Trenes TGV INOUI. 2 Services available Monday through Friday (excluding school holidays), at rush hour (trains departing between 07.00 and 09.00 and between 16.30 and 18.30), on the following TGV INOUI lines: Paris-Bordeaux, Paris-Lille Flandres and Europe, Paris-Lyon Part-Dieu, Paris-Marseille, Paris-Montpellier, Paris-Nantes, Paris-Rennes and Paris-Strasbourg. In December 2018, trains circulated between Lille, Marseille and Nice from Paris, before servicing the rest of the network by 2020. If you exchange your ticket before departure and your train is full, the conductor will welcome you aboard unless safety considerations require them to refuse. Continuación del proceso para pasajeros sin un billete SNCF: 2) En la primera pantalla del asistente, haz click en el botón Acepto. 838 talking about this. * *Attention: as a precaution following Covid-19, meals will temporarily not be available on board of TGV INOUI. Learn more about our tickets, passes and business travel services. If your business joins our Contrat Pro or Contrat Grand Compte plan, you’ll enjoy exclusive savings, including: Learn more about our Contrat Grand Compte plan. Strasbourg station: Monday through Friday 05.30-21.30, weekends 07.00-20.00. With TGV INOUI, you can discover France on board our brand new trains. At SNCF, we adapt to you and you can even change your settings, Default 5 The annual fee for Liberté cards is reduced from €399 to €379. Easy. For an annual fee of €399, you’ll save 45% on 2nd-class tickets and 60% on 1st-class tickets in France and other European countries—even at the last minute. En train, tous responsables; Voyagez dans une bulle de confort; Wifi gratuit à bord des trains; 3 tarifs adaptés à tous; De la place pour vos valises; Voyagez avec votre vélo; L'espace nurserie pour votre bébé And I order from the café-bar on line, so I don’t have to wait.”. Bienvenue à bord ! Stay connected from end to end with our on-board WiFi. Bienvenue à bord ! 49 € * Mostrar más. Starting 30 minutes before departure, you may make only two exchanges, and they are limited to other same-day trains and journeys that include your original journey. TGV INOUI directly connects Brussels to 38 French cities.Travel at high speed to the north, south, east and west of France by train and head to Lille, Strasbourg, Lyon, Valence, Avignon, Marseille, Montpellier etc. Avec @TGVINOUI, voyagez dans une bulle de confort, connecté et entouré par une équipe à votre écoute. Also known as the capital of Europe, Brussels is the perfect destination for your next city break! The name inOui was chosen to emulate the French word inouï meaning extraordinary or unheard of. Paris-Nord station: Monday through Friday, 06.30-21.00, weekends and bank holidays 07.00-20.00. Discover our services among the wifi on board and the comfort of the first class while being accompanied by our teams that will take care of you 4.2/ 5 And when you join our Contrat Pro plan, the price for your Liberté card drops from €399 to €379. Leaving early or arriving late? He says: “I can use the on-board WiFi to prepare for my meeting and catch up on work. SNCF App When you choose TGV INOUI for business, you can count on comfortable high-speed travel that’s connected, efficient and relaxing. 43 talking about this. TGV inOui is the brand name of TGV train services operated by SNCF since 27 May 2017 on certain high speed rail services. Do you make more than four return journeys a year? While you wait for your train, visit your TGV INOUI Grand Voyageur lounge—an oasis of calm with free WiFi, a wide selection of complimentary beverages, and your choice of newspapers and magazines. 3/08/19 TGV INOUI À Lyon Part-Dieu Vers 8H Un Marseille-Lille-Bruxelles Geoffrey Du Gard. Paris-Montparnasse station: Monday through Friday 06.15-21.15, weekends 07.00-20.00. The TGV INOUI bar carriage is open to all passengers. We’ve got great deals on business travel for you and your company. This service is available on select lines1, Monday through Friday at rush hour. If you select 1st class, you can get the map of the train and you see the seats : if there are all in the same direction, it's a new train. Higher Learn more about TGV INOUI services. Deutsch. Bienvenue à bord ! Q&A When you choose Business Première, Liberté or Fréquence tickets, you automatically qualify for our Flexibilité Maximum programme, with free refunds guaranteed up to 30 minutes after your train departs. When you choose SNCF, you’ll enjoy discounted fares and exclusive terms on all your tickets. When it’s time to board your TGV INOUI, you can skip the lines with our Accès Express3 service. At SNCF, we're committed to digital inclusion. We’re sorry. At the boarding gate A business traveller has just come through the boarding gate. a €20 discount on the price of your Liberté card, exclusive access to our Pro Seconde fare, SNCF’s most flexible. 