C-Virus | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Perfekt für Cosplay. Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). As a result, if the virus is released within a gas, it can revive corpses as Zombies and, if preserved well enough, this can happen centuries after their original death. C-Virus causes extreme mutations in humans, though different strains can induce different kinds of mutations. The third sample was injected into BSAA operative Piers Nivans who had lost an arm whilst fighting against the Haos; his mutation more closely resembled that of a J'avo but also allowed him to generate large amounts of bioelectricity which he could use as a weapon. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine korrekte Frage eingegeben haben. Solo oder Koop – Resident Evil 6 bietet Einzelspieler- und Koop-Gameplay, sowohl offline als auch online (Ada Wongs Kampagne ist jedoch nur im Einzelspierlmodus spielbar). Carla quickly began work on the next stage of her development: incorporating the G-Virus' genome into "T-02". Battle Data – Zombie Evolution [C-Virus] is an info video on the C-Zombies and their horrifying mutant variations from CAPCOM’s Resident Evil game series. A more advanced strain of the C-Virus can trigger a Complete Mutation within seconds of infection; individuals injected with this advanced strain immediately enter a heightened state of febrility as their body heat increases exponentially. sdfgfedsgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfgfdgdfgdfsgdfsgfdsg. Suche. Resident Evil c-virus (Chrysalid Virus) Flakon Prop. The C-Virus was an enhanced strain of the original Progenitor Virus discovered in Africa in 1967. These infectees develop increased strength, speed and stamina and display visible alterations such as cracked skin and the growth of additional eyes upon the head. https://monster.fandom.com/wiki/C-Virus?oldid=36807. Tutoy 25.5Cm G1 / 4 Led Abdeckung Computer Zylinder T-Virus Wasserkühlung Tank Computer Wasser Flüssigkeitskühlung - Blau, Tutoy G1 / 4 200Mm Blauer Computer-Zylinder T-Virus Helix-Suspendierungs-Wasserkühlungs-Behälter Für Die Computer-Kühlung, Pandacos Biohazard RE:2 RPD Schlüssel Set Resident Evil 2 Key Set Kollektion Cosplay Zubehör, Coslive BioZarad 2 Remake Schlüsselanhänger Abteilung Schlüsselbund Cosplay R.P.D für Schlüssel zum Erwachsene 4 Pcs, DMCMX Resident Evil 2 Raccoon City Polizist Leon Scott Kennedy Incoming Polizei Character Modell 1/6 Modell Spiel Dekoration Statue Peripheral 32CM Desktop-Dekoration, Konsole Just For Games Arcade Mini – Widerstandsfähig, 483146. Er wurde von Capcom und Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan produziert. It was created by combining a modified strain of T-Veronica with the G-Virus variant extracted from the blood of Sherry Birkin. While developing the virus, Carla used the T-Veronica virus as a base and managed to develop what she called the "T-02." Baiohazādo) veröffentlicht.Es ist dem Survival-Horror-Genre zuzuordnen und gilt als Namensgeber für das gleichnamige Franchise The C-Virus was an enhanced strain of the original Progenitor Virus discovered in Africa in 1967. Within seconds, the infectee will mutate into a new form that no longer resembles a human and erupt from the cocoon. Other universes. バイオハザード, Baiohazādo; dt. The Chrysalid Virus, more commonly known by the abbreviation "C-Virus", is a mutagenic viral agent that appears in the Resident Evil series, most notably the game Resident Evil 6 and the manga Resident Evil: Marhawa Desire. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. As with all files in the game, the bottom part of this file can only be read on RE.NET. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. The "Enhanced C-Virus" was also engineered by Neo Umbrella to cause more extreme mutations. According to the Carla Radames file, the virus' development began in 2001 as requested by Derek C. Simmons in Carla's attempt to appease him and seek his approval. Their resistance in extreme environments made them interesting additions to the virus' makeup. สนับสนุนโดย GG KeyStore : https://www.ggkeystore.com/r/DannyTHแฟนเพจ :https://www.facebook.com/Danny-TH-983427941703004/ The origins of Umbrella in the 1960s, its sick creations, and the monsters in Resident Evil are explored and traced all the way back to the 1800s. The development of that particular B.O.W. Perhaps the most terrifying form of the C-Virus is its airborne variant. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. In the case of human beings, subjects injected with the virus undergo immediate mutation, turning into creatures known as J'avo. Eine nachgebaute Durchstechflasche aus den ansässigen bösen Spielen und Film, so dass hier Sie Leute gehen, Ihre ganz eigene Film Prop Replik der C-Virus Vial! Four biohazard events involving the C-Virus are known to have taken place between 2012 and 2013. However, 322 died within the first 24 hours. Multiple strains of the C-Virus have been developed which can be transmitted through different methods. Fläschchen Sport Billet Aluminium Kappen mit Zweikerben Läufer, klare Außen seite ist aus Polex für überlegene Kratzfestigkeit und die interne orange einfarbige Spiralteil ist Lexanol für maximale Transparenz gemacht. 's - Lepotitsa and Haos - that can produce this infectious gas within their bodies and expel it at will. Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Three samples of the enhanced C-Virus strain were produced; one was injected into Derek C. Simmons who began transforming between three different monstrous forms, another injected into Carla herself after she was mortally wounded and caused her to transform into a gargantuan amorphous blob. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Wikis. Resident Evil: Degeneration (jap. It was created by combining a modified strain of T-Veronica with the G-Virus variant extracted from the blood of Sherry Birkin. Those infected can copy their consciousness into other organisms. Fans online notice that there are some strange connections between Capcom's Resident Evil … The C-Virus was developed in the laboratory beneath Tall Oaks cathedral owned by the Simmons family, and the C in C-Virus stands for chrysalid. However, this strain would still cause the host's cognitive abilities to deteriorate, albeit at a slower pace. While the infectees lose their higher reasoning capabilities, they retain enough intelligence to utilise tools and weapons as well as fight in a strategic manner. According to the series timeline, Umbrella Corporation founders Ozwell E. Spencer, Dr. Edward Ashford, and Dr. James Marcusbegan looking into viral mutation sometime in the middle of the twentieth century with the intent on finding a way to create the perfect biological weapon. The virus can be released in the form of a sickly blue gas that will infect and mutate anyone who inhales it. Die silberne Folie ist lebendig in Text und Farbe. She eventually mana… Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021, Amazon.com, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften. Clay virus - A protocanonical equivalent to Progenitor. Unlike the last zombies, these zombies are very nimble. Thanks to !!!!! This virus was engineered by genius virologist Carla Radames who used it to carry out a series of biological attacks in the United States and China in 2013. Based on the T-Veronica Virus used in the Rockfort Island incident in 1998, the C-Virus strengthens and improves the mutagenic effects of its predecessor—an effect which can be seen in the insect and plant-like mutations it induces. バイオハザード, trans. Neue Bedrohungen am Horizont – Konfrontieren Sie das Ausmaß des C-Virus in all seinen Ausprägungen und tödlichen Formen inklusive Zombies, J’avo, Chrysalids und vielen mehr. Resident Evil gilt obwohl nicht der Begründer des Genres als Inbegriff des Survival Horror. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Below is a complete list of creatures created via the C-Virus. C-Virus gas can be delivered through any kind of air ventilation or circulation system and can also be deployed via explosive devices such as the missiles that were deployed during the Lanshiang incident. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. The C-Virus development began in 2001 when the method of designing it was discovered by Dr. Carla Radames, who concentrated her PhD in virology and understanding of biological weaponry to impress her employer, Derek C. Simmons. Antworten finden Sie in Produktinformationen, Fragen und Antworten und Rezensionen. Resident Evil's Viruses and Their Historical Origins. Heute erscheint „Resident Evil“ für PC und alle gängigen Konsolen, was die Verbreitung der Serie weiter vorangetrieben hat. Luckily for Carla, through Simmons' links she already had access to samples of the G-Virus present in the regular blood samples taken from Sherry Birkin