You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Ravel himself was reasonably well established already; certainly he did not “need” the prize (as he himself noted), and he generally tried to hold himself above the fray.35. Formerly the conservatory also included drama, but in 1946 that division was moved into a separate sch… 1884 with supplements by Léon Pillaut, 1894, 1899, 1903; rpt. See Jean-Marc Warszawski, “Le Conservatoire National sous l’Occupation: Jacques Chailley, l’histoire et la mémoire,”, 19 May 2011. [4][6], By 1800, the staff of the Conservatory included some of the most important names in music in Paris, including, besides Gossec, the composers Luigi Cherubini, Jean-François Le Sueur, Étienne Méhul, and Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny, as well as the violinists Pierre Baillot, Rodolphe Kreutzer, and Pierre Rode. It was formed by François-Antoine Habeneck in pioneering fashion, aiming to present Beethoven's symphonies, but over time it became more conservative in its programming. En 1992 il obtient son Diplôme du Conservatoire National d’ Athènes dans la classe de M. MAVRIKOU avec un premier prix de piano, mention "Très bien" à l' unanimité du jury. The best recent account of the affaire is found in Roger Nichols, Ravel (New Haven; Yale University Press, 2011), 61–65. Paris Conservatoire Introduction Illustrations. Oleksandr Zhehalov est né à Odessa, Ukraine Il a fait ses études sécondaires et musicales à la fameuse École Spéciale de musique de Stolarsky à Odessa où il a etudié le piano et la clarinette et d’où il est gradué en 2015. This led to disagreements between Berlioz and his parents that embittered nearly eight years of his life. Universities in this city. Enregistrement de l'examen de fin d'études des classes de composition qui eut lieu en octobre 2010 sous forme de trois concerts, avec la participation de l'Orchestre des Lauréats du Conservatoire (OLC) dirigé par Pierre Strauch et Zsolt … Students were admitted by competitive audition and remained at the Conservatoire until they left with a prize or were dropped from the rolls: thus the academic year centered on the concours d’entrée in October or November and the concours pour les récompenses in June and July. The home of the main campus of Conservatoire de Paris is France’s capital - Paris. (One of Ravel’s problems, it was alleged, was the use of trombones, pianissimo.) Subscriptions were passed from fathers to sons (but not wives or daughters; a special vote had to be taken to accommodate Mme Habeneck after her husband’s demise). However, after Napoleon's fall, Sarrette was finally compelled to retire on 17 November. © Oxford University Press, 2018. “Les méthodes officielles du Conservatoire.” In Le Conservatoire de Paris (Hondré 1995), 73–107.Find this resource: Hondré, Emmanuel. It has a unique gift, the result of the individual merit and artistry of its members. Conservatoire De Paris Cnsmdp - 209 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris, France - Rated 4.7 based on 99 Reviews "Best of Best!!!" Inscriptions et Tarifs. Studied at the conservatoire at Nancy, then at the Paris Conservatoire, where he obtained the premier prix in 1966 and the chamber music prix in 1968. Le Conservatoire de toutes les Musiques, tous styles, tous âges, tous niveaux. But a good number did well, for instance Fromental Halévy (1819), Ambroise Thomas (1832), Charles Gounod (1839), Ernest Guiraud (1859), Jules Massenet (1863), Claude Debussy (1884), and Lili Boulanger (1913). Obtenir les prix de vente Recommandation de professionnels de l'immobilier au 15 rue du Conservatoire, 75009 Paris Ces professionnels de l’immobilier sont les plus performants pour vendre un bien au 15 rue du Conservatoire. See a summarizing chart by D. Kern Holoman, “Orchestral Material from the Library of the Société des Concerts.” 19th-Century Music 7, no. Les Menus Plaisirs du Roi, L’Ecole Royale, et le Conservatoire de Musique. (The leading singers at the Opéra were typically sociétaires as well, making extended opera excerpts possible.) Le féminisme, grâce à Mlle Lily La Vie musicale sous Vichy (Chimènes 2001). Under Auber, composition teachers included Adolphe Adam, Halévy, and Ambroise Thomas; piano teachers, Louise Farrenc, Henri Herz, and Antoine François Marmontel; violin teachers, Jean-Delphin Alard and Charles Dancla; and cello teachers, Pierre Chevillard and Auguste Franchomme. This is an annual concert that I will try to see every year I am here. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1875. By 1800, the staff of the Conservatory included some of the most important names in music in Paris, including, … [4], Cherubini was succeeded by Daniel-François-Esprit Auber in 1842. See Florence Gétreau, Aux origines du Musée de la Musique: les collections instrumentales du Conservatoire de Paris: 1793–1993 (Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Klincksieck, 1996). A provision of the employment of the professors was that they contribute official method books (méthodes) appropriate to the curriculum and not based on foreign models.11 Among the earliest, and certainly most influential, of these was Charles-Simon Catel’s Traité d’harmonie (1802; the title continues: par Catel, membre du Conservatoire de Musique, adopté par le Conservatoire pour servir à l’étude dans cet établissement; later modified to boast adopté par le Conservatoire imp. In December 1861, Alexandre Walewski, Minister of State and Director of Fine Arts, agreed to the purchase by the Conservatoire of 230 instruments from the collection of the composer Louis Clapisson (1808–66), an inveterate collector and member of the Academy. Aged ten, Debussy started his studies at the Paris Conservatoire. Élisabeth Dunan, Inventaire de la série AJ 37: Archives … des Conservatoires impériaux, nationaux ou royaux de musique, ou de musique et de déclamation, à Paris, 1784–1925 (Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1971); Frédéric de La Grandville, Le Conservatoire de Musique de Paris (1795–1815): Dictionnaire des élèves et aspirants; tableaux des classes (Paris: Institut de Recherche sur le Patrimoine Musical en France, 2014; online at Between the academic buildings and the warehouses, the architect François Delannoy identified a plot large enough for a concert hall seating some 1,055; this was inaugurated on July 7, 1811. Awesome . Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 1999.Find this resource: Campos, Rémy. Karolos ZOUGANELIS est né à Athènes en 1977. Conservatoire International de Musique PARIS 16 - Règlement 2017-2018 L’inscription au Conservatoire International de Musique PARIS 16 implique une parfaite adhésion des élèves au présent règlement ainsi qu’aux règles élémentaires de discipline et de bons usages au sein de l’établissement. and [Klosé’s] Celebrated Method (New York, 1945ff. Pour venir en aide à cette institution qui a vu ses bâtiments ravagés, ainsi qu’aux élèves dont certains ont tout … But in the first days of the Occupation, Henri Rabaud had investigated the racial origins of his faculty and staff, and assented to the dismissal of 25 students (out of 580) and two faculty (Lazare Lévy, piano; and André Bloch, harmony). Matriculation at the Conservatoire was so highly valued that families of gifted children would … Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Klincksieck, 1996.Find this resource: Gétreau, Florence. Napoleon, sharing its philosophies, continued to support the Conservatoire as consul and emperor. Premier Prix du … Music from the Paris Conservatoire, ed. There are precious scale models of the various concert halls associated with the Conservatoire, including the Salle des Concerts before its Pompeiian renovation of 1865 and the Salle du Trocadéro (1878, demolished 1937), with its Cavaillé-Coll pipe organ, where Saint-Saëns’s Third Symphony (“Organ”) was first offered to the French by the Société des Concerts in 1887.39. A l'écoute. [9], Probably the best known director in the 19th century was Luigi Cherubini, who took over on 1 April 1822 and remained in charge until 8 February 1842. Introduction. Today’s museum is a triumph of the French manière of museology (visual, sonorized, interactive), with permanent and rotating exhibitions and ample space for performances and public encounters. “L’enseignement de la direction d’orchestre à ses débuts.” In Le Conservatoire de Paris (Hondré 1995), 185–201.Find this resource: Sablonnière, Marguerite. “Regard sur les créations de classes au Conservatoire.” In Le Conservatoire de Paris (Hondré 1995), 217–235.Find this resource: Blay, Philippe, et al. When the Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoléon III, recognized only one living composer (Rossini) on a program, she asked, “And do you play only compositions by dead people in your lovely Conservatoire concerts?” “Madame,” the conductor Narcisse Girard replied with a low bow, “the repertoire of our society is the Louvre of musical art.”21 This view was widely shared: arrival at the Salle des Concerts was the defining moment in a work’s journey toward permanence. On 13 May 1871, the day after Auber's death, the leaders of the Paris Commune appointed Francisco Salvador-Daniel as the director – however Daniel was shot and killed ten days later by the troops of the French Army. The other, rather younger, principal designer of the Conservatoire was the violinist/conductor François-Antoine Habeneck (1781–1849), who had matriculated there in 1801 and left with his premier prix just three years later. Stage – Assistant.e de Conservation - Conservatoire des Créations Hermès Hermès Paris il y a 2 semaines 36 candidats. (11) New edn. One is for Acting, Theatre and Drama and is called the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (CNSAD). How might its accomplishments—it was imagined nearly everywhere that the best instrumentalists came from the