2 nd recording of Cantata BWV 43 by P. Herreweghe. La deuxième Partita pour violon seul de Jean-Sébastien Bach, en ré mineur, BWV 1004, a été écrite entre 1717 et 1720 [1], et certains élèves de Bach ont suggéré qu'elle fut écrite en mémoire de sa première femme, Maria Barbara Bach.La partita compte cinq mouvements : Allemande; Courante; Sarabande; Gigue; Chaconne; Cette Partita est remarquable notamment par la Chaconne finale. La Chacona es el último de cinco movimientos de la segunda partita para violín solo en Re menor, clasificada BWV 1004. 1653 chacone « sorte de danse espagnole » (Les œuvres de dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, trad. Il participe à la première édition monumentale de ses œuvres et transcrit également la « Chaconne pour violon seul » au piano (main gauche) en et Hist. BACH Chaconne from Partita for Solo Violin, BWV 1004 COUPERIN La Favorite MONTEVERDI Lamento della Ninfa PURCELL Chaconne from King Arthur et Orth. Was this review helpful to you? }); Playback options Listening on… Switch Spotify device; Open in Spotify Web Player; Change playback source Open on YouTube website; Change playback source Previous Play Next Skip to YouTube video. Lar. As the chaconne form evolved in other nations, it took on a completely different mood from the original raucous dance. Russian-Italian violinist Sergej Krylov performing Bach's 'Chaconne' from the Solo Partita No. WhatsApp. Creada per Josep-Miquel Serra Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689–1755): Chaconne in A major for two cellos, from Neuf petites sonates et chaconne (1737); another in G major, from the opera Daphnis et Chloé (1747) François Couperin (1668–1733): "La Favorite," chaconne, ninth movement in Ordre 3ème in C minor for harpsichord, from Pièces de clavecin, premier livre (1713) Quizás no exista momento más sublime y elevado para un violín que este movimiento complejo, variado y rico. He has taught at the Lute Society of America Summer Workshop, the International Baroque Institute at Longy, and the Madison Early Music Festival. His chamber-music engagements have included Quicksilver, Piffaro, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, the Folger Consort, Apollo’s Fire, Blue Heron, and Musica Pacifica. Maureen Murchie performs on modern and Baroque violin and viola across the US as well as in China, Japan, and Europe, where a tour with Baroque ensemble El Mundo included a concert at the Tage Alter Musik Regensburg. 2 für Violine in d-Moll BWV 1004 - Artikel im Geigen-Lexikon auf violinorum.de It already bore little resemblance to the original lively Spanish song and dance from about 1600, or to "La Ciaccona," a bass pattern and chord progression based on the song that crops up constantly in Italian music of the early 1600s. A concerto competition winner at both of her alma maters, Chloe earned her B.M. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Facebook. Upcoming engagements were to include performances at the Internationale Händel Feststpiele Göttingen in Germany, the Carmel Bach Festival, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, ACRONYM and many others in the US and beyond. In a VC exclusive video series, American violinist Rachel Barton Pine talks us through the intricacies of the ‘Chaconne’ from Bach’s Solo Violin Partita No. 12J.S. Adept across styles and performance practices, Karen performs regularly on both baroque and modern violin throughout the United States and Europe. Karen has recently appeared as a soloist with Orchestra of Saint Luke’s at MassMoCa, Juilliard’s baroque ensemble J415 on tour in New Zealand, and the American Classical Orchestra at New York’s Lincoln Center. I love the way she plays the silences. BACH  Chaconne from Partita for Solo Violin, BWV 1004COUPERIN  La FavoriteMONTEVERDI  Lamento della NinfaPURCELL  Chaconne from King Arthur, Music with a repeating bass line, like the Pachelbel Canon, has a mesmerizing effect on listeners. The great Israeli violinist here performs this violin miniature by Edward Elgar on French television in 1962 . La chaconne pour violon de Bach est, de très loin, la plus célèbre : un détail peu connu de la littérature : c'est ce morceau qu'Aldous Huxley demanda que l'on joue sur sa tombe, lors de son dernier voyage. degrees from The Juilliard