3) En la siguiente pantalla, selecciona la opción Billete extranjero . Aboard your TGV INOUI A Business Première traveller is seated aboard a TGV INOUI working on his laptop. 7 Exchange your Pro Seconde ticket free of charge, up to 30 minutes after departure. Browse the options below to find the solution that meets your needs. Aprovecha las ofertas promocionales durante todo el año con TGV INOUI para beneficiarte de los mejores precios y, ¡recuerda reservar con 3 meses de anticipación! [3], The brand was officially presented in September 2018. [2], In 2017, TGV inOui trains were tested on the Paris – Bordeaux – Toulouse line. 3. New from 13/12/2020: daily TGV connection from Brussels-Midi to Saint-Pierre des Corps, Poitiers, Angoulême and Bordeaux. And I order from the café-bar on line, so I don’t have to wait.” [1] The brand is in the process of replacing 'classic' TGV services until 2020, along with the low-cost Ouigo brand. 2:46. In the TGV INOUI Grand Voyageur lounge A business traveller is seated in the SNCF Grand Voyageur lounge working on his laptop. Bordeaux station: Monday through Friday 06.00-22.00, weekends 07.00-20.00. . You can exchange same-day tickets purchased at the Liberté card, Fréquence pass, Pro Seconde or Business Première fare—even for a full train—via the TGV INOUI Pro app, at a self-service machine, or at a station or sales office. SNCF 4,561 views. Lille-Flandres station: Monday through Friday 06.00-21.00, weekends 08.00-20.00. Bonjour, Confirmez vous que les billets de train TGV Inoui achetés au tarif PREM'S pour des voyages jusqu'au 31-08-2020 sont bien intégralement remboursés et sans frais si finalement je ne pouvais pas partir ? With a Liberté card, you’ll have year-round access to fixed, discounted fares. Nantes station: Monday through Friday 05.30-20.30, weekends 07.00-20.00. Dans l'attente de votre réponse, je vous souhaite une bonne journée. Le TGV SE pour Bruxelles Midi au départ de St Raphaël à 10h21 sur la voie 2. Rennes station: Monday through Friday 06.00-20.00, Saturday 06.00-20.00, Sunday 07.30-20.00. If you exchange your tickets within the 30 minutes before departure, they are no longer refundable. con TGV inOUI. From Paris to Lyon, via Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Marseilles or Avignon, choose from any number of departure stations. Do you frequently travel by train for work? Aboard your TGV INOUI A Business Première traveller is seated aboard a TGV INOUI working on his laptop. With TGV INOUI, you can discover France on board our brand new trains. Our TGV INOUI Grand Voyageur lounges offer extended hours on weekdays and weekends, in 12 major stations across France1. He says: “In this premium space, it’s easy to work or relax.”, 2. 1,520 talking about this. TGV inOui is the brand name of TGV train services operated by SNCF since 27 May 2017 on certain high speed rail services. Voyagez dans une bulle de confort; Voyagez en étant connectés; Voyagez avec une équipe au petit soin; Voyagez en première classe; De la place pour vos valises; Voyagez avec votre vélo La flota completa está formada por 10 trenes circulando en su totalidad en el periodo estival. 4 ) Finalmente, haz click en el botón IR AL PÓRTICO para acceder al portal Le Wifi de INOUI… The name inOui was chosen to emulate the French word inouï meaning extraordinary or unheard of. SNCF in your pocket. Inverted, Français Business profiles and performance, SNCF history, and more, Your door-to-door itinerary, timetables, booking, and real-time traffic updates, Trains, passenger services, cards & fares, and sustainable mobility, Got a question? Voyagez avec TGV INOUI vers Bruxelles Montez à bord des trains TGV INOUI et découvrez la France, évasion garantie à moins de 1h30(1) de Bruxelles. Contact us, Learn more about our top projects around the world, Digital transformation, investment funds and regional development in France, Logistics and supply chain services, specialized wagons and multimodal transport, CSR, diversity, ethics, transparency, climate and solidarity, Real estate, public transport, network and rolling stock optimization and more, Service not available; please try again later. English Got a question? Need a snack but don’t have time to visit the café-bar? [4], "Nouvelle stratégie commerciale à la SNCF", "La connectivité et les services digitaux au cœur de la nouvelle offre inOui de la SNCF", "Avec Ouigo et Inoui, la SNCF verrouille le marché du TGV",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 19:41. Here you can purchase a wide selection of refreshments including drinks, warm meals, sandwiches and salads, as