Conservatoire—be exported? Elle obtient le Premier Prix du Conservatoire de la Ville de Paris et le Diplôme de Concert [...] de la Schola Cantorum à l'Unanimité avec félicitations du jury. Since 1870 and the death of Auber, tradition’s grip had increasingly positioned the Conservatoire outside the most provocative cross-currents of musical thought. There was no denying the ossification in the rue Bergère. Staff were superb; friendly, always willing to help and felt like their priority was to … Rpt. One is for Acting, Theatre and Drama and is called the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (CNSAD). Au collège : cursus scolaire général avec cours d’éducation musicale spécifique avec aménagement des horaires. Free public performances by students at the CNSAD are given frequently in the Conservatoire's theatre. The jury, hearing the manuscripts sight-read with piano, would award the prize, based as often as not on opinions already acquired in the halls of the Conservatoire rather than the merit of the score. Each of the four pieces, by Sibelius, Stravinsky and Dvorak, was conducted by a different top graduate of the Conservatory’s training program for conductors. The annual distribution des prix was an important event in each academic year: here, too, the student musicians would appear before an influential public. A trove of instruments, mostly harpsichords, attributed to the Conservatoire during the founding years consisted of booty from the Revolution: some 400 instruments at first, then a second load from Versailles. A fourth pillar was the Prix de Rome awarded to young composers, technically given by the Académie des Beaux-Arts of the French Institute (from its building on the Left Bank) but practically controlled by the composition faculty in the rue Bergère. A work concerning the history of the Paris Conservatoire and music education in France. Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 1996.Find this resource: Bongrain, Anne, and Alain Poirier, with Marie-Hélène Coudroy-Saghai, eds. L’enseignement se structure sur plusieurs années permettant une continuité et une évolution de l’apprentissage. See illustrations “Le Jury du Conservatoire” (1903) and “L’Examen de Contrebasse” (1886) in Hondré 1995, pp. The repertoire deemed acceptable for study and performance was broadened conspicuously to include early music and the newer schools; the worldly André Messager, a protégé of Fauré but not a graduate, came to lead the Société des Concerts; the school left its faded campus and moved to 14, rue de Madrid in 1911. A premier prix from the Conservatoire launched careers in the best theaters and concert societies; the foremost instrumentalists rose to occupy, simultaneously, principal chairs at the Opéra and Société des Concerts du Conservatoire (the Paris Conservatory Orchestra) and a professorship at the school. Letter 6 April 1912, Henry Rabaud to Gabriel Fauré, transcribed in Laurent Ronzon, “L’enseignement de la direction d’orchestre à ses débuts,” Hondré 1995, 198–201. Currently, the conservatories train more than 1,200 students in structured programs, with 350 professors in nine departments. Some 80 instruments from her private collection were accepted by the government in payment of inheritance tax (1979) and another 720 purchased by the state, 1980–82. Matriculation at the Conservatoire was so highly valued that families of gifted children would move to Paris and sometimes, like César Franck’s family, change citizenship, since admission required French nationality. Emmanuel Hondré, “Liste des professeurs du Conservatoire des origines à nos jours,” Le Conservatoire de Paris (Hondré 1995), 281–300. Rémy Campos, “‘Mens sana in corpore sano’: l’introduction de l’histoire de la musique au Conservatoire,” Hondré 1995, p. 169. Les Inscriptions. But if the Société des Concerts was never especially successful at fostering a school of French symphonists, it showed serious commitment to cantatas and oratorios that could feature both chorus and orchestra (for example Théodore Dubois’s Les Sept Paroles du Christ, 1872; Franck’s Les Béatitudes, 1882; Gounod’s Mors et Vita, 1884—though more frequently as excerpts than as full productions). Nevertheless a few specimens of musical life under the ancien régime were used alongside post-Revolutionary instruments for classes during the nineteenth century. Compensation was by an annual division of the proceeds into equal shares (the conductor and eventually the principal players receiving more than one share). Il offre aussi des cours de danse et jazz. Situé à côté du stade municipal, le Conservatoire de Châtenay-Malabry, classé par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, propose tout au long de l'année des cours de musique et de danse. Roze, interestingly, was co-author, with Gossec and others, of a Méthode de serpent pour le service du culte et le service militaire (1814), one of the method books published by the