For the next 365 ′′ Days we don't know we wish you good and peace. Let's just say that … Gość • 45 dni temu. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Forum, komentarze, oceny, opinie dla Kolejne 365 Dni 365 DNI (365 Days) is based on Blanka Lipinska's novel of the same - but there are sequels that could see Anna-Maria Sieklucka and Michele Morrone return as Laura and Massimo, Our free email newsletter sends you the biggest headlines from news, sport and showbiz. '365 Dni' has confirmed to be getting a sequel, Democrats and Liberals Must Get Back To Economic Basics, Democrats Must Emphasize Boldness, Not Moderation. Który deser będziecie najmilej wspominać? Przed nami kolejny ciężki rok z życia głównych bohaterów. '365 Dni' Book 2: a summary (SPOILERS) The sequel, titled "Ten Dzień" ("This Day"), was released in 2018 and introduces a few new characters, including Adriano, Massimo’s twin brother. Découvrez les différences entre le livre et le film 365, Dni le nouveau phénomène Netflix. Unlike his sibling, Adriano studied in Britain and continues to reside there, having seemingly walked away from the … The movie 365 Dni deals with the story of Laura, who gets kidnapped by a don who is young and dashing head of the mafia gang. What listeners say about Kolejne 365 dni [Another 365 Days] Average Customer Ratings. 365 DNI (365 Days) is based on Blanka Lipinska's novel of the same - but there are sequels that could see Anna-Maria Sieklucka and Michele Morrone return as Laura and Massimo Libro 3 di 3 nella serie 365 dni . Film 365 dni nazywany jest polskim Greyem. Księgarnia, Romanse. 365 dni: Books. Ciężarna Laura zostaje postrzelona. The biggest, and most obvious, reveals that Laura lives and their relationship remains highly problematic. Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. ", Lamparska, meanwhile, added: "Everything has stopped. The Polish-made film follows beautiful sales director Laura (Anna-Maria Sieklucka) as she is kidnapped by a mafia family member Massimo (Michele Morrone). The third and final book in the series, Kolejne 365 DNI (or Another 365 Days), follows the pair as the potential for parenthood dawns. Compre online Kolejne 365 dni, de Lipinska, Blanka na Amazon. Translated. The film ended on a cliffhanger as Laura vanished from Massimo's grasp, but will we get a follow-up? Zamów dostawę do dowolnego salonu i zapłać przy odbiorze! Slowly, Laura begins to fall for Nacho and there is a battle for her love between Nacho and Massimo. Massimo, the Don, informs her that he and his father were shot by their enemies. If 365 Dni Part 2 takes its story from the second book in the series, the movie is likely to start directly after the events of the first movie, ... Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days). You must be patient and wait. Kolejne 365 Dni Książka romantyczna już od 17,90 zł - od 17,90 zł, porównanie cen w 28 sklepach. W 2021 natomiast rozpoczną się zdjęcia do produkcji. Jeśli ktoś posiada poproszę 2 i 3 część na Z góry dziękuję . Am Lager. 1 365 dni de Blanka Lipinska (1 janvier 2018) Autres vendeurs sur Amazon - Broché 3 neufs à partir de EUR 10,79. 2.5 out of 5 stars 2.3 out of 5 5 Stars 1 4 Stars 0 3 Stars 0 2 Stars 0 1 Stars 2 Performance. środków komunikacji elektronicznej oraz telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celu przesyłania mi informacji handlowych oraz prowadzenia marketingu (np. Już wiadomo, na kiedy zaplanowano premierę "365 dni 2". That's all we needed to hear. It will probably be next year. Poprzednie książki, „365 dni” i „Ten dzień”, sprzedały się w nakładzie ponad 500 000 egzemplarzy. Ze moze on sie dla niej zmieni. Czy można prosić na maila 3 część "kolejne 365 dni" . 365 dni, traduit par 365 jours, est le premier livre de la trilogie de Lipinska sur le sexe et le syndrome de Stockholm. Comptes et Listes Compte ... Kolejne 365 dni 4,7 étoiles sur 5 254. Well, the first film is based on the novel of the same name by author Blanka Lipinska, which is only the first in a trilogy of novels. The movie 365 Dni deals with the story of Laura, who gets kidnapped by a don who is young and dashing head of the mafia gang. 2.5 out of 5 stars 2,3 sur 5 5 étoiles 1 4 étoiles 0 3 étoiles 0 2 étoiles 0 1 étoile 2 Performance. Massimo, the Don, informs her that he and his father were shot by their enemies. Mam takie same odczucia jak wszyscy . ⭐️ Najlepsza dziewiątka zdjęć z 2020 roku Maison a.s. na Instagramie...! Blanka Lipińska ma kolejną okazję do świętowania. