In France and Germany now, at least on the digital side, our market share in both territories is higher than at least one of the major record labels. Allowing an erudite Frenchman, for example, to smartly point out the flaws and foibles of Britain, with scalpel-like precision, in the nation’s very own media. BELIEVE, société par actions simplifiée, au capital social de 401800,06 EURO, dont le siège social est situé au 24 RUE TOULOUSE LAUTREC, 75017 PARIS 17, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et Des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro RCS 481625853 représentée par M Denis LADEGAILLERIE agissant et ayant les pouvoirs nécessaires en tant que président. Services d'éducation, formation et divertissement à savoir programmes de musiques et de télévision; publications électroniques de livres, de fichiers musicaux et de Interview. My own conclusion is that ad-supported is the best way to monetize music video at this point; people just are not willing to pay for an ‘online MTV’ like they did on cable. An article at the time say that "Believe is a new digital label, founded by music and internet professionals, to allow independant artists and labels to distribute and promote their works on legal download platforms in France and abroad". La société est fondée en 2005 par Denis Ladegaillerie, Arnaud Chiaramonti et Nicolas Laclias. Our position on YouTube has not changed one bit: there is no ‘value gap’. Behind the scenes, some major label execs speak of their concerns about overspending on artist deals. We discuss Believe's growth over the past eight years. No one else has demonstrated that they can monetize official music videos better than YouTube – and they’ve tried. Pandemi nedeniyle bu yıl dijital olarak yapılan MIDEM’de Music Business Weekly Editörü Tim Ingham ile söyleşi yapan Ladegaillerie geçtiğimiz on yılın stremingin yükselişiyle belirlendiğini ama gelecek on yılın manşete çıkan haberinin bağımsız yerel sanatçılar olacağını söyledi. Car Denis, c’est le PDG de Believe, la licorne musicale qui fait trembler la sainte trinité des majors : Universal, Sony et Warner. Patricia Kaas, Soko ou les Fatal Picards ont signé avec lui pour assurer leur diffusion numérique. The CEO of Believe, Denis Ladegaillerie (pictured inset), has agreed to pen a series of dispatches, exclusively for MBW, giving insights into what’s happening to the industry during the global COVID-19 pandemic – offering specific advice for artists and managers. Denis LADEGAILLERIE. The world is changing. So when you want to raise money, you can’t, because investors [are looking for you] to demonstrate that shareholder value. I’ve asked my team to keep track of the level of deals and advances, and then keep track of the [subsequent] performance of those deals. And then, when you are big in your own market, generating a lot of [domestic] money, you can start thinking about expanding globally and reinvesting your cash flow [into marketing and touring more abroad]. At MIDEM 2014 I chat with Denis Ladegaillerie, CEO at Believe Digital. I believe it is super important to have independent distributors serving independent artists and independent labels. At the end of the day, you then don’t have the right economics to build shareholder value. The CEO of Believe, Denis Ladegaillerie (pictured inset), has agreed to pen a series of dispatches, exclusively for MBW, giving insights into what’s happening to the industry during the global COVID-19 pandemic – offering specific advice for artists and managers. Before founding Believe in December 2004, he managed the internet and new media activities for Vivendi Universal in the United States as Chief Strategic and Financial Officer. Believe owns DIY platform TuneCore and works with its own family of labels, including All Points, Nuclear Blast, Naïve and Tôt ou tard. Our business is connecting great artists and creatives. Mr. Denis Ladegaillerie is Chairman at Believe SAS and a Member at The New York Bar Foundation. TILEYARD LONDON In France, Germany and Italy, most of the large continental European countries, 70% to 75% of the market in terms of value is local artists. Last year, across Europe, including the UK, we passed on €70 million of advances in those deals. Créer une alerte. A senior record industry executive recently suggested to me that he thought the UK industry didn’t move fast enough in terms of its artist signing frequency. Users who liked this track Julio Nomenjanahary. To be fully transparent, I would say we’ve been less successful in the UK than in other markets in terms of building up market share. Believe | 60,877 followers on LinkedIn. Believe Distribution Services, anciennement Believe Digital, est un label discographique indépendant et une société française spécialisée dans la distribution numérique de musique indépendante. And when those labels and managers are ready to take an artist global, we know they can achieve that with Believe because we have the resources and expertise, across the world, they will need. And that, in the wake of Adele’s success, there’s this mentality of channelling all of a label’s resources towards a ‘priority’ new signing.. and then often seeing them fail to match up to those expectations. Denis Ladegaillerie, CEO, Believe Digital (France) Category Entertainment; Show more