Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster. Make sure this hiding spot as a great cover for entering and exiting at all times; if found, always carry a close-range backup gun. Therefore, if you’re your team’s sniper you should never be completely out in the open, insides you should have concealment at all times (although still be ready to move easily and escape). YOU MAY READ OUR FULL AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE POLICY FOR MORE INFORMATION. Following these charts, we’ve included a buying guide to teach you more about nerf sniper rifles and the games that are played with them as well as the protection people use while playing. Popular Posts. It’s a great choice if you’re planning on sniping from the shadows but know that eventually the enemy will find your hiding place. Impressively the attaching clip can hold up to 18 darts at a time and is designed as an ‘automatic rifle’ which will fire 3 to 4 darts per second. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Released earlier in 2017, the RaptorStrike in the N-Strike Elite AccuStrike series is the absolute best Nerf sniper rifle. The fun of warring with nerf guns is that different guns come with different perks, such as some guns being better at close range while others should be shot at a distance. If you’re trying to improve your accuracy as a sniper, there’s no better way to do that than to practice shooting your sniper rifle. AT TIMES (AND AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU), WE MAY RECEIVE COMMISSIONS ON PURCHASES MADE THROUGH OUR CHOSEN LINKS. If your Nerf gun doesn’t come with these special darts, then you can easily buy packs of these sniper darts. NERF N-Strike Elite AccuStrike Raptor Strike, 5. Our longest ranged gun, firing at over 100 feet, is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster. Many Nerf sniper rifles come equipped with sniper darts so that you’re equipped to start sniping as soon as you get your weapon. The last of our “truly” competitive Nerf blasters, the Nemesis MXVII-10K lives up to its name and is the best automatic nerf sniper that we saw. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page. Here Are the Best Nerf Sniper Rifles for 2021. ‘Longshot’ nerf guns usually also work on a plunger system that’s easy to modify for farther and faster shooting – consider the Nerf Vortex Vigilon, it has a torsion spring which can easily be switched out for a stronger and tighter version that improves the gun. The Best NERF Sniper Rifle Overall. This Nerf sniper also comes with three transparent magazines that can hold 6 Nerf darts each. Wise Pick is reader-supported. You can store your extra 2 magazines in the stock of the rifle, for easy access when you're in battle. This tactic will help your body to remain calm while you’re aiming, and then your hand will be completely steady while you’re pulling the trigger. Which means during a nerf war you can target your enemy and keep firing from 75 feet until they either reach you or run away. One of the longest and heaviest guns on our list is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster, and although this is listed for 8-years and up, there are some 8-year-olds who will have a hard time lifting this gun and running around with it. This rule will help keep you safe and protect your vision for the years to come. Here’s how you can improve your accuracy as a Nerf sniper. The latest Elite Nerf guns are very robust with an improved design than the predecessor. NERF... 2. You don’t want a Nerf sniper rifle that will jam on you while you’re playing or not be easy to operate. Many people get into nerf guns just because they love modding with them! For long-range shooting accuracy is crucial, but unfortunately nerf sniper guns aren’t well known for their perfect accuracy. Other armor’s like under armor, carboard makeshift armor, knee and shoulder pads, are great additions to make you more impervious to rapid fire strikes. Many of the following features were briefly mentioned in the descriptions of each product, here they are further discussed and explained. Achieve shots up 100 feet with screaming MEGA Whistler darts. Darts are pulled upward using a disk/wheel and can be rapid fired with all 18 darts blasted in only 6 seconds. This means you can continue a stream of firing while in retreat or breaking through enemy lines, and the slam fire handle allows you to fire as quickly as you can pump the action (rather than having to repeatedly pull a trigger. Good aesthetic sniper rifles are Longshot CS-6, Longstrike CS-6, Mega Accustrike Thunderhawk, and the Raptorstrike. Featuring two tactical rails, one for the top of the carry handle and the other providing better right-handed gripping, this gun also allows for a sling to be attached so your rifle never drops or is lost. ", "An affordable Nerf sniper gun that can shoot up to 75 feet far with 18 darts and give a load of fun to kids of all ages.". Better yet, don’t ever aim at a person’s face. 1. Nerf gun customization