Hollywood condemns mob at the Capitol: ‘Whole thing is finally burning down’. Montauban En Scenes (82), Les Nuits De Fourviere (69), Festival De Nimes (30), Garorock (47), Printemps De Perouges (01), Francofolies De La Rochelle (17), Musilac (73), Pause Guitare (81), Hellfest (44), Les Ardentes (Belgique). ... Vikingur Ólafsson revint à J.-S. Bach, qui mit encore la critique à genoux. Víkingur Ólafsson performing Glass’s Etudes at the Barbican in 2015 Photograph: Antonio Zazueta Olmos. Accompanying figures (and what was melody and what accompaniment wasn’t always what we have come to expect) seemed to take almost indecent pleasure in being helpmates to the dominant line. Mike Richards? Katie Couric? concert Mylene Farmer. The hall wasn’t full, as it surely would have been for Perahia, but the hipness quotient clearly attracted others. A specialist in contemporary music, he has premiered numerous concertos by Icelandic composers including Haukur Tómasson and Daniel Bjarnason as well as music by Mark-Anthony Turnage and Mark Simpson. Ambulance crews told not to transport patients who have little chance of survival. Ossoff wins Georgia runoff race, Democrats take Senate control. His follow-up Bach recording looked like a lightweight collection of well-known bits and pieces and an earlier set of variations from Bach’s youth that most people hadn’t heard of, probably for a good reason. Ontours.fr, Mentions Légales | 13.6k Followers, 350 Following, 903 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Víkingur Ólafsson (@vikingurolafsson) Christophe Huss 10 avril 2020 Critique. Mais à l’issue d’un premier album d’Études de Glass sous cartouche Deutsche Grammophon, Vikingur Ólafsson revint à… J.-S. Bach, qui mit encore la critique à genoux. Víkingur er hverfafélag í besta skilningi þess hugtaks. Vikingur Olafsson, le phénomène islandais du piano, offre ce dimanche matin un copieux programme illustrant toute l'étendue de sa palette. Revente de billets | Festivals | The Wide Shot brings you news, analysis and insights on everything from streaming wars to production — and what it all means for the future. Musée / Vikingur Olafsson, le phénomène islandais du piano, offre ce dimanche matin un copieux programme illustrant toute l’étendue de sa palette. Commentary: In America’s capital, a day of terrifying images from a failed state: our own. It was a fancifully arranged half-hour set of Bach bonbons, a prelude and fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier here, a Rachmaninoff-arranged gavotte there, or, maybe, a two-part invention you might have learned during piano lessons when you were 11. But they were also exceedingly warm, so much so that at times the music hardly sounded like Glass. Pour la première fois, un invité de la Roque… Melodic lines too took on lives of their own. Margar fjölskyldur nefna barna- og unglingastarf félagsins sem helstu ástæðu þess að þær vilja búa í Víkingshverfunum eða fluttu jafnvel þangað á … A bass line that might otherwise just sit there as harmonic reinforcement suddenly jumped into action and took over with utterly compelling force. New, extreme precautions urged for L.A. County residents because COVID is ‘everywhere’. Alexandre Kantorow - Critique sortie Classique / Opéra Paris Couvent des Récollets. On connaissait l’Islande pour le nom imprononçable de son volcan, il faut y ajouter celui, plus aisé à retenir, de l’immense pianiste Víkingur Ólafsson. Ob Harpa in Reykjavík oder Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, unser diesjähriger Artist in Residence Víkingur Ólafsson fühlt sich – nicht nur musikalisch – an beiden Orten zuhause. Ólafsson is hot because he comes across as very cool. A social comedy on ‘detransitioning’ asks: Who is anyone to judge? 2 volumes Google Nest Mini à 19.99€* ... Vikingur Ólafsson revint à… J.-S. Bach, qui mit encore la critique à genoux. The lights were kept too low to read the program. concert Jul, After intermission, six of Glass’ 20 etudes and the opening from “Glassworks” had maybe a little of the expected quality of glassy Icelandic trance music under exceedingly steady Icelandic hands. Hollywood hails Stacey Abrams, LaTosha Brown after Democrats take Georgia, Tracking the coronavirus in Los Angeles County, Election results from the Georgia runoffs, Democratic wins in Georgia ease Biden’s path, starting with Xavier Becerra’s confirmation. He also noted that he had examined over the years all the differing performance styles, which allowed him to be open to whatever the music of each suggested. May Hong HaDuong is named director of the UCLA Film and Television Archive, becoming the first woman and person of color to hold the position in the organization’s 55-year history. Separated? Il n’est d’ailleurs pas rare de l’entendre défendre Adams, Adès et d’autres. Wir haben mit ihm über die Highlights seine Residency gesprochen. concert Indochine, Cette même saison l'a vu en tournée avec l'Orchestre Symphonique de Toronto, et en récital au festival de Rheingau, à Settembre Musica de Milan ainsi qu'à la Philharmonie de Cologne. “You run the risk of an exposure whenever you leave your home,” L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer says of growing COVID-19 threat. Le monde l’a découvert dans la musique de notre temps. In counseling? En 2017-2018 il a ouvert la nouvelle saison de l'Elbphilharmonie de Hambourg, joué au Konzerthaus de Vienne et accompagné de grands orchestres tels le Symphonique de la NHK, le Konzerthausorchester de Berlin et le Philharmonique de Los Angeles sous la direction de Vladimir Ashkenazy, Michael Sanderling et Tom Adès. Some Bach came out of storage too with the “Aria and Variations in an Italian Manner,” a set of theme and 10 variations written before Bach was fully Bach but still brilliant. Vikingur Olafsson, Debussy – Rameau . The Bach, though, really caught on. Mark Swed has been the classical music critic of the Los Angeles Times since 1996. concert Ac/Dc, The audience had no choice but go with the Ólafsson flow. à 34.5€. Sofa Score livescores is also available as an iPhone, Windows Phone and Android app. concert Francis Cabrel, 4,7 de un máximo de 5 estrellas 201. Le monde l’a découvert dans la musique de notre temps. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Musique; C’est le pianiste que l’on n’attendait pas. Vikingur Olafsson - Critique sortie Classique / Opéra Paris Couvent des Récollets. We need both, of course, but having gotten on the bandwagon, I soon became impatient to get back to Ólafsson, whom I now love as much as the next guy does. Background becomes foreground and vice versa. Lisez les Avis et Critiques sur Víkingur Ólafsson - Paris avec mis en scéne par , Víkingur Ólafsson Vikingur Olafsson, le phénomène islandais du piano, offre ce dimanche matin un copieux programme illustrant toute l'étendue de sa palette. Víkingur Ólafsson | piano Vikingur Olafsson, le phénomène islandais du piano, offre ce dimanche matin un copieux programme illustrant toute l'étendue de sa palette. L.A. County health agency tells EMTs not to transport by ambulance those who have virtually no chance at recovery. Following his critically-acclaimed DG debut, Glass: Piano Works, "Iceland's Glenn Gould" (New York Times) V¡kingur Olafsson releases Johann Sebastian Bach, a collection of both well-known and rarely performed pieces by the famous Baroque composer, including reworks by Bach of pieces from Vivaldi and Busoni as well as Olafsson's own transcriptions of Bach chorales. The Bach first half was pretty much everything a Bach first half shouldn’t be. May Hong HaDuong first woman and person of color to lead UCLA Film Archive. concert Niska, All were played gapless. OPERA: Want the West Coast’s best? He could bring anything he wanted any way he wanted. It is already a huge mental and intellectual challenge to listen to all of it in one sitting, and we, as listeners, can only imagine the monumentality of the actual undertaking of playing it – live and from memory, at that. With a flashy recording contract from Deutsche Grammophon, Ólafsson proved either oddly precious or overblown in a selection of Philip Glass piano etudes for his first release. Vikingur Olafsson - Listen to Vikingur Olafsson on Deezer. Víkingur Ólafsson at Walt Disney Concert Hall on Sunday. Critique de Nicolas Blanmont. concert Aya Nakamura, List of pianist Víkingur Ólafsson's upcoming events. Vikingur Ólafsson (piano), Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir (cello) Daniel Bjarnason. ... Vikingur Olafsson confirme qu’il est l’homme des grands écarts en rassemblant Debussy et Rameau au programme de son nouvel album. Protection des données, © 2021 Infoconcert.com - Tous droits réservés, de 26 Sacha Baron Cohen: Rudy Giuliani refused COVID test before phony ‘Borat’ interview. 2, a single high note sounded like a bell ringing 200 feet above the piano. Vikingur Olafsson, who is widely considered Iceland’s pre-eminent pianist, hasn’t had music lessons since he graduated from the Juilliard School in 2008. Founded 1928 Address Hjarðartúni 6 355 Ólafsvik Country Iceland Phone +354 898 2495 Fax +354 430 1601 E-mail jgj@deloitte.is It’s no “Goldberg,” but Ólafsson nonetheless brilliantly revealed it as Bach-to-be, which is saying something. SofaScore is free livescore site where you can follow real-time live scores, fixtures and results over 20 sports. In the minimal No. It sounded nice when given half a listen. Classique / Opéra - Agenda Alexandre Kantorow. Two years ago, the scintillating sparkle that Ólafsson brought to the premiere of an Icelandic concerto may have been the highlight of the L.A. Phil’s Reykjavik Festival, but that wasn’t enough to go on. Expo, concerts à Zenith De Nantes Metropole (44), concerts à Theatre Des Folies Bergere (75), concerts à Palais Des Sports De Paris (75), concerts à Zenith De Paris La Villette (75), See Tickets Rumors swirl around Kardashian-West marriage. Debussy-Rameau est un album où se succèdent rapidement de courtes pièces de tous genres. Are you surprised that the Los Angeles Philharmonic had to think differently? A skeptical critic becomes the latest convert with a … N°1 du Ólafsson’s recital Sunday was basically a rehash of selections from these two celebrated recordings — the first half all Bach, the second all Glass. Après avois consacré ses derniers albums à la musique de Johann Sebastian Bach, le pianiste islandais Víkingur Ólafsson nous présente une sélection d’un autre grand compositeur baroque, Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764). Il n’est d’ailleurs pas rare de l’entendre défendre Adams, Adès et d’autres. It managed to snag the hot, hip 35-year-old pianist Víkingur Ólafsson for the Easter Sunday date at Walt Disney Concert Hall. What’s on TV Thursday: ‘Call Me Kat’ on Fox; ‘Jeopardy!’, What’s on TV tonight Thursday, Jan. 7: “Call Me Kat” on Fox; “Jeopardy!” on ABC; the premiere of “Mr. Join Víkingur's private mailing list. Then there was Ólafsson’s tone. Par la suite élève d'Ann Schein, il s'est perfectionné à la Juilliard School auprès de Jerome Lowenthal et de Robert McDonald. 13 became a Lisztian rush job, Glass’ changing meters blurring in gale-force pianistic winds. Pleine critique à venir fin mars, lors de la parution annoncée du cd Debussy / Rameau par Vikingur Olafsson, piano ( 1 cd DG Deutsche Grammphon). How to replace a piano legend? Écoutez Vikingur Olafsson: Chopin - Bach par Vikingur Olafsson sur Deezer. Vikingur Ólafsson a grandi en Islande, où il a étudié avec Erla Stefánsdóttir et Peter Máté. With a careful listen, this time on good headphones, there could be no mistaking exquisite playing. As for that cool style, Ólafsson has mastered the most advanced keyboard refrigeration technology for the purpose of assuring absolute freshness. CD de audio. VIKINGUR OLAFSSON en concert : Loué pour son jeu passionné, sa virtuosité explosive et sa maîtrise intellectuelle, le pianiste islandais Vikingur Ólafsson a remporté toutes les grandes récompenses de son pays natal, y compris le Prix de l'optimisme islandais ! Directeur artistique de trois festivals - Vinterfest en Suède, Reykjavík Midsummer Music (dont il est également le fondateur) et Icelandic Weekend en Lettonie -, il a créé en 2009 son propre label de disques, Dirrindí, avec lequel il a produit trois albums ; en contrat d’exclusivité avec Deutsche Grammophon depuis 2016, il a gravé sous ce label un premier disque consacré aux Études de Philip Glass, et un deuxième dédié à Bach, à paraître prochainement. The intensity here is a search for meaning in the French Suites. Be the first to receive the latest news and get a free recording of Brahms' 16 Waltzes from his Debut album. It streamed like hotcakes (if that analogy still holds) and this month was stunningly named recording of the year by BBC Music Magazine.