IP Server:, HostName:, DNS Server:,,, Let yourself be transported by the wind. 2. Kitehouse caters for all of our guests’ requirements, whether staying for just a weekend or longer holidays for sport or relaxation purposes, or to discover the beautiful surroundings. The lagoon is part of the natural reserve and it offers the ideal features to learn Kitesurf in the safest and fastest way, for its shallow waters, the ever-flat surface and steady warm winds 300 days of the year. View over 565 hotel deals in Marsala and read real guest … Lo Stagnone is a unique place in Europe and will give you the kite experience you have always searched for. The offer includes high quality brand new equipment, highly skilled IKO certified instructors and safe conditions. ProKite Alby Rondina is not just a kite school, accommodation or shop. Perfect to learn and enjoy kiteboarding. During the low tide period, the Stagnone changes into a vast meadow, almost like a football field in the middle of the sea. Quand partez-vous généralement ? KiteCamp à Stagnone, Marsala. Le vent souffle d'Avril à Octobre jusqu'à 30 noeuds, il est régulier et constant. Spot for all levels of Kite thanks to its low and flat water allows riders to improve their level or to learn in total safety in a very short time. The beautiful lagoon in Marsala, in the western part of Sicily, was declared a natural reserve of “Lo Stagnone”, a huge lagoon closed off by the islands and opened to the sea at just 2 points. Absolutely to try the wines, especially the renowned Marsala, the local cuisine and the pastry shop where you can perceive the Arab influences in the Sicilian tradition that give life to an interesting food and wine offer. Copyright © 2016 | KiteClub Marsala | All rights reserved. Your kitesurfing instruction will start with small kites, called training kites, that respect IKO's rules. Francesco: 0039 388 8006209 École de kite Sicile - Lecon de kitesurf, Location & Hébergement LE PARADIS DU KITESURF - Prendre des cours de kitesurf à Lo Stagnone est une expérience formidable. A 95 km de l'aéroport de Palerme, vous allez découvrir la petite ville de Marsala ainsi que sa lagune du Stagnone qui vous permettra quelques bonnes sessions de kite. General This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Marsala in Sicily, Italy. Stagnone Kitesurf est l’école de référence en Sicile et en Italie pour vos cours de kitesurf à la lagune de Marsala: va surfer avec le cerf-volant autour des marais salants, les moulins, les petites îles de la lagune et des couchers de soleil magnifiques, avec une sécurité totale, grâce aux eaux calmes et peu profondes. Le kite à Marsala Découvrez une destination proche, ventée et dépaysante avec un séjour kitesurf en Sicile! Our kite school in Lo Stagnone is situated in the middle of a nature reserve. Situé à Marsala, à 33 km d'Erice, le Kite House Marsala Stagnone propose gratuitement des vélos et une connexion Wi-Fi. Stagnone Kitesurf: Kitesurf cours et Kite Ecole de Kitesurf au le Stagnone de Marsala Sicile le spot plus beau en Italie. Flow Kite School Sicily is waiting for you. Summer months can get busy with the warmer climates, but it never feels crowded – the lagoon is a sizeable area so once you launch, you can isolate yourself fairly easily. N’êtes-vous pas attiré par le charme et le prosélytisme que nous allons faire sur Kitesurf? The city offers a lively nightlife, with numerous restaurants, wine bars, beer gardens and night clubs of the interesting historic center, especially during the summer months. The Lagoon offers a unique setting to enjoy kitesurfing, around the small islands of Santa Maria, Schola, Mothia and Isola Lunga, you’ll be surfing through windmills and white mountains of sea-salt, with the company of the unique local wildlife. Contact us online for a quote or simply call us. Kite school in Marsala, Lo Stagnone. Situated at the westernmost part of Sicily, the Stagnone lagoon is located in an unspoilt nature reserve and is notoriously known for the shallow flat water, constant winds and year-long high temperatures. We also offer collection and delivery services. Kite House is at easy reach and well located at only 7 kms away from the