The User of the Bara Bara no Mi! The Marines Move Out - The Target is the Straw Hat Crew, A Great Buildup - The Fake Straw Hat Crew's Intimidation. ----- Critique 1 -----One Piece est un de ces mangas complètement atypiques et déjantés. Final Match on the Edge! Farewell my Hometown, Cocoyashi Village, Bounty! I Miss Him - Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments, In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland - A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat. Hard Turn to the Clouds! Strained Zoro vs. Eric! The World is Stunned - The Fifth Yonko Emerges! The Seventh One is Nico Robin! Si non faites ce petit test. The Strongest Zombie vs. the Straw Hat Crew. Break Through Crimson Hell - Buggy's Great Uproar Plan, The Prison's Strongest Man! Doflamingo Moves. Hot Blood Special Unit Participation! Executive Officer Pica Rises Up. Adventure in the Country Without a Name! Catch Up with Luffy! Z's Ambition Arc - A Desperate Big Escape Strategy! A Tearful Vow for Comrades, The Alabasta War Front! The Whereabouts of the Great Grand Line, Shanks Moves! Dragon Claw Strikes! The Time Limit Closes in - The Bond Between the Mink Tribe and the Crew! Ace's Convoy Starts - The Offense and Defense of the Lowest Level, Level 6! The Warrior Called a Demon!! Après une série d'inexplicables incidents, il finit par s'endormir dans un tonneau qui sera secouru par un bateau de croisière. Farewell, Drum Island! Swear on Your Crewmate's Dream! À sa mort, une grande vague de piraterie s'abat sur le monde. The Launcher Blasts! Chase the Vanished Great Sakura Tree, If I Can't Win, I Can't Protect Anyone! Its Name is The New World! Terror of The Descending Raigo!! Swordsman Zoro Falls into the Sea! Bringing Down the Yonko - A Secret Raid Operation Begins. The Rendezvous - Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit, Sanji Comes Back - Crash! The Great Swordsman Mihawk - Zoro's Struggle of Willpower. Save O-Tama from the Crisis! A Man's Way of Life! Survive! Revived Fate! Nami and Zeus the Thundercloud! The Strongest Man - Shutenmaru, the Bandits Brigade Chief! Mom's Assassin - Luffy and the Seducing Woods! Câest une lapine Mink de lâîle de Zou. Zoro's Strongest One-Sword Style! Head to the Grand Line! Luffy vs. Lucci: Peak of the Decisive Battle, The Criminal is Boss Luffy? A Desperate Situation - The Iron-Tight Entrapment of Luffy! A Fierce Fight Against Holdem! Aubade to the Survivors, The Python Strikes! The Last Light - The Secret of Our Commander! Sanji, the Knight of Flames!! Quiz One Piece - Épisodes 51 à 60 (classique) : Voici un quiz portant sur les épisodes 51 à 60 de la série 'One Piece' ! Luffy vs. Big Mom. Who's This Mysterious Beautiful Young Girl? The Seducing Woods! Quiz Personnages de One Piece (4) : Connaissez-vous bien les personnages de One Piece ? The Strongest Grizzly Magnum, A Critical Situation! Return of Straw Hat Luffy! The Second Person Who Was Captured! The Strongest Tag-Team! To the Friend who Waits Under a Far-Away Sky, We Will Definitely Meet Again!! Kohza Flies the White Flag. I'm Counting On You! A Decisive Battle in Midair - Zoro's New Special Secret Technique Blasts! Hero of the Slave Liberation - Adventurer Tiger, The Hero's Last Moments - The Shocking Truth of Tiger, Shaking Fishman Island! Usopp's Tears! The Yonko's Daughter - Sanji's Fiancée Pudding, The Capital City Falls!? That’s what makes the story so popular! Disappearing Crew - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew, Special Historical Arc - Boss Luffy Appears Again, Special Historical Arc - Destroy! Men's Pride - Luffy vs. Fujitora, Head-to-Head. Marco! The Gura Gura no Mi's Ability, Burn Everything to Ash! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians! Beyond the Snow that Falls on the Ocean! Desperate Situation! Robin Struggles! Luffy's Full-Power Gatling, A Friend Approaches from the Sea! Gear Four vs. Unstoppable Donuts! One Piece - Episode 1 vostfr Cet anime est licencié en France. It Was Taken? Great Escape from Warship Island! Impossible to Avoid!? Leaving the Dadan Family!? Luffy ordonne aux hommes d'Alvida de préparer un bateau pour lui et Koby, puis ils prennent la mer, apercevant rapidement Nami alors qu'ils partent. Fear, Mysterious Power! Ever Mysterious! A Lightning Counterattack! The Stratagem of the Century - Doflamingo Makes His Move! A Shocking Confession! Habituée au caractère passif de Koby, Alvida est choquée lorsque Koby, inspiré par Luffy, se lève et crie qu'elle est "la femme la plus moche et la plus stupide de tout l'océan". Katakuri's Awakening in Anger! Chopper's Forbidden Rumble, Boss Luffy Returns! The Mother Bell-mère and Nami's Family! Usopp's Tear-filled Determination! Monkey D. Luffy est un jeune homme déterminé à devenir le roi des pirates. The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War. The Shadow Lurking in Little Garden! Don't Touch the Whitebeard Pirates. The Time of Oars' Resurrection. Reunion of the Powerful! The Dream Ship's Magnificent Completion! To Reach Sanji - Luffy's Vengeful Hell-Bent Dash! Full Power Noro Noro Beam vs. The Famous Cook! A Farewell to Arms! Nami Draws Near to the Soap's Trap. Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro: CANON: 1999-11 ⦠God Enel's Desire!! The Mother is Strong! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Anecdote of the Rumble Ball. Ce dernier et Luffy se dirigent alors vers le garde-manger du bateau, où Luffy commence à manger des pommes sorties d'une caisse. The Strongest Team is Formed - Shake Impel Down to its Core, Even More Chaos! Brogy Wails in Victory! Sacred Ground! The Battle of Two Vice Admirals, A Deadly Fight in a Blizzard - The Straw Hats vs. the Snow Woman. Ordeal of Swamp! Admiral Kizaru's Speed of Light Kick!! The Criminals are the Straw Hat Pirates? Battle with the Giants! The Navigator's Mutiny! A Volatile Situation - The Dog and the Cat and the Samurai! Leftover Chivalry! The Truth Behind the Betrayal! One Piece Encyclopédie est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Luffy rencontre Koby et le convint de se battre afin de réaliser son propre rêve, qui est de rejoindre la Marine, quelles qu'en soient les conséquences. One Piece Wiki /r/OnePiece; IRC; Discord . The Memory Thief's Final Counterattack Shows His True Nature! Conviction Strong Enough to Beg for One's Life!! Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! One Piece: Anime Episode to Manga Chapter Conversion List. Destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates? Chopper vs. Taking Back O-Tama! With that being said, let’s have a look at the entire One Piece episodes guide! Seize the Ope Ope no Mi! Believe in Miracles! Luffy's Anger! The Legendary Journey - The Dog and the Cat and the Pirate King! Le rêve de Luffy est de devenir le prochain « Roi des pirates » (« Seigneur des pirates », dans la version japonaise [1]). The Moment of Resolution - Corazon's Farewell Smile! The Mysterious Swordsman Appears! The Katana's Name is Sogeking? Fierce Fight of Captain Carue! The Tragic Night of Dressrosa, A Showdown Between the Shichibukai - Law vs. Doflamingo, Two Great Rivals Meet Each Other! Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path of Becoming a True Comrade? Boruto Filler List (2020) – The Complete Guide to All Episodes! Released from Disgrace! With that being said, letâs have a look at the entire One Piece episodes guide! Bege and Luffy's Determination as Captains! Miracle of the Drum Rockies. The Crew is Confused! The Headliner! The Mermaid Princess in Hard-Shell Tower, Emergency Situation - The Ryugu Palace is Occupied, The Ryugu Palace in Shock! The Green City, Erumalu and the Kung Fu Dugongs! Protect Kaya! Dash into the Final Round! Franky's Outcry of Regret. Tous ses mots parlent aux connaisseurs uniquement je vous rassure ! To the New World! Luffy's Angry Iron Fist Strikes, Startling! Luffy Revives! Feelings Toward 'Vearth'! The Strongest Family Lineage? City of Dreams, Rainbase, Trap in a Desperate Situation! The Crewmates' Whereabouts - The Island of Giant Birds and the Pink Paradise! Little Buggy's Big Adventure. Cette nouvelle image promotionnelle de One Piece: Stampede , le 14ème film de la franchise One Piece , sortira dans les salles japonaises le 9 août 2019.One Piece Stampede commémorera le 20e anniversaire de la première du film anime et 'STAMPEDE' est un mot qui peut signifier 'débandade' ou 'évasion'.Eiichiro Oda a conçu pour One Piece Stampede deux nouveaux personnages, Douglas ⦠The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King! The Astonishing King Punch, The Fighting Fish Strike! Zoro vs. Baroque Works! Ruler of Night - Master Nekomamushi Emerges. A Fateful Encounter - Kyros and King Riku. Farewell to the Courageous Pirates, Chopper Man Departs! Cook Confrontation! Defeat is Inevitable - The Strawman's Fierce Attack! The Vanished City! Charging into the Enemy's Territory - Bakura Town - Where Officials Thrive! Before the Dawn! Secret Base of the Suna Suna Clan, Magnificent Wings! Reach to My Friends - The Big News Comes Through To Them! One of the Three Commanders Cracker Appears, An Enemy With 800 Million - Luffy vs. Marine Headquarters Collapses! That Man is the "Humming" Swordsman! His Name is Fire Fist Ace, Ace and Luffy! Nami is my Friend! A Hard Battle Starts! The Nobles' Trap Draws Near the Three Brothers, The Fire Has Been Set - The Gray Terminal in Crisis, Where Is Freedom? Après avoir battu Alvida d'un simple "Gomu Gomu no Pistol", Luffy et Koby prennent le large pour trouver le chasseur de pirates Roronoa Zoro. " Il fut un temps où Gold Roger était le plus grand de tous les pirates, le "Roi des Pirates" était son surnom. The Day the Sea Train First Ran, Spandam's Conspiracy! The Destination is Marine Headquarters - The Ship Sets Out to Rescue Ace! Plein de vidéo : - L'analyse du chapitre de la semaine - Critique de l'épisode de la semaine - Des guides One Piece -Des unboxing de colis venant du Japon The Giant Statue Pica's Surprise Maneuver! Duel in the Ruins! Cutting the Father-Son Relationship! Protect the TV Station by the Shore, Venture Into the Devil's Sea! Fight to the Death in the Lost Forest, Chopper's in Danger! Humongous Battle! Eve of Gold Festival! Bon Kurei Flees Before His Enemy, The Fight Finished! Stolen Freedom! The Impending Doom of Sky Island!! Hawk-Eye Mihawk! At last Commodore Nelson has seen through the ambitions of Eric, but takes it a little too personally and now the mystical dragon's life is in danger. The Threat of the Greatest Power, Rubber and Ice One-On-One Fight! A Battle Begins - Luffy vs. the Mink Tribe! A Bond of Friendship Woven by Tears! An Intense Battle - Caesar Exercises His True Ability! Thriller Company's Trap, Landing! Ascend The Drum Rockies! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island. The Crewmates' Whereabouts - Bridging the Islands and Vicious Vegetations, The Crewmates' Whereabouts - The Negative Princess and the Devil King, A Life-threatening Break-in! La série commence avec un tonneau flottant sur l'eau. The Girl Searching for the Yagara! Clashing Fists! The Bodies Vanish! A Decisive Battle in Level 4 - Blazing Hell, Magellan's Strength! One Piece Waifu Tier List. The Invincible Katakuri's Weak Point! A Gruesome Army of Headcracker Dolls, Risking Their Lives! Luffy's Intense Anger! The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The G-5 Wiped Out! Luffy and Law's Great Escape. Today's Grand Performance! Ace and Whitebeard's Past, The Power to Destroy the World! Luffy's Angry Counterattack, Usopp the Strongest? Vice Admiral Garp's Fatherly Pride. C'est une chance, je n'ai jamais vu le début de one piece (j'ai commencé a enies lobby) The First Obstacle? Wait for Luffy! La série se compose pour le moment en 9 sagas. Straw Hats, Dark King's Direct Precepts - The Battle Against Katakuri Turns Around, Finally He Returns - Sanji, the Man Who'll Stop the Yonko. A Storm of Revenge - An Enraged Army Comes to Attack! The Pirate Caretaker, Captain Kuro! Fortune, gloire et pouvoir: cet homme avait amassé toutes les richesses du monde. Aim for the Giant Shipyard, Galley-La Company! Rebel Warrior Kohza! The Promise Between Zoro and Kuina! Épisode 890 : Marco. A Desperate Situation - Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat. Wiper the Warrior. A Battle to Defend Zou - Luffy and Zunisha! CP9 Starts to Move. The Landing of a Celestial Dragon, Unexpected Disaster! Stop Dreaming! Shocking Confession - The Truth Behind the Assassination of Otohime, Shirahoshi's Tears! I Won't Run - Ace's Desperate Rescue Operation. A Rescue in Front of Burning Love!! Sanji and Pudding Enter! Carrot's Big Mystic Transformation! Catch Them All in One Net! Zoro vs. Hody, The Crew is Defeated!? The Last Fight: Combat! Luffy demande alors à Koby qui est "cette grosse folle", ce qui rend Alvida furieuse. Straw Hat Team Arrives - The Battlefield Grows More Intense, I'll Save You Even If I Die - Luffy vs. You Lost Your Memory? The Twins' Magnetic Power Draws Near, The Great Chaos Mansion! Going into Action - The Implacable New Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, The Paramount War - The Inherited Will of the King of the Pirates. The Pirates Move Out! Le gardien du souvenir ! The Witch of Cocoyashi Village! The Green Room! Luffy Defeated?! Find the Southbird! The Fire Fist Strikes! The Traitorous Zombie who Protects Nami. End of a Broken Promise! Explosive Stimulation! Robin's Past! Shock! First Showing! Ceremony to the Rampaging Age. The Flag of Conviction Lasts Forever, Hiluluk's Cherry Blossoms! Pirate Zoro vs. The Marine's Strongest Battle Formation is Ready! The Devil's Fist - A Show Down! Shirahoshi's Desperate Situation. Luffy's Strength is Exhausted! Sengoku's Plan! Conspiracy of the Red Nose, Bubble User Kalifa! Setting off with a Smile! Separation Refines a Man! À ce jour, la série compte plus de 900 chapitres et plus de 800 épisodes. A Man of Mystery Appears!? The Steam Whistle Separates the Crew! A Big Collision! The Terrifying Duo! The Girl who was Called a Demon! Finally, They Clash - The Emperor of the Sea vs. Eyes on the Strongest Sea! Coming from the Sky! A Deadly Kiss! Kaido Returns - An Imminent Threat to the Worst Generation! Marguerite Turned to Stone!! Whitebeard's Silent Rage! Luffy's Tide-turning Elephant Gun, A United Front - Luffy's Breakthrough to the Victory, The Second Samurai - Evening Shower Kanjuro Appears. To the Land of Samurai where Cherry Blossoms Flutter. est le 1er épisode de One Piece. Everyone is Annihilated - Kaido's Furious Bolo Breath! The Delinquent