Show less. Believe Digital and its TuneCore division have not been sold to Sony, as widely reported based on a story in the Nikeii Asian Review, according to the company's CEO. The company was founded in 2005 by Denis Ladegaillerie, Arnaud Chiaramonti and Nicolas Laclias. ‎Afficher Génération Do It Yourself, ép #135 - Denis Ladegaillerie - Believe - L’homme qui distribue les plus gros succès du hit-parade - 13 juin 2020 Concentrate on your own market first, suggests the … active Company address: BELIEVE … In France and Germany, for example, you have a very powerful indie scene in hip-hop, which has led to the build up of a few large management companies and other large local players, all growing artists independently while [avoiding] the major record label system. Mr. Denis Ladegaillerie is a President and Founder of Believe Digital. « Il y a une prise de conscience » DENIS LADEGAILLERIE président du Snep Thank you for accessing our content on the Topio Networks Market Intelligence Center. BELIEVE DIRECT LIMITED (06864987) Company status Active Correspondence address 24 Rue Toulouse Lautrec, Paris, 75017, France. Believe, un acteur majeur du rap français. That is then generating more cash flow, which is generating more profitability – which they are re-investing [in A&R]. With over 1,200 employees, last year Believe – the owner of TuneCore, plus home to labels like All Points, Naïve and Nuclear Blast – realized around $700m in digital revenues, putting it firmly in the ‘mini major’ set of companies alongside BMG (FY2019 revenues: $674m) and Kobalt (FY2019 collections: $616m). From South Africa’s Trevor Noah to the UK’s own John Oliver and (to a cuddlier extent) James Corden, people who grew up outside the USA are being handed prized platforms to tell Uncle Sam exactly what he’s messing up. Denis Ladegaillerie, président-fondateur de Believe et président du Snep (Syndicat national de l'édition phonographique), est l'invité du Buzz Média Orange-Le Figaro. So rather than a ‘value gap’, YouTube has actually created sources of revenues that the music industry was not capturing before. YouTube monetizes two things. Mr. Denis Ladegaillerie is a President and Founder of Believe Digital. Still, with operations in 45 countries, Believe – and Ladegaillerie – has a unique viewpoint of the independent music market across the globe. I have had similar discussions with Jeremy [Sirota, Merlin CEO] on this; I have always been very transparent on this subject. With in-house IT developers, digital marketing expertise, finance, client services, and much more, all skills are needed and welcome. Avec plus de 850 000 artistes signés dont Jul, Björk, PNL, MC Solaar ou Naps (que ma famille surkiffe) et une présence dans plus de 45 pays, c’est tout simplement IMPOSSIBLE que vous n’ayez pas entendu l’un des morceaux des artistes qu'il accompagne. Obviously I’ve always been a great admirer of Beggars and XL; Martin Mills has always been very focused. We’ve done pretty significant analysis around Scandinavia, where [paid streaming] has close to 45% penetration across the markets. The majors are regaining profitability on their back catalogues through streaming – they don’t have to manufacture [physical on that catalogue], and they’re still paying the same level of royalties [to catalogue artists as they did in the past]. Et pourtant, je mettrai ma main à couper que vous avez, tous eu de loin une relation avec Denis Ladegaillerie. Watch Believe’s Founder & President Denis Ladegaillerie Speak at UbiQ Paris 2012 November 9, 2012 Believe News , Uncategorized UbiQ’s annual ‘Digital Entertainment Showcase’ held in Paris aims to spotlight the best of digital entertainment content creation, applications, solutions and strategy innovations , in TV, Music, Games and Apps. If you have a strong digital culture and if you are passionate about music, Believe is the perfect place for you. Then, if at some point, the opportunity arises for you to build that artist globally, you have the team to take a shot at it. Ultimately, these things always go back to normal. Yet [simultaneously] YouTube has kept growing in both viewership and in monetization in a way that’s very consistent with what we’re seeing in other markets. Pop Up Toy Surprise Pals Tayo The Little Bus Disney Cars English Learn Numbers Colors YouTube. He notes that the UK currently contributes less than 10% of Believe’s global revenues, adding that “to be totally transparent we’ve been less successful in the UK than in other markets in building up market share”. Denis Ladegaillerie. Warner going public is a good development for that, because it means you are going to have investors that start paying attention, and asking the difficult question: ‘What are the economics of frontline deals – and what are the long term margins of these deals as they evolve?’ The fact that Tencent has invested in Universal [will create] the same situation; a new shareholder really paying attention. Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Whether or not you’re already leaning towards jingoistic defensiveness, you can’t deny that Ladegaillerie has the kind of global credentials that make him worth listening to. Five years later, all of those companies have disappeared. To access all the content for free, please sign up by entering your email. There, he managed the restructuring and development of the first digital music service (eMusic), the first music social networking site (, the leading mobile media distributor (Moviso / Infospace Mobile), as well as Careers at Believe. Denis Ladegaillerie, président-fondateur de Believe et Zimbalam sera en chat Vendredi 22 Janvier à 14h15 sur sur le thème suivant: « Streaming, carte jeune, droits d’auteur… le numérique est-il l’avenir de la musique ».Vous pouvez dès à présent poser vos questions ici.. Pour plus d’informations, visitez cette page. As demonstrated by its Spotify equity, Merlin has made a huge contribution to making sure that indies can obtain certain economic terms. Afficher le téléphone. In the UK, besides Beggars/XL, which has built to some scale, not a lot of [independent companies] are creating a challenge [to the majors]. Same platform but with new and improved features. Car Denis, c’est le PDG de Believe, la licorne musicale qui fait trembler la sainte trinité des majors : Universal, Sony et Warner. “We are looking for partners who could help us finance a big acquisition.” Founded in 2005, Believe’s last financial year reportedly saw a turnover of ‘over €400m’ ($493m), according to Challenges. At Believe, Denis Ladegaillerie has 11 colleagues who can be contacted including Isabelle Andres (COO), Carsten Stahlke (CFO)… Industry Colleagues. Merlin has played a great role in the past, but today I would argue Merlin actually contributes to weakening the distribution ecosystem, because the labels going through Merlin [are not also] going through a distributor like us for our services. Cette plateforme de distribution de musique en ligne revendique 150 000 artistes utilisant ses services. That’s going to come from a buildup of powerful local indie labels and powerful local management companies. Denis Ladegaillerie has been working at BELIEVE DIRECT LIMITED since 31 March 2009, currently, he/she works on the position of a Director (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER). YouTube is one good example where several years ago we achieved a significant increase on the rev share, which is of huge benefit to our clients. I’m not sure that [either company] is looking for partners yet, but they are conversations we’d love to have. Accédez à des analyses très précises, suivez chaque téléchargement/stream et transformez l’engagement de votre public en ventes. (Also, on a related note, for booting Piers Morgan off his pedestal.). And when we analyzed the performance of those deals afterwards, we believe 99% of them lost money. L'effectif de cette société est de 250 et … Le dernier Midem l’a confirmé. You can only believe there’s a value gap if you also think that YouTube is cannibalising paid subscription. We’re exploring M&A as well. Sony and Universal have perfectly understood this; Sony with The Orchard, and then Universal with Spinnup and with the acquisition and rebuilding of Ingrooves. Domino is a great company as well. En coulisses, Believe s’est discrètement taillé une carrure de leader mondial. 862 executive movements have been recorded in the last 12 months. Denis Ladegaillerie a su imposer Believe comme un maillon essentiel entre les artistes et les distributeurs, notamment dans les marchés émergents, Chine et Inde en tête. But you need to have both approaches. The company was founded in 2005 by Denis Ladegaillerie, Arnaud Chiaramonti and Nicolas Laclias. But, as a distributor, the value we bring to our clients, whether artists or labels, is providing them access to the platforms at the best terms and conditions we can obtain. Entretien avec Denis Ladegaillerie, PDG… Lire la suite One of the leading players of the music industry at global level, Believe is the specialist in both distribution and services for independent artists and labels. How important is the UK to Believe, generally speaking? En avril 2015 elle rachète la société américaine TuneCore, qui gérait le catalogue numérique d'artistes indépendants le plus important au monde2. Absolutely. European digital music distributor based in Paris, France, and French counterpart of Believe Digital in UK. DENIS LADEGAILLERIE président du Snep. In the old world, [labels] didn’t have much choice – putting out CDs was expensive, you had to make bets on a limited number of artists. Plus dinfo › Des experts à votre service. Imagine the UK emulating such a thing. Brits would be on the phone to OFCOM and God-Save-The-Queening before they’d finished their first pithy observation. Avec 4 à 6 % du marché des droits musicaux, elle se place derrière les trois principales majors musicales. And everyone who’s tried to build a subscription-based music video service has failed [Vessel, one much-vaunted attempt, is now shuttered, while Vevo backed out of subscription plans years ago]. If you want to support the buildup of local indie labels, [the UK government] must orient funding or tax credits towards that ecosystem. Et pourtant, je mettrai ma main à couper que vous avez, tous eu de loin une relation avec Denis Ladegaillerie . Why? I’m hoping that major record labels are going to realise this sooner rather than later. We want to make sure you get the most out of our platform. #135 - Denis Ladegaillerie - Believe - L’homme qui distribue les plus gros succès du hit-parade by Génération Do It Yourself published on 2020-06-11T07:44:49Z. He received his undergraduate degree from Duke University. Denis Ladegaillerie, le fondateur de la maison de disques numérique Believe prédit la disparition du marché du CD physique d’ici deux à trois ans. As an indie body in the UK, I would be thinking about how I can best leverage Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer etc. Denis Ladegaillerie, Self: Il était une fois... Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events 4:24. Our focus right now is really on companies that have successfully built services for UK artists with similar values to our own – fairness, transparency and expertise. One of the difficulties of the UK market today is that it has had the extraordinary benefits of giving birth to The Beatles, Ed Sheeran, Adele and other top artists who have found huge success internationally. The beginnings. Car Denis, c’est le PDG de Believe, la licorne musicale qui fait trembler la sainte trinité des majors : Universal, Sony et Warner. The specific difficulty with YouTube for Merlin is that the only way you can achieve higher rev share [from that platform] is if you have a supply chain that allows you to hit certain milestones in terms of quality of content. And, you know what? Yes, absolutely. Considering that Believe’s average annual growth in the past three years has been 40%, you’d have expected its turnover to hit somewhere near $1 billion in 2020… before you-know-what kept us all indoors. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Denis, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Tied up in that, you’d imagine, will be stepping away from deals that offer a slimmer chance of return. Because if Believe was competing [for artist deals] on quality of service only – versus quality of service plus stupid cash – we would probably not just be growing by 40% a year, we would be growing by 60% or 70%. The other 50% are from UGC, using music like TikTok is now doing. Tech & Co is the meeting point for digital news on BFM Business. Thank you for your continued support. Interviewé début octobre 2020, le PDG Denis Ladegaillerie annonce que Believe table sur une augmentation de 25 … We look forward to providing you with even more cutting-edge market research, as Topio Networks. But now technology allows you to nurture and build relationships with many more artists at the proper level, and that’s something you must leverage in your A&R. The rebuilding of the UK industry is about creating a very strong local market. – over the following 12 months, one in a million artists will become a global star. But in the UK, we are less of a heavyweight. Denis Ladegaillerie a su imposer Believe comme un maillon essentiel entre les artistes et les distributeurs, notamment dans les marchés émergents, Chine et Inde en tête. And it’s from that viewpoint, with no little affection for the UK industry and its artists, that Ladegaillerie has some gentle suggestions to make. You have chosen to stay outside Merlin and negotiate with digital services directly. So I simply don’t see how, as a distributor, you can justify giving away one of the key elements of the value you’re bringing to the ecosystem, by getting disassociated from [negotiating with] the technology platforms. is now Believe is a leading digital distributor and services provider for independent artists & labels worldwide. But [in terms of acquisitions] in the UK, there’s simply no big targets available, unlike in Germany, where you have a Groove Attack [acquired by Believe in 2018], or a Nuclear Blast [also acquired by Believe in 2018], both turning over tens of millions of Euros. Focus on the UK, the local trade body, the BPI has been one of the most vocal opponents to YouTube and its so-called ‘value gap’. The UK is a market where major record labels have been able to retain more power than in other markets, and, to some extent, the indie scene is a little bit less powerful than it is in some other countries. Denis Ladegaillerie, CEO of Believe Distribution Services, envisions a bright future for the UK Market. It’s an intriguingly American phenomenon that the mainstream media of the United States welcomes a plethora of foreigners to criticise its country on a nightly basis. Yes. Believe Digital, a digital distributor and services provider for independent artists and labels, was founded in December 2005 by Denis Ladegaillerie. plus traditional radio, traditional media, so that we get more exposure of UK artists on local platforms, helping to build more middle class artists in the market. Chaque jour, Emmanuel Duteil reçoit une personnalité qui fait l'actualité économique. The management at these major companies must be starting to realize that this [level of frontline A&R spend] is not something that is sustainable in the long term. And my view has always been no, because as soon as you enter the stupid deal business, you risk all of your deals becoming stupid. Five to ten years ago, indie music distribution was not structured enough and was not powerful enough to sit at the top table with YouTube, with Spotify, and extract optimum value. Découvrez le profil de Denis Ladegaillerie sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Posts filtered by tags Denis Ladegaillerie . Because Merlin has exceeded what should have been its normal lifetime. He is a graduate of Sciences-Po, l’ESCP, Duke University and a member of the New York Bar. Entretien avec son CEO Denis Ladegaillerie. lfvncl. Comment Believe Digital veut court-circuiter les majors de la musique. 