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime. Unlike his sibling, Adriano studied in Britain and continues to reside there, having seemingly walked away from the … Wir haben es uns gemacht, Produkte aller Art zu vergleichen, damit Endverbraucher auf einen Blick den Kolejne 365 dni pdf ausfindig machen können, den Sie zuhause möchten. This was something confirmed by 365 Dni actors Anna Maria Sieklucka and Magdalena Lamparska, who played Laura and Olga in the Netflix movie. "Kolejne 365 dni" to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. He makes his pick, but the result changes the couple forever. Gość • 28 dni temu. While his father lost his life and Massimo was breathing his last, he saw an image of a girl who looked like Laura. Erotic thriller 365 DNI has been a huge hit since its debut on Netflix. En savoir plus. Odpowiedz. Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Grupę OLX sp. Listen online or offline with Android, iOS, web, Chromecast, and Google Assistant. Blanka Lipńska nie pozwala swoim fanom o sobie zapomnieć. Kolejne 365 dni; Kolejne 365 dni Blanka Lipińska-24%. Overall. Zobacz inne Romanse, najtańsze i najlepsze oferty, opinie.. Kolejne 365 dni by Blanka Lipinska, 9788326828423, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. However, the August production start date has been postponed—after all, with the world on lockdown, it would be hard enough for the movie to shoot in its native Poland, so an on-location shoot in Italy would be near impossible. 365 Dni (Traducida 365 días) es una película polaca de 2020 dirigida por Barbara Białowąs, basada en la novela homónima de Blanka Lipińska, la cual es la primera de una trilogía conformada por 365 Dni (2018), Ten Dzień (2018) y Kolejne 365 Dni (2019). W 3 części szukałam żeby ominąć nacho. The first is named 365 DNI (365 days), second is named Ten Dzeiń which means This Day while the third is called Kolejne 365 DNI, which means 'another 365 days'. Narrated by Anna Dereszowska. Powstaje druga część filmu "365 dni" Blanki Lipińskiej. "Kolejne 365 dni" to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. Kolejne 365 dni [Another 365 Days] Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Blanka Lipińska (Author), Anna Dereszowska (Narrator), Agora S.A. (Publisher) & 0 more 4.6 out of 5 stars 331 ratings Przeczytaj recenzję Kolejne 365 dni. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja sagi o Laurze Biel, która została porwana przez sycylijską mafię. Przeczytaj recenzję Kolejne 365 dni. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. Il est suivi par les romans Ten dzień et Kolejne 365 dni. Książka romantyczna Kolejne 365 Dni - opinie, komentarze o produkcie. The third and final book, Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days), came out in 2019—shocking, and angering, readers with its surprise ending. Let us know in the comments below. Verra t’on une suite ? 44,59 zł . In a Polish-language Instagram Q&A, the stars were asked when the sequel would start shooting. Sieklucka said: "We will not be able to go abroad to shoot this year because of the pandemic. newsletter, wiadomości SMS) przez Grupę OLX sp. '365 Dni' Book 2: a summary (SPOILERS) The sequel, titled "Ten Dzień" ("This Day"), was released in 2018 and introduces a few new characters, including Adriano, Massimo’s twin brother. 365 Dni ending explained. Get instant access to all your favorite books. Le contenu vaporeux et romantique du film a … z o.o. Jeśli komuś się wydaje, że Lipińskiej trudno będzie znów zaskoczyć czytelników, to powinien zapiąć pasy, bo Kolejne 365 dni jest niczym jazda rollercosterem! Although she could be appearing in a flashback in the sequel, as the character appears in book sequel Ten dzień, it is likely that she is alive and ready for more steamy scenes with her abductor-turned-lover. Visualizza tutti i formati e le edizioni Nascondi altri formati ed edizioni. Kup kolejne 365 dni w kategorii Romanse na Allegro - Strona 2 - Najlepsze oferty na największej platformie handlowej. Kolejna odsłona fenomenalnej serii „365 dni” to kolejna dawka emocji i fala namiętności. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Film "365 dni" doczeka się kontynuacji. Along the way, Laura is drawn increasingly to Massimo, leading to highly erotic scenes between the pair. 33,69 zł . z o.o., podmioty powiązane i partnerów biznesowych. Książka Kolejne 365 dni autorstwa Lipińska Blanka , dostępna w Sklepie EMPIK.COM w cenie 25,50 zł . Kolejne 365 dni w formie ebooka to książka autorstwa Blanki Lipińskiej, która na swoim koncie ma już niesamowity sukces z powieściami "365 dni" i "Ten dzień".Dwie pozycje sprzedały się w nakładzie ponad 500 000 egzemplarzy, co jest ewenementem na naszym polskim rynku książki. 