Comes Home - Yonko Big Mom's Assassins, The Truth Behind the Disappearance - Sanji Gets a Startling Invitation. Proud, Tall Warriors! Title Type Air Date; 1. Luffy and Toriko's Hard Struggle! Admiral Akainu's Power. Alubarna is Crying! A Dream or Reality Lottery Trouble, The Great Mochimaki Race to the Castle! Sanji's Homecoming - Into Big Mom's Territory! Mon est est Luffy ! The Flying Big Mom. Destruction - Attack of the Thunder Clap! Alors qu'ils discutent, la scène se déplace jusqu'à une base de la Marine avoisinante où un homme avec un bandana vert est accroché à une croix, regardant fixement devant lui. An Unexpected Return! If you haven’t started watching the show, then you are missing out on one of the best storytelling you’ll ever come across and we are here to help you out with these complete episodes guide! The Angry Don and the Imprisoned Crew, The Phoenix Returns! Modifier. Hogback Appears! Deliver Princess Vivi! Pour consulter la liste des évènements historiques et chronologiques de One Piece, se référer à la page Calendrier de One Piece. Big Mom and Jinbe, The Yonko's Castle - Arriving at Whole Cake Island. The Hellish Tea Party Starts! The Power of a Full Stomach - New Gear Fourth Tankman! Battle at Molehill 4th Avenue. Curtain-up on a New Adventure - Arriving at the Phantom Island, Zou! The Manly Jinbe Pays His Debt, The Mission Failed!? The Red-Haired Shanks Appears! The Little People's Princess - Captive Mansherry, Invincible! Defeat Kuro! Captain Confrontation! Luffy's Silent Fight! Luffy vs. the Fire Tank Pirates. Once again, anime is an adaptation of the manga, the same as in many other series. "L'homme qui valait 100 millions! The Man who Talks of Dreams and the King of Underwater Exploration. Elbaf's Judgement, The Devil's Candle! The Jailbreak Plan is Obstructed, The Jailbreak Team Driven Into a Corner - Forbidden Move 'Venom Demon', Cause the Last Miracle - Breaking Through the Gate of Justice. Hannyabal Goes All Out, The Jet Pistol of Rage - Luffy vs. Blackbeard, Stop Magellan! The Nigh Invincible Man? The Ancient Weapon, Pluton, Essence of a Mighty Sword! La terrible pirate Alvida envahit le bateau avec son équipage contenant un jeune larbin nommé Koby. The Strongest Bounty Hunter Cidre, Special Edition! Alors que les pirates sont mis hors d'état de nuire, Luffy explique qu'il est un homme élastique depuis qu'il a mangé le Gomu Gomu no Mi. Hero Usoland Dies!? Past of the Three Swords! The Mysterious Boy With the Whistle and Robin's Guess! The Crew vs. the New Fishman Pirates! The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend, The Super Final Atsu Atsu Battle! Whitebeard's Final Captain's Order! The Mysterious Visitor: Kuma the Tyrant, Oars + Moria - The Greatest Combination of Brains and Brawn, A Secret Strategy to Turn the Tables - Nightmare Luffy Appears, The Straw Hat Crew Annihilated - Full-Throttle Kage Kage Abilities, The Battle for Superiority Starts! Collapse! The Time is Ticking Down! The Blackbeard Pirates, The Opening of the Show - Blackbeard's Plot Is Revealed, Akainu's Tenacity! La Gazette #34 : Donquichotte Rossinante! One Piece is an adventure story filled with a lot of action, but it’s also one of the best comedy anime out there as there are tons of hilarious bits that the characters find themselves in. est le 1er épisode de One Piece. Save O-Tama - Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! Pour moi 10 épisodes par semaine, ca me suffit amplement. Doru Doru Ball! Who Are You? To the Reverie - Rebecca and the Sakura Kingdom. On the Verge of Annihilation - A Deadly Monster Comes Flying In. Ambitions of Fairy Vearth - The Ark, Maxim!!