School, as well as the Juilliard Career Advancement Fellowship. Cependant Fér. Favorite New York City credits include a recital of arias and duets from zarzuelas at Merkin Hall; the title role in La Llorona by Hector Armienta; and a performance as featured soloist in John Corigliano’s “Forever Young” with the New York Virtuoso Singers, prepared with the composer, followed by a tour to Denmark and Sweden as a soloist with that same ensemble. Listen online to Corinne Kloska - Chaconne pour violon extrait de la Partita n° 2 en re mineur BWV 1004 Bach Busoni and find out more about its history, critical reception, and meaning. Previous Post Barrios: Julia Florida – Alvaro Pierri. 12 J.S. He also works with the New York Continuo Collective, an ensemble that mounts workshop productions of seventeenth-century vocal music. Analysen und Interpretationen der Chaconne von J.S. Un brillant exercice de style autour de la célèbre Chaconne de Bach que l'on retrouve ici dans sa version originale (au violon par Amandine Beyer) et dans plusieurs de ses plus fameuses transcriptions. 1787 enregistre chacone; Nouv. NEW TO YOUTUBE | Virtuoso Violinist Midori – Bach ‘Chaconne’, 2017 [VIDEO] Japanese virtuoso violinist Midori performing the 'Chaconne' from Bach’s Solo Violin Partita No. Fevo.init({ A sneak peek at American Classical Orchestra’s upcoming virtual concert: The Chaconne Project. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prononc. 1 st recording of Cantata BWV 6 by P. Herreweghe. Nach Curt Sachs ist die Chaconne hispanoamerikanischen Ursprungs und hatte ehemals einen sinnlichen, wilden und zügellosen Charakter. Recent Posts. There were other prisoner orchestras in other areas of the Reich, but this has become the most famous.This orchestra played for roll call - every day, in all kinds of weather. . Recorded & filmed live at Chapelle de la trinité, Lyon, France, during Festival de Musique Baroque de Lyon. This FAQ is empty. La majorité des dict. I thought this was an exceptional performance of the chaconne. Voir aussi la boutique partitions de Bach, Johann Sebastian. in imitation of the one by M. Gluck," finale to Symphony in D minor, op. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube. Broadcast on aconyc.org and Facebook Live, as well as YouTube. Johann Sebastian Bach, Soundtrack: Minority Report. He holds degrees and certificates from Oberlin Conservatory, the Eastman School of Music, The Juilliard School, and the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. A su regreso, Bach recibe la noticia y se entera que los funerales ya habían tenido lugar (ver biografía de Bach). Segovia joue Bach - Chaconne (1947) - Segovia Chaconne - Premier enregistrement par Andrés Segovia de la Chaconne en ré mineur de Bach, en 1947. She is based in New York City. WhatsApp. Diaporama : … Sarabande - 9:475. Mexican mezzo-soprano Guadalupe Peraza has been a featured performer on both concert and opera stages, and has become known in recent years for conceiving/producing and performing in a variety of cross-cultural collaborations. NEW TO YOUTUBE | Violinist Sergej Krylov - Bach 'Chaconne' [COVID-19] Violinist Sergej Krylov performing the Bach Chaconne from the balcony of the Lithuanian Philharmonia. Raff) (partition) 16,80 € * Les clients ont aussi acheté Les clients ont aussi regardé. conne (shä-kôn′, -kŏn′) n. 1. a. Livraison mondiale. Wenn Ihnen das nichts gesagt hat, wird Sie der Rest dieses Textes wahrscheinlich nicht interessieren. Twitter. Climax starts 35, , orgasm at Second climax starts at Chaconne D minor from Partita no.2 (piano transcription)(music score)(19s).pdf. She has participated in various productions at New York City Opera and Bard Summerscape, and has sung at Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, and Lincoln Center. The chaconne form had gone through several incarnations in its history by the time Bach turned to it. Program Preview #2:Haym Ciaccona in E Major. He is the organist and director of music at St. Mary’s Church in Norwalk, Connecticut, where he sings and conducts renaissance polyphony and plainchant. Bach aus der Partita Nr. Bach: Chaconne de BWV 1004 pour orchestre (Arr. Program Preview #3:Guest Artist Interview. Bach in Auschwitz Wenn doch, ist es Ihnen vielleicht sogar ergangen wie Johannes Brahms, der diese Musik 1877 entdeckte und danach He’s only 12 or 13 here…. 