who, at that time, was being held in state custody. It was found by the founders of Umbrella, who had differing ideas of what to do with it. These events are listed below. The Seabed Laboratory on the Chinese coast was completed and functioning by 2011, with samples of extremophiles being obtained from the high-temperature environment of the nearby underwater volcano. Resident Evil 6 beinhaltet drei grundverschiedene und dennoch miteinander verwobene Story-Stränge – jeder mit seinem eigenen Protagonisten-Paar, das entweder solo oder gemeinsam im Koop sowohl offline als auch online spielbar ist. Eine neue Herausforderung – Auge in Auge mit den Trägern des C-Virus, in all ihren unterschiedlichen und tödlichen Formen. Resident Evil c-virus (Chrysalid Virus) Flakon Prop: Amazon.de: Küche & Haushalt Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. In that case, please use one of the following methods. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. The Progenitor Virus was discovered all the way back in 1967 (the first games take place in the late 90’s). These mutations have no powers of reason and only bestial intelligence and will attack and kill any uninfected beings on sight. Wiki erstellen. The T-02 was essentially an enhanced form of the T-Veronica virus in which Carla had removed the need for the body of the infected to enter hibernation while adapting to the virus to avoid brain damage. There are two B.O.W. Jede Ampulle ist nur über 7,6 cm groß und fast 3,8 cm breit. While considered "obsolescent", the T-Veronica Virus was considered a beneficial base for the virus development, due to the Progenitor Virus' ability to mutate DNA properties. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. shifted from biological research to designing weapons for it by December. While considered "obsolescent", the T-Veronica Virus was co… In that case, please use one of the following methods. Resident Evil 6 Free Download Repacklab (v1.10/1.06) Blending action and survival horror, Resident Evil 6 promises to be the dramatic horror experience of 2013. C-Virus | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom. In 2013, Carla succeeded in developing the "enhanced C-Virus", reinforcing the virus by forcing it to mutate upon infecting Jake Muller's blood samples. Cameron Virus - An unidentified retrovirus created by Dr. Cameron as she treated herself for infection. This would involve finding or creating a viral agent that could not only be controlled, but could be used to create new bio-weapons by infecting a host organism and mutating it into a powerful creature that could act as a soldier and follow … Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Leon S. Kennedy steht die Agentin der US-Regierung Helena Harper zur This allowed Radames to develop an even stronger variant that would allow its host to control their mutations at will, transforming between different states without damaging their cellular structure. The facility itself was designed with the primary goal of developing the Haos B.O.W.. By June 2011, human trials had reached 323 test subjects. The C-Virus development began in 2001 when the method of designing it was discovered by Dr. Carla Radames, who concentrated her PhD in virology and understanding of biological weaponry to impress her employer, Derek C. Simmons. Two of Resident Evil's biggest icons are in Resident Evil 6 but they might not be on the same side. Carla succeeded in removing the T-Veronica Virus' need for the host to go into hibernation in order to co-exist with it; this variant became known as "T-02". Es sind 0 Kundenrezensionen und 1 Kundenbewertung vorhanden. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. Als eine Mischung aus Action und Survival Horror verspricht Resident Evil 6 die dramatische Horrorspielerfahrung des Jahres 2012 zu werden. C-Virus (Resident Evil) (31) Fluff (8) Angst (7) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (7) Friendship (5) Hurt/Comfort (5) Depression (5) Infected Piers Nivans (5) Romance (4) Alternate Universe (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. The C-Virus contains certain genes from Golgotha that allow it to revive the dead. Ihre Resident Evil 6 Speicherdaten werden für den Event nicht berücksichtigt, wenn Sie sie löschen, neu erstellen oder wiederherstellen. The C-Virus is the cause of the zombie outbreaks around the world in Resident Evil 6. The C-Virus (C-ウィルス C-u~irusu?) Finally, there