75017 PARIS 17. Believe. You need to have the haute couture, super high-quality team to work with a [superstar] artist across creative, marketing, promo etc. “We are looking for partners who could help us finance a big acquisition,” Believe CEO Denis Ladegaillerie told Challenges. I wish there had been some private equity in that [Universal/Tencent] round to bring even more rational [thinking] to how Universal approaches the market. The first is official music video. A former lawyer who passed the New York bar in 1997, Ladegaillerie went on to run new media for Vivendi – yes, the Universal Music owner – in the United States, where as Chief Strategy and Financial Officer he managed the restructuring and development of the first digital music service (eMusic) and the first music social networking site ( – and that is super difficult to do. D'ailleurs, on reprend fort avec cette interview de Denis Ladegaillerie - PDG de Believe par Sylvie K et moi-même. The group develops products and services for artists and labels under the Believe & TuneCore brands, while also developing specialized labels such as … Denis Ladegaillerie, fondateur de Believe - 05/05 Denis Ladegaillerie, fondateur de Believe était l'invité de Sébastien Couasnon dans Tech & Co, ce mardi 5 mai. Because they are private companies, their shareholders are not yet giving full attention to, ‘How are we actually doing on frontline A&R versus back catalogue?’. TILEYARD ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON N79AH, Trigger warning: major record labels might not completely love it…. If you have a strong digital culture and if you are passionate about music, Believe is the perfect place for you. With in-house IT developers, digital marketing expertise, finance, client services, and much more, all skills are needed and welcome. In the Music industry, Denis Ladegaillerie has 2,198 colleagues in 129 companies located in 23 countries. Entretien avec son CEO Denis Ladegaillerie. For Believe – and the entirety of the UK independent industry – to reach its optimum level, suggests Ladegaillerie, the British market should take a leaf out of its European neighbours’ book, and stop rushing to break global superstars. At MIDEM 2014 I chat with Denis Ladegaillerie, CEO at Believe Digital. Denis LADEGAILLERIE est Président de la société BELIEVE située 24 RUE TOULOUSE LAUTREC 75017 PARIS 17 au capital : 401 800 €. From a distribution standpoint in the UK, there are unfortunately not that many attractive targets. I would advise the [UK industry] to lobby the Ministry Of Culture for a minimum quota of UK artists [on streaming and broadcast media], and for [the government] to financially support the production of UK artists. Et pourtant, je mettrai ma main à couper que vous avez, tous eu de loin une relation avec Denis Ladegaillerie. Believe Digital boss says Sony Music acquisition isn’t a done deal This weekend’s report in the Nikkei Asian Review that Sony Music was on the verge of buying Believe Digital has sparked a response from the distributor’s CEO Denis Ladegaillerie. Kevin Cornell on April 28, 2020. But we are now in a world where those successes are harder to replicate, and you certainly cannot rely on them to keep a market strong. For Believe – and the entirety of the UK independent industry – to reach its optimum level, suggests Ladegaillerie, the British market should take a leaf out of its European neighbours’ book, and stop rushing to break global superstars. Denis Ladegaillerie is our erudite Frenchman; the flaws and foibles he points out belong to the UK music industry. But not every artist is Ed Sheeran. Absolutely. The Autonomous Vehicle Ecosystem Landscape. Mr. Denis Ladegaillerie is a President and Founder of Believe Digital. An article at the time say that "Believe is a new digital label, founded by music and internet professionals, to allow independent artists and labels to distribute and promote their works on legal download platforms in France and abroad". The group develops products and services for artists and labels under the Believe & TuneCore brands, while also developing specialized labels such as … What are your thoughts? Mr. Ladegaillerie was previously employed as Chief Financial & Strategic Officer by Vivendi Universal Entertainment LLP. Au menu: -Son sentiment sur le MIDEM 2008 -La levée de fond -Les ventes numériques Internet/mobile -Le marché américain -Les autres développements de Believe Yes, and at major record labels, it’s happening on an even larger scale. And that business – essentially, techpowered sync licensing at scale – was not only not monetized by YouTube, it didn’t exist before YouTube. julio. We discuss Believe's growth over the past eight years. At Believe, Denis Ladegaillerie has 9 colleagues who can be contacted including Isabelle Andres (COO), Xavier Robert (M&A)… Industry Colleagues. Denis indique 4 postes sur son profil. Entries in 'Denis Ladegaillerie' (5) TuneCore reveals executive management appointments TuneCore has announced executive management appointments at the digital distribution service.