Master of Tourism programs in France build on the foundational education in the field established in a related bachelor's program and/or through professional work experience. Mathematician Pascal Frey heads the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ISCD). In this regard, the MIT Master training program focuses on issues of tourism destination attractiveness and coordination of public and private actors by addressing questions related to:• Management of factor endowments, particularly cultural and natural ones (CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM)• Attractiveness and destination strategies (INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND ATTRACTIVENESS OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS)• Funding incentives, impact, and development strategies in the hotel sector (HOTEL INVESTMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES)• Tourism governance in the context of metropolization and globalization (GLOBAL METROPOLISES AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM). The MIT Master is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). Accommodation in hosts families can be provided upon request: it is a great way to immerse in French culture. var div = document.getElementById('M9027553539052074'); History. Université Paris Sud EIT Digital Master School - University Paris Sud The EIT Digital Master School is a collaboration between the best technical universities in Europe, top European research institutes and leading business partners. Graduates from accredited Master in Tourism programs in France, such as the ones listed below, go on to fill managerial, supervisory, entrepreneurial or executive roles in a range of businesses, such as resorts, hotels, resta… div.parentNode.insertBefore(a, div); The MIT Master is a one … Being home to the highest number of highly educated persons, Paris has several prestigious universities in France. Admission process. Students can learn about the business and how to effectively plan good tours. M5609013856530115 +=""; var M6633866064360137="irestmaster1"; { Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University (PSL) Number one among the top universities in Paris … OVERVIEW The Management of International Tourism (MIT) Master’s Degree provides international students with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, and skills that are highly valued by specialist public institutions and … Research; Winners of the … They can provide you with personal and professional skills to accelerate your development. M5609013856530115 +="@"; var a = document.createElement('a'); div.parentNode.insertBefore(a, div); The Master’s in International Affairs and Development opens pathways to international careers. Master 2 Management de l'Art et Tourisme Culturel Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, ranked n°50 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Paris is the most populated city in France and its capital. { They are also an opportunity to differentiate yourself from your peers, many of whom will have similar A-level and undergraduate qualifications. The applicant must continue their master’s degree with Ph.D. in above-mentioned subjects. 27 Sep, 2020: New edition of Masters in Management (Management). Paul BERETTI. 01 53 55 27 79 > Scolarité des Master 2 : Health. Marketing (QS Business Masters (2020)) #6 #3 . The benefits of a Masters extend beyond improving your earning potential. It is organized during the summer and takes place in Sceaux (Paris region). The Management of International Tourism (MIT) Master’s Degree provides international students with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, and skills that are highly valued by specialist public institutions and tourism operators.The MIT Master is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). durable, Outils et méthodes d'observation du tourisme. div.parentNode.removeChild(div); The degree is completed at Dauphine-PSL and awarded by Université PSL. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. Please refine your filters. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has developed a wide range of international degrees so that all students can benefit from the university’s ongoing internationalisation, many of which give students the opportunity to study abroad. UE2 : International Tourism & Attractiveness of Tourism Dest, Les politiques de coopération internationale, Tourisme International et réduction de la pauvreté, UE3 : Hotel Investments & Development Strategies, Droit International Public et Privé, anglo-saxon du tourisme, UE4 : Global Metropolises and International Tourism, City branding, construction territoriale et toursime, Métropolisation, globalisation et tourisme, Politiques d'attractivité - tourisme et territoire national, Master parcours Management of International Tourism. • 58 Master’s degrees with 155 specialisations • 8 Faculties • 6 Doctoral Schools . Prerequisites. They can provide you with personal and professional skills to accelerate your development. It also aims to train managers for big international tourism operators: airlines, tour operators, international consulting firms, consultants, financial operators, etc. Head teacher. & financement des institutions cult. { Masters Programs in Tourism 2021 in Paris in France. Scroll to programs. Parmi les institutions réputées, citons le master en Tourisme, aménagement touristique et développement des destinations de l’université d’Angers. . +, The Master of Science (M.Sc.) Paris Descartes University (French: Université Paris 5 René Descartes), also known as Paris V, was a French public research university located in Paris.. Organization of the Master’s Degree 1 st year. M4227612668239561 +="@"; Program Objectives: Deepen and widen students’ knowledge in economics, sociology of organizations and networks, as well as international political relations, international law studies, … // -->, (irestmaster1 @, Linda Boukhris, Lecturer in Geography : (sebastien.jacqot @ Université. Les étudiants ayant validé leur Master 1 poursuivent en Master 2 et n’entrent pas sur le marché du travail. Other options within this field of study: This programme offers a first-class business education for young professionals wanting to pursue an international and fast-moving career in the hospitality and tourism industry and even beyond. WEBINARS. Home › Master › Tourism › France › Île-de-France › Paris › Paris The benefits of a Masters extend beyond improving your earning potential. Other areas might be covered, including leisure management, cultural tourism, event leadership, sustainable tourism and marketing strategies. a.appendChild(div.childNodes[0]); Insertion professionnelle. BACHELORS OF ARTS & MASTER OF SCIENCE in collaboration with Coventry University. Université Paris-Est includes all of the area’s public institutions of higher It plays host to leading centers of learning and the arts in the European region. Send us an email to find out about your eligibility and the procedure: France, officially the French Republic, is a unitary semi-presidential republic located mostly in Western Europe, with several overseas regions and territories. a.setAttribute('class', 'simple'); UE 2 Conception et montage de projets touristiques, Diagnostic territorial, étude de faisabilité, étude d'impact, Montage juridique des projets d'aménagement touristique, Outils et techniques d'analyse de la métropole touristique, Institutions internationales, géopolitique et mondialisation, L'internationalisation de la demande touristique, Politiques d'attractivité à l'international, Spécialisation touristique et compétitivité internationale, Tourisme international et économies émergentes, Gestion des marques touristiques et hôtelières, Stratégies des firmes touristiques:stratégies concurrentiell, UE 2 Préservation et médiation du patrimoine, Le patrimoine culturel : approches théoriques et pratiques, Les outils de la protection du patrimoine naturel & culturel, Multimédia, nouvelles technologies et patrimoine, UE 3 Patrimoine et tourisme. The Pôle de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (PRES) were organized from 2007 to 2013 as groupings of higher education and research institutions in France; these are now replaced largely by the new Communities of … The benefits of a Masters extend beyond improving your earning potential. A tourism education may teach the skills needed in the tourism industry. There are partnership … Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne MASTER TOURISM MIT Management of international tourism Photos: Pixabay, 2015. To apply in Master 1, please follow this link To apply in Master 2, please follow this link For … NB. The Paris Physics Master is a two-year Master's program in physics, taught in English, in Paris (France). News. After 1885, it became the most important university in France; and, nowadays, it is still one of … M6633866064360137 +="@"; Other scholarships . They can provide you with personal and professional skills to accelerate your development. var div = document.getElementById('M18409781419396642'); Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. // -->, irestmaster2 @ (irestmaster2 @