Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. [7], In 1198, the Catholicos of Sis, Grigor VI Apirat, proclaimed a union between the Armenian Church and the Roman Catholic Church; however, this had no notable effect, as the local clergy and populace was strongly opposed to such a union. Hromkla was also sacked, forcing the Catholicossate to move to Sis. Guy de Lusignan and his younger brother John were considered pro-Latin and deeply committed to the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church in the Levant. The assassins of the latter, three Byzantine brothers who governed the castle, were thus brutally killed. Bulargu was executed by Oljeitu for his crime at the request of the Armenians. [13] But Philaretus's state began to crumble even before his death in 1090, and ultimately disintegrated into local lordships. Thus, in 1080, the foundations of the independent Armenian princedom of Cilicia, and the future kingdom, were laid under Ruben's leadership. Het'um was forced to abandon Behesni, Marash, and Tel Hamdoun to the Turks. [3] Important European merchant communities and colonies came into existence, with their own churches, courts of law, and trading houses. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. In their absence, the Mamluks regrouped, and regained the area in May 1300. Please re-enter recipient e-mail address(es). Moreover, the organization of the Cilician society shifted from its traditional system to become closer to Western feudalism. Please enter your name. [7], Cilician Armenia had become a prosperous state due to its strategic position on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. Despite his sometimes-burdensome military commitments to the Mongols, Het’um had the financial resources and political autonomy to build new and impressive fortifications, such as the castle at Tamrut. Even with the tributes, the Mamluks continued to attack Cilicia every few years. "The king of Armenia and the Prince of Antioch went to the military camp of the Tatars, and they all went off to take Damascus". C Kostick (Routledge, 2010). The Western Church sent numerous missions to Cilician Armenia to help with rapprochement, but had limited results. [12] Ruben II, Mleh, and Ruben III, succeeded T'oros in 1169, 1170, and 1175, respectively. The Armenian historian Nerses Balients was a Franciscan and an advocate of union with the Latin Church. [17] The Armenians also helped the Crusaders; as described by Pope Gregory XIII in his Ecclesia Romana: Among the good deeds which the Armenian people has done towards the church and the Christian world, it should especially be stressed that, in those times when the Christian princes and the warriors went to retake the Holy Land, no people or nation, with the same enthusiasm, joy and faith came to their aid as the Armenians did, who supplied the Crusaders with horses, provision and guidance. [22] The Rubenids consolidated their power by controlling strategic roads with fortifications that extended from the Taurus Mountains into the plain and along the borders, including the baronial and royal castles at Sis, Anavarza, Vahka, Vaner/Kovara, Sarvandikar, Kuklak, T‛il Hamtun, Hadjin, and Gaban (modern Geben).[3]. In the summer of 1299, Het'um I's grandson, King Het'um II, again facing threats of attack by the Mamluks, asked the Mongol khan of Persia, Ghâzân, for his support. There existed up to sixty monastic houses in Cilicia, although the exact locations of the majority of them remain unclear. In addition, important products such as timber, grain, wine, raisins, and raw silk were also exported from the country and finished cloth and metal products from the West were made available. [45] As French became the secondary language of Cilician nobility, the secondary language for Cilician commerce had become Italian due to the three Italian city-states' extensive involvement in the Cilician economy. The friendly relationship between the Armenians and Crusaders was cemented with intermarriages frequently occurring between them. Refresh and try again. The name field is required. The Mamluks began as a cavalry corps established from Turkic and other slaves sold to the Egyptian sultan by Genghis Khan. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Your request to send this item has been completed. by CNRS Editions. During this period, there was continued hostility between Cilician Armenia and the Seljuk Turks, as well as occasional bickering between Armenians and the Principality of Antioch over forts located near southern Amanus. Angus, Stewart, "The assassination of King Het'um II". We’d love your help. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. The Armenians in Cilicia gained powerful allies among the Frankish Crusaders, whose leader, Godfrey de Bouillon, was considered a savior for the Armenians. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2005 pp. To see what your friends thought of this book, Le royaume armenien de Cilicie: XIIe-XIVe siecle, Journalist Maria Hinojosa Shares the Books That Helped Her Trust Her Voice. The son of Constantine was T'oros I, who succeeded him in around 1100. [43] The Cilician nobility adopted many aspects of Western European life, including chivalry, fashion, and the use of French Christian names. [5] In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Crusader states and the Mongol Ilkhanate disintegrated, leaving the Armenian Kingdom without any regional allies. Instead of negotiating peace, however, the king was forced to cede his Armenian lands and live in exile. Their two great dynastic castles were Lampron and Papeŕōn/Baberon, which commanded strategic roads to the Cilician Gates and to Tarsus. The lion, emblem of the Cilician Armenian state, remains a symbol of Armenian statehood to this day, featured on the Coat of arms of Armenia. It was located at the juncture of many trade routes linking Central Asia and the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Cilicia's significance in Armenian history and statehood is also attested by the transfer of the seat of the Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church, spiritual leader of the Armenian people, to the region. He fought the rulers of Konya, Aleppo, and Damascus, and added new lands to Cilicia, doubling its Mediterranean coast. Some Armenian leaders set themselves up as sovereign lords, while others remained, at least in name, loyal to the Empire. Again, in 1441, long after the fall of the kingdom, the Armenian Catholicos of Sis, Grigor IX Musabekiants, proclaimed the union of the Armenian and Latin churches at the Council of Florence; this was countered by an Armenian schism under Kirakos I Virapetsi, who moved the See of the Catholicos to Echmiadzin, and marginalized Sis. Be the first to ask a question about Le royaume armenien de Cilicie. http:\/\/\/oclc\/954855196> ; http:\/\/\/dataset\/WorldCat> ; http:\/\/\/title\/-\/oclc\/954855196#PublicationEvent\/paris_cnrs_2001_borgo_s_dalmazzo_g_canale_&_c>. [44] The Cilician period also produced some important examples of Armenian art, notably the illuminated manuscripts of Toros Roslin, who was at work in Hromkla in the thirteenth century. In 83 BC, the Greek aristocracy of Seleucid Syria, weakened by a bloody civil war, offered their allegiance to the ambitious Armenian king. The Franciscans were put in charge of this activity. "The Kingdom of Cilician Armenia", pp. [30] The bulk of the Mongol army was then obligated to retreat. At its height, Tigranes' Armenian Empire extended from the Pontic Alps to Mesopotamia, and from the Caspian to the Mediterranean. [3], The apparent unification in marriage of the two main dynasties of Cilicia, Rubenid and Het'umid, ended a century of dynastic and territorial rivalry, while bringing the Het'umids to the forefront of political dominance in Cilician Armenia. They nevertheless maintained their foothold in the region throughout Turkish rule. The 1268 Cilicia earthquake further devastated the country. Gagik was later assassinated by Greeks. This important Armenian dynasty was founded by the former Byzantine general Oshin, and was centered southwest of the Cilician Gates. In order to enact revenge for his son's death, Bohemond sought an alliance with Seljuk sultan Kayqubad I, who captured regions west of Seleucia. [14], One of the princes who came after Philaretos' invitation was Ruben, who had close ties with the last Bagratid Armenian king, Gagik II. During his rule, he faced both Byzantines and Seljuks, and expanded the Rubenid domain. [37] In 1342, Levon's cousin Guy de Lusignan, was anointed king as Constantine II, King of Armenia. [43], In other areas, there was more hostility to the new Western trends. To show their appreciation to their Armenian allies, the Crusaders honored Constantine with the titles of Comes and Baron. [16] Initially, he was successful in repelling Byzantine invasions; but, in 1158, he paid homage to Emperor Manuel I through a short-lived treaty. Prince Levon II, one of Levon I's grandsons and brother of Ruben III, acceded the throne in 1187. John of Monte Corvino himself arrived in Cilician Armenia in 1288.[46]. The E-mail Address(es) you entered is(are) not in a valid format. Although the Mamluks had taken over Cilicia, they were unable to hold it. [6] On June 26, 1243, they secured a decisive victory at Köse Dağ against the Seljuk Turks. Export to RefWorks; Export to EndNoteWeb; Export to EndNote; Export to MARC; Export to MARCXML; Export to RDF; Export to BibTeX; Export to RIS; Add to Favourites; Report a problem; Les Arméniens de Cilicie : habitat, mémoire et identité . [23] The Mongol conquest was disastrous for Greater Armenia, but not Cilicia, as Het'um preemptively chose to cooperate with the Mongols. Almost the entire population of Ayas, Armenian, and Frankish perished.[26]. During the reign of Constantine I, the First Crusade took place. [26] In the same year, he summoned Het'um I to change his allegiance from the Mongols to the Mamluks, and remit to the Mamluks the territories and fortresses the Armenian king had acquired through his submission to the Mongols. Later, it moved to various locations in Cilicia; