By Road: If you were in a road vehicle maintaining an average speed of 40mph (64 kmh), it would take you approximately 0.49 hours to travel from Marseille to Aix-en-provence Fuveau for an estimated driving distance of 19.52 miles (31.4 kms) . Half of the trip is reached in . Bearing: 327.60° (NNW) The driving time is approx. How many miles is it from Nice to Marseille.Use the Distance calculator given below to find distance between any two cities or places.Result page displays distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles along with an interactive map showing travel direction.Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight. Calculateur de distance mondial avec trajet aérien, planificateur d'itinéraire, durée du … The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Nice and Marseille.What is the travel distance between Marseille, France and Nice, France? Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight distance from Marseille to Nice or any other city in France. Approx distance in miles from Aix-en-provence to Marseille is 16 miles or 25.74 KMS . Affiche la distance en kilomètres entre Bonifacio et Marseille, ainsi que le trajet sur une carte interactive. Distance: 53.41 mi (85.95 km) The shortest distance (air line) between Marseille and Avignon is 53.41 mi (85.95 km). Flight distance: 54 miles or 86 km. Your plane flies much faster than a car, so the flight time is about 1/2th of the time it would take to drive. Distance entre Marseille (France) et Corse (France) en kilomètres et miles en voiture (auto, bus, moto) et en avion (à vol d'oiseau), durée - temps trajet et itinéraire sur la carte. . Marseille and Nice are in the same timezone Europe/Paris.Travel direction from Marseille to Nice is.The map below shows the location of Marseille and Nice. Result page displays distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles along with an interactive map showing travel direction. From Ajaccio to Marseille: Calculate distance between Ajaccio and Marseille in miles and kilomenter, for free, with map and Flight Time / Flight Duration to Marseille. This page was designed to give you a good indication of the distance from Aix-en-provence to Marseille. Flight time: 36 minutes. The straight line flight distance is 11 miles less than driving on roads, which means the driving distance is roughly 1.2x of the flight distance. Driving route: -- (- ) The shortest route between Marseille and Avignon is according to the route planner. Marseille: Distance to the largest cities of France Lyon The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The calculated distance (air line) between Marseille and Paris is approximately 410 Miles respectively 661 Kilometer. The distance show here is the Marseille - Nice distance … Calculer combien de kilomètres, coûts de carburant, heures de vol et heures de voyage de Marseille Corse How far is it between Marseille and Paris. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Marseille and Paris is 773.81 km. The calculated flying distance from Marseille to Paris is equal to 410 miles which is equal to 660 km.. Marseille is located in France with (43.297,5.3811) coordinates and Paris is located in France with (48.8534,2.3488) coordinates. Travel considerations for a journey between Marseille and Aix-en-provence Fuveau. Distances from Aix-en-provence to Marseille are a rough measure only showing the shortest distance as the crow flies, using longitudinal and latitudinal points.