woman who takes pride in her appearance and in her hygiene: she smells like tubes of YSL lipstick; like fragrant, luxurious powders; like expensive, all natural French bars of waxy soap. But the current version is absolutely beautiful. ), Janet Flanner, Jane Heap, Maria Jolas, Mina Loy, Henry Miller, Adrienne Monnier, Anaïs Nin, Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, Renee Vivien, Edith Wharton [1] Pablo Picasso, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Henri Matisse, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Baldwin, [2] and dozens of other members of the great artistic community at Montparnasse. Note - I have never been a Chanel girl because of that. If I could, I ordered 10 bottles to have it always with me. Glad I had the opportunity to try it and am glad that others can wear it and enjoy. Special place in my heart for this. You could imagine that this was the scent that they would be wearing. Every winter, I come back to Rive Gauche. If you want to smell strong, free, classy, elegant and expensive, then this is for you. Compliments galore! It is wonderful fragrance, but not unique. The bergamot and the green notes add just the right amount of tang, which stops this from being too powdery sweet. I bought a bottle recently and was so disappointed. I don't know whether it's my signature, but spinning in my life for years!Those sharp notes that many feel metallic simply disappear on my skin, leaving only beautiful soft dry down. Class, class class!!!!! Boots in London , 2 different branches were using batch code bottles as testers from 2012 ! My first impression was of a pleasant scent like an aunts dresser full of classy powders and lotions. It may be just my skin and me getting used to it, but I think it's a little bit different. Truly wonderful and as its name may suggest, most unconventional. This is a classic which never ages, and has all the notes that i love and adore (big aldehydes, musk & amber fan here) and it lasts and evolves so gorgeously on the skin. i would so much like to wear this, bt similar like another poster, it does not play well on me. So do I. I love this perfume. A very complex classic. Fragrance Reviews: 1020241 I love it. Classic and beautiful - must have again. I am never disappointed. this scent leaves a very soapy feeling . Once upon a time there was an elegant floral named Rive Gauche. Rive Gauche was launched in 1971. It was bought for me for a Christmas present from my brother. Ideal for summer. There lies its wonder which begs the question: how do we categorize it? hahaha i just read wickly funny comment on another perfume site, from a lady called Lauren /2007 i felt need to re write it in her name hope she dont mind: Having worn the original 70’s formula, I can say I actually like this formulation. My initial impression was that it smelled much too much like any old forgettable drugstore perfume--sickeningly powdery and cloying like face powder that broke loose out of a compact from the 70's. I want to bathe in this perfume. Today I bought a 1984 sealed Rive Gauche parfum- et à bon marché (inexpensively)! Here is something you can do for fun: get samples of Rive Gauche, Ma Griffe, and Calandre and smell them all together. I will update when I smell it:-). It was a fabulous scent that was reformulated and, in my opinion, ruined when I came across it years later (it was early in the 2000’s, is all I can remember). Ainsi, Argenton-sur-Creuse se scinde en deux : la partie haute s’établit sur la rive gauche de la Creuse, tandis que la ville basse s’étend dès le XVème siècle sur la rive droite, reliée par le vieux pont. My mum says out of all the perfumes I’ve ever tried that this one suits me the best, so perhaps it’s a skin chemistry factor. Perfume lovers: 607365 Sadly, my nose can't bear it. Pour le retour, vous pourrez rebrousser chemin en longeant simplement la Venoge par sa rive gauche … If anyone in EU have bottle of RG and wants a beautiful vintage, I have Raffinee Houbigant (EDP) or Trussardi Trussardi (1985 edition), both unopened, NIB. There is an amazing combination of other-worldly metal and familiar nature in this, as though I'm walking through an imaginary forest. This lovely fragrance is so memorable, ( my mom used to wear it many years ago}; that I actually stopped my teacher in class mid-stream, to ask her if she was wearing 'rive gauche'! Come to think of all the perfume I wore, I always fell in love again with magnificent Rive Gauche. It's all that. It stinks rotten. I can't vouch for previous formulations but this one is WOW! So classic and French. I think this is YSLs best. What a delight. I'm super late to the RG game. Emis … I just received an old mini parfum bottle - not sure when I'd date it but it's at least 90's or earlier. J’adooooore!!! Still, it was my sig frag for a long time. It has stood the test of time and for good reason. Even now when I wear it, I get constant compliments and inquiries. I've been trying and trying, giving it chances, but I can't stand it. It does not smell similar to anything I find on the market today. Goes to show how well it stores since it has never seen any light. My mothers choice was the very bold Youth Dew but this bottle represented something more modern. Not