Once you go above 1800 cr, this might be something to consider, especially if the enemy team has multiple ways to keep one or more people in the Spite Zone. Other secondary stats are also boosted by similar strats, but versatility will usually give you the most bang for your buck since it’ll be far more consistent regardless of your other secondary stats, since you’ll get the full benefit of versatility even while CC’d. This thread is trying to prove how paladins are bad,maybe/debatable but look at the remaining specks i named and tell me its not the same case as with retri. (e.g. Best Double dps comp with Ret Paladin for 2v2? From a pvp standpoint, you’ll want to keep your corruption at or below 39 at all times. Note that Azerite Pieces can still drop from this if the reward is 430, 445 or 460 ilvl. I would also like to express that classes like hybrids from the past never integrated that well with the community and with this new game design so you have paladins,shamans,druids gimping in this limbo are they or arent they good. He was playing with a lot of corruption, though, which may have been causing a lot of the problem. These four sources are the closest a person can get to guaranteeing a corruption effect without spending any Echoes of Ny’alotha. As for raiding and PvP, ret is also very far behind at the top level. Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite serves a similar role to Corrupted Gladiator’s Maledict as a versatile option for securing a kill. Here are the best Covenants for Retribution Paladin. And strong DPS classes are strong on any given week, whereas weak DPS classes are weak in any given week. Similarly, non-trinket items from the mythic+ weekly chest are guaranteed to have a random corruption. Weakest PvP druid spec but ok. Since Echoing Void and Twilight Devastation are reliant on either standing on your opponents or compromising your position to maximize your dps, I’d recommend prioritzing some of the other corruption effects or going for more stat buffs instead. I dont talk about pure dps here, if a class is good or bad doesnt only rely on dps, class utility and what it brings to a raid/m+ should be more important than pure dps imho, I havent played pala in over 10 years and im genuinely curious about what you guys think , the actual pala players, Edit: Im not talking about “world first” and super competitive stuff, i ask from a regular player perspective ( i assume most players dont do highly competitive runs). From my experience retri is solid as any other class out there(aside of BM hunter thats just easy level of play), From my experience retri is solid as any other class out there(aside of BM hunter thats just easy level of play). 4d. It’s just different than other class utilities, because their utility will mostly help with off healing which can be very useful. Its great dps, but its pain to get gear as ret, also the worst think about ret in m+ is how squishy the ret is, your effective hp will be always very low and your selfhealing will be pretty low compare to most other classes… anyway dps is okish, utility is good, bop is very useful, freedom is good and world of glory is glorious. In particular, if you’re able to land a full stun or pull the target back into the middle of the Spite Zone, you’re in a very good spot to kill them as their corruption rises. Grasping Tendrils and Eye of Corruption should be manageable in most situations. The stat priority for Retribution Paladin in PvP is as follows: Strength; Haste; Versatility; Mastery; Critical Strike. Angel Cleave : Ret/Spriest/Rsham PHP : Ret/Hunter/Disc RRP : Ret/Rogue/Disc RLS 2.0 : Ret/Lock/Rsham RMP 2.0 : Ret/Mage/Disc Ret/Dk/Rogue Ret/Hunter/Rogue Ret/Ret/DK (isn't that good though) There is the long/hard to explain part. And that’s on top of all of the other negative effects from corruption. Hence “At higher M+ keys”. Which would be fine if we had great utility to bring to the table, but we really don’t. Saying that their utility is not useful is nonsense. “CORRUPTION.EXE, Blood DK Arena” Youtube, uploaded by StratovariusWOW on 11 Feb, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6lNbrlXccY, “supatease ded” Twitch.tv, uploaded by Pikabooirl, clipped by datsphilthy on 16 Feb, 2020 https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyDarlingLobsterRlyTho, “Here’s a Warlock playing Demonic Circle because he KNOWS the puddle is being played, and outplays it”Twitch.tv, uploaded by Method, clipped by ConcernedGaming on 14 Feb, 2020 https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyBlazingClintNotATK. I usually have my PvE Retribution and tank specs enabled. Occasionally I will switch to PvE. This means that if you’re looking to minmax yourself in pvp, you’re going to have to do some pve. As a retribution main i can confirm this’s so true i only get picked due to i have a really good item level so i can get to prove that i am quite skilled. If you’re looking to throw in some damage, you can probably follow the ranged (Disc, R Druid/Shaman, H Priest) or melee (MW, H Pally) recommendations, with the slight change of putting Infinite Stars at the top if you can apply a DoT to the enemy time for consistent damage instead of burst. wotlk 3.3.5. See the most popular corruption affixes for Retribution Paladin in World of Wacraft As it stands, having good corruption effects helps a ton for landing kills, forcing defensives and being a nuisance. NOTE: As of 5/19, MOTHER sells 6 out of the 52 total corruptions in exchange for Echoes of Ny’alotha. If the enemy cast it, it’ll