Airport of Trapani/Birgi and 2 kms from the first spot in the Stagnone “Kite Club Marsala”. We created complex directly at the beach, where we can provide you with all services, you will need during your holidays. Je suis resté à la base Kite Season pendant une semaine en août et je ne peux pas les recommander plus. Le spot -en contre bas du petit village de San Leonardo, à 15 minutes de la ville de Marsala-estune immense baie, protégée par des îlets qui la ferment quasi totalement Copyright © 2018 | Kite House Marsala | All rights reserved. … Our Rooms: Kite Loop 4 persons | Back Roll 3 persons | Raley to blind 3 persons | Back mobe 2 persons. Si Stagnone appel à vous pour la planche à voile: planche à voile Cours individuels ou collectifs pour les différents niveaux de préparation.. Level Up will provide you safety equipment during the kitesurf course so you can feel even safer. Richiedi un preventivo Chiama 389 206 2709 Indicazioni stradali WhatsApp 389 206 2709 Invia SMS a 389 206 2709 Contattaci Prenota un tavolo Visualizza il menu Fissa un appuntamento Effettua un ordine. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. It is immersed in a green oasis inside the Nature Reserve of the Stagnone and has 4 large rooms on two different floors, well-equipped with large bathrooms, air conditioning and wifi, and laundry service upon request. LO STAGNONE is an unspoiled Nature reserve with a steady wind. N'hésites pas à nous contacter directement pour toutes questions concernant ton séjour ou tes sessions de kite. Kite Club Marsala also offers professional solutions for the repair, maintenance and support for kitesurfing. Wave-lovers can also easily reach the southern side, with the beaches of Marsala, Petrosino, Fetus Head and Puzziteddu, all between15 to 50 km away and suitable for wave with the right weather conditions and not only. Kite House is at easy reach and well located at only 7 kms away from the Airport of Trapani/Birgi and 2 kms from the first spot in the Stagnone “Kite Club Marsala”. After the Covid19, it is time to come back in Sardinia for kitesurfing (have a look to the the Best Sardinia Kitesurfing Spots to enjoy kitesurfing) and learn to Kitesurf!On this website you could find all about Kisurfing Sardinia, Kite Sardinia, Kitesurf Sardinia, Kitesurfing Sardinia: synonyms of enjoyment!. Conditions parfaites, matériel de North Kiteboarding, instructeurs professionnels. 2020's top surfing, windsurfing & kitesurfing in Marsala includes KTS Kite Tour Stagnone + Follow the Wind - Kitesurf Sicily. For years, we have been specialized in the repair and maintenance of equipment for kitesurfing and in providing solutions and support for any repair. Join to our professional kite courses and nice surfer vibe! Ce fut un plaisir de rencontrer l'équipe de Kite Station. Un endroit qui permet à ceux ou celles qui ne kite pas de se poser. Kite House is at easy reach and well located at only 7 kms away from the Airport of Trapani/Birgi and 2 kms from the first spot in the Stagnone “Kite Club Marsala”. Along the southern coastline, there are many equipped and public beaches. A few minutes away from Marsala and Trapani, the Lagoon is the most popular destination for Kiters in Italy and throughout Europe. From March to November we welcome kiters from all over Europe at all levels, from beginner to expert riders. Sicily Kite Academy is a Kitesurf School based in the Stagnone Lagoon, Marsala. Italiano | English. Jun 23, 2020 - Explore Real Estate Alchemyst's board "Kite Surf", followed by 305 people on Pinterest. Italiano | English | Portuguese Notre kite et surf camp est localisé à l’ouest de l’île, à 1h environ de Palerme. Let yourself be carried away by the wind, From 15/03 to 14/06 and from 01/09 to 30/11. Due to the geographical position of the Isaba Lunga island hugging the coastline in front of the Marsala City, and other small islands located in between, this lagoon offers a perfect sanctuary for … 5 bed Villa in Marsala - 481718 - VillaElen:Maestrale Une eau peu profonde et plate, des vents constants toute l’année et des vues à couper le souffle font de Lo Stagnone une destination prisée par de nombreux touristes. Cette région viticole