My favorite Dracula to date. Universal is currently working on making other reboots for their “Dark Universe”, including ‘Invisible Man‘ that is set to release in 2020. The first actually did a lot better than anticipated, but that’s mainly due to the international box office, which helped the film make a total of $221 million. This story is not true actually Dracula(Vlad)ran from the fight.THIS FUCKING FILM CHANGE THE TRUE HISTORY….FUCK. Luke Evans was perfect as an anti-hero Dracula, the movie creates a dark epic that feels like a mix of Castlevania and classic Universal movies. Details below. The answer is Of Course. If that is not a cliff hanger clue that a sequel should be in the offing, what isn’t? I usually show off the scars from my tonsillectomy.). Dracula Untold, which was initially released in 2014 was a great hit. As a genre, it has also continued to evolve, often breaking away from its tropes or presenting them in new, refreshing ways. > yes I agree goooo Mina and let it turn out to be her bc he did bite her love love love D2 D2. Please dont let Cruises Mummy be the reason to not do a sequel. He also stated that there had been conversations about including his character in future installments of the cinematic universe. But Luke Evans has consistently shown interest in the potential second part. Keep the fans informed, please. Fans want to see this movie. Link your DIRECTV account to Movies Anywhere to enjoy your digital collection in one place. keep cruise out of it! Entertainment: Movie News, Previews & More! He transforms into a vampire and gains unnatural strength and powers. Dracula Untold started life as a project dubbed Dracula: Year Zero, which told the origin story of the title monster. District 9 Sequel (2018) Movie Trailer, Release Date & More! Showing all 4 items Jump to: Summaries (3) Synopsis (1) Summaries. Dracula Untold is a 2014 American fantasy horror movie by Universal studios and directed by Gary Shore. Directed by Gary Shore. I would 100% see the sequel. Couchzone Special: The films Hollywood needs to make now!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!Tracks:Dracula UntoldThis Life And The NextSon Of The DevilI Will Come Again Release Date: 03/08/2016. he ruined “interview with…” playin’ lestat, & he’s do the same here…, I wanna see this movie so bad like omg omg. I love Luke Evans look with the long hair! Dracula Untold 2: Universal studios, once again, came into the glam light. The year is 1462 and Transylvania has enjoyed a prolonged period of peace under the just and fair rule of the battle-weary Vlad III, the prince of Wallachia (Luke … Ex Machina 2 | 2017 | Movie Trailer, Release Date & More – Will there be an Ex Machina 2? Jumper 2 (2016) - Jumper Sequel Release Date, Plot, & Cast, Somehow Calvin and Hobbes Became a Brief Theological Discussion, Luke Evans – Evans played the titular anti-hero Vlad Dracula, and while he has a lot of potential as a vampire, he wasn’t exactly playing the version we’ve seen on screen in the past. “Let the games begin!”. :)))) What about the other vampires created at the battle of the Borgo Pass? Why do I suspect that this might be a set-up for a franchise of sequels? Dracula Untold is an upcoming 2014 American action horror film directed by Gary Shore and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. So hurry up with it!!! :(), > need to countinue from were it left off with him being called apon as a pawn for vampire he released then go more into it. Please make the sequel equally good. We could have Jonathan Harker, Mina’s fiance and the man who escapes from Dracula’s castle, along with Van Helsing, the vampire hunter. The films is a dark fantasy action horror film which stars Luke Evans in the lead role and Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon and Charles Dance in key roles. Music By Ramin Djawadi 2014 Back Lot Music. The film’s executive producer, Alissa Phillips also stated that a sequel was in discussion. It was, of course, Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) that changed the course of vampire fiction and paved way for all that we have today, from ‘Nosferatu’ to ‘Twilight Saga’ to even ‘Hotel Transylvania ‘. It is important to note that the ending was changed and made to this in order to incorporate ‘Dracula Untold’ as a part of the “Dark Universe”. In regards to what happened to his son, what could he have done apart from reigning as king and then he dying from old age. 00. FREE Shipping. Begin where you left off with Drac meeting Mina, his wife’s look alike. Despite the film originally being considered the first part in the series, its connection to the cinematic universe was downplayed after its release. I’ll be checking Flixter and the Internet for more info. In Dracula Untold, Mehmet II seals his demands on Vlad with a bloody thumb-print, and the scene’s final shot is of the Sultan’s thumb on an imperial … Then, of course, there is the uncertainty regarding its position in the “Dark Universe”. Directed by Gary Shore, the 2014 Dracula Untold is a popular movie adapted from Dracula written by Bram Stoker. The word GAME was mentioned, therefore part 2, should start off just S they left it, but going back into the past of a cat and mouse game through the centuries with the 3 main characters… Vlad always trying to find his wife, reincarnated and the other Dracula, killing her, cause if they come together then the other Dracula has to go back in prison for eternity.. Something like that! Firstly, it was launched in 2014. I’m not even going to beg for a sequel , directors these days never take what the people watching their movies want into consideration , they just do whatever the hell they want , but i can assure them , that a sequel for Dracula Untold would make aloooot of people happy , whilst also making them wayyy much more money than a sequel to The Mummy , or any other monster movie reboot. I would like for the sequel to pick up where it left off but to go more in depth about the other vampire who created dracula and for us to discover some of his plot for dracula. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the film’s position in the cinematic universe, it does leave ample of room and umpteen potential for a sequel. It was meant to jump-start Universal’s “Dark Universe”, an attempt to create a modern cinematic universe based on the classic Universal Monster film series. Dracula Untold is a 2014 American dark fantasy action film directed by Gary Shore in his feature film debut and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. This is by far the BEST dracula movie to date. I LOVE IT!!! And I love Luke Evans he is the best for this movie!! Too much brain power on dislapy! > stupid fucking turky hate you all, GO ROMANI, > Ran from the fight ? Several people also praised both the film’s performances and its visual effects, along with how it portrayed a realistic tale of origin for Dracula. She was in Les Miserables and is both beautiful and a darn good singer. Shore’s ‘Dracula Untold’ is a dark fantasy horror that centres around the historical figure Vlad III Draculea and his monster alter ego, Dracula. The house was located in Soundstage 24 along with AVP: Alien vs. Question: Whose games? While I did enjoy The Mummy, I have been waiting 3 years for this movie. Everyone I talked to about this movie is waiting for next one! (1,583) Price Match Guarantee. et Luke Evans i like youuuuu. Dracula Untold 2 – Is it really happening? (First time commenting on any topic via cell phone/computer and probably the last), RIP for These who think that Dracula escaped the fight… He was killed by the turks guys go and read a Little bit please…, please release movie fast I can’t wait for more time I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH. It should star off where it left off With him and Mina and The vampire who says let the games begin . 'Dracula Untold' rises onto home video in this Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD combo pack. I would rather it not be present day. In the novel, the three join forces to destroy Dracula after all that he has done. Witness the origin story of one of legend’s most captivating figures in the action-adventure, Dracula Untold. Dracula Untold has garnered its own cult following and the fans agree that it was removed from the Dark Universe canon was a poor choice. Face/Off 2 | Will the sequel see a 2020 release? As his kingdom is being threatened by the Turks, young prince Vlad Tepes must become a monster feared by his own people in order to obtain the power needed to protect his own family, and the families of his kingdom. I own nothing. Vlad: [in a rage to his people after they try to burn him] Do you think you are alive because you can … Dracula Untold you would have known that there are much in this story left. Why? Dracula Untold 2 Box Office Forecast. But when Sultan Mehmed II (Dominic Cooper, Captain America: The … But there have been no talks about one in a long while, leading to the assumption that a sequel may not work out after all. ALTHOUGH I’VE SEEN MY SHARE OF THEM BEING 53 YEARS OF AGE.. TO ME THIS WAS DEFINITELY, ONE OF THE MOST REALISTIC VERSION TO ME AND YES I’M SO ANTICIPATING A SEQUEL, You all watched it. HURRY UP AND RELEASE IT I CANT WAIT If Van Helsing and Jonathan Harker are introduced in the sequel, we can definitely expect new cast members to be added to the team. They better make a Dracula untold 2 or I will be so disappointed they better!!! Luke is the best actor for that part. Due to the news about his death, his son, Îngeraș, is crowned as the prince of Wallachia. Either way, when asked about the sequel, Evans stated in an interview: “We left it very wide open, you know, this is a character who could transcend many different times and different periods of history. Drácula - A História Nunca Contada (Dracula Untold, 2014) - Making Of: Luke Evans Legendado Tahnks. The Cave Guy’s games, of course. Jack Reacher 3 | 2019 | Movie Trailer, Rumors, Release Date & More – Will there be a Jack Reacher 3 movie? Well, Gary Shore is going to release Dracula Untold sequel soon. So, if there is a sequel to ‘Dracula Untold’, it would definitely pick up from where the original ends. Predator. The discs are entombed in a standard Elite keepcase, with the dual-layer DVD on the inside left and the 50GB Blu-ray on the inside right. But for what? The First Star Wars IX Trailer is a Thing You Can See Here, Once More Unto the Beach with … Couchzone Movie Club 1989. 4 items. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. It was meant to jump-start Universal’s “Dark Universe”, an attempt to create a modern cinematic universe based on the classic Universal Monster film series. > i love how they are putting so much thought into Mummy , instead of Dracula Untold. But all of this was also before 2017’s ‘The Mummy’. I’m very excited that they are making Dracula Untold II. On a $70 million dollar budget, that isn’t too bad, but also not amazing. All in order to save his people and his family from an attack by the Ottoman army. [3] Based on the novel Dracula by Irish novelist Bram Stoker, the film portrays the origin story of its title character, Count Dracula. They set the story line and need to finish it out with how many ever movies it takes! The Shape of Water 2 | ⓴⓴ | Movie Poster, Cast, Release Date & More! I don’t periodically go to check for updates for The Mummy, which I do for this hopeful movie….Hopefully they’ll give us what we want. !please make the 2 nd part , i would like to know what will happen when the dracula and his beloved one meet again but this time in a devoloping century. je trouve lhistoire original sensee et captivante. Gee this was so much fun. With Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon, Art Parkinson. $165.00 $ 165. Its been 3 years already should have made it by now. ‘The Mummy’ (2017) was then repositioned as the first in the film series. I’d like to see a Butch Mutha Killing Machine and not some shinyhappy vampire crap. But things take a dark turn when Vlad makes a deal with the vampire that costs him his humanity. So all you naysayers, what are you bitching about? Pretty Woman 2 or the Pretty Woman Remake (2020) RUMORS, Plot, Cast, and Release Date News - WILL THERE BE A PRETTY WOMAN REMAKE?! Story telling is all about new adventure and the imagination if the story tellers. As the two walk away, the vampire who cursed Vlad is shown to following them, and says “Let the games begin”. All I have to say is “Let the games begin!”, Dragula Untold 2 should start where Dragula Untold ended. (It’s hard to laugh and still look adorable. Pretty sexy look for Evans. Blade 4 (2018) Movie Release Date, Trailer & More! >, > I think it’s how this sould go to it would be so good, When does Dracula untold 2 come out if y’all come let me know that would be great my email is WRATH OF KHAN, TRON, DINER Movie Reviews: Couchzone Movie Club 1982. Seriously, like it or not, don’t you people have anything better to do other than play with your phones! Minions 2 (2018) Movie Trailer, Release Date & More! Irish film-maker, Gary Shore, does precisely this with his feature debut, ‘Dracula Untold’ where breaks away from Stoker’s Dracula and presents to us another origin story for the titular character. $9.99 Your price for this item is $9.99. The word knows this isn’t true. But the cards are still not completely off the tables, and we may actually get to see more of Vlad/Dracula in the future. Show what happens in between the first movie and when he meets the present day Mina look alike. And keep it set in the earlier period but incorporated into modern day as well. Dracula Untold: Reign of Blood was one of the eight haunted houses that were featured during Halloween Horror Nights 24. Plus we need to find out what happens to his son and also see if that woman he meets at the end of the first one discovers that she may be Dracula’s wife reborn in another time. Im gonna watch out for brussels. THIS IS THE BEST DRACULA MOVIE PERIOD!!! The movie was produce in the budget if $70 Million and in return earn $215 Million. 2.5 / 5 stars 57% 24%. Yes Dracula The Untold 2 be made . > For real. Samantha Barks – Barks’ character in the first film was cut to improve the overall pacing of the film, but she was to play Baba Yaga, a folklore witch. Would absolutely love seeing Luke Evans star in an epic franchise to continue in this century in a modern Dracula untold. cant wait for a sequel to Dracula untold because this is by far my favorite movie to watch!!!>. IFUNEW Dracula Untold Movie HD Potser Poster Decorative Painting Canvas Wall Art Living Room Posters Bedroom Painting 08x12inch(20x30cm) $9.00 $ 9. ‘Dracula Untold’ was created with sequels in mind and it even leaves room for one with its ending. Fandoms: Dracula & Related Fandoms, Van Helsing (2004), Dracula Untold (2014), Dracula - Bram Stoker Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of … Witness the origin story of one of legend's most captivating figures in the action-adventure, Dracula Untold.The year is 1462 and Transylvania has enjoyed a prolonged period of peace under the just and fair rule of the battle-weary Vlad III, the prince of Wallachia (Luke Evans, Fast & Furious 6, The Hobbit series). Dracula Untold: Almost an entire century after the world’s cinematic introduction to Dracula placed audiences under his haunting spell, the studio that … - 00. I would love to see where they left off!! Charles Dance is my hero. Since a sequel to ‘Dracula Untold’ is not yet confirmed, there is no way of knowing if it will happen, and if yes, then when. It was a great movie. Category Entertainment; Song Dracula Untold (Remixed by TARSO) - Universal Pictures Film Music I’m going to practice that pose. Ice Age 6 | 2019 | Movie Trailer, Rumors, Release Date & More – Will there be an Ice Age 6? Not sure what hapened at the box office but UNTOLD is one of my favorite movies. As revenge, Dracula bites Mina and feeds her his blood, destining her to become a vampire at her death. > I agree . Zombieland 2 (2018) Movie Release Date, Trailer & More! Shop Dracula Untold [DVD] [2014] at Best Buy. Powered by VIP. Dracula Untold 28x34 Large Black Wood Framed Movie Poster Art Print. But since its not completely off the table, we can definitely hope for ‘Dracula Untold 2’ to be directed by Gary Shore under Universal Studios. I think Dracula Untold is Awesome movie and they can’t just stop at one! This becomes relevant because it means we could also expect the revival of the two other main character’s from Stoker’s classic. I just hope they dont cheap out and go cheesy after this most successful version. -, Constantine 2 - Release Date, Trailer & more sequel news, Grown Ups 3 (2016) is coming? I think they should start the second one out exactly were the first one left off at. I’d love to bring him back in some concept or context, but honestly, you know as little as I do when it comes with what is going in on the dream rooms of Universal Studios. © 2021 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. The Cave Guy as you called him is Julius Ceaser (Caligula) aka the Master Vampire or the first vampire, was turned into a vampire after his assassination and would prove to be an interesting story line like something along the lines of Lestat and Louis in interview with a vampire, via the need to get away from their makers and the clear lack of power of both Louis and Vlad in comparison to Lestat and caligula. Hurry up already and release it cant wait, It’s called a super lighting storm.. Can destroy a big city in 20 mins.. Tottaly destroyed>, > Luke Evans is an awesome actor, I’m glad he broke from the sword and sorcery stigma in ‘No One Lives’, I’d like to see him in more films like that. Ever since the release of the movie, fans have loved the Luke Evan’s version of Dracula even though the movie was not able to live up to the expectations of the box office. Very wonderfull movie next part relase IAM WAITING. So much so that vampire fiction can be considered a genre in its own right. Yes No. Lots of individuals will probably be benefited from your writing. Hopefully he isn’t too busy making. Read Less. He comes across a woman named Mina who strikingly resembles Mirena. Check Stores. I want it to start with the new vampire plot for dracula but end with vanheilsing stepping in to the picture and may be comming the next villan for the third movie. #TeamLuke. Excuse me! Alex Proyas was set to direct while Sam Worthington ( Avatar ) would play the lead, but Universal canceled the project over budget issues. 1 History and Location 2 Description 3 Facade 4 Scareactors 5 Pictures 6 Trivia On August 7th, 2014, Universal announced that a haunted house … Vampire Academy 2 Poster, Cast, Release Date (2020) & More – Vampire Academy Sequel! Whilst Dracula Untold , is one of the best Monster movies i’ve ever watched. The film ends in the present day, with Vlad in London. What a wild ride it could be! BIG FAN. de grace un suite pleaseeeeeeeee. Maybe she’ll sing her way into Dracula’s heart, in a TOTALLY UNTOLD way! As his kingdom is being threatened by the Turks, young prince Vlad Tepes must become a monster feared by his own people in order to obtain the power needed … Watch the full movie online. I love the concept of Dracula untold and I would love to see a sequel of this movie where it left off . ‘Dracula Untold’ was created with sequels in mind and it even leaves room for one with its ending. 1-4 of 4 items. Dracula Untold (2014) Plot. The film will be set in modern day London, and could actually be a modern-day retelling of Stoker’s ‘Dracula’, with of course, a  lot of artistic liberty. I’d love to see a sequel to Umtold. Even if you liked the Mummy , if you can’t recognize that Dracula Untold is way better , well , you’re an idiot. Cause the Demon that gave him the power said he was going to call upon Dracula to do whatever it is he was wanting him to do. Do you know how to turn the channel? advertisement. The film stars Luke Evans as Vlad/Dracula, with Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson and Charles Dance in supporting roles. ‘Dracula Untold’ definitely earned enough to have it turned into a franchise. © 2021 JNews - Premium WordPress news & magazine theme by Jegtheme. Why start and leave a movie without a sequel. Luke Evans (Fast & Furious 6, Immortals) stars in Dracula Untold, the origin story of the man who became Dracula. As his kingdom is being threatened by the Turks, young prince Vlad Tepes must become a monster feared by his own people in order to obtain the power needed … If things do work out, we could potentially see Evans reprise his role, and could also hope for Sarah Gadon to return as Mina. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out. I’d expect the Dracula Untold 2 Box Office to be a fair bit lower. You all seem to know how to text. my faverate movie dracula i am whaitting for relese, Can’t wait for untold 2, it will be instresting to see what time period, dracula untold how sid dracula become king of vampires who was king before him how was he defeated will sequel tell about it jon macvean, I agree I think the movie the sequel that is should take place where the first one left off let the games begin we need to know what happens it wouldn’t make much sense not to continue where the first one left off we need to find out what meant by let the games begin what he wants Dracula 4 and if that is Dracula’s wife Mina reincarnated and what happened between them, I AM NOT A FAN OF DRACULA MOVIES…. He is called “Vlad the Impaler” as he is known for slaughtering thousands by impaling them on spears. The new Mummy movie sucks , it’s garbage , i love Tom Cruise but that movie was one of the most boring movies i’ve eer watched , and i’ve watched alot of movies, i do not care what critics say , The Mummy is garbage. Principal photography of the film began on August 5, 2013 in Northern Ireland. My Dad vs. Satan's Raccoon - The Original Tale! Keep the movie from being silly. Christopher Lee would be proud of Luke Evans. Especially with that ending. Ill be grateful in the event you continue this in future. Of course, the sequel will not necessarily explore all of this. ультат. 2.5 / 5 stars 57% 24%. I really don’t know.”. Despite getting more or less negative reviews from the critics, the film was a Box-Office success and made over $215 million against a budget of $70 million. All music composed by Ramin Djawadi. > me too, I completely agree….enough with Tom Cruise, I will wait until it is on DirectV, Netfix, etc. Directed by Gary Shore. > Literally, obviously. The Three Musketeers 2 – Sequel to Luke Evans’ 2011 Musketeers Flop? Search Feedback Did you find what you were looking for? Dont cut corners!! Price Match Guarantee. Underworld 5 | ⓴⓰ | Movie Release Date, Trailer & More! Keep the love story alive. Please make the movie !! Hi there, just became alert to your blog via Google, and discovered that its truly informative. There are too many story lines from “Untold” that simply cry out for follow-ups! If at all we get ‘Dracula Untold 2’, it would release sometime around 2024 or later. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out. Let the games begin! Love the story, I’m with Wendy on that photo, Beth. It’s…wait for it…fictional. It was based off of the movie by the same name. Please DO make a sequel but make it just as exciting! With Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon, Art Parkinson. kil ny est pas de suite me rendrait vraiment triste. Dracula Untold [Includes [Blu-ray] [2014] SKU: 5275148. You must be nuts dude ..he impaled 20.000 otomans with an army 4 or 5 times smaller…I surley don’t call that running, Love Dracula untold and think that there should be like 3 to 4 films at least for this awesome story!! FREE Shipping. Dracula Told: Why Talking it Out Keeps Vampires Sated Better than Blood, There Will Be Blood… Until Dracula Gets There, Dracula Untold 2: Grimacing During Sexy Time. Dracula Untold. > PLEASE not another whiny vampire movie, I had enough teenwhinybitch vampire shite from Anne Rice and the Twilight twaddle to last a lifetime. It was a great movie. Definitely!!!!!! Cheers! I rather see this movie as a sequel instead of the mummy. -, Game Night 2 (2020) RUMORS, Plot, Cast, and Release Date News -, Hurricane Heist 2 (2020) Cast, Plot, Rumors, and Release Date News -, SANDY WEXLER 2 (2019) NEWS, RUMORS, SPOILER, and RELEASE DATE. There’s no doubt that vampires have been a crowd favourite for centuries now. Who knows. Fantastic film, really loved it and Luke Evans utterly gorgeous! > I love Vampire movies but there as not been no New Vampire Movies in 2017 I want there to be New Vampire Movies to be made this year 2018 please, Luke Evans will be great playing Dracula 2, Sinceremet jai adore le film. Drac vs Cave Guy? Serenity 2 | 2018 | Movie Trailer, Rumors, Release Date & More – Will there be an Serenity 2? Anyway I liked the film and now have a hike to go on. Since there have been no confirmations yet about a sequel, we can’t really say for sure. Bring it on! I’m out of league here. Sarah Gadon – I could see Gadon returning as Mirena, maybe moreso in flashbacks to show Dracula’s tortured history. Here’s everything we know about ‘Dracula Untold 2’. Want a realease date please I know 2018 but that’s it please hurry can’t wait no more, I can’t wait .!!! A single insert contains the code for an UltraViolet and iTunes copy of the movie. Ridden by guilt over his past, he abandons his old ways, and rules peacefully. the entire cast was exceptional. I love the old world tales and no Bram stroker I’m sorry his dracula is too corny. As the story progresses, Vlad loses his wife, Minira (Sarah Gadon), and eventually almost dies himself, but is restored back to life as a well wisher offers him his blood. I just wanted to know if a sequel was coming out and saw all this BS. By far the best!>. Read More: Will There be an It Follows Sequel?