365 Dni Part 2 (Ten dzień) Plot Summary. Witam czy mogłabym prosić o wysłanie trylogii na email . Découvrez toutes les infos concernant 365 DNI 2 sur Netflix ! As the second book sees her captured by a rival gang member, then it seems that the ending shows him capturing her. środków komunikacji elektronicznej oraz telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celu przesyłania mi informacji handlowych oraz prowadzenia marketingu (np. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja sagi o Laurze Biel, która została porwana przez sycylijską mafię. The first is named 365 DNI (365 days), second is named Ten Dzeiń which means This Day while the third is called Kolejne 365 DNI, which means 'another 365 days'. Yet, as the coronavirus pandemic disrupts the film industry, any filming on sequels will no doubt be delayed considerably. If 365 Dni Part 2 takes its story from the second book in the series, the movie is likely to start directly after the events of the first movie, ... Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days). Jej bestsellerowa powieść erotyczna "365 dni" została wydana w Brazylii. 365 DNI has two steamy sequels as Laura betrays Massimo for hot new hunk, When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. 365 DNI (365 Days) is available now on Netflix. Do przedsprzedaży weszła właśnie* trzecia książka Blanki Lipińskiej "Kolejne 365 dni"*.I wszystkie znaki na niebie i ziemi, a przede wszystkim w działach sprzedaży, wskazują, że po książkach "Ten dzień" i "365 dni" ta również nie będzie opuszczać półek z najlepiej sprzedającymi się pozycjami. Encontre diversos livros em Inglês e Outras Línguas com ótimos preços. Au global. 365 Dni Part 2 (Ten dzień) Plot Summary. Książka Kolejne 365 dni autorstwa Lipińska Blanka , dostępna w Sklepie EMPIK.COM w cenie 25,50 zł . Kup kolejne 365 dni w kategorii Romanse na Allegro - Strona 2 - Najlepsze oferty na największej platformie handlowej. A trip to another country, especially to Italy, would be too risky for the Polish crew at the moment.". Blanka Lipinska, who wrote the book the movie is based on, has written two more novels in the series, titled Ten dzień (This Day) and Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days). Regardless, when/if they do arrive, we are sure they will remain controversial just from the plot of the novels alone! Powstaje druga część filmu "365 dni" Blanki Lipińskiej. Druga część filmu 365 dni nazywa się Ten dzień i przedstawia dalsze losy Laury Biel zakochanej w brutalnym sycylijskim donie. However, Massimo is forced to choose between the life of his wife and the life of their unborn child. Overall. In fact, the scenes have been so raunchy that many were convinced the actors had real sex on camera, while others criticised the film for 'romanticising Stockholm syndrome'. The situation is similar in every country. In the end, Massimo manages to get Laura back, but she is left wounded in the process. Witam czy mogłabym prosić o wysłanie trylogii na email . Laura finds a sexy new relationship - with another kidnapper! Kolejne 365 dni na - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. 365 Dni (aka 365 Days) has been called by many the 'Polish 50 Shades of Grey' since the movie has become a minor phenomenon on Netflix, where it topped the streamer's U.S. charts over the weekend. Kontynuacja Bestsellerów "365 dni" i "Ten dzień". Zestaw 3 książek: 365 dni, Ten dzień, Kolejne 365 dni (Blanka Lipińska). KOLEJNE 365 DNI TO PORAŻKA, KTÓRA PSUJE SMAK 2 PIERWSZYCH. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime. Film "365 dni" doczeka się kontynuacji. Livre 1 sur 3 4,1 sur 5 étoiles 465 Evaluations clients. What listeners say about Kolejne 365 dni [Another 365 Days] Average Customer Ratings. However, fans have a long wait ahead of them to find out what this means for Laura and Massimo—and whether Laura will yet again confuse Stockholm Syndrome with love with another captor. Jeśli ktoś posiada poproszę 2 i 3 część na Z góry dziękuję . newsletter, wiadomości SMS) przez Grupę OLX sp. However, their new life together is cancelled when Laura is kidnapped by another crime boss: Marcelo "Nacho" Matos. Na kolejne 365 "Dni, których nie znamy" życzymy Wam dobra i spokoju. Ze ona sie z masimmo pogodzi. Książka romantyczna Kolejne 365 Dni - opinie, komentarze o produkcie. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Kolejne 365 dni (Polish Edition) at 365 Dni est un film polonais disponible sur Netflix en France.Les gens veulent savoir si 365 Dni 2 va voir le jour, mais attendez un peu ! Try Google Play Audiobooks today! Już wiadomo, na kiedy zaplanowano premierę "365 dni 2". Gość • 28 dni temu. There is, however, one silver lining from Sieklucka and Lamparska's Instagram video. Ewelina says: Posted on 7 marca, 2020 at 12:26 pm. You can unsubscribe at any time. Do przedsprzedaży weszła właśnie* trzecia książka Blanki Lipińskiej "Kolejne 365 dni"*.I wszystkie znaki na niebie i ziemi, a przede wszystkim w działach sprzedaży, wskazują, że po książkach "Ten dzień" i "365 dni" ta również nie będzie opuszczać półek z najlepiej sprzedającymi się pozycjami. Welche Faktoren es vor dem Kaufen Ihres Kolejne 365 dni pdf zu bewerten gibt. Ils se traduisent respectivement par Ce Jour et Encore 365 Jours. The second book also introduces Massimo's hunky twin brother Adriano, who opted for a life away from his criminal family to study in the UK. A jakie są Wasze ulubione wspomnienia z naszymi słodkościami w tym roku? Kolejne 365 dni. Poprzednie książki, „365 dni” i „Ten dzień”, sprzedały się w nakładzie ponad 500 000 egzemplarzy. Kolejne 365 dni na - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Z kolei, jeśli chodzi o to, kiedy 2. część filmu "365 dni", to - jak podała sama autorka bestsellera - premiera odbędzie się w 2022 roku. Naturally, the prospect of a sequel will go down a treat with fans of the show, some of whom have already been begging Netflix for a sequel. Ce que les auditeurs disent de Kolejne 365 dni [Another 365 Days] Moyenne des évaluations de clients. Jeśli komuś się wydaje, że Lipińskiej trudno będzie znów zaskoczyć czytelników, to powinien zapiąć pasy, bo Kolejne 365 dni jest niczym jazda rollercosterem! Blanka Lipinska, who wrote the book the movie is based on, has written two more novels in the series, titled Ten dzień (This Day) and Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days). See why nearly a quarter of a million subscribers begin their day with the Starting 5. 2.5 out of 5 stars 2.3 out of 5 5 Stars 1 4 Stars 0 3 Stars 0 2 Stars 0 1 Stars 2 Performance. To continue reading login or create an account. z o.o. Ze ona sie z masimmo pogodzi. Zamów dostawę do dowolnego salonu i zapłać przy odbiorze! To właśnie w okresie wakacyjnym nagrywane będą kolejne sceny do nowego filmu. Perhaps Michele Morrone will play dual roles in the sequels? We do not know exactly when we will be able to start. 365 dni by Blanka Lipińska. 365 dni 2 – opis . Do you want sequel films? Our. Podzielcie się z nami w komentarzach swoimi zdjęciami, na których uwieczniliście nasze desery. The first two books, 365 Dni (365 Days) and Ten dzień (That Day), were both published in 2018. Ze moze on sie dla niej zmieni. The hunky bad boy gives Laura a total of 365 Days to fall in love with him as he faces threats from other criminal elements. The movie 365 DNI has been trending and has assumed the number one spot in American as well as Indian Netflix as well. Kolejne 365 dni w formie ebooka to książka autorstwa Blanki Lipińskiej, która na swoim koncie ma już niesamowity sukces z powieściami "365 dni" i "Ten dzień".Dwie pozycje sprzedały się w nakładzie ponad 500 000 egzemplarzy, co jest ewenementem na naszym polskim rynku książki. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Blanka Lipińska (born 22 July 1985) is a Polish cosmetologist and author best known for her erotic trilogy beginning with Once rescued, the pair become engaged and get married, going on to live a life of luxury together. The second novel is entitled Ten Dzień (which means 'This Day') and sees Massimo rescue Laura from evil kidnappers. KOLEJNE 365 DNI TO PORAŻKA, KTÓRA PSUJE SMAK 2 PIERWSZYCH. And seeing as the film is based on the first of a sexy book trilogy by Blanka Lipinska—the subsequent novels are titled Ten dzień (This Day) and Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days)—there's plenty more plot to work with, but we'll get to that below. Massimo and Laura appear in two other novels after 365 DNI. Forum, komentarze, oceny, opinie dla Kolejne 365 Dni Kolejne 365 Dni najnowsze ogłoszenia na Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Grupę OLX sp. The third and final book in the series, Kolejne 365 DNI (or Another 365 Days), follows the pair as the potential for parenthood dawns. kolejne 365 