2. Chaconne, Italian Ciaccona, solo instrumental piece that forms the fifth and final movement of the Partita No. LIKE 6. Of his conducting for New York’s Dell’Arte Opera, The Observer remarked, “It was amazing to hear what warm and varied sounds he coaxed from the ensemble.” He has also served as assistant conductor for Juilliard Opera and has accompanied operas with the Yale Baroque Opera Project and the Boston Early Music Festival. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Johann Sebastian Bach : Extrait de la partita II en ré mineur BWV1004 - Chaconne Busoni - Lutz - Brahms : Transcription de la chaconne pour piano. The Danse de Seis ( see Morris ) in the Seville Cathedral was said to be a form of the Chaconne. "Chaconne Kremer" suchen, kommen Sie gleich als Erstes zu einer wundervollen YouTube-Version. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. She was a featured soloist in Mozart’s Requiem with early music specialists The Sebastians in 2017; at the Bard Music Festival Preview in 2015 and at the 2015 Opera America Conference, hosted by Washington National Opera in Washington, DC. So. dont Ac. ARAÑÉS Chacona a la vida bona HAYM Ciaccona in E Major STROZZI L’Eraclito amoroso MARAIS Chaconne in A Major, from Pièces de Viole, Book 4 DE MURCIA La Marionas CORELLI Trio Sonata, Opus 2, No. Next Post Julian Bream Turns 80 – BBC Interview. Maureen holds a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she wrote a dissertation on the history of the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra. Strings By Mail Bach | Chaconne (arr. 552 West End AvenueNew York, NY 10024-2707Box Office: 212-362-2727, Copyright © 1985—2019 | 552 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10024-2707 | Office: 212.362.2727  | site: ericrounds.com. Tom Crawford and Amanda Sidebottom talk with mezzo-soprano Guadalupe Peraza about the the “lament”-style pieces she performs in ACO’s upcoming Chaconne program, filmed recently at Harlem Parish, NYC. Es handelt sich um eine subtile Verarbeitung der italienischen Ciaccona, die um 1600 als obszöner Tanz aus Spanien nach Italien kam, im Frühbarock zum Lieblingsbass der Geiger avancierte und bis zu Bach schon mehrere Metamorphosen erlebt hatte. 2 in D Minor October 6, 2017 Pinterest. He founded two Connecticut orchestras: the Fairfield Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Old Fairfield Academy, the period instrument offshoot of the Fairfield Orchestra that was renamed American Classical Orchestra in 1999. Además de ser profundamente conmovedora. Ich habe lange darauf gewartet, dass Philippe Jaroussky endlich Werke meines Lieblingskomponisten Bach singt (kleinere Parts im Magnificat oder kurze Stücke auf youtube mal ausgenommen). Menuet I / II - 13:416. bis zu 6€ Rabatt für Mitglieder: Chaconne (Partita 2 d-moll BWV 1004) - Bach Johann Sebastian, Busoni Ferruccio | Noten. As an orchestral musician, he has performed with the New York Philharmonic, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Virginia Symphony. 1. Chaconne Johann Sebastian Bach. Allermande - 2:453. Yes (84) No (75) By aalbert, 10 Apr 2015 at 16:49. thank you very much~ Was this review helpful? At its earliest origins, the chaconne appears in Spain and Italy as a bawdy peasant dance. 3 rd recording of Cantata BWV 11 by P. Herreweghe. Composers from Bach to Ravel have wielded this phenomenon in works properly called ‘chaconne,’ ‘passacaglia,’ ‘ground bass,’ ‘canon,’ or ‘round.’. With the Fairfield Orchestra, Crawford commissioned numerous works by composers, including John Corigliano and William Thomas McKinley, and collaborated with artists such as Joshua Bell, John Corigliano, Vladimir Feltsman, Richard Goode, Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, André Watts, and Dawn Upshaw. Versandkostenfrei möglich zzgl. Al parecer la pieza fue escrita a la memoria de su esposa María Barbara, quien murió mientras que él se encontraba de viaje. La Chaconne étant l'emblème de ce romantisme latent, Brahms, Busoni et, plus tard, Lutz ont entrepris, chacun à sa manière et de façon très différente, de la transcrire pour le piano: Brahms a choisi la fidélité et la simplicité, Busoni le déploiement quasi symphonique et Lutz les innovations