Eurovelo 3: la via dei pellegrini. As far as I could see, the land was entirely made of creamy cracked clay and rocks. 143 – Polar Trinity mountain bike (Serbian made, seems to work fine to me, don’t know much about it) Except for the gravity, I could have been biking the moon. Today was Goran’s birthday, so he arrived at 7am, picked me up and set off along the coast towards Dubrovnik. Paolo ed Antony attraverseranno ben 3 paesi : Italia, Francia e Spagna. I’ve fallen in a habit of finding a spot around 4pm, setting up and eating something by 5, doing the necessary things like washing and such, then writing and reading until the sun is gone. There are no timings, no ratings, no prizes. A little disappointing. But I have cycled a lot around Sydney and I know that when I’m on a bicycle, I feel entirely, dizzyingly, free. This is something I was very happy to do! Last updated on February 3, 2020 By Dave Briggs Leave a Comment. EuroVelo8 Paesi. Then heading northwest down a mountain road with spectacular scenery towards Risan, where I have a contact ready to take me in and show me around. Una volta arrivati in città, dopo aver percorso oltre 1.300 km in bicicletta, affronteranno la Maratona di Valencia. I’ve even been known to let out a few loud ‘wooohoooooo’s, throwing a fist in the air when coasting down mountains. I figure those scary nights wild camping alone in countries that I don’t know will just be another exhilarating “holy $%*#… how on earth will I ever survive this” experience that leaves me a more confident and happier person. Read the full bike touring blog here: Bicycle touring Risan. With half an hour till closing I smiled my way into free admission, feeling like a naughty child running around the rooms of this enormous extravagant home, snapping photos until the attendant found me and told me that photos weren’t allowed. I repaired that inner tube and set out again. Linking EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route and EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route, this bike trip goes through the Pyrenees from sea to sea, exploring unique landscapes. Today marks a full week on the road, if you count the three day stop in Risan. I had enough space for everything and didn’t regret them because they brought a little indulgence and comfort to what can become a fairly austere lifestyle. Leaving Podgorica, the view was breathtaking. Check out my post trip review of bike touring gear here: Bike touring gear review, Filed Under: Meet The Cyclists - Travel Blogs, Your email address will not be published. I found another off-season camp-ground down at the beach, just as I was wondering whether it would be possible to camp at the waterfront. So here’s the deal. Sleeping/yoga mat – to pick up from InterSport on the way out of the city. Read more here: Week 7 Eurovelo 8 Bike Tour: A Change of Plans. Da Torino a Cuneo sull'itinerario Eurovelo 8. Hello! EuroVelo, la rete ciclabile europea, è un progetto del ECF (European Cyclists' Federation teso a sviluppare una rete di 15 itinerari ciclabili di lunga percorrenza attraverso tutto il continente europeo. Bicycle Touring Italy – Week 4 Cycling the Eurovelo Route 8, Week 7 Eurovelo 8 Bike Tour: A Change of Plans, Ferries from Milos to other Greek islands in the Cyclades, How to travel from Mykonos to Sikinos island by ferry, Mykonos to Sifnos Ferry Services, Routes, and Schedules. Nothing but the road broke the continuity. Easter Sunday was a big day. Eurovelo 7: il percorso del sole. His rules are that visitors can stay as long as they like, provided that they don’t cost him anything. I was feeling forlorn at that point, and certainly looked the part. Local Bike Shop Sports Team. He returned proudly with the spoon full of water. Fin out more here: Week 10 Bike touring Spain. Cetinje is about a 36km climb from Podgorica, and to a seasoned cyclist this would only take about two hours. Click Here. Le tracce GPS dell'itinerario cicloturistico Eurovelo 8, la rotta del Mediterraneo tra Cadiz in Spagna e Atene in Grecia Needless to say, I wasn’t very cheerful when I woke around 2am, freezing and damp. Eurovelo 4: il percorso dell’Europa Centrale. I had no patches left in my repair kit and new tyres wouldn’t be so cheap, let alone all the other bits and pieces. Then he proceeded to feed me an absolutely delicious meal of pork stew, pasta and bread. L’isola è infatti divisa in due da quando, nel 1974, l’esercito turco ne invase la parte nord, instaurando una repubblica indipendente. My change of plans will shape the next six months. Often people will stay a while, help on some project and then continue along. A sign directed me onto it and Ms Anne Mustoe was right, at least for the first five kilometres. Italian roads so far are a dream, I actually didn’t change gears that entire day except to allow myself to stand and give my seat a rest. So my paints and charcoals, makeup and hair product are included, and camping cookware isn’t. Budget bike touring, here we go. Read the full bike touring blog here: Camping in Cavtat. He slowed and asked where I was from, which lead to a conversation and exchange of details, along with an invite to stay at his place in the Slovenian town of Ilirska Bistrica, should I pass that way. Eurovelo 8 en Provence. Troll country is mountainous desolation strewn with grey stones where I imagine monstrous mythical creatures the color of the rock live in caves and war with each other. Instead I bought an apple pastry from a supermarket and sat by my bicycle in the carpark to make use of a free wifi hotspot. I’m sure some student will give her a new and easier life. I’m sitting in a sun-filled living room while three Italian guys play bongo drums to Bob Marley in a haze of smoke, two dogs dance, and a green-eyed girl whose name I can’t pronounce sits quietly typing away, sipping sweet black coffee. One of the beautiful things about traveling solo is that you don’t have to follow anyone else’s schedule. What attracted me was the sign “W. Here's her story. Below are excerpts from her posts, and there are also links to each original post. 105 – front LED light, back safety light, back rack, upgraded saddle, bell, bottle holder, seat bag, gloves, helmet, pump, repair patches, tyre lever, spare inner tubes, Local Sporting Store I’ve found that I’m enjoying the intermittent inland detours that the road takes. EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route [EV8] (EuroVelo 8) - Operator: European Cyclists' Federation Looking back on my cycling tour across South Europe, it seems a little debrief would be helpful. Planning successful cycle routes: EuroVelo 19 as a best practice example – Part 2. Finally when he returned the old man was satisfied. 5 – bicycle lock a Vittorio Veneto (TV). The reason he didn’t move to Australia when he was fleeing the problems in Croatia was because a friend told him that down under all we have is “poisonous snakes and no women.” So Canada it was, where he did everything from painting to boating. Per usare questo sito devi autorizzarci ad usare i cookie, ma non facciamo nessuna operazione particolare. I have wings. Il Portale del Cicloturismo . I’d recommend it in a heartbeat. Sei qui Home » Slovenia » Eurovelo 8 in bicicletta: alla scoperta della costa slovena lungo la Parenzana In un assolato fine settimana di maggio, approfittando della vicinanza geografica tra il Friuli Venezia Giulia e la Slovenia, abbiamo vissuto due bellissime giornate oltreconfine. I started the morning at 6am with an orange, was pushing my bicycle up a mountain by 6:30am, riding through troll country until 9:30am when I finally reached civilization in the form of Senj and had a proper sandwich with coffee for breakfast. Il percorso fa parte dell'itinerario Mediterraneo Eurovelo 8 Details. Clearly the local government and town planners are investing in maintaining and developing it as a place where people want to be, with well-preserved older architecture, innovative uses of space, lots of greenery (the tram-tracks are lush grassy strips!) Showers – tuz” and the old bicycle hanging from a tree. Percorso Eurovelo 8. I rolled into Cetinje just as rain started to fall. La Ciclovia EuroVelo 8, o Ciclovia Mediterranea, collega Cadice a Cipro e attraversa la provincia di Mantova sugli argini del Po. Eurovelo 5: via Romea Francigena. You don’t have to feel competition. It’s not bad considering how cheap the rest of this bicycle adventure is going to be – camping or couchsurfing, and eating simple food. After a day or so there, I’ll jump on the Euro Velo #8 towards Croatia along the coast. I was expecting to make this my first night of camping, and by around 3pm was starting to consider whether to ask at a farmhouse or a church for permission to pitch my tent, when I came across Marko’s Flea Market in Mikulići, Croatia. Eurovelo … I pushed my bike into town and sat under a tree to think. Perhaps I’ll love it so much I’ll just continue cycling all summer! I’ve also found everything I need for my epic biking tour, all for well under 500 euros. The road was awfully dusty, with bridge after bridge over smaller roads and suburbs, me picking my way through the gravel and broken glass alongside almost stationary traffic. News. Domokos, Termpopili, Tebe sono solo alcuni dei luoghi storici più belli che si attraversano lungo il percorso. Read the full bike touring blog here: Biking to Kotor. Click Here. We sat up into the evening while he shared stories of his life. Today, I sprinted along stretches of inland wilderness, reaching the bustling city of Sibernik just after lunch. I took a small road to escape the dust and immediately got a flat tyre. Most of the way it was a beautiful ride through almost flat farmland and small villages. Again the young man went to the place, this time paying such close attention to the spoon that he didn’t see any beauty at all. The route Eurovelo 8, is dedicated to the exploration of the northern Mediterranean coast, with 5,900 kilometers of cycle route from Cadiz, in Spain, up to Cyprus, passing through France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece.. About 8km from the Slovenian border I stopped at a roadside memorial to snack on some tuna and beetroot, when Zoran rolled past on his touring bicycle, panniers and all. Read the full bike touring blog post here: Cycling in Italy Week 5. I’ve found plenty to see and do in the city. At only 17 euros a night for a single room, I think I got the cheapest room in town! People are smiling and expressive, they dress well with awesome hairstyles. So I unloaded her, tied my sleeping bag, mat and tent to my backpack, took what I needed from my panniers and left her next to a university with bags, tools, and even the keys sitting in the lock. Organizzazione Randonnée di Pinocchio: 53 km nel paese del burattino più famoso del mondo. I love the story – travelling (and living life generally) is all about finding that balance between enjoyment and focus. Soft boiled cauliflower with olive oil and salt, fresh-baked dark bread, some strong cheese and a variety of preserved tasty things in jars. Si chiama EuroVelo 8, e nelle intenzioni di chi l'ha ideata dovrebbe essere una lunga ciclovia capace di collegare varie località europee del Bacino Mediterraneo. Jill & Florence’s Insider Tips: #RestartCycleTourism with a staycation. Sneaky.) Filtra la ricerca per Categorie : Tag : Date. Podgorica doesn’t fit it’s unflattering reputation. A close friend of mine left Australia some years ago to do something that to me was unheard of and totally awesome. On the upside, my leg muscles seem to have accepted their fate and weren’t even tired after such a mammoth effort. Required fields are marked *. Apparently in the days before electric lights and the industrial revolution, there is ample evidence to suggest that most people went to bed early and woke for an hour or two in the middle of the night, and then slept again. Paolo ha attraversato ben 7 paesi sempre pedalando lungo la costa del Mar Adriatico: Italia, Slovenia, Croazia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro, Albania e Grecia. So when I woke up this morning for the second time to a dripping tent and aching legs, when I growled audibly and swore at the mountains I had to climb, questioning my motives for doing it at all, and when the prospect of cycling 100km out of my way to see the ancient gnarly olive trees no longer appealed to me at all, I reminded myself that it didn’t matter. Eurovelo 9: dal Baltico all’Adriatico. 2 – spare batteries, Local Plastic Shop I arrived to the big house in Padova with a messy yard and yelled “Ciao! Clearly I needed new tyres too. Flowers and farmhouses, blue skies and greenery everywhere, tumbling white stones and wild flowers making gardens of every bit of road-side land. (biking Slovenia), Full travel blog post here: Day 17 blog post. (bicycle touring spain). This time the young man was able to enjoy all of the beauty of the world, while maintaining just enough focus to prevent the water spilling from the spoon. Then he sent me off with a hug and good wishes for my future.