show as a dark blue/black circle directly under your character, which will also make it very difficult to see stuff like Shaman totems or a Mage’s Meteor cast. Especially, since many of us are attached to our mains. I play Holy/ret in 15+ keys and do alot of dmg because of mast corruption and vission of perfection (crusader talent/Traits+) All depends on the build and that you can play it okey ish. Corruption is a volatile system with no guarantees until you open the box. This means that early on, or if you’re coming in on an alt, I’d recommend working on leveling your cloak. A big part of the problem is that people see Paladin better as Tank and Healer and on top of that they are always Up there. The corruption increase of 3 corruption/second will stack however, so 3 spites stacks on a single person will result in 20 + 27 additional corruption if the target is in the Spite Zone for 3 seconds. Finally, literally just stack all of one corruption type to go all in. This guide goes through the various talent choices available to you as a Retribution Paladin and gives you the best combinations you can take. Human gives you the option to break out of stuns every 90 seconds when playing with Gladiator’s Medallion or to play with Relentless and still have a way to break out of important stuns with Every Man for Himself In this video you will see how masterful build performs in mythic plus on a retribution paladin. Even the stat procs, if on different stats, will provide a more consistent increase in dps/hps. You’ll be able to unconsciously use this to your advantage. Introduction. Masterful is very strong for PvE and still is strong in PvP, but you will be a lot less durable. First and foremost, stacking versatility corruptions is a surefire to both protect yourself and deal some damage. Finally, because the 1-19 and 20-39 range are indistinguishable from each other, your level of corruption is practically invisible. In theory, having multiple people use the Breach can make it very easy for the opposing team to lose track of your team since your nameplates disappear as well. We discuss the strengths of these compositions, as well as explaining the role that you, as a Retribution Paladin, would play in them. Most of the other trinkets are pretty usable either for pve or pvp, so if you’re aren’t looking to push rating that high, you can grab whatever else strikes your fancy. We can build this specialization to be a top contender in Battleground team fights, 1v1's, World PvP, and Arena. Tbh I haven’t played my pala since late 8.2 but when I did I almost always did top dps on aoe in m+ (which is 90% of the time) from just wake of ashes + divine storm procs together with VoP procs. It can help and it can most certainly hurt. I am a Ret Moderator/Theorycrafter/Templar in the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord, and you can check me out in-game under the name Ilivath.I have been raiding Mythic progression for a long time, and I have played a Retribution Paladin as my main for even longer. WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Best Retribution Paladin Covenant for PvP and in General – My Opinion. Best Double dps comp with Ret Paladin for 2v2? There’s just not much point in bringing a Retribution along for m+. With patch 8.3 also came two new trinkets available from PVP sources: Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite and Corrupted Gladiator’s Breach. The purpose of this thread is to provide a specific place for newer and inexperienced players to learn how to play their spec/class a bit, and for older and more experienced players to discuss and theorycraft regarding Retribution PvE. When it comes to their dps, they rely heavily on their traits and sadly vision of perfection procs, but it’s not like they are bottom of the pack. This thread is trying to prove how paladins are bad,maybe/debatable but look at the remaining specks i named and tell me its not the same case as with retri. However, there are certain caveats that should be kept in mind.The following snips are part of this post: https://www.wowhead.com/news=310122/patch-8-3-hotfixes-for-january-27th-2020-spirit-drinker-fix-trinket-tuning-corru Sometimes, you will just get beaten down or win outright; corruption likely won’t be the sole reason for it, though it will play a noticeable part. Holy Paladins running Glimmer will want Ineffable Truth/Severe/Strikethrough). This guide ended up being very long, so we decided to split it in different pages. Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performance in PvP. 4c. Yeah their damage is solid, but their utility specifically for m+ isn’t all that useful. Strength is the best stat in all situations. My personal advice would be to stay below 40 for progression content and below 60 if you're comfortable stunning/using defensive abilities later on. To counteract the negative effects of corruption, the legendary cloak, https://www.wowhead.com/item=169223/ashjrakamas-shroud-of-resolve#reward-from-q, is needed. The best way to find out what Gear and Azerite Traits to pick is to download the “Simulationcraft” Addon. In addition, how certain effects function can be an advantage or disadvantage. 4b. Nightmare Tear 4.2. 