Philanthropic giving, while more than double the giving for either the 2004 South Asian Tsunami or 9/11, was only $6.5 billion. After slowly moving across Florida, the storm gained power in the Gulf of Mexico, becoming a Category 5 storm. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. An estimated 1,836 fatalities were recorded as a result of Hurricane Katrina, according to hurricane death toll statistics What’s more, thousands of injuries were also reported; it is believed that over 50% of the victims were senior citizens. Sein Kerndruck war auf 902 hPa abgefallen. Hurricane Katrina surfaced around the Bahamas on August 23, 2005. Two men paddle through the streets past the Claiborne Bridge in New Orleans on August 31, 2005. New homes stand along the rebuilt Industrial Canal levee on May 16, 2015. Many displaced by Katrina turn to relatives for shelter. Learn More. Here's a look at some Hurricane Katrina statistics.. August 29, 2005 - Katrina makes landfall near Grand Isle, Louisiana as a Category 3 storm with winds near 127 mph. All Rights Reserved. Of the $120.5 billion in federal spending, the majority — approximately $75 billion — went to emergency relief, not rebuilding. Der Hurrikan Katrina war ein tropischer Wirbelsturm, der im August 2005 in südöstlichen Teilen der USA verheerende Schäden angerichtet hat. This increased hurricane activity is attributed to the warm phase of the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation (AMO) — which began in 1995 — and has favored more, stronger, and longer-lasting storms since that time. (1) By July of 2012, the population was back up to 369,250 — 76% of what it was in 2000. Damage and Insurance: Hurricane Katrina cost a staggering $125 billion. Ahlers, D., Plyer, A., and Weil, F. (2008). Hurricane Katrina death data from Louisiana vital statistics first became available approximately 2 years after the storm. The agency also provided $6.7 billion in recovery aid to more than one million people and households. - … Instituting an electronic reporting system for recording death Cooper housing project play on mattresses on June 10, 2007. We will write a custom Essay on Hurricane Katrina Stats: Path and Intensity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Harden, B. and Vedantam, S. (2005). Katrina developed from a tropical storm into a hurricane and made landfall in late August, 2005. Robert Fontaine walks past a burning house fire in New Orleans' Seventh Ward on September 6, 2005. Hurricane Katrina was the largest and 3rd strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the US. Drowning was the major cause of death and people 75 years old and older were the most affected population cohort. Password reset email has been resent. For the past 15 years, we have been both a trusted resource and an objective partner in bringing reliable, thoroughly researched data to conversations about building a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable region. The population of New Orleans fell from 484,674 in April 2000 to 230,172 in July 2006, a decrease of over 50%. Deaths. The coronavirus pandemic has devastated the American economy. NOAA report- Alabama: 2 - Florida: 14 - Georgia: 2 - Louisiana: 1,577- Mississippi: 238- Total: 1,833. Katrina wies zu diesem Zeitpunkt Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 280 km/h sowie Sturmböen von bis zu 344 km/h auf. Wind gust recorder trace from WFO Miami showing peak wind during Hurricane Katrina (add 4 kt due to pen drag). FEMA. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Mass Layoff Statistics. Katrina became the costliest U.S. hurricane, leaving $125 billion in damage and 1,833 deaths. The population of New Orleans fell from 484,674 before Katrina (April 2000) to an estimated 230,172 after Katrina (July 2006) — a decrease of 254,502 people and a loss of over half of the city’s population. The major causes of death include: drowning (40%), injury and trauma (25%), and heart conditions (11%). Retrieved August 2, 2012 from For the first time since Hurricane Katrina struck, New Orleans returned in 2014 to the list of the nation’s 50 most populous cities, ranking 50 th at 384,320. Hurrikan Katrina fielen ca. The economic effects of the storm reached high levels. Numerous failures of levees around New Orleans led to catastrophic flooding in the city. Dozens of churches were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Since Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans ten years ago, data has played a central role in tracking how the city has transformed. Over 1,800 people died as a result of the storm. On Aug. 30, as Katrina slowly moved over Tennessee, New Orleans was left in devastation. New homes stand in the Lower Ninth Ward on May 15, 2015. These 14 selected coastal counties Privacy Policy Retrieved August 2, 2012 from 8 months ago. 40% of deaths were caused by drowning. Reports of IPV were associated with greater risk of post-Katrina depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics While any weather event that broaches $1 billion dollars in recovery efforts is considered costly, the $190 billion-dollar mark set by Harvey displays its staggering scale. Hurricane Katrina first made landfall on Aug. 25, 2005, in Florida, weakening to a tropical storm as it briefly passed over land. The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season was among the … After levees and flood walls protecting New Orleans failed, much of the city was underwater. Housing damage. For additional demographics and information about New Orleans and the metro area, see our brief: Who Lives in New Orleans and Metro Parishes Now? On Aug. 30, as Katrina slowly moved over Tennessee, New Orleans was left in devastation. Additionally, Delta was the fourth named storm to … Houses stand in the Seventh Ward on May 12, 2015. In den frühen Morgenstunden des 29. Be sure to cite The Data Center: The Data Center is also recognized across the country for expertise in New Orleans demographics, disaster recovery indicators, and actionable data visualization. More than one million people in the Gulf region were displaced by the storm. Hurricane Harvey is now poised to become the most expensive natural disaster in American history. The Mass Layoff Statistics (MLS) program is a federal-state program that identifies and tracks major job cutbacks. The total damages from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were $150 billion — $135 billion from Katrina and $15 billion from Rita.