Conservatoire’s Magasin de Musique in 1814—after the instrument had already been dropped from the curriculum.29, The library of the Conservatoire was commingled with the music collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in 1935, the joint holding recognized as the Département de la Musique in 1942. Richard Wagner, “Über das Dirigiren” (1869), transl. The new museum so constituted opened November 20, 1864. Apart from its direct pedagogical mission, the Conservatoire was home to three pillars of the nation’s musical culture: the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire (1828), the Bibliothèque du Conservatoire (1795), and the Musée Instrumental (1861, though envisaged from the start; now the Musée de la Musique). Musée de la Musique, Paris, Guide. Expertise at sight-singing (solfège) and sight-reading (déchiffrage) was expected of all and assured, like other preparatory and remedial work, by teaching assistants (répétiteurs). Son. transl. Former students. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). The venerable composer François-Joseph Gossec (1734–1829) was closely associated with both precedent schools, but it was the bandsman Sarrette who emerged as powerful director of the new Conservatoire: visionary in politics and social thought, an experienced bureaucrat, a moving orator. (33) L’événement est d’importance. It is located in the original historic building of the Conservatoire de Paris on the rue du Conservatoire at rue Sainte-Cécile in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. 4.3 out of 5 stars. This page is also available in French. Paris: M. Senart, 1917. “Liste des professeurs du Conservatoire des origines à nos jours.” In Le Conservatoire de Paris (Hondré 1995), 283–300.Find this resource: Hondré, Emmanuel, ed. Three sides of a courtyard were surrounded by the academic buildings, entered from the rue du Faubourg-Poissonnière through a decorative portal and a vaulted passageway. In principle all “living” instruments were taught, though a separate class in viola was not added until 1894 (under Théophile-Édouard Laforge, then Maurice Vieux).10 Harpsichord was dropped after the first year and only reintroduced, as part of the early music program, in 1950 (Robert Veyron-Lacroix, etc.). Among its graduates were Roger Désormière and Serge Baudo; the teachers included Henri Rabaud, Gaubert, and Charles Munch, all familiar figures on the podium of the Société des Concerts. [10], In 1828 François Habeneck, a professor of violin and head of the Conservatory's orchestra, founded the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire (forerunner of the Orchestre de Paris). Tribune de Lausanne, 3 April 1917. With each reconditioning of the room more seats were lost to emergency escape routes: toward the end of its use for concerts, the capacity was just over 800. (7) Students played in public examinations called Concours (competitions), which included a set piece and accompanied sight … Danse: à partir de la grande section de maternelle, jusqu’aux candidats de niveau terminale à la rentrée de l'année en cours. Mardi 17 novembre 2020 Organisation des Concours Musique. Paris: Vrin, 2012.Find this resource: Bongrain, Anne, and Yves Gérard, with Marie-Hélène Coudroy-Saghai, eds. You Might Also Like. The Conservatoire offers instruction in music and dance, drawing on the traditions of the "French School". Yves Gérard, in preface to Hondré 1995, 4–5; transl. Habeneck oversaw orchestral activities at the Conservatoire from the time he led the student orchestra from the front desk until the end of his career on the podium of the Société des Concerts. The Beethoven corpus was completed in due course with the Ninth Symphony (1831) and Missa solemnis (extracts in 1832 and 1835; complete in 1889); Haydn symphonies, including one held to be the exclusive property of the Société des Concerts, continued in vogue; the works of Mendelssohn were hungrily devoured. Situé à Paris dans 9e arrondissement, au no 2 bis rue du Conservatoire, il est dirigé par Claire Lasne Darcueil depuis 2013. Découvrez qui Hermès a recruté pour ce poste. Mardi 17 novembre 2020 Informations coronavirus Covid-19. The roster of instrument teachers was similarly exalted for the entire century, fostering astonishing lineages. Universities related to Conservatoire de Paris. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school. But with each passing year the complaints from the compositional establishment grew louder, met with equal insistence from the voting sociétaires that their concerts were only for the hallowed repertoire. (5) Jean Mongrédien, “Les premiers exercices publics d’élèves d’après la presse contemporaine (1800–1815),” Bongrain 1996, 15–37, Emmanuel Hondré, “Liste des professeurs du Conservatoire des origines à nos jours,”, Emmanuel Hondré, “Les méthodes officielles du Conservatoire,” Hondré 1995, 73–107. Such teachers as Gossec, Méhul, Le Sueur, Halévy, Daniel-François-Esprit Auber, Adolphe Adam, and Ambroise Thomas produced a strong lineage of outstanding and influential French composers. The program in orchestral conducting evolved from the classe d’ensemble/classe d’orchestre assigned to Edme-Marie-Ernest Deldevez in October 1873, from which a formal program was introduced in 1914, the work of Fauré and his successor, Henri Rabaud.17 This project encountered the usual impediments, including instrument teachers who objected to having their students drafted into a training orchestra; but by the time of Rabaud’s deft proposal for the new class (April 1912), the arguments in favor were incontrovertable. Cited, following Constant Pierre, in Catherine Massip, “La Bibliothèque de Conservatoire (1795–1819): une utopie réalisée?”, Bongrain 1996, 117. Paris: Delagrave, 1923.Find this resource: Deldevez, E.-M.-E. La Société des Concerts, 1860 à 1885. Bourgault-Ducoudray led the institution toward its involvement in what it now called early music (musique ancienne), already in December 1878 organizing student performers for Janequin’s La Bataille de Marignan; documents of 1896 show him lecturing in the Salle des Concerts with live musical examples from the stage, 270 places for students, and 150 for the public.16 A new chair in musicology evolved after World War II under Norbert Durourcq, succeeded by Yves Gérard. Together with the Opéra and to some extent the music (composition) section of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, the Conservatoire dictated the substance of French musical culture—the élite sort, anyway—from the Revolution to the Belle Époque and beyond. 4 (June 1996): 1171–1174. Peter Bloom, review of Hondré 1995, Notes 52, no. 1,258 people like this. 9.0 . Meanwhile there was serious competition from outside its walls: from other conservatories (the École Niedermeyer, for church musicians, 1850s; later, Guilmant and d’Indy’s Schola Cantorum, 1894, and Cortot’s École Normale de Musique, 1919); from progressive composer alliances like the Société Nationale (1879) and its search, under Franck, for a true Ars Gallica; and from the many concert-giving societies born from the very success of the Société des Concerts—the Pasdeloup, Lamoureux, and Colonne ochestras, to name the most successful. What music was to be taught, and performed, at the Conservatoire? It was typical of the Republican mindset to arrange access to these treasures methodically: the library was open to the public from 10 until 12 on the days 2–4 of each 10-day week; to the students on days 6–8; and reserved on days 1, 5, and 9 for cataloging and shelving. [12] After the construction of the concert hall, the library moved to a large room above the entrance vestibule. Yet Peter Bloom cautions that the archival to-do list remains daunting: collecting, publishing, and interpreting Cherubini’s massive correspondence, for instance, is far from done.41. [4], Claude Delvincourt was director from 1941 until his tragic death in an automobile accident in 1954. [4], A concert hall, designed by the architect François-Jacques Delannoy,[7] was inaugurated on 7 July 1811. 806 check-ins . [9] The acoustics were generally regarded as superb. By the late nineteenth century the name alone enabled the Conservatoire to prosper even as it became entrenched in its ways and prone to elitist behaviors and considerable unfairness. Après avoir travaillé la guitare avec Philippe Chapillon au Conservatoire Européen de Paris, elle y obtient un 1er Prix . Prix de composition 2019 n°2. Governance and administration was by the members, or sociétaires, themselves, following statutes adopted at the inauguration and which held, in most principles, until the dissolution. Alors plus une seconde à perdre, découvrez sans plus tarder nos nombreuses références Conservatoire Paris à prix bas et profitez en prime, en plus réductions et remises très souvent mises à votre disposition, du remboursement de votre commande à hauteur de 5% minimum grâce à notre Club Rakuten. Closed Now. Le Conservatoire de Paris diffusera sur son site Internet et sur Facebook, lundi 14 décembre à 19h, un concert de solidarité donné par les étudiants et dédié à la mémoire de M. Bassam Saba, directeur du Conservatoire libanais, décédé le 4 décembre des suites de la Covid-19*. He was replaced by Ambroise Thomas, who remained in the post until 1896. [5], In 1792, Bernard Sarrette created the École Gratuite de la Garde Nationale, which in the following year became the Institut National de Musique. The history and programming of the Société des Concerts were treated in Antoine Elwart’s foundational study of the Société des Concerts (1860), later supplemented by Deldevez (1887), Dandelot (1923), and Cordey (1941); these made possible Holoman’s 2004 English-language monograph on the orchestra’s entire history. French operatic and sacred repertoire figured prominently, of course, especially—from the first concert—the works of