dni pdf Frau Prof. Dr. Gesine Hempel October 27, 2019 Sie sehen, PDFs sind ein Exklusiv Format durch Adobe, die ihre sehr haben, besitzen wenig Eigenheiten herein Interessen zur Automatisierung der Praxis von extrahierend Informationen von jeder Datei. However, Massimo is … Witam. Dostępne ponad 10 sztuk. „365 DNI” to film jakiego w Polsce jeszcze nie było‼️ Zobacz zwiastun najgorętszej premiery tego roku! Czy można prosić na maila 3 część "kolejne 365 dni" . Herzlich Willkommen auf unserem Testportal. Autorka pokazała prezenty od wydawcy. Bonjour Entrez votre adresse Livres Bonjour, S'identifier. The Polish erotic thriller is based on a novel with the same name by Blanka Lipinska. Like 50 Shades before it, it seems that 365 Dni might become a trilogy of films. The film industry has just frozen. Aller au contenu Date de sortie etc. However, that does not mean that Part 2 will be plain sailing for the couple. Laura i Massimo przeżyli już swoje i nie było łatwo. W 3 części szukałam żeby ominąć nacho. Kolejne 365 Dni najnowsze ogłoszenia na Kolejne 365 dni Voir le livre. Gość • 46 dni temu Ciężarna Laura zostaje postrzelona. What did you think of 365 DNI (365 Days)? Odpowiedz. Gość • 46 dni temu explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. You have 4 free articles remaining this month, Sign-up to our daily newsletter for more articles like this + access to 5 extra articles. Gość • 45 dni temu. With the start date of production on Part 2 of 365 Dni unknown, a late 2021 release date is likely, though fans may have to wait until 2022 for more erotic misadventures between Laura and Massimo (Michele Morrone). [1] Fue protagonizada por Anna-Maria Sieklucka y Michele Morrone. z o.o., podmioty powiązane i partnerów biznesowych. Bądźcie z nami przez kolejne 365 dni! And seeing as the film is based on the first of a sexy book trilogy by Blanka Lipinska—the subsequent novels are titled Ten dzień (This Day) and Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days)—there's plenty more plot to work with, but we'll get to that below. Encontre diversos livros em Inglês e Outras Línguas com ótimos preços. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Kolejne 365 dni (Polish Edition) at 365 dni 2 – kiedy premiera kontynuacji hitu Blanki Lipińskiej? Compre online Kolejne 365 dni, de Lipinska, Blanka na Amazon. No monthly commitment. The first is named 365 DNI (365 days), second is named Ten Dzeiń which means This Day while the third is called Kolejne 365 DNI, which means 'another 365 days'. The second movie in the franchise has already been announced, and the as-yet-untitled 365 Dni 2 was meant to start shooting this summer in the same Sicily locations as the first movie. That's all we needed to hear. Ewelina says: Posted on 7 marca, 2020 at 12:26 pm. ⇨ Zobacz i zamów z dostawą już od 5,99 zł Promocje nawet do -50%, kliknij i sprawdź > Witam. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Kolejne 365 dni audiobook written by Blanka Lipińska. 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and very soon, Grease viewers cringe over 'rapey and sexist' scenes - but slam ban debate, As debate over the content of classic 1978 musical Grease intensifies, many on social media have noted the film's problematic elements but disagree with discussion of a ban, Disney Pixar's Soul faces backlash from disappointed viewers over racial insensitivity, Disney Pixar's latest creation Soul has faced mixed reviews as some viewers pointed out that there was an element of racial insensitivity by casting Tina Fey as that character 22, 'I can’t accept the awful baby name my sister-in-law has chosen for my niece', A woman is arguing with her brother-in-law after he pointed out a potential issue with her name choice and warned that she will be bullied at school if she doesn't change it, Ex-EastEnders star Nick Berry looks unrecognisable during visit to tip, Ex-EastEnders star Nick Berry turned heads during a visit to the tip as he showed off his huge white beard on the outing with his wife Rachel Robertson, Arsenal snap up Omar Rekik in first bit of January transfer window business, Arsenal have bagged their first signing of the January transfer window, with Hertha Berlin star Omar Rekik set to sign after completing a medical, Liverpool set for huge injury boost ahead of Premier League summit meeting with Man Utd, The Reds have been decimated at the back this season, and had to resorted to a centre-back pairing of two central midfielders in the defeat against Southampton, Five