will make it easier for you to switch between playing fields and different styles of play. In deciding which nerf sniper rifles were the best, there were a lot of important features we had to consider. Another disc shooting sniper rifle, this beauty can fire up to 65 feet with 30 discs loaded at all times in a spinning rapid-fire chamber. Kids and adults alike can enjoy immersing themselves in role-playing as an elite soldier of the Empire. Blaster comes with six mega darts and will only fire mega dart ammo; make sure if you buy extra ammunition you get the right kind. Most darts are around the same size, though always check the instructions which come with your sniper rifle because darts won’t always be ‘one size fits all’. One of the things that we like about the Centurion Mega Toy Blaster is that the magazines are transparent, which helps you see how many darts you have left before you need to reload. For guns on our list with a limited number of darts or discs, such as the far-shooting Nerf Vortex Vigilon, consider buying extra ammunition at the same time as purchase. With a very complex internal system not many modifications can or should be made with this gun, but for even faster firing speeds the torsion spring can be replaced with a newer tighter spring. Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 Blaster. Here comes the gun, that fits patient sharpshooters – the best Nerf Sniper blaster that can hit the target from far away. These darts shoot rather far, and if you’re looking to emulate a … January 8, 2021. Initially being an engineering specialist, Tom has never stopped learning and acquiring other knowledge and skills. When you’re looking to buy a Nerf sniper rifle, you should look for a Nerf gun that comes with a scope so that you don’t need to purchase one. These tips can be used to help you improve your accuracy and increase your chances of hitting your targets during Nerf battles. The Elite Demolisher by Nerf shoots missiles and darts with extraordinary efficiency for killing the competition. One of the ways that you can make sure that you hit your targets is by using a scope of your Nerf sniper rifle. Kids and adults alike can enjoy immersing themselves in role-playing as an elite soldier of the Empire. One of the problems with being a sniper is that you only have one shot, which means that you become vulnerable if you miss that shot. Otherwise, this is a pretty good deal for the price. Nerf- N- Strike Elite Retaliator is one of the best nerf sniper rifles that offers all the features mentioned above. LordDraconical. It has a unique style that won our hearts while we tested it. If a building or structure is dangerous, then you should make it off-limits to other players so that they don’t get injured. January 22, 2021. Although it is pricy it is quite balanced over other models which offer a great range and is extremely comfortable to play with, which is why, as you start using it, you shall find it more interesting. You should look for a sniping scope or some kind of aiming sights when you’re purchasing a sniper rifle because this is an essential feature to any sniper rifle. One of the best Nerf sniper rifles on the market is the AccuStrike RaptorStrike. 54.8k members in the Nerf community. What are the main assets of a nerf sniper gun? You might also like: Best NERF guns under $20 – Buyer’s guide. Since there’s a wide price range when it comes to Nerf guns, I’d recommend that you create a budget for your Nerf guns and then look at Nerf guns that are within your Budget. One of the best ways to improve your accuracy is by being relaxed before you make your shot. In our current situation, most of us don’t have a lot of money to spare. Incorrect loading – just jamming the dart in – can actually cause the gun to jam and slowly break over time. Many Sniper rifles come with a scope or some sort of aiming system that can be used to give you a better shot. The N-Strike Elite AccuStrike AlphaHawk is built to do just that. The compact size and light weight make it very easy to carry around and maneuver the Nerf sniper. Once you're out of ammo, you just have to push a button, and the revolver will flip out, and you can easily refill your Nerf gun. For the best accuracy never take a shot at maximum range – for example if your target is at 75 feet away and you’re using the Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 – instead wait till your target closes in a little more (say 50 feet away) and then take a more accurate shot. You should look for a Nerf gun with high capacity magazines so that you spend less time reloading your weapon and more time playing Nerf. If you find a Nerf gun that you like, then don’t worry because you can always buy scopes as an accessory. If you enjoy camping during Nerf wars, then a bolt action sniper rifle may be best for you, but if you move around a lot, then you may want to use an automatic machine gun. The Nerf Modulus LongStrike Sniper rifle features a bolt action shooting system and a bipod that make it easier for you to have better accuracy when you're shooting at your targets. This blaster is most like a sniper rifle and has the longest firing range too boot (up to 100 feet). Read our post on the best Nerf guns that you could use as backup NERF blasters. All materials used in this gun are BPA free and safe for kids to use, additionally this gun is suitable for ages 8 and up; it’s very lightweight and anyone could use it with ease. Wearing proper eyewear is an essential rule because you don’t want any players to get long term injuries from playing Nerf. Idk about caliburns or anything, but the best nerf brand "sniper rifle" is the new fortnite basrl or the basrr according to justajolt. Another aid that can help you with aiming is the pop-up sights, which should be built into every sniper rifle. If your Nerf gun doesn’t come with a scope, then you should make sure that it comes with a tactical rail if you intend to attach a Nerf scope. 4.2 out of 5 stars 13,307 ... nerf sniper nerf mega nerf zombie strike While you’re shopping for your ideal Nerf rifle, you should take a look at the distance that the Nerf gun can reach. This is the best gun for the money, and gives you exceptional distance (up to 75 feet) while also being able to conserve plenty of ammunition for a long battle (a magazine that can hold 18 darts). Unlike actual guns, nerf toys don’t need to be unassembled and resembled any time before or after you play. Additionally, we’ve listed some information on how to equip yourself for a fight, how to use toy guns safely, and we’ve answered many frequently asked questions at the very end. Other concerns were age range and how different ages might not be able to handle the certain sizes and weights of larger guns. And when the weather is shining and the friends and family are willing – it’s time to engage in active games, all familiar shoot-your-friend type. If you’re unable to use a bipod, then I would suggest that you use a solid object to rest your gun on and give you a steady aim. First, you can always equip your gun and make it better, and that’s as easy as adding a sling (for easy carrying) and purchasing a great stock of accustrike darts. This gun offers a better speed and firing rate at somewhat of a shorter distance (up to 30 feet). You could go old school with the bolt action Nerf guns, or you could use an automatic Nerf gun that has a lot of range and then add a scope to make it into a Nerf sniper rifle. In this section, we will try to show you how to pick the best Nerf sniper rifle for you and your playing style. One of the things that you should look for when you’re buying a Nerf sniper rifle is the size of the magazine. Regardless of your playing style, there are some features that you should have in any good sniper rifle. The Nerf Star Wars Rogue One Imperial Death Trooper Deluxe Blaster is one of the best Nerf sniper rifles inspired by the renowned sci-fi series. When you’re using a sniper rifle for your Nerf wars, you may want a backup Nerf gun so that you can protect yourself. A nerf sniper is the best way to teach your child to establish supremacy in a group of people. The shooting capacity of this sniper … However, rapid-fire guns can still shoot their ammunition at long distances and they’ll do more constant damage; consider the Nerf N-Strike Rayven CS-18 which can fire 18 darts in under 6 seconds. Best Nerf Sniper Gun – Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster By anbxing July 23, 2019 If your kid is very fond of the Nerf parties and all the nerf fights then you might have been spending a lot of time on buying Nerf guns after a proper search of its features and capabilities. This means in only six seconds you can empty your entire clip into a target or targets. 7 Best Paintball Barrels – Shoot Even More Precisely! Two guns with N-Strike rails are the Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster and Nerf N-Strike Rayven CS-18. How to choose a proper nerf sniper gun for kids and adult, Features to consider while choosing a nerf sniper blaster, Can cover an impressive distance of 100 feet, Mega darts are stronger than regular darts and whistle as they fly, Discs are stronger and more durable than darts, This model can hold and fire the most ammunition, Pump action means this gun will only fire as quickly as you can, Glow-in-the-dark darts for night play and easy pick-up, Only fires up to 30 feet (not as far as our other listed models), Spring action needs to be reset between shots, Does not come with extra discs (bought separately), All 18 darts can be fired (using a motor) in only 6 seconds. The more darts, the more fun! 54.8k members in the Nerf community. Long range and short range will matter very much as a ‘sniper-type player’. However, if your gun isn’t able to reach your enemies, then you’ll have a lot of trouble when you’re trying to win Nerf wars. You should try to find a Nerf sniper rifle that has a lot of range so that you can hit your opponents before they can get to you. This preference may depend entirely on the sniper; some snipers may not actually want rapid fire devices because these are louder and while constantly shooting can give the snipers hiding spot away. For the most fun, this gun even comes as a bundle deal which includes a 100-dart refill kit. If you’re going to buy a Nerf gun so that you can switch it between playing styles, then you should make sure that the Nerf gun that you pick has a good range. Top Best Nerf Sniper Rifles for 2021 1. Offering a staggering range of up to 120ft, it's the ultimate sniper rifle from Nerf. It makes sense that the Nerf brand would eventually approach their toy guns, making dart blasters that help fulfill every shooter’s role in the playful war. Learn more about our process. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. This high-quality toy is suitable for ages 8 and up, though it is about the height of a seven to eight-year-old. It uses a mega-size revolving drum to shoot. Here are some of the factors on the basis of which you can actually look for the best nerf snipers: The sniper is like a ninja with a gun – he is the agent of stealth – and remaining hidden is one of the most important parts of accurate sniping. WE WILL ONLY EVER PROMOTE THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT WE TRUST AND 100% RECOMMEND. First and foremost, gather all your gear for the fight. Best Nerf Rivals For Nerf Wars – Review & Guides Which One is Best? posted on January 1, 2021 Nerf Blasters have been the first choice for all the children and parents as it is a reliable brand, and also all their blasters have been tested and proved of the safety. For the perfect range shooting, Nerf-N Strike Elite Rampage is the best automatic Nerf Machine Gun. All you need to do is get to your perfect sniping spot and then open up the bipod and use it to help support and stabilize your gun. Ideal for kids who wish to practice some hunting skills before venturing into the actual process. 6 Greatest Laser Tag Sets For Adults And Children Of All Ages. The clip itself is see-through so you’ve always got an eye on your ammo even when you’ve lost count on how many shots you’ve fired. One of the things that you’ll want to look at when you’re purchasing a Nerf rifle is the price tag that’s attached to the Nerf guns that you’re interested in buying. One of the best Nerf guns that you’ll be able to find is the Elite Titan CS-50 Blaster, which is a fully automatic Nerf gun. Look for Nerf guns that can go beyond 75 feet so that you give yourself the best chance for success on the Nerf battlefield. If you run out of ammo, never hit someone with your gun rather than reloading, instead decide to retreat and live to fight another day. However, at times, the product shows signs of rattling which can be a concern for the child using it for the first time. Do I need to re-assemble my son’s nerf sniper every time he’s done playing? Once you’re done playing, you should always unload your Nerf guns before you set them down. Complete with two flip-up sights to align your shot, this blaster comes with a 10 dart clip and 20 official Nerf Elite darts. More features: folding bipod included, mega whistler darts only. Guns like the Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster will give a sniper a bit more control and secrecy between each fired dart, and that truly is the mark of a sniper. If you want to have fun, maybe even with your children, below we offer you our buying guide in which we highlighted the aspects to be evaluated before choosing which nerf sniper to buy. By doing this, you will eliminate any shaking movement that your gun may experience while shooting and help you be more accurate. The NERF Fortnite AR-L Elite Dart Blaster features a motorized dart blasting button that accelerates the power of the dart. Only aim your gun at targets that you intend to shoot. We took a hard look at the telescopic sights, fire range, and even reloadability to prepare users for the hottest game of their lives. Replica of a video game chainsaw, the Brainsaw fires one round at a time. You’ll also want to make sure that the Nerf sniper rifle is easy to carry and comfortable for you to use while trying to snipe your enemies. Another option is to keep another loaded sidearm with you. It’s always good to have more darts. For the best nerf sniper you want to choose a gun with a combination of long-range firing distance, semi-automatic capabilities, and accuracy while at an extended range. Most Nerf sniper rifles will shoot between 50 and 100 feet. While there are many other Nerf guns that you can use, we have found that the sniper rifles on our list have the best reviews and are highly effective while playing Nerf. The compact Strongarm Elite Toy Blaster is one of the best Nerf snipers on the market. Another great idea is to have a secondary gun on you; one for longer distance and one for closer proximity shooting. Batteries are required for the motor but come with your purchase and won’t need replacing for a long time. But what if you still want a NERF gun so badly? If you’re not sure what your playing style is, then you may want to purchase a Sniper rifle that can be easily customized. It’s six clip system is designed for quality and durability as well as maximum firing speed between shots. If you’re going to play Nerf outside then, I would suggest that you create boundaries, and any player that is outside of those boundaries will be eliminated. Rule of thumb while playing with nerf guns: never aim for a person eye. While accidents are often unintended, it’s good to have rules in place to prevent accidents from happening in the first place. The premier community for enthusiasts of blasters of non-harmful projectiles (darts, straws, disks, balls … In this section, we will be taking a look at some of the ways that you can become a better sniper. Editor’s Pick for the Best Nerf Sniper Rifle. This backup weapon should be good at a closer range and capable of rapid blasting your enemies. Here are three of them. All rights reserved. More features: see-through clip for instant dart check. But a sniper rifle can be as simple as a retaliator and a stock with accustrike darts. The premier community for enthusiasts of blasters of non-harmful projectiles (darts, straws, disks, balls … However, prior to going to any nerf battle, choosing the best nerf sniper is what holds the utmost importance and must be done carefully. Find that perfect position using the adjustable bipod, wait for the enemy and strike when the time’s right. In fact, this one is one of the best nerf blasters on the list. With 30 loadable discs, this sniper fires as quickly as you can work the pump action and can strike a target at a distance of 65 feet. Our next nerf sniper rifles are that the Elite Sonic Ice Centurion Blaster. Nerf Fortnite TS-1 – this is the best sniper Nerf gun because of its accuracy, range, and cost-effectiveness. Mostly you’ll be going for long range shots and so you’ll want weapons which at least fire up to thirty feet or more. Cleaning dirt is fairly easy and can be done with an air compressor and a Q-Tip. "A bright and lightweight Nerf sniper gun shoots mega whistler darts and can produce up to six shots. Adam holds a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Linguistics, and creative writing has always been his greatest passion. Not all guns will fit these criteria, but those guns which are exceptional and come close are listed here to narrow down your options and make the best pick more apparent! Nerf N-Strike Elite Accustrike series AlphaHawk (Best nerf gun sniper scope) 4. Waiting is going to be one of the most frustrating parts of being the sniper, because you’ll need to wait until a target shows up (and they might be hiding also) and then you need to get that target in range and in your sights. Not all guns will fit these criteria, but those guns which are exceptional and come close are listed here to narrow down your options and make the best pick more apparent! Longstrike Nerf Modulus Toy Blaster with Barrel Extension, Bipod, Scopes, 18 Modulus Elite Darts & 3 Six-Dart Clips (Amazon Exclusive) Customize the long strike cs 6 blaster for any mission or battle with the barrel extension, bipod, and scope that attach to the blaster. Don’t ever shoot at small children or animals, first because they could very easily eat the ammunition and start choking, and second because they aren’t as strong as adults or teenagers and they don’t know how to dodge or protect themselves. Now that you have found the perfect sniper rifle for yourself, it’s time to learn how you can safely operate your sniper rifle while playing Nerf. Breathe in quietly, take aim, remember about the wind, load your blaster, and then slowly take the shot. American foam has a mod guide on YouTube also, I believe. This Nerf gun sniper rifle powers up with a good amount of force which is ideal if you are looking for powerful shots. In our opinion there is no maximum age range so long as you’re having fun! You’ll rarely find nerf guns which fire over 15-20 shots at a time, in fact two of the guns on our list fire under 10 rounds before they’re empty. These are some guidelines that you can use to make your Nerf wars safer and help prevent players from getting injured. Should allow the child to play Nerf Gun? In the following review, you’ll find our top-ranked models organized into a comprehensive chart which lists detailed specs on each product as well as their individual pros and cons. If you want an all-in-one style Nerf gun, then you may be interested in the Modulus LongStrike Sniper rifle. Sometimes a Nerf gun won’t hit precisely where you aim, so you’ll need to practice lots and try to understand where you need to aim to hit your intended target. American foam has a mod guide on YouTube also, I believe. Modern-day outdoor games have gained great popularity amongst not only children but adults. One of the things that we like about the N-Strike Elite AccuStrike is the shoulder stock that is built into this Sniper rifle to help stabilize your shot. © Burbro 2021 This website is operating as a subsidiary of Artiiseo. Choosing the proper nerf gun that suits all your need & requirements is the most important thing to do. If your gun comes with a tactical rail, you’ll be able to attach a scope to your sniper rifle. A decent nerf sniper gun should first and foremost be able to fire at an extended range (at least over 30 feet) otherwise what’s the point? January 22, 2021. Always keep in mind that your Sniper rifles are stronger than other Nerf guns, and they have more range, which means that they can easily hit people that are further away even if you didn’t intend to shoot at them. In this article, we are going to take a look at the best Nerf sniper rifles that you can buy, and we’ll also take a look at some of the best Nerf guns that you can use as a backup if you get rushed. This is perfect for long-range shooting, with an extendable bipod and pop-up sight. If you’re going to be a sniper, then you’ll want a backup Nerf gun to protect yourself. With a flywheel system – meaning darts are pushed upward to be fired using an interior spinning disk – each pull of the trigger will quickly deliver a shot; for the fastest results use both the regular trigger and the ‘acceleration trigger’ under the first. 4. Once you start loading up your Nerf guns, you should already have your headgear on, and you shouldn’t take this protective gear off until your Nerf guns are safely unloaded or stored away. When you’re looking for the Best Sniper rifle that you can use during your Nerf wars, then you’ll find that there are a lot of options that you can use. This guide also focuses on each feature to better explain how these features work, why, and which guns exhibit the best shoulder stock, sight, ammo type, etcetera. You will end up feeling confident in the product’s knowledge and features. Here Are the Best Nerf Sniper Rifles for 2021. Always remember to play safe with your Nerf sniper rifles, and make sure that you use guidelines and rules to ensure that everyone is safe and protected from any mistakes or injuries that could occur while having fun with Nerf. Nerf N-Strike Elite Long Shot CS-6 The customization features mean that you can play as a sniper and then transition your gun to be better in close-quarters combat. The magazine can hold up to 6 mega Nerf darts and a tripod so that you can stabilize your aim and have better accuracy. Almost all the guns on our list will do the job, but accuracy at long range mostly depends on when you take the shot. In making this guide we approached the manufacturers of these guns, distributors, and even verified customers. As far as nerf war games go, there are many rules and many ways of play; some families and friends will even split a house into sections (or floors) where the goal is to break into the enemy’s base and take over. Most … April 5, 2021. ", "An accurately shooting discs Nerf sniper blaster that weights mere 1.5 pounds and has the quickest reload you’ve ever seen. This product does require batteries to power the flywheel on a super quiet motor. Best Nerf Sniper 2021 – Updated by Burbro Editors on March 7th, 2021. ", "An innovative Nerf sniper blaster shoots up to 18 darts that glow in the dark allowing playing your favorite game 24/7. Some players like to rush their opponents while blasting bullets in hopes of hitting someone in their path, while other players want to sit back and snipe their opponents without being seen. However, nerf snipers are best used in outside warfare; a great outside nerf game is capture the flag (with the rule that when you get shot you go to prison). Thunderhawk is a pretty cool looking nerf sniper, a bipod supports the barrel of the gun and a magazine of Mega Whistler darts are inserted into the gun via a side loading clip. If you’re looking at expensive Nerf guns, then it may be a paid to buy, and you’ll have trouble having fun with such an expensive toy. The nerf Vigilion shoots high-powered disks rather than darts, so parents should be aware that these cause a bit more impact than traditional nerf darts (meaning your kids should avoid aiming at faces, breakables, and windows). More features: glow-in-the-dark darts,  3-4 darts per second. It features a bolt action shooting system that shoots Nerf darts designed for better accuracy. This … Confirm the shot and escape if your enemy knows where you are. This is one of the best nerf sniper gun which is loaded with amazing features and upgraded technologies like the built-in camera. One of the best ways to improve your sniping skills is by making sure that your gun is stable while you’re shooting. With these provided resources we hope you find it very easy to read through our guide and easily choose the best Nerf sniper. Fortunately, there are still lots of NERF guns that are budget-friendly. As we’ve mentioned, it can be easy for children to get carried away while they are playing Nerf, and we have found that many Nerf players will do whatever it takes to make sure that they do not get taken out while playing Nerf.