est relativement oubliée par les touristes qui se concentrent principalement dans la partie Est (Etna, Syracuse, Taormine) et sur les plages du sud de l’île. Une mer peut profonde et sans vagues, des conditions parfaites pour apprendre le Kitesurf en quelques heures. Le stagnone de Marsala est le spot de kite par excellence en Sicile et en Italie. modérée 1) Si vous annulez plus de 10 jours avant la date prévue de l’activité → Vous êtes automatiquement remboursés à 100% 2) Si vous annulez entre 10 jours et 4 jours avant le départ de l’activité → Vous serez éligible à un remboursement partiel de 50% 3) Si vous annulez 4 jours ou moins avant le début de l’activité → Aucun remboursement ne sera possible Espace gazonné avec chaises longues, hamac, gros coussins et douche. C’est une immense baie, protégée par des ilets qui la ferment quasiment. If you want to learn how to kitesurf check out our range of courses. The water obviously gets much cooler in winter, so pack a big kite and a thicker wetsuit, you’ll use it. Bar a Marsala. Devid: 0039 329 8842033 What grew nearby the ruins is a massive, one of a kind, 12 hectares monument and two new cities, which appeared to be a spooky, unsuccessful urban experiment. Contact us for room availability! Une eau peu profonde et plate, des vents constants toute l’année et des vues à couper le souffle font de Lo Stagnone une destination prisée par de nombreux touristes. Be assured, in any case you will be able to kite every day… Kitesurf schools at the Stagnone Kitespot – Marsala – Sicily – Italy. Marsala is the largest center of the Province of Trapani, with a population of almost 85,000 inhabitants spread across a territory that extends along Cape Boeo, the westernmost head of Sicily, also known as Cape Lilybeo. Durant les autres saisons les conditions de vent sont très variées. It is immersed in a green oasis inside the Nature Reserve of the Stagnone and has 4 large rooms on two different floors, well-equipped with large bathrooms, air conditioning and wifi, and laundry service upon request. Clever concept to have a B&B with a well equipped self catering communal kitchen at the centre which gave a laid back friendly vibe. Le spot de kite de Marsala (ou plus précisément Lo Stagone) est le spot principal de Sicile. Excellent for KiteSurf thanks to the thermal winds that blow throughout the year and to the island of Stagnone that repairs the spot and to the water that is never higher than 1.5 meters deep you can enjoy your surfing between the wrecks of a Punic ship and the island of Mothia. Vous y trouverez des conditions optimales, sur le spot de Lo Stagnone. ECOLE DE KITE SICILE STAGNONE MARSALA L’École de Kitesurf se trouve dans la Lagune de Stagnone à Marsala en Sicile un cadre magnifique : Un vent constant 300 jours par an. Le stagnone de Marsala est le spot de kite par excellence en Sicile et en Italie. Devid: 0039 329 8842033 The prevailing wind is the Mistral, blowing at an average of about 16-20 knots from spring to autumn, but not uncommon are the days of Scirocco, the intensity of which may be more than 30 knots to get those spectacular "big air " sessions. "A tranquil calming place, light reflecting of the shallow water, glorious sunsets, colourful kite surfing from the local kite schools. The kite lagoon is also recommended for advanced kiters. Il se situe à l’ouest de l’ile, à 1h environ de Palerme. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, fishing or paragliding. Italian. Nov 23, 2020 - Explore Cmart's board "Kitesurfing" on Pinterest. ✅ View over 556 hotels and find the best prices on 【Marsala Hotels】❗ We Definitely will come back if we decide to visit Marsala again! Le spot est près du village de San Leonardo et à 15 minutes de la ville de Marsala. Add these and more to your travel plan entre 1 et 5 entre 6 et 10 plus de 10. Offering proffesional lessons, rentals and photography services. It is immersed in a green oasis inside the Nature Reserve of the Stagnone and has 4 large rooms on two different floors, well-equipped with large bathrooms, air conditioning and wifi, and laundry service upon request. La profondeur de la baie ne dépasse pas 1 à 1,5 mètres, vous aurez donc pied