Cherubini. Signaler cette offre d’emploi; Staff included Dukas and Jean Roger-Ducasse for composition, Marcel Dupré for organ, Marcel Moyse for flute, and Claire Croiza for singing. Create New Account. Fauré had taught at the Conservatoire since 1886. [4] In 1819, François Benoist was appointed professor of organ. Attaining a premiere prix (first prize) practically guaranteed the musician a good job, and at various times also earned the player a new instrument, … The widely reprinted photograph (HERE) was by Eugène Pirou, 1895. “Gabriel Fauré au Conservatoire de Paris: une philosophie de l’enseignement.” In Le Conservatoire de Paris (Bongrain 1996), 219–234.Find this resource: Pierre, Constant. The orchestra boom lasted until the 1920s, when such competing allures as the motorcar, tennis, cycling, and the very concept of the weekend began to compete for leisure time each Sunday afternoon. Paris: au Siège de la Société, 1941.Find this resource: Curzon, Henri de. The winning work and runner-up would later be presented in live concert. The organ on site was built in 1991 by the Austrian Rieger Orgelbau firm. Gallery. (22) The Conservatoire in the nineteenth century managed, for all its challenges, to accomplish exactly what it set out to do: foster sturdy French schools of composition and performance. Exterior: “Entry to the Concerts du Conservatoire” (1848), Bibliothèque Nationale Mus. transl. In 2014 appeared online an extraordinary reference work based on these sources: Frédéric de La Grandville: Dictionnaire biographique des élèves et aspirants du Conservatoire de Musique de Paris (1795–1815).40 A research team led by Cécile Reynaud, Histoire de l’Enseignement Musical en France au XIXe siècle (1975–1914) (HEMEF), is meanwhile building a mass database—a prosopography—of the Conservatoire’s students 1822–1914, based on the student and class records preserved at the Archives Nationales. Heilbronn: Galland, 1998.Find this resource: Devriès-Lesure, Anik. This level of factual detail informs such masterly cultural studies as Jann Pasler’s massive volume on music in Third-Republic France (2009) and Katherine Bergeron’s on vocal music and education in the Belle Époque (2010). Specifically pour servir à l’enseignement de la clarinette à anneaux mobiles et de celles à 13 clés (Paris: J. Meissonnier, 1843). “Orchestral Material from the Library of the Société des Concerts.” 19th-Century Music 7, no. Encyclopédie de la musique et Dictionnaire du Conservatoire I, 3 (France—Belgique—Angleterre). Mardi 17 novembre 2020 Organisation des Concours Danse. Other milepost events include the brief closure of the institution in late 1815 and the transfer from the rue Bergère in the IXth arrondissement to the rue de Madrid in the VIIIth (near the Gare St. Lazare) in 1911. College & University in Paris, France. M DD (13) will audition for CNSMDP (National Conservatoire Superior de Paris) in March when she is 14. The library was, then, originally assembled in large measure from property of the royal households and of aristocrats who had fled (émigrés) or been executed (condamnés): rooms stacked high, reported the founding librarian Nicolas Roze (1745–1819), with volumes and bundles awaiting his attention. At its bicentenary Yves Gérard characterized the Paris Conservatoire as an “organism that since the Revolution has produced the great majority of the actors on the French musical stage.”42 The mightily utopian aspirations in the 1790s for what was, after all, a trade school, draw us strikingly to the force of the ideas espoused by the citizens of the new nation. Lyon: Musée des Beaux-Arts, online HERE. The Conservatoire, after all, emerged from the same ideas and ideals—above all, a staunch commitment to the public utility—as had the National Museum of Natural History (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 1793), the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 1794)—even the Bibliothèque Nationale (1792) that at least theoretically made the treasures of the former king’s library available to every citizen of the republic. Officially known as the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), it is situated in the avenue Jean Jaurès in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, France. At the Paris Conservatory, and at all government sanctioned institutions of higher learning in France, a Diploma of Musical Studies — the degree that offers the First Prize — was accredited by the French Ministry of Culture, but not as a higher education academic degree. The appointment in 1905 of a director from the outside, Gabriel Fauré, led the institution to address these problems and withstand the upheavals that occurred in the new century. Premier Prix, en première année, du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. Already a noted collector and bibliophile, she set in motion projects for the scientific documentation, cataloguing, and restoration of what she had found.