harmoniques. In addition to ACO, in recent years Maureen has performed with Boston’s Handel+Haydn Society, Trinity Baroque Orchestra, NOVUS, Helicon, New York Baroque Incorporated, Garth Newel Piano Quartet, Mark Morris Dance Company, Mercury Ensemble, Staunton Music Festival, Boulder Bach Festival, REBEL, Bethlehem Bach Festival, and in the Broadway pits of Tootsie and Farinelli and the King. Enjoy a darker lament by Claudio Monteverdi (d. 1643), JS Bach’s incomparable masterpiece, Chaconne from Partita No. An accomplished composer, organist, and choirmaster, Crawford won the prestigious BMI composition award for his organ work Ashes of Rose, premiered at the American Guild of Organists. PhoebeShi. Artistic Director Tom Crawford previews the ACO’s November 17 & 20 Digital broadcasts of Chaconne (a ‘well-grounded’ program). . La fecha de la chacona data de 1720, cuando el maestro estaba en Köthen. Spécimen digital, Video (Youtube) Ressources en ligne . Home VIDEOS NEW TO YOUTUBE NEW TO YOUTUBE | Ensemble ViolUNTi — Bach "Chaconne" ... NEW TO YOUTUBE | Ensemble ViolUNTi — Bach "Chaconne" [2020] The Texas-based ensemble ViolUNTi performing a new arrangement of Bach's "Chaconne" for violin ensemble. Support at any level is essential to the continued success of the American Classical Orchestra’s concert programming and award-winning free educational outreach program in New York City. They tell their stories, and their memories of performances, and tell of their horror at being used by the Nazis.It is a poignant portrait of a very special group of survivors. Receive email updates and reminders about this event: PART ONE: November 17, 2020Tuesday at 7:30 PM, PART TWO: November 20, 2020Friday at 7:30 PM, Karen Dekker and Chloe Fedor, violinMaureen Murchie, violaArnie Tanimoto, viola da gamba and celloCharles Weaver, theorbo and Baroque guitarGuadalupe Peraza, mezzo sopranoMichael K. Harrist, percussionThomas Crawford, harpsichordwith Alex Guerrero, tenorDominic Inferrera, baritoneEnrico Lagasca, bass-baritone, ARAÑÉS  Chacona a la vida bonaHAYM  Ciaccona in E MajorSTROZZI  L’Eraclito amorosoMARAIS  Chaconne in A Major, from Pièces de Viole, Book 4DE MURCIA  La MarionasCORELLI  Trio Sonata, Opus 2, No. Dutch violinist Karen Dekker grew up surrounded by music. SHARE. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): Chaconne, fifth movement of Partita no. ARAÑÉS Chacona a la vida bona HAYM Ciaccona in E Major STROZZI L’Eraclito amoroso MARAIS Chaconne in A Major, from Pièces de Viole, Book 4 DE MURCIA La Marionas CORELLI Trio Sonata, Opus 2, No. Diaporama : Christian de Chabot. The Chacona 3/4 (1560), Chaconne, Passacaille , Sarabanda, Jacara, Rastro, and Tarraga dances are reported as … Chloe serves as the Baroque artistic advisor and concertmaster for Lakes Area Music Festival. George Enescu (1881-1955) was a Romanian composer, violinist, pianist, conductor, and teacher. She has performed in William Christie’s gardens in Thiré, France, and toured Europe with Les Arts Florissants and The Knights Chamber Orchestra. Lauded for her “lovely, plush, seductive tone,” and hailed as “clearly gifted,” (New York Times) Chloe Fedor is sought after as a soloist, concertmaster, and chamber musician in ensembles across the country. Learn what a Chaconne is, how it came about, and what to listen for in the upcoming performances. Uploaded by. There was an orchestra in Auschwtiz - made up of female prisoners and led by another prisoner, niece of a famous conductor and composer. Crit. Bach: Chaconne – Kuang Jun Hong. A passionate activist determined to bring the beauty of period music to a wider audience, Mr. Crawford’s educational activities with the Orchestra were recognized with a Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth award by the National Endowment for the Arts for the ACO’s dynamic music outreach to New York City schoolchildren. A Pennsylvania native, he holds degrees in organ performance and composition from the Eastman School of Music and Columbia University. Bach Busoni Chaconne. Brahms Bach Chaconne Left . The recipient of a 2017 Frank Huntington Beebe Fund Fellowship he has also performed and recorded with Barthold Kuijken, the Boston Early Music Festival Ensemble, and the Smithsonian Consort of Viols. Realisation: Isabelle Soulard; Production: Ozango. In addition to performing regularly with top early music ensembles, Karen has subbed in on Broadway’s Hamilton and Book of Mormon. Bach -Busoni Chaconne. American Classical Orchestra’s Artistic Director and Founder Thomas Crawford is a champion of historically accurate performance styles in Baroque, Classical, and Early Romantic music. Solche Stücke wurden nicht nur getanzt, sondern auch gesungen. Apparently danced … 2019-08-08T16:18:00Z . View production, box office, & company info. A violin teacher born in Oral, Kazakhstan, Zakhar Bron starting studying music at the age of eight, in the most prestigious music schools of Russia. I love the confidential feel, as if she's whispering secrets. Esta partita fue compuesta por Bach entre 1717 y 1723. 20 e, Rob. The IMDb editors are anxiously awaiting these delayed 2020 movies. July 9, 2013; Classical Guitar; 0 Comments ; Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Recorded on October 24th in Voertman Hall at the University of North Texas College of Music. Johann Sebastian Bach’s chaconne has been arranged for nearly every instrument: from the ominous-sounding organ to the solo flute or the delightfully sparse marimba.Or, listen to these renditions by an enterprising clarinetist and an equally ambitious saxophonist.Or how about this menacing arrangement for trumpet and orchestra and this lyrical performance by two cellos. Chloe appears with The American Classical Orchestra, Apollo’s Fire, Carmel Bach Festival, Early Music New York, Handel and Haydn Society, NYBI, Oregon Bach Festival, The Sebastians, TENET, and Trinity Wall-Street Baroque Orchestra, among others. In addition to playing organ recitals in the U.S. and France, his works have been performed by the Ithaca Chamber Orchestra and commissioned by Colgate University and the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford. Single piece for piano solo. La pàgina en català de J.S. publisherKey:'020116', In a VC exclusive video series, American violinist Rachel Barton Pine talks us through the intricacies of the ‘Chaconne’ from Bach’s Solo Violin Partita No. Thoene believes that the Chaconne is in fact a tombeau, a memorial piece for Bach’s first wife, Maria Barbara, who died in 1720 unexpectedly while Bach was away with Prince Leopold. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Diese CD (+DVD) ist wirklich der perfekte Sturm. Charles Weaver is on the faculty of the Juilliard School, where he teaches historical plucked instruments and Baroque music theory. (28 Apr 1999). Bach . Directed by Michel Daeron. Continue Reading. Johann Sebastian Bach’s chaconne has been arranged for nearly every instrument: from the ominous-sounding organ to the solo flute or the delightfully sparse marimba.Or, listen to these renditions by an enterprising clarinetist and an equally ambitious saxophonist.Or how about this menacing arrangement for trumpet and orchestra and this lyrical performance by two cellos. Per a qualsevol consulta, podeu adreçar-nos un correu: catabach.com@gmail.com També pots unir-te al nostre grup de Facebook, el nostre canal de YouTube o seguir-nos a Twitter!. Now, Artistic Director Tom Crawford and the ACO will lead a fascinating exploration of this popular Baroque form through digital performances, discussions with guest artists, and more digital content. La Chacona e… June 11, 2020. Helene Grimaud (piano) Bach, Busoni – Chaconne in D minor. It also played for arriving trains, and during the sorting of those who would die immediately and those who would most likely be worked to death. Segovia) for solo guitar - Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach Editor: Andres Segovia Transcription: Andres Segovia Chaconne from the Partita II in d minor for violin solo, BWV 1004 Instrumentation: guitar Series: Edition Andres Segovia 12 Pages - Saddle stitching ISMN: M-001-09577-8 Order number: GA 141 In the 2018-19 season, Peraza performed as alto soloist in Mendelssohn’s Elijah with the Fairfield County Chorale and Orchestra under the direction of David Rosenmeyer, and was a featured soloist at St. Patrick´s Cathedral and Symphony Space in New York City, the majestic Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris in Mexico City, and the Metropolitan Theater of Querétaro, Mexico in collaboration with Mick Moloney and Green Fields of America. I thought that the 1st sonata was equally oustanding. 