1. Ret paladin corruption With the versatility nerf, is it better to change over to surging vitaility or a mix of VERS % and surging vitaility? While the various procs (Twisted Appendage, Infinite Stars, etc.) Doing various activities in BfA will still provide Echoes in addition to the usually goodies. As seen in the above videos, rated PVP is wack in 8.3, mostly because of corruption. Both crafted gear and cleansed gear can have corruption applied to it. As of now, there are four main sources of guaranteed corruption on pieces. There is some counterplay to Spite though. This will be in regards to all matter of PvP, but a good chunk of the analysis be in regards to arenas. If you end up having to cc the Thing from Beyond, then that is cc that could have been used on the enemy team and is unfortunately wasted. Both of these trinkets take advantage of your opponents’ corruption values in order to protect yourself or deal some damage. If your class does not have the sustain and/or cc to handle a hit from the Thing from Beyond, I’d recommend staying below 40 corruption regardless. You’ll still need to do all of the things pvp requires of you in order to succeed. Best race: 1. ; After downloading and Installing the Addon type /simc into your chat and copy everything (cntrl + C). The higher intensity of the effect, the more corruption is applied to the player. Finally, here corruption affects that should be avoided by just about everyone for pvp: Disclaimer: If you know your specific built needs a specific corruption, then by all means try to get it by any means. This is a historical document detailing the Corruption borrowed power system from patch 8.3. I mean, according to raider io stats, it’s the third most played melee spec and fourt most played dps spec overall in m+, so its obviously not that bad. Look at Mythic raid logs, Retr is in top 3/5 damage … The spec is amazing in PvE! It’s not really that ret is bad, it’s just that the other melee bring more, it’s the whole community perception thing in action. As ret when you are playing in arena, the main goal is usually to kill the caster when there is one in the arena. I think ppl that say ret is overall bad are pretty outdated or just seen a bad geared one doing shait dmg Each piece of loot essentially has a chance to roll one of 18 or so effects, the intensity of which is then randomly chosen as well. I would argue that ret paladins are currently in a horrible position if you’re looking to do high M+ and arena pvp. For some reason Ret, Balance, and Prot Warrior are the only specs to not be updated on the site since the patch. Make sure you keep gathering Echoes of Ny’alotha so that when the corruption you need is available, you can buy every corruption you need for the the next couple months. In PvE according to icey-veins on beta, ret paladin is currently upper mid tier for both mythic+ and raids making it one of the best melee’s for pve atm. https://www.ministryofdefense.net/?ecwd_event=nyalotha-normal-mythic-team-3-2-3-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2, Stepping into the Arena: Corruption in PVP, https://www.wowhead.com/item=169223/ashjrakamas-shroud-of-resolve#reward-from-q, https://www.wowhead.com/spell=315176/grasping-tendrils, https://www.wowhead.com/spell=315161/eye-of-corruption, https://www.wowhead.com/news=310122/patch-8-3-hotfixes-for-january-27th-2020-spirit-drinker-fix-trinket-tuning-corru, https://www.wowhead.com/news=311119/patch-8-3-hotfixes-for-february-10th-upcoming-corruption-tuning-tol-dagor-nerfs-, https://www.ministryofdefense.net/stepping-into-the-arena-corruption-in-pvp/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6lNbrlXccY, https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyDarlingLobsterRlyTho, https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyBlazingClintNotATK, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RahYj4xs_dU, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=831Zy5ICBsw, How Much Corruption is Too Much Corruption in PVP, Positive Benefits of Negative Corruption Effects, Corruption Effects to Aim For (Melee DPS/Tanks), Corruption Effects to Aim For (Ranged DPS), Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite and Corrupted Gladiator’s Breach. In this section, we will cover the best compositions for both 2v2 and 3v3 in the current meta. This puts both of them at 15% increased damage taken and 15% reduced healing received. Keeping your corruption even lower also reduces the magnitude of the slow that https://www.wowhead.com/spell=315176/grasping-tendrils will have on you and reduces both the damage and radius of https://www.wowhead.com/spell=315161/eye-of-corruption, which is also important for melee classes. The choice between Kimbul and Pa’ku feels like it would need some simming to figure out which results in more damage. Mythic team. Which is why you should never give up, unless you need a break. In general, what does this all mean in regards to pvp? If you can get any of the following weapons, do so, as all of their corruptions are quite strong for the classes that can equip them. This segment is transplanted from the Getting Gladiator guide and should provide a glimpse of the impact of patch 8.3’s systems in high-rated PVP arena games. I quite like taking ret’s for lower 14-16 keys on bursting week because word of glory can save a wipe when a mongo DH pops fell barrage followed by meme beam and gives the group a 6-stack of bursting out of nowhere. I'm running a Mastery build on Ret which has alot of burst, so im wondering what would be the best partner to go with? As should be apparent from watching both videos, stacking corruptions, even nerfed ones are a viable strategy. You’re bottom of the meters, then stuff procs and you’re pulling aggro off the tank. In addition, it is absolutely vital to stay as up-to-date on your cloak’s corruption resistance as possible.