(2). Courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Sign up for our email newsletter, a periodic email alert about new publications and data updates from The Data Center. In the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the federal government began pouring billions of dollars into New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region to aid recovery efforts—and the criminal justice system braced for the fraud and corruption that would surely follow all that money. Hurricane Katrina started out as a tropical depression, which is a lower grade tropical storm. That occurred when the infamous combo of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit (Cindy also struck earlier in the season). Nearly half of all victims were over the age of 74. Hurricane Katrina presented New Orleans and its hospitals with the effects of two related but distinctive events. - Severe flooding damage to cities along the Gulf Coast, from New Orleans to Biloxi, Mississippi. View animation (caution 11MB file). Many people returned home within days, but up to 600,000 households were still displaced a month later. The National Flood Insurance Program paid out $16.3 billion in claims. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 19 years ago, terrorists hijacked four... First a candy-striper then a nurse. - About 25,000 storm evacuees were sheltered at the Louisiana Superdome, a sports arena. The Data Center has played a critical role in assessing the strength of the New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana economy since the onset of the Great Recession. Mario Tama/Getty Images. Katrina: The crime that shocked the world On 4 September 2005, New Orleans police opened fire on desperate survivors of the hurricane. 91 FEMA-designated counties and parishes of Hurricane Katrina disaster, showing storm path. Ein Hurrikan der Kategorie 5 der höchsten Stufe dieser Skala verursacht die schwersten Schäden. If an account exists, we've sent an email with a link to reset your password. It regained strength as its path turned northwest. The terrible human cost of Hurricane Katrina is likely to be prolonged following initial estimations of the damage caused to the city's food industry and transport infrastructure. The CSU team have issued an early forecast of 16 named storms, eight hurricanes, and four major hurricanes for the year, with above-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the continental United States coastline and in th… The National Flood Insurance Program paid out $16.3 billion, The majority of all federal aid, approximately $75 billion of $120.5 billion. Hurricane Katrina's winds and storm surge reached the Mississippi coastline on the morning of August 29, 2005. beginning a two-day path of destruction through central Mississippi; by 10 a.m. CDT on August 29, 2005, the eye of Katrina began traveling up the entire state, only slowing from hurricane-force winds at Meridian near 7 p.m. and entering Tennessee as a tropical storm. The major causes of death include: drowning (40%), injury and trauma (25%), and heart conditions (11%). All rights reserved. The first was the hurricane itself, which arrived on Monday morning, August 29, 2005, with heavy rain and sustained winds of 120 to 130 mph, with gusts up to 160 mph. Gezeigt werden Stürme, die mehr als 50 Todesopfer gefordert haben. The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season activity is projected to be above normal, according to Triple-I non-resident scholar Dr. Phil Klotzbach and his team at Colorado State University(CSU). Please click the button below to agree to our Terms and Conditions and acknowledge our Privacy Policy. In the last one hundred years, hurricanes have led to the flooding of New Orleans 6 times. PHOTO: Katrina war damit einer der schwersten gemessenen Stürme im Golf von Mexiko, wurde aber nur wenige Wochen später von Hurrikan Rita übertroffen. A group of Amish student volunteers tour the Lower Ninth Ward on February 24, 2006. 1  It was the most destructive natural disaster in U.S. history. Governmental Gulf Coast response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Demographics. On April 25, 2006, workers in the Lower Ninth Ward rebuild the levee that was breached by Hurricane Katrina along the Industrial Canal. Hurricane Katrina was a destructive Category 5 storm that made landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast in August 2006. Here’s a look at some Hurricane Katrina statistics. Hurricane Katrina Statistics: Fast Facts; Hurricane Katrina Facts on Deadly, Devastating Storm ‘s Anniversary; The Aftermath. He also noted that Laura made landfall with 150 mph winds, stronger than Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and tied with the Last Island hurricane of 1856 as the strongest to strike Louisiana. Cooper held about 1,000 families and was the city's largest housing project. A woman walks with a dog in the Lower Ninth Ward on May 16, 2015. Severe flooding damage to cities along the Gulf Coast, from New Orleans to Biloxi, Mississippi. Retrieved August 2, 2012 from History of hurricanes. Harvey, Irma, and Maria: Making History. This is the fifth consecutive year with an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season, with 18 above-normal seasons out of the past 26. At least 1,833 died in the hurricane and subsequent floods. Or, our report on key indicators ten years after Katrina: The New Orleans Index at Ten. For further analysis and recommendations see The New Orleans Index at Ten at Hurricane Katrina was the strongest hurricane recorded in the Gulf region, at that time. Hurricane Katrina and the levee failures resulted in the deaths of at least 986 Louisiana residents. Success! Hurricane Katrina (August 2005) became a large and extremely powerful hurricane that caused enormous destruction and significant loss of life. Hurricane Katrina was the costliest hurricane ever recorded, tied with Hurricane Harvey of 2017, with $125 billion (2005 USD) in damages. 3 months ago. Die Statistik zeigt ein Ranking zu den tödlichsten tropischen Stürmen und Hurrikanen in den USA von 1851 bis 2010. In an analysis of 971 fatalities in Louisiana and 15 additional deaths of storm evacuees, 40% of deaths were caused by drowning. your source for the most up–to–date, reliable data. Katrina damaged or destroyed 30 oil platforms and caused the closure of nine refineries; the total shut-in oil production from the Gulf of Mexico in the six-month period following Katrin… The storm traveled the Gulf of Mexico and then made landfall on the Gulf Coast in southeast Louisiana near the town of Buras, on Aug. 29, 2005. The business district and main tourist centers were relatively undamaged, but vast expanses of many New Orleans neighborhoods were inundated, making Katrina the largest residential disaster in U.S. history. - The total damage from Katrina is estimated to be $161 billion. Figure 1. Two people were killed and others were injured. NEW ORLEANS – August 26‚ 2016 – As we approach the 11th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, people around the world will reflect on the devastating impact that the storm and subsequent levee failures had on New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast region. It is the costliest hurricane to ever hit the United States, surpassing the record previously held by Hurricane Andrew from 1992. your source for the most up–to–date, reliable data. Cooper housing project. Victims of Hurricane Katrina fight through the crowd as they line up for buses to evacuate the Superdome and New Orleans, Sept. 1, 2005. Duette Sims stands in the heavily damaged Christian Community Baptist Church in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward on August 28, 2007. The Washington Post. The New Orleans Index. Hurricane Katrina Statistics: Fast Facts; Hurricane Katrina Facts on Deadly, Devastating Storm ‘s Anniversary; The Aftermath. Over 1,800 people died as a result of the storm.  In New Orleans, the levees were designed for Category 3, but Katrina peaked at a Category 5 hurricane, with winds up to 175 mph. (CNN)Here’s a look at some Hurricane Katrina statistics. In these ways The Data Center realizes its mission to build prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable communities by making informed decisions possible. Hurricane Katrina was the strongest hurricane recorded in the Gulf region, at that time. At their peak, hurricane relief shelters housed 273,000 people. Future disaster preparedness efforts must focus on evacuating and caring for vulnerable populations, … Many Katrina evacuees made it to Houston, Texas, where they were housed in the Astrodome and other shelters. In total, it affected an area of about 90,000 square miles. The Atlantic hurricane season officially ends November 30, but storm activity in the tropics can sometimes continue beyond that date. During disasters, poor people, people of color, and the elderly die in disproportionate numbers (), and Katrina was no exception.Many decisions were made in the days leading up to and shortly after Katrina that amplified loss of life for these groups. Testimony of Robert David Paulison, Acting Director, FEMA, before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Water floods a cemetery outside St. Patrick's Church in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, on September 11, 2005. Hurricane Katrina had sustained winds of 175 miles per hour, or 280 kilometers per hour! Parishioners gather during Sunday services in the rebuilt church on May 10, 2015. Water spills over a levee along the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on August 30, 2005, in New Orleans. Before Hurricane Katrina, B.W. The Data Center and Brookings Institution. Branding Web Design by Southpaw Creative, To learn how we can combat COVID with data, check out our new, Independent Analysis for Informed Decisions in Southeast Louisiana, The New Orleans Prosperity Index: Tricentennial Edition, The New Orleans Prosperity Index: Tricentennial Collection. For further analysis and recommendations see The New Orleans Index at Eight and for up–to–date recovery indicators see “Facts for Features: Katrina Recovery” at At one point, the winds were measured at close to 175 mph. The Facts on Hurricane Katrina's Damage . Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Damage & Aftermath | Live Science SOURCES: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), see References 11–13. A year after the storm, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals recorded … A brief summary of the data on deaths, displaced residents, damages, and recovery funding. The low-income development has been replaced by two-story, townhouse-style buildings. The population of New Orleans fell from 484,674 in April 2000 to 230,172 in July 2006, a decrease of over 50%. In New Orleans, the levees were designed for Category 3, but Katrina peaked at a Category 5 hurricane, with winds up to 175 mph. In doing so, we are uniquely able to step beyond the limits of analyzing data from just one perspective and take a 360–degree look at issues that matter most to our region from the government, business, nonprofit, and community perspective. Who Lives in New Orleans and Metro Parishes Now? And, two of the deadliest hurricanes in American History are also the top two when it comes to the costliest. | Copyright & Acceptable Use (NOAA National Weather Service) Download Image. - Numerous failures of levees around New Orleans led to catastrophic flooding in the city. The flooding occurred in 1915, 1940, 1947, 1965, 1969 and 2005. estimated population had increased to 390,144. The National Hurricane Center's Tropical Cyclone Reports (formerly called Preliminary Reports) contain comprehensive information on each storm, including synoptic history, meteorological statistics, casualties and damages, and the post-analysis best track (six-hourly positions and intensities). A man in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward rides a canoe in high water on August 31, 2005.