well as magazines, children's games, USB sticks, Paris Metro maps, etc. Té com a objectiu substituir tots els TGV "clàssics", a més de la marca Ouigo (servei de baix cost).. En 2017, els TGV inOui foren provats a la línia París – Bordeus – Tolosa.. En setembre de 2018, la marca TGV inOui fou oficialment presentada. Bon voyage ! Discover our services among the wifi on board and the comfort of the first class while being accompanied by our teams that will take care of … When you choose Business Première, you get special treatment even before you board your train. You can use your Liberté card when you travel with TGV INOUI and Intercités, and it entitles you to 25%-50% off TER tickets as well. 4 You must exchange your ticket before you board your train. TGV notted inoui are, on patis Bordeaux route, in fact the new Oceane TGV, where all the seats in 1st are turned to be in the direction of the train. Need to file a claim? TGV (Tren de Gran Velocidad) TGV es el servicio de tren de alta velocidad de la compañía ferroviaria líder en Francia, SNCF.Es decir, el equivalente al AVE de Renfe en España. Access image description Open Close, 1. Planning a journey with TGV INOUI? You’ll save time with priority access on the platform and dedicated lines in SNCF sales offices. TGV inOui és el nom d'un servei de TGV presentat per la SNCF el 27 de maig de 2017 per a determinats serveis prestats per trens d'alta velocitat. He says: “With Accès Express, I can skip the line, and I get free coffee and a newspaper on the platform.”, 3. Is your business calendar hard to predict? Voyagez avec TGV INOUI vers Bruxelles Montez à bord des trains TGV INOUI et découvrez Bruxelles en partant de province! The brand is in the process of replacing 'classic' TGV services until 2020, along with the low-cost Ouigo brand. Son los trenes de última generación de dos pisos más rápidos de Europa con una tecnología que les permite circular en cualquier red europea. All our TGV INOUI spaces have been redesigned and renovated to enhance your experience! We issue ticket refunds free of charge in stations and SNCF sales offices at the point of departure, up to 30 minutes after departure. We have a wealth of services and benefits for you, from special fares and priority boarding to a complimentary beverage on the platform. SNCF. Marseille-St-Charles station: Monday through Friday 06.00-20.30, weekends 07.00-20.00. ... Transfert de l'équipe de Chine en TGV INOUI - Duration: 2:46. Lyon Part-Dieu station: Monday through Friday 05.40-20.15, weekends and holidays 07.00-20.00. We offer an array of services that you can book before you go—from car rentals to special assistance for children and seniors. Travel with TGV INOUI to Brussels in under 1 hour and 30 minutes (1) when departing from Paris. You save €20. He says: “I can use the on-board WiFi to prepare for my meeting and catch up on work. And our Échange Garanti4 programme allows free exchanges for a same-day train, even if it’s full. Order your food and beverages on line and pick up them quickly with priority service. Paris-Lyon station: Monday through Friday 06.30-21.00, weekends 07.00-20.00. Want to work during your journey? If you do not, you will have the same status as a passenger travelling without a valid ticket, and once on board you will be charged the amount required under our Passenger Fares agreement. No problem. We’ve got the solution. You are not guaranteed a seat. 6 Discount applies to the Business Première fare for customers who do not hold a Liberté card when they book within seven days of departure. 1 Paris-Est station: Monday through Friday 06.00-21.00, weekends 07.00-20.00. Avec @TGVINOUI, voyagez dans une bulle de confort, connecté et entouré par une équipe à votre écoute. Pueden circular a una velocidad de hasta 320 km/h. SNCF responds. Reserva tu próximo viaje ¿Sabías que…? Bon voyage ! Once on board, you can enjoy the comforts of TGV INOUI: up-to-date interiors, power points, comfortable seats and optimized tray tables. Learn more about our Business Première package to enjoy exclusive travel services and preferential terms for ticket exchanges and refunds. And your crew will welcome you on the platform with a complimentary hot or cold beverage and newspaper. Contact us Its aim is replace current TGV's with "plus de confort, de services et de connectivité" (English: "more comfort and connectivity services"). Bon voyage ! Lille Europe station: Monday through Friday 06.15-20.00, weekends 08.00-20.00. All our TGV INOUI spaces have been redesigned and renovated to enhance your experience! There are no results for your search. Time to kill at the station? Avec @TGVINOUI, voyagez dans une bulle de confort, connecté et entouré par une équipe à votre écoute.