rosy, but about the rose. To me this perfume runs along the same lines as Chanel 19, Crysalle, Eau Du Sud, anything clean and fresh perfect for overbearing summer weather. So do not despair people we have Ebay. It does smell a lot like Chanel 19 and my nose can't take that perfume either. it is a summer scent. The most vintage ones don't have upc codes but as long as those blocks are not there, you should be good, and yes, vintage lasts way way way longer than the current stuff =). I wore the vintage very often and I cannot discern any difference. She will be 100 in May. Cold, mean, hard, miserable, cardboardy Calandre. As far back as I can remember, it has smelled more or less the same, maybe a little thinner and harsher than it used to be, but still wonderful. Erotic without being vulgar. For other uses, see, "Left Bank vs. Ever since, after years of trying hundreds of perfumes, it has become my signature scent. Very Chanel like in my opinion...the aldehyde/oakmoss is HUGE.....softened by sweet rose and green notes. My grown up daughters actually hate this one but hell what do they know.? Maybe it has changed slightly but not so I've noticed. He changed very quickly her long, beautiful white chiffon gown, for a simple, but flawless black pantsuit, with a necklace and earrings of a very modern and minimalistic design. Unpleasant in the extreme. There is a dusty, dusky rose and a fleeting twist of lime (or should that be bergamot?) She was such a classy lady and so intelligent. Simply sumptuous! I also recall the slew of frags it inspired, ...Revlon Charlie, Calandre (which predated it, but became more popular at the time) and others. Very aldehydic, metallic, dry and soapy. Might be the vintage was great ,never saw one ,but the current version is ............ How is it ????? On trouve les sections les plus actives et volontaristes rive droite et dans l’est parisien. This is as sexy as it gets! But there is something irresistibly primal in La Rive Gauche. 19 substitute. might even be categorized as a unisex perfume. I repurchased it in 2017, and it was just as good. What happen to this one-of- a-kind fragrance? Far too green and astringent and I quickly moved on to other scents I came to adore. "Rive gauche" was my mother's signature fragrance in the 70's and 80's. Fragrantica notes mention that this fragrance was - you guessed it - reformulated 30 years (!) Both simply sublime. 3,419 votes. I now wear this to work and it always receives compliments from patients. You must apply this only to your skin to test it. [5] In the twelfth century, the philosopher Pierre Abélard helped create the neighborhood when, due to his controversial teaching, he was pressured into relocating from the prestigious Île de la Cité to a less conspicuous residence. I don't understand why an aldehyde and Chanel hater would even test Rive Gauche, wasn't Jacques Polge involved with the original composition? This has probably been my worst blind buy, and not a cheap one at that. Everybody grows up eventually. And the male version drives me crazy, very ooh la la! Lovely scent!!! Sweet bottle of wistful, like the old song you can only listen to a few times. i might buy it later and wer only on clothes because there is something addictive to this scent, and i absolutely love tha bold design of the flacon. It smelled like mossy rose, white flowers, and some peach. I forsake my usual lotus oil for this scent as my introduction to the bars. Chanceux sont ceux qui possèdent la version d'origine, vintage dit-on maintenant. I believe it is truly different with each body chemistry. I bought it in a little glass bottle for less than four dollars. I do not know why but i associate this beautiful perfume with Madonna singing True Blue song. 2-3 sprits are enough. I will say that after about 5 hours it changed and went through a slightly sweeter, more beautiful phase that was very pleasant, but I don't think I'll get a bottle just for that. This is so beautiful. This is the hormone-driven innocence we only dwell in for a short time. Beauty Almanac |, Copyrights © 2006-2021 Fragrantica.com perfumes magazine - All Rights Reserved - do not copy anything without prior written permission. Une liaison bus est assurée pour rejoindre la Rive Droite. You should try few of those fragrances before settling for one. On me, it starts metallic and I'm a sheet of steel by the end of three hours. It has turned into Calandre. And yet those changes leave the fragrance very recognizable - all the way to the arty flacon. I was worried this had changed, my last bottle was an original 1980's huge flacon which lasted ages and I've always adored it. Nous vous avons sélectionné des centaines d’offres de postes en alternance en ressources humaines, comptabilité, communication, marketing, informatique, commerce, transport-logistique ou même ingénierie - L'Etudiant Second review of this iconic perfume ... today I read an article where RG is described as a blend of rose and honeysuckle. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm reviewing this perfume purely because it is my absolute scent nemesis. That comes as news to me, at least the honeysuckle part. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici. Sur ce portail sont réunies les publications des chercheurs de l’Université de Guyane, disponibles en libre accès. Apparently it has been reformulated again – is that true? I really enjoyed Rive G powdery classic feminine French perfume I adore I wear day time it's so soft cashmere smell love !!!!!! The best part for me was when I went outside, the breeze blew across my skin and it was the most incredibly amazing scent! She was the reason this fragrance was introduced to me aside from my standard scent tastes. Eloquaint, I've just read your review and it made so much sense to me. floral, soapy, unisex, all season old school incredibile scent. Or is this a by-product of reformulation? Talk about old lady scent. I was scared that the re formulation of the masterpiece by YSL of the 70's, would be a faded shadow of its former self, but I needn't have worried. There's the iconic bottle and the fragrance itself, and yet I can't recall where I've seen/smelled this before. A scent for spring time. I went to Harrods to try to find it but it wasn't available at the time. "Rive Gauche" or "Left Bank" generally refers to the Paris of an earlier era: the Paris of artists, writers, and philosophers, including Colette, Margaret Anderson, Djuna Barnes, Natalie Barney, Sylvia Beach, Erik Satie, Kay Boyle, Bryher, Caresse Crosby, Nancy Cunard, Hilda Doolittle (H.D. Urban naturism is the practice of naturism in a city all year round, and it’s really taken off in Paris over recent times. There's a lingering reminiscence that won't be placed. What nobody tested this in almost 6 years !! Has it improved from its first re-formulation? Perfumes: 63417 The silage and longevity are insane! I'll see what I do with it. I don't want to knock it though and I encourage anyone who usually suits this type of fragrance to try it. Sure, I can tell the difference - the metallic note is less - but one sniff of this (brand new EdT) and I'm gone. One of my mums scents of the 80s,she moans she would never wear it now because it’s not her type of scent ,however she always seems to be trying it on her when ever we are in a perfume store ! 3.90 I hated getting in to the car with her too soon after she sprayed - migraine-inducing! This is too powdery makeup or vintage smelling for me, at least in the bottle i got which was a few years old. Estee Lauder Private Collection (the original formulation) and Chanel 19 are my favorites, with RG running a close second. Rive Gauche works at work in a classic black shift dress for desk days or meetings, but it goes just as well with faded jeans at the weekend. I love it in the summer heat, because of the soapy cleanliness and because it has absolutely no sweetness. The Rive Gauche (French pronunciation: [ʁiv ɡoʃ], Left Bank) is the southern bank of the river Seine in Paris. I just bought a 50ml Rive Gauche EDT and it is every bit as spectacular as the vintage. Rive gauche the modern side of Paris the artistic and intellectual side like the Art Deco of perfumes . For those who've never experienced the original, please don't judge RG by what's currently available. Maybe I was too young and definitely not in the same league as Mrs Hill. Do not let the change-haters put you off . I don’t get much of the peach, but I do get a bit of the rose. The re formulation is good if a little less tarry in the first aldehydic blast but the dry down, which takes hours and lingers long , is worth the wait . I can't imagine having written 200+ reviews and haven't still reviewed Rive Gauche. :). I read from Luca Turin that RG has been ruined by reforms, and Calandre is the much better perfume. If you want to appear chic, wordly-wise and just a bit "posh" (and who wouldn't?) Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Eau d... (. The longevity is impressive though. I once had the body cream and dusting powder also. Time to make everything old, new again and give the youth a dose of the classic chypre fragrances! A staple in fragrance. i love it.9,5/10 Incredible performance. I almost feel sorry for this perfume. This perfume is a bit glamorous, very classy. Rive Gauche by Yves Saint Laurent is a Floral Aldehyde fragrance for women. I just received a bottle of this and something about it reminds me of Narciso Rodríguez for her. She was right! I wasn't expecting it to smell so generic. They actually followed my fragrance and wanted to know what "beautiful perfume I was wearing". www.infodimanche.com est le plus important site immobilier pour consulter toutes les propriétés dans la grande région du KRTB. This masterpiece is worn by miss Moneypenny. What happened to Rive Gauche? The bottle is round, a tin, with blue black and silver stripes with no sticker. It's hard not to love this. The only other perfume I wear that receives compliments in the same way is Eau Ressourcante Clarins! Rive Gauche is quite the hybrid, classified as: chypre, aldehydic floral or even a green floral. Lots of powder and green notes and very classic, very 70s, which I usually love, but there was something about this that was very cloudy and muddled. I love the way this brings back so many memories. This one has been on my 'list' for a few years and I can't believe I have waited this long to even smell it. Excellent projection with a soft vanilla dry-down. When I was 17 years old. Ici la mousse de chêne est reine! After wearing it for some hours I came to the realisation that it reminds me of the old Revlon Touch and Glow loose face powder, a memory from my childhood. This is such a distinct fragrance. It’s quite sophisticated and cooling, with a fresh, watery rose accord. Perhaps not what it was in the past (nothing is anymore...) but worth getting a decant. I was never a fan of aldehydes, having tried Chanel L’eau and finding it off-putting. There was no perfume that compared with this masterpiece. Classic, beautifull and very hard not to notice, - and think,-- ohh what a classy, beautifull woman. Nice stuff. My mother,has one-which is for 16 years ago,when I wasn't even born!