We recommend running a retrospective with your team every couple of weeks or at … A retrospective should be fun, energetic, surprising, and people should love it! Often times, teams can fall into their rhythm, and vital ceremonies like the sprint retrospective can become so run-of-the-mill that teams aren’t using them to their intended advantage. Energizer Retrospective - If you perform retrospective regularly you will know that each retrospective is different. This exercise explains how Kudo Cards can be used in Agile Retrospectives.In this exercise, we are focused on the closing phase. EasyRetro is a fun retrospective (‘retro’ for short) tool you can use for your regular sprint session to … Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging. Votre rétrospective. Many Agile software development teams are based on a virtual organization. A thought came to me that this experience was relevant to some of the scenarios that we see with teams. I am not going to describe how to act as a facilitator here. It helps to identify teams´ issues. Welcome! It helps improve remote or co-located teams to improve their performances with retrospectives. This is a resource for sharing retrospective plans, tips & tricks, tools and ideas to help us get the most out of our retrospectives. I have been trying these exercises for several years and I want to share them with you. Even if Agile approaches favor collocated teams, distributed Scrum teams are more common that what you might think. New retrospective (Full Agenda) Guess who likes it. by FunRetro Team. This exercise explains How to start an Agile Retrospective using Car Brand exercise. It’s one of the simplest, but effective way to identify problems within your team without making your team anxious or too serious. In late March 2020 we had scheduled an in-person event for World Retrospective day … Self-tested retro methods Easy entry […] Retrospective Getting actions out of a retrospective that are doable, and getting them … Facilitating an Agile Retrospectives is not easy, in this post I will explain several responsibilities of a good Retrospective Agile Facilitator. Fun Retrospective Activity - 2 Truths and a Lie Retrospective Exercise Exercise. A fun simple tool for agile retrospectives. ScrumMasters should develop a toolkit of retrospective techniques that they can use and adapt with their teams. But probably not remote yet. In this blog post, you will find a collection of Agile Retrospectives ideas. Killing feature So the question I want to discuss in … Check-out Fun Photo. arrow-icon-down Browse resources You are looking for new inspiration on how to run your agile team retrospective? This exercise explains How to start an Agile Retrospective using Constellation exercise. This technique is used on Agile Inception where the team and the stakeholders get together to rapid alignment on team vision and goals of the project ... this technique is good for keeping the team engaged and make the retrospective more fun. Design your own Valuable Agile Retrospectives with the retrospective exercises toolbox. I was flying kites with my friends at the Pongal festival, and we had a few tangles on the ground, which we could remove by ourselves. Je suggère de l’améliorer encore en fournissant quelques KPI. Ironically, routine might be an issue that some production teams face. From Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki. ... Retrospective Problems & Actions. Fun retrospective ideas for remote teams 1: Skribbl. Express Yourself is a simple Check-In agile retrospective exercise that aims at visualizing the team´s ideas and helping to gather data early in the team retrospective session. Close the retrospective by evaluating what has been discussed and checking for opportunities to improve your next retro meeting. April 23, 2020. Retrospectives play a crucial role in software teams. Take your retrospectives from good to great without driving yourself crazy. The Mutant Star Fish exercise gives great retrospective ideas to focus on people´s individual needs and performance. Successful facilitation of any Agile technique is dependent on a firm foundation of knowledge and coaching. The basic idea in Retrospective from a Hat is to gamify the process of deciding what ... Fun(ny): things that were fun ... tips you likely won’t find in books about Agile, Kanban, Scrum, or XP. Fun, Easy & 100% Free! This exercise explains how to run a retrospective using lego pieces.The exercise is called lego retrospective and will make your retrospective funnier. GoRetro is a Free agile sprint retrospective tool making the entire retro process seamless, simple, fun, colorful, productive, and unlimited. 5 Sprint retrospective ideas . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Retrospectives are not only checklist project audits or postmortems. Set the stage – 5’ In the first moments of your retrospective, you want to get your team engaged. Create retrospective . In this blog post, I present 29 Tools for Distributed Agile Retrospectives. Based on the results of the retrospective, every team should have its own plan to revamp and improve the techniques. If you have some exercises that you want to share, feel free to contact me. One of the most straightforward ways to run a Retrospective is the In this exercise, I will teach you a new exercise to close your Agile Retrospective.This exercise is called Return of Time Invested. Fun, easy and free retrospective tool Let's first go over some basics before jumping into fun retrospective games. Free. Agile Retrospectives are a great way for teams to continuously improve their way of working. Find out more. Identify how to improve teamwork by reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and why. Welcome to Agile-Retrospective-Ideas.com All major sources to find the right agile retrospective ideas in one place. Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki. This article presents some free online retrospective tools that can be used to facilitate retrospectives for distributed Scrum teams. Save yourself endless amounts of time - before, during, and after the retrospective meeting. En effet, c’est ensemble que nous proposerons le référentiel agile le plus complet. rétro agile – rétrospective scrum. These tools are very useful for any team that is not co-located. I will just share the activities to make your retrospective fun and how to make things visual. Many teams who are new to Agile may well have been taught the theory behind retrospectives, but putting them into practice can be an entirely different matter. Très bon récapitulatif des outils de retrospective agile à mettre en oeuvre ! I work with leaders of organisations to help them reinvent their companies to thrive and nourish in the digital era! They are also opportunities to focus on processes and the team’s issues. Let’s dive into the community’s suggestions. This exercise explains a simple was how to use an Appreciation exercise in your Agile retrospective.This is an exercise that should not take more than 15m. Written by Benjamin Cotrel & Julien Valente. This is a problem a group of us from Agile Welly wanted to tackle. I am bringing you something very simple about Agile Retrospectives but something that I believe can have a huge impact. The Pirates, a fun and engaging Agile retrospective activity. A check-in that prepares for the rest of the retrospective regarding “mindset”. And what holiday could be more agile than World Retrospective Day? Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author & International Keynote Speaker that works exclusively with Senior Executives of 7 to 8 figure businesses on the deployment of his game changing ‘Organisational Mastery’ Methodology. This exercise explains quite well how to use the SailBoat exercise into an agile retrospective.This technique is appreciated by teams because of its simplicity. Agile Retrospective: Agenda. We have developed an online Agile Retrospectives Certification to help you to take your Agile Retrospectives to the next level. Retrospective . ... ” är en diskussionsövning under vilken teamet eller projektet får en chans att fördjupa sin förståelse kring agiles och leans principer, men framförallt en möjlighet att diskutera dem! We help you find well-curated resources to generate ideas for fun, engaging and effective retrospective formats. Inlägg om retrospective skrivna av Jimmy Janlén. Reetro is a versatile retrospective tool for agile teams, collaborate with your team and get better in what you do with a simple, intuitive and beautiful tool. Problems & Actions provides a quick way to brainstorm and select ideas and actions for solving problems affecting the... Fun Photo is an activity to collect a team memory for the future. The Hot Air Balloon. On a whiteboard, draw a picture of a hot air balloon with sandbags, a sun and a storm cloud. D’ailleurs n’hésitez pas à nous partager vos meilleurs ateliers que je posterais sur le blog Myagile Partner dans cette rubrique fun rétrospective agile. Pricing. But somehow, during the Retrospective nobody is really challenging each other and the burning issues aren't discussed. The World Cafe format is well known in the moderation space, but is rarely seen as an Agile Retrospective exercise. I am going to teach you how to focus your Agile Retrospectives on the Learnings and not the outcomes. To make it fun, it should be visual and colorful. By Benjamin Cotrel. There are always opportunities for refinement, even if your team has worked together for a long time. This week I got a question from a colleague about the Scrum Retrospective. “I went to the beach and…” is a simple energizer to wake up verify everyone´s attention. *All Games* Agile agile mindset Agile Teams Coaching Collaboration Communication Creativity customer understanding Development Estimation flow Fun gamification Improv Innovation Games Instructing Techniques Kanban Lean learning Management Planning Prioritization Process productivity product management Product Owner Pull RemoteTeams Requirements retrospective retrospective … But as the kite flew high, it got stuck between some telephone wires. We had to get help from our neighbours and use sticks and other tools to remove these blockers so we could get the kite free. Short, fun icebreakers that are 15 minutes or less to get teams energised for the day. This exercise explains How to Use Value Stream Mapping in a retrospective.This exercise is part of the book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives. Two Truths and a Lie is a fun retrospective activity that I have used couple of times to ‘break the ice’ at group meetings. Most of you will know the fun game. This exercise explains quite well how to perform the High Performing Teams tree.This exercise became quite popular because of Lyssa Adkins. Our virtual Aginext community brought it today at our monthly virtual lean coffee. Jump to navigation Jump to search. In this exercise, I explain how to use the StarFish Exercise in an Agile Retrospective.Is a very simple exercise but quite powerful to get great improvements. An Agile retrospective usually follows these 5 steps (the timing should be adapted to the length of the retro): 1. In this blog post, I present 9 Deadly Sins Every ScrumMaster Must Avoid in Agile Retrospectives. With agile retrospective games you can set team members at ease, facilitate deep discussions, and turn insights into actionable steps. It will help you to get some feedback on your Agile Retrospective. There are many great retrospective ideas out in the Agile community, including variations and additions on the basic questions and creative facilitation techniques. Description. First up we have an Aginext speaker who wanted to take a bit more time to turn his activity remote. Use the car brand idea of running a sprint retrospective to relax your teammates. ... Fun Photo . Idea 1: Car Brand. This exercise explains How to use Instant Retrospective exercise in a Retrospective, This exercise helps the teams to identify topics to Drop, Add, Keep or Improve. This exercise explain How to use Happiness Index exercise in a Retrospective.This exercise is part of the book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives. This exercise explains How to use Team Assessment Survey.This exercise is part of the book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives. If you’re practicing some sort of agile methodology, chances are the sprint retrospective is already a part of your routine. The following retrospective method is probably particularly suitable as a fun, interactive check-in. Express Yourself is a simple Check-In agile retrospective exercise that aims at visualizing the team´s ideas and helping to gather data early in the team retrospective session. 7 Great Agile Sprint Retrospective Ideas We've found that the following tips help us keep our retrospectives productive and manageable.. Agile Retrospectives Ideas: Games For Your Next Retrospective, Helpful Way To Express Your Team´s Feelings in a Team Retrospective, Fun Retrospective Activity - 2 Truths and a Lie Retrospective Exercise, The World Cafe - Agile Retrospective technique. It arrives with pre-made templates for a variety of retrospective formats, happiness index for developers, action items, and more. Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging. … ... Three Little Pigs is a fun retrospective activity that uses the Three Little Pigs story to foster a conversation... LEGO® retrospective . Create retrospective . Let’s cover the most effective and fun retrospective games that you can conduct at the beginning, during, and at the end of your retrospectives. New retrospective (Full Agenda) Guess who likes it. Now is the time when community means more than ever. Therefore the Retrospective often results in defining only small improvements. Getting Started If you’ve got the fun, exciting, and innovative team - we have the tool. Retroly is a tool for teams that want to flourish and have impactful retros every single time. She's Scrum Master of a team that for sure has room for improvement. Reetro is 100% free online retrospective tool, so there’s nothing to lose and a lot to gain. It would be nice to publish your exercise as Guest Blog.