2 in D Minor. 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. Facebook. Les clients ont aussi acheté. Étymol. There is something comforting yet unsettling about a pattern that repeats ad infinitum, even with greatly varied music happening above. at The Eastman School of Music and earned two M.M. In 2016 she was awarded “Mexican Woman of the Year” by the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners in Union City, NJ for her contributions to the Latin American community. Pour piano : une chaconne en mi mineur, du coréen Yiruma. Bach,_Chaconne_de_la_quatrième_sonate._Huet,jeu_du_violon,1880.tiff ‎ (307 × 216 pixels, file size: 99 KB, MIME type: image/tiff) This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons . It’s also nearly impossible to play. Add the first question. et Quillet 1965 admettent chaconne ou chacone. Information from its description page there is shown below. Enescu was born on the 19th August 1881 in the village of Liveni, Romania (Dorohoi County at the time, today Botoşani County), and showed musical talent from early in his childhood. Gold medalist of the 7th International Bach-Abel Competition, Arnie Tanimoto is equally at home on the viola da gamba and baroque cello. Historians speculate that Bach composed it after returning from a trip and found his w The music lulled the arriving transports, either giving them a false sense of security or soothing their shattered senses with familiar strains of music.This film is a documentary - a series of interviews and filmed episodes - of the surviving members of the Auschwitz orchestra. Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) Prélude, fugue et chaconne en do majeur, BuxWV 637 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Toccata, adagio et fugue en do majeur, BWV 564 Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, BWV 721 With Helene Scheps, Violette Jacquet-Silberstein, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, Flora Schrivjer-Jacobs. 41. 18. Obwohl das Lautenwerk von Johann Sebastian Bach mit sieben Werken für Laute solo, wobei nur BWV 995 und BWV 998 ausdrücklich der Laute zugewiesen sind, sehr überschaubar ist, nimmt es in der Welt der Lautenkompositionen und entsprechend in der des heutigen Gitarrenrepertoires einen übergeordneten Platz ein. He is also pursuing a doctoral degree in music theory at the City University of New York. 2 in D Minor. The timbre is wonderfully rich and sensual. Full of feelings of grief, which is what Bach intended. Joan Sebastian Bach's famous Chaconne in a masterclass held by the great Zakhar Bron. As a teacher, he serves on faculty at the Mountainside Baroque Summer Academy as well as maintaining a private studio. BACH Chaconne from Partita for Solo Violin, BWV 1004 COUPERIN La Favorite MONTEVERDI Lamento della Ninfa PURCELL Chaconne from King Arthur Tout au long de sa vie, Johannes Brahms (1833-1997) reste profondément attaché à l’art de Bach qui nourrit son œuvre instrumentale et vocale. ... Johann Sebastian Bach: Chaconne in D minor Piano seul [Feuillet] Peters (With Variations from Partita No.2 for Violin Solo) Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), arranged by Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924), edited by Paul Banks. A slow, stately dance in triple time of the 1700s. Fevo.purchase('.fevo-button'); — Founder & Artistic Director Thomas Crawford, Sfzp International Fortepiano Competition, Founder & Artistic Director Thomas Crawford. 2 in D minor for solo violin (1720) Luigi Boccherini (1743–1805): "Chaconne that represents Hell . Pour violon : Bach, chaconne de la 2 e Partita en ré mineur. La chaconne de Bach. Video Bach Chaconne on 11-string guitar. Having grown up in Japan and attended Japanese schools, Maureen is also in demand as a Japanese translator and interpreter. 2019-01-04T12:49:00Z. He also conducted the world premiere of Keith Jarrett’s Bridge of Light at Alice Tully Hall, subsequently recorded on the ECM label. Prelude - 0:002. She can be heard on the recently released ACRONYM album “Cantica Obsoleta.”. La chaconne est le dernier des cinq mouvements de la deuxième partita pour violon seul en Ré Mineur de Bach, classifiée BWV 1004.