-and she looooves it.It's not her dream perfume-which Narciso Rodríguez for her EDP is-but anyway,It's adorable for her.But in my taste,It's completely masculine.My mother says that the first notes are a little!masculine but the dry down is awesome,which I disagree.Well.I think the one who loves Clinique aromatic elixir,will probably love it too.Cause my mother loves both and I,find them similar in some ways. As an addendum to my review, what sticks in my mind is what one reviewer tears ago called the wonderful "rubbery rose" quality this, the original has. Dans le contexte actuel sanitaire, nous vous demandons de réserver votre assistance afin qu'elle soit garantie. I do have a large collection of perfumes of different notes, and for different occasions, but all of them feel like they were meant for me. | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Русский | Polski | Português | Ελληνικά | 汉语 | Nederlands | Srpski | Română | العربية | Українська | Монгол | עברית | Luxois Watches | I'm pretty sure it's the modern incarnation. Top notes are Aldehydes, Green Notes, Honeysuckle, Bergamot, Peach and Lemon; middle notes are Rose, iris, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang, Lily-of-the-Valley, Jasmine, Magnolia and Gardenia; base notes are Oakmoss, Tahitian Vetiver, Musk, Sandalwood, Amber and Tonka Bean. You must try it!! Also an any occassion perfume. We didn't got the chance to smell it, and it has never been my favorite. As I was enjoying all the hours that my beloved Calandre wears on my skin, I remembered I had a nearly 20 year old Rive Gauche purchase, in its striped metal can. Sadly the new reformulation doesn't compare! It has become my signature scent, to say the least. Guess there's a foot for every shoe. WAY TOO MUCH GRIEVING over the old version! I wore this in the seventies in the pure parfum version. It was a 2011 bottle and it was lovely and long lasting. it is very long lasting and the sillage is very good. "[6], "Left Bank" redirects here. Monsieur YSL must be rolling over in his grave. I put it on yesterday and I can still smell it on my wrist. To experience its quality notes, do not smell it on a card or on your wrist. I remember that I looked at it thinking that This way really grown ud and exclusive. I really enjoyed the wafting scent. I didn't really like it because I prefer floral/fruity, but if you like fresh, bold scents, this is for you. modifié le 17/01/2021, polychrome. Times change, tastes change. I love YSL in general, and RG has always been so unique. It's undoubtedly an old (or "classic" depending on your viewpoint) scent but it's oddly comforting. (Important safety tip: if there's a thunderstorm going on, make sure you wait until it's over, as having a terrified dog hiding under your desk panting stink-breath at you will in no way enhance your experiment.). In the middle of the lecture, she stopped, blushed and said 'yes', Thankyou. and it was so good to try it again. Would fit well in a smoky café or an elegant restaurant. Sophisticated, classy and ladylike. Still lovely after all these years! I seem to remember this being a bit spicier on me way back when though, but ugh, I’m so old now that it could just be my memory playing tricks on me ;) This is a good one, and the staying power is right up there – 11 hours and still going and still lovely. Finally got to sample this classic YSL. My English teacher, in the 80's, wore this. It's not discrimination on my part, more that I have enough men's and unisex to review. It is also easy to take with you in a purse. So Y.S.L. This review is for the original formula. Now that I'm 21 and living away from home, whenever I smell this it takes me back to going on our weekend trips and importantly reminds me of my mother and also of my times in Paris. Reminds me my childhood . Very feminine, albeit old-fashioned. My mother wore it and I always loved it. Still do. I have loved this perfume all my scented life and it wins my all-time favourite award, hands down, from the first lemon/lily of the valley twang of metallic crispness all the way down through the other florals, maybe with a sherberty whiff of pink grapefruit, and woody amber-ness. There was another girl at my high school who shared my first name who happened to be blind. Vous recherchez une maison à vendre à Rivière-du-Loup, au Témiscouata, dans Les Basques ou au Kamouraska? My best friend wore it in the 80's and I thought she was so cool taking this out of her handbag. & I basically asked her "Bernie what is that gorgeous perfume your wearing?"