also exists an enhanced C-Virus strain which was developed in 2013 when Carla Radames introduced the virus to blood samples taken from Jake Muller. According to the series timeline, Umbrella Corporation founders Ozwell E. Spencer, Dr. Edward Ashford, and Dr. James Marcus began looking into viral mutation sometime in the middle of the twentieth century with the intent on finding a way to create the perfect biological weapon. As the host's temperature rises, the pores exude a substance that completely envelops the body and hardens around it, forming a cocoon of sorts. This gaseous form of the C-Virus immediately kills human victims and reanimates their corpses as zombie-like monsters similar to human victims of the T-Virus. Ihre Frage kann von Verkäufern, Herstellern oder Kunden, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben, beantwortet werden. Biologische Bedrohung) bekannt. Resident Evil favorites Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Ada Wong are joined by new characters, including Jake Muller, to face a new horror, the highly virulent C-virus, as the narrative moves between North America, the war-torn Eastern European state of Edonia and the Chinese city of Lanshiang. Gamers Find Scary Connection Between Resident Evil and Coronavirus Outbreak. Ein Ende der Erfolgsgeschichte ist nicht in Sicht. バイオハザードディジェネレーション, Baiohazādo: Dijenerēshon für Biohazard: Degeneration) ist der erste computeranimierte Film basierend auf Capcoms Videospielserie Resident Evil. Participation conditions Spieler, die Mitglieder eines Teams sind und während des Events mindestens eine Zielmedaille errungen haben. But, with careful detail in understanding the desired traits, the 323rd - the Ustanak - became a successful bio-weapon. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Solo oder Koop – Resident Evil™ 6 bietet Einzelspieler- und Koop-Gameplay, sowohl offline als auch online. These creatures are driven to attack and consume the living and can transmit the virus through bites, turning their victims into zombies as well. One of the three founders wanted to use the healing capabilities of the virus to help the handicapped, whereas the other two founders wanted to of course, mak… Another aspect taken from Golgotha is the ability to mutate into another organism after initial mutation, though it may do so by expressing genes from that … Jake, son of the late virologist and terrorist Albert Wesker, had inherited a special blood type that made him immune to the deleterious effects of viruses. Aus der authentischen medizinischem Borosilikatglas mit einem Volumen von 30 ml Flüssigkeit. You may also hear the Progenitor Virus also known as the Founder Virus or the Mother Virus. The primary strain of C is generally administered in liquid form, injected via syringe into a host body. über einen günstigeren Preis informieren? Sie können Ihre Frage bearbeiten oder sie trotzdem veröffentlichen. etwa Ansässiges Böses) ist der Titel eines 1996 erschienenen Videospiels von Capcom.In Japan wurde das Spiel unter dem Titel Biohazard (jap. Resident Evil (dt. This would involve finding or creating a viral agent that could not only be controlled, but could be used to create new bio-weapons by infecting a host organism and mutating it into a powerful creature that could act as a soldier and follow … They can run, leap, and pounce. If you are using Safari browser, the "Resident Evil Ambassador Program" may not work properly. is a file that can be found in Resident Evil 6. Bei Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Community-Wiki. In Japan ist die Reihe unter dem Namen Biohazard (jap. Den beliebten Serienhelden Leon S. Kennedy und Chris Redfield stehen neue Charaktere wie etwa Jake Muller zur Seite, um sich einer globalen Bedrohung – dem hochansteckenden C-Virus zu stellen, während die Handlung zwischen den Schauplätzen Nord … VideospieleFilmeTV. Wenn Sie nicht alle Cookies akzeptieren möchten oder mehr darüber erfahren wollen, wie wir Cookies verwenden, klicken Sie auf "Cookie-Einstellungen anpassen". Wikis entdecken. on FFShrine for the soundtrack rip"GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" Resident Evil (englisch für Ansässiges Böses) ist eine von Shinji Mikami erdachte und von der japanischen Softwarefirma Capcom entwickelte und veröffentlichte Videospielreihe. Wiederholen Sie Ihre Suche später noch einmal. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen.