Latest CSR presentations; Green Bond Issues; Know more about CSR & Contact; AGM 18 May 2021. Credit Suisse, BNP to Exit Amazon Oil Finance After Criticism Sunday, 29 November 2020 bloomberg. Case of the dividend paid with additional shares. … The analysts expect for 2020 a net profit of 4,96 billion euros. Add BNP Paribas to receive free notifications when they declare their dividends. Date of Allotment - January 02, 2013. AGM 19 May 2020. La partie non distribuée des résultats est mise en réserve et vient renforcer les fonds propres de la banque. The formalities are completed with the financial intermediaries authorized to pay the dividend. The undistributed part of profits is posted to the reserves in order to reinforce the bank's equity capital. All DividendMax content is provided for informational and research purposes only and is not in any way meant to represent trade or investment recommendations. You can find more details by going to one of the sections under this page such as ex-date, dividend and payment date. BNP Paribas reported 0 in Dividend Yield for its third fiscal quarter of 2020. The Annual General Meeting of 19 May 2020, which will be held without the physical presence of its shareholders, is confirmed; the third draft resolution relating to the 2019 dividend distribution will be amended in accordance with the above decision. The undistributed part of profits is posted to the reserves in order to reinforce the bank's equity capital. BNP Paribas SA has decided to cancel its 2019 dividend following a recommendation from the European Central Bank. The timetable is shown below: 4Q 2020 dividend information. It has been revealed that this compares to €2.31 in the previous year. What Makes BNP Paribas SA a New Buy Stock Friday, 5 February 2021 yahoo. View and export this data going back to 2005. Get information about BNP Paribas dividends and ex-dividend dates. Retrouvez le dividende de l'action BNP PARIBAS BNP, les dernières recommandations des analystes financiers, leurs objectifs de cours et les prévisions de CA, PER, BNA... sur Boursorama is owned and operated by DividendMax Ltd. Our premium tools have predicted BNP Paribas with 94% accuracy. Huge dividend BNP Paribas For this year most of the analysts expect a dividend of 1,5 euros per share. The next BNP Paribas dividend will go ex in 2 months for 311¢ and will be paid in 2 months. The part of profits generated by the company that the Annual Meeting, pursuant to the recommendation of the Board of Directors, decides to distribute to the shareholders. A shareholders' Club (le Cercle des actionnaires), set up in 1995, is open to “individual” shareholders holding at least 200 shares. The Belgian state can thus bank upon a dividend in excess of €345 million. BNP Paribas is a banking group based out of Paris. The next BNP Paribas dividend will go ex in 1 month for 311¢ and will be paid in 1 month. BNP Paribas Warns Fixed Income to Slow After Uneven Results Monday, 25 January 2021 yahoo. The Annual Meeting, pursuant to the recommendation of the Board of Directors, set up the terms and conditions governing the payment of the dividend. Benchmark - Nifty 500 Multi cap 50:25:25 Total Return Index - TRI. Il s'agit de la partie des bénéfices réalisés par la société que l'Assemblée Générale, sur proposition du Conseil d'Administration, décide de distribuer aux actionnaires. The meeting was chaired by Jean Lemierre and the Board examined the Group’s results for the second quarter 2020 and endorsed the interim financial statements for the first half… May 5, 2020 - Group. Christopher Vincent What Makes BNP Paribas SA a Strong Momentum Stock: Buy Now? BNP Paribas Group: Results as at 31 March 2020. BNP Paribas Cancels 2019 Dividend. It's quick and easy! Your account is set up to receive BNP Paribas notifications. Historical Dividend Yield Data. We accept no liability whatsoever for any decision made or action taken or not taken. BNP Paribas ( is one of the 6 strongest banks in the world according to Standard & Poor's*. In 2019, the dividend of … The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend payment by the prevailing share price, The table below shows the full dividend history for BNP Paribas. BNP BNP Paribas BNP Paribas Cancels 2019 Dividend. Today : Friday 3 April 2020. The dividend will be paid on 26/05/2021 (ex-dividend date: 24/05/2021). How many times is the dividend covered by company income. It represents a yield of 2,20 %, based on the stock price as of 24/03/2021 (50.360 EUR). Risk Label - Very High i. 03/04/2020 6:47am Dow Jones News. A cover of 1 means all income is paid out in dividends, The Consecutive Annual Dividend Increases - the number of years this company has been increasing its dividends. BNP Paribas BNP BNP Paribas BNP Paribas Cancels 2019 Dividend. Start your Free Trial. With a presence in 85 countries and more than 205,000 employees, 165,200 of which in Europe, BNP Paribas is a global-scale European leader in financial services. France's largest-listed bank by assets will propose to allocate the amount that had been earmarked for … BNP Paribas (EU:BNP) Intraday Stock Chart. Tuesday, 16 March 2021 yahoo. Fund Type - Equity. By Pietro Lombardi BNP Paribas SA has decided to cancel its 2019 dividend following a recommendation from the European Central Bank. 1Y; 5Y; 10Y; 25Y; MAX; Chart. By Pietro Lombardi BNP Paribas SA has decided to cancel its 2019 dividend following a recommendation from the European Central Bank. Choose the fund you wish to follow and click on 'Follow the Fund' Performance of the gross dividend per BNP Paribas share since 1998 (EUR) The board has announced the payment of a dividend following the 4Q 2020 results. The part of profits generated by the company that