Man Utd stars who impressed Pep Guardiola in last year's Carabao Cup semi-final, Man Utd face Man City in the Carabao Cup semi-finals for the second straight season - and Pep Guardiola singled out five rivals for praise after their meeting at this stage last year, Mum of baby treated in hospital for Covid lists key symptoms to look out for, Myer Rudelhoff, from Basildon, Essex, was shocked to find her four-month-old baby George had caught Covid after being advised to take him to hospital, Gary Lineker agrees with Gary Neville's John Stones assessment amid Man City revival, John Stones backed up his impressive recent form by scoring in City's Carabao Cup semi-final win over Manchester United - and pundits praised the defender's resurgence, Kate Garraway returns to GMB after 'calamitous' Christmas without Derek Draper, Kate Garraway has returned to Good Morning Britain after her "calamitous" Christmas with husband Derek Draper in hospital, Carlo Ancelotti wades into Frank Lampard sack debate as pressure mounts on Chelsea boss, Ancelotti and Glenn Hoddle had their say after Chelsea's defeat to Manchester City turned up the heat on Lampard, whose side have lost four of their last six Premier League games, Liverpool transfer round-up: Reds 'planning something interesting' as Ramos linked, Liverpool have yet to make any moves in the current window but may already be looking ahead to the summer, EXCLUSIVE: Become an NHS volunteer and help millions of Brits get the coronavirus vaccine, The Daily Mirror, the Labour Party and the TUC are launching a ‘Let’s Vaccinate Britain’ campaign to sign up thousands of volunteers as NHS England needs 50,000 stewards to help roll out the vaccine, David and Victoria Beckham 'secretly flew to Miami' hours before lockdown, David and Victoria Beckham reportedly flew out of the UK before the third national lockdown so that they could work on projects in the United States, Mum-to-be given devastating breast cancer diagnosis when 31 weeks pregnant, Claire Hilton-Ellison, from Merseyside, was given the bombshell diagnosis after more than seven months pregnant after spotting a pea-sized lump that her 'gut feeling' told her was something serious, London hospitals 'fortnight from being overwhelmed with Covid' in 'best case scenario', According to an NHS presentation seen by HSJ, hospitals in the capital will be short of nearly 2,000 general and acute and intensive care beds even under a "best case scenario", Donald Trump's own Cabinet 'weighs up' booting him out early after Capitol riots, Democratic members of the US House of Representatives have called for Donald Trump to be removed from office amid reports his own cabinet are considering invoking the 25th amendment, Covid vaccine sent to 180 GP-run sites as doctors 'told to stand down routine care', Family doctors have reportedly been told the vaccine must be their 'top priority' and they should consider 'postponing other activities' to aid the acceleration of the rollout, Snow and -10C for freezing Britain today with Beast from the East next week, Met Office snow and ice warnings are in place for much of the country over the next two days wth the Beast from the East set to sweep across the UK next week bringing bitterly cold weather, Joe Biden calls on Donald Trump to 'step up' - as President tells violent protesters 'go home', President-elect Joe Biden has called on Donald Trump to go live on air and call off the siege on the Capitol, Witness describes horrific moment woman was shot dead by police in Capitol riots, Trump supporter Thomas said the woman was shot in the neck after failing to heed police officers' commands to get back from the Capitol building's windows - before falling back onto him, Horrifying moment gunfire erupts inside US Capitol as Trump rioters clash with police, WARNING - DISTRESSING CONTENT: Mobs of pro-Donald Trump protesters have clashed with police and stormed the US Capitol with shocking footage showing the moment gunfire broke out, Fury at US Capitol policeman caught posing for selfie with Trump-supporting rioter, The officer was captured sharing a friendly nod with the pro-Trump supporter as hostile rioters stormed the US Capitol in a brazen and violent attempt to stop the democratic process, Democrats seize US Senate after Georgia victory confirmed amid Capitol riots, Democratic challenger Rev Raphael Warnock is the state of Georgia's first black US senator, while fellow Democrat Jon Ossoff was victorious as the party seized control of the Senate.