partout. Learn how to perform the first maneuvers. La meilleure période pour le kite est de fin avril à fin octobre. The main feature of the Lagoon of Marsala is its flat and shallow water, a feature that makes it a heavenly spot for freeride and freestyle. Accommodations are fitted with air conditioning, a fully equipped kitchen, a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with shower and a hairdryer. On windless days, the thermals still provides sufficient wind of 9-13 knots, and you can surf with kites of 13 to 16 m². The town offers a lively nightlife with many restaurants, wine-bars, pubs and night-clubs in the interesting old town full of entertainment especially during the summer months. (Même si certains on malheureusement tendance à monopoliser le maximum de place dispo) Un kiné est même dispo sur place (août) Et en plus un petit bar avec possibilité de manger un bout. Dario: 0039 331 8552483 Kite Club Marsala è la scuola di Kitesurf allo Stagnone di Marsala, in Sicilia. Huge shallow and flat water lagoon. The kitesurfing Season is on. Grazie for the present, we got a bottle of Marsala from Roberto. No matter if you are just starting or you are already an experienced rider, Marsala will not disappoint you! your B&B in Marsala. Shallow, sandy lagoon and more than 300 windy days. We are already in the kite sport since 12 years, we work by IKO ( International Kiteboarding Assotiantio) rules. All materials used for repairs are specifically designed for kitesurfing. Ainsi, l’école de kite à Marsala peut se passer de l’assistance d’un bateau à moteur pour les cours de kitesurf. Marsala not only Wine, but also a lot of beauty! An advice: Kitesurfer Academy visit the Website MarsalaKiteHoliday Apartment, Birgi Vecchi – rezervirajte zajamčeno najnižjo ceno! STAGNONE KITESURF SCHOOL we teach Kitesurf at Top Kitespot for Beginner in Europe Lo Stagnone Marsala Sicily.Kite Courses,Hotel,Accomodations,Equipment Rentals,Kitesurf Camps +39.389.206.27.09 . Good breakfast, great location( if you like water sports like kite etc). Merci de me … Kite House Marsala A soli 7 km dall aeroporto trapani/birgi ed a due km dal 1 spot dello stagnone kiteclubmarsala nasce kite house. Kite House is at easy reach and well located at only 7 kms away from the Airport of Trapani/Birgi and 2 kms from the first spot in the Stagnone “Kite Club Marsala”. Apprendre à faire du kitesurf n’a jamais été aussi simple. Italiano | Spanish A sudden and quite recent earthquake forced thousands of people to flee from their homes. Marsala (TP), Email: See more ideas about Kite surfing, Kiteboarding, Kite. L'équipe souriante et disponible vous accueillera avec plaisir dans une ambiance pro kite très agréable. Francesco: 0039 388 8006209 Oggi aperto fino alle ore 22:00. The town, hotels and kite schools awaken, opening March to November. Le spot est en contre bas du petit village de San Leonardo, à 15 minutes de la ville de Marsala. Email: Il se situe à l’ouest de l’ile, à 1h environ de Palerme. Merci Roberto pour ce séjour exceptionnel dans une superbe maison fraîchement rénovée, avec douche à l’italienne, d’une propreté irréprochable ! Le spot de kite est peu profond avec de l'eau plate - parfait pour les débutants ou les kiters qui recherchent un bon environnement pour la pratique. Giacomo: 0039 388 1832594 Roberto nous a également recommandé un exceptionnel restaurant de viande maturée (le Cibus à Marsala - steak 650gr/32€ - anglophone). Séjour à partir de 990 € The island of Mothia, which can be visited thanks to the various piers along the coast, is famous for being the residence of the Roman Emperor Cicerone, who was superintendent there in 76 BC. L'école de kitesurf est également à proximité. Le spot de kite de Marsala (ou plus précisément Lo Stagone) est le spot principal de Sicile. The water in Lo Stagnone is very calm, it's actually a shallow lagoon of Marsala, so you can stand there. Kitesurfing Season is on! Kite House Marsala. Marsala not only wine, but also a lot of kitesurfing. Hôtel récemment construit situé directement sur la plage et le spot de kitesurf de Marsala. Le spot de kite de Marsala (ou plus précisément Lo Stagone) est le spot principal de Sicile.