the Annual Meeting, pursuant to the recommendation of the Board of Directors, decides to distribute to the shareholders. BNP Paribas had planned to pay a cash dividend of 3.10 euros per share at its annual shareholder meeting in May, an increase from the 3.02 euros it … Board of Directors of BNP Paribas met on 30 July 2020. There is typically 1 dividend per year (excluding specials), and the dividend cover is approximately 3.5. Investment Type - Long Term. Performance of the gross dividend per BNP Paribas share since 1998 (EUR). Dividend Per Unit (₹) BNP Paribas Liquid Fund - Direct - Daily IDCW*^# 09/04/2021 ₹ 0.07771739 ₹ 0.07771739: Invest Now: BNP Paribas Liquid Fund - Regular - Daily IDCW*^# 09/04/2021 ₹ 0.07491299 ₹ 0.07491299: Invest Now: BNP Paribas Low Duration Fund - Direct - Daily IDCW*^# 09/04/2021 ₹ 0.00009782 ₹ 0.00009782: Invest Now Next dividend BNP Paribas : The amount of the next dividend paid by BNP Paribas is 1.110 EUR. Detailed documentation of issuance programs & issues, Senior Unsecured Non Preferred Debt Issues, Changes in BNP Paribas' capital & Articles of Association, URD / Registration Documents & Annual Financial Reports, Capital instruments main features template, Negotiable European Commercial Paper and Medium Term Notes, Public Benchmark Issues: Senior Unsecured Non Preferred debt, Senior Unsecured Non Preferred debt main features template, Investor Reports & External Reviews Green Bonds, Regulatory reports & Base prospectus Home Loan SFH, French Covered Bond Label reports Home Loan SFH, Regulatory reports & Base prospectus Public Sector SCF, French Covered Bond Label reports Public Sector SCF. BNP Paribas posts slight profit beat, but trims outlook for 2020 Published Wed, Feb 5 2020 1:44 AM EST Updated Wed, Feb 5 2020 4:48 AM EST Silvia Amaro @Silvia_Amaro Nothing shall substitute for the independent investigations and sound judgement of our users. Latest debt presentation; Exchange & Tender Offer - Specific Offer ; Search for issuances; Debt Ratings; Debt IR contact; Corporate Social Responsibility. Browse... View Full Chart Dividend Yield Chart . The dividend may be paid in cash or with an option to receive payment in the form of additional shares. Documents; Agenda; General; Terms and conditions of attendance; Archives. BNP will also accrue for a 2021 dividend based on a 50% payout ratio. Enter the number of The new shares covered by this option bear interest from January 1st of the current year, and are issued at a price equal to at least 90% of the average of the first prices quoted during the twenty stock market sessions preceding the date of the Annual Meeting, less the amount of the dividend. The Board of Directors of BNP Paribas met on 4 May 2020. The previous BNP Paribas dividend was 302¢ and it went ex almost 2 years ago and it was paid almost 2 years ago. OPEC+ Fails to Agree on … By Pietro Lombardi BNP Paribas SA has decided to cancel its 2019 dividend following a recommendation from the European Central Bank. France's largest-listed bank by … BNP Paribas Dividend Yield: 0.00% for April 1, 2021. Meetings with shareholders are arranged during the year in the main regional cities: the bank's policy is presented by senior executives of BNP Paribas and members of the Top Management. The option must be exercised, generally, within a period of three weeks after the cutting off of the coupon. Nature - Open Ended. 16 Dec, 2020 Intesa, Nordea, ING, BNP Paribas most affected by ECB dividend limits – analysts The European Central Bank has lifted its blanket recommendation against distributions, including dividends and share buybacks, but under strict conditions that will have the biggest impact on eurozone banks with high capital returns, analysts said. Dividends from 1998 through 2000 have been adjusted to take into account the split in half of the face value of the share on 20th February 2002. The price/earnings-ratio is then 9,06. Published by Jennifer Rudden, Sep 9, 2020 This statistic presents the value of dividend paid by BNP Paribas from 1998 to 2019. In the event that the dividend due does not correspond to a round number of shares, the shareholder may choose to be paid a balancing cash adjustment or, alternatively, to pay a further amount allowing him to acquire an additional share. Téléchargez la liste des Dividendes du CAC 40 : Dividende BNP PARIBAS : montant annuel, rendement et historique du dividende. Export Data Save Image Print Image For advanced charting, view our full-featured Fundamental Chart. BNP Paribas CFO on Trading Revenue, Bad Loan Provisions, Dividend November 2nd, 2020, 10:32 PM PST Lars Machenil, chief financial officer at BNP Paribas … Documents; … View 4,000+ financial data types. Further good news for the Belgian state is that BNP Paribas anticipates, as part of its new strategic plan for 2017-2020, to increase its dividend by an average of 9% per year. The chart below shows the optimized dividends for this security over a rolling 12-month period. As of today it counts more than 63,000 members. For this year most of the analysts expect a profit per share of 3,95 euros. Effectively, this translates into a 6% historical (2020) dividend yield but also a further 6% forward (2021) dividend yield. Its three main businesses are retail banking, corporate and investment banking, and asset management services. BNP Paribas's dividend yield thus equals 4,19 percent. AUM - 526.12 Crores (As on February 28, 2021). Export Data Date Range: Data for this Date Range ; April … Evolution du dividende brut par action BNP Paribas depuis 1998 (EUR) Dividend; BNP Paribas Debt. shares you hold and we'll calculate your dividend payments: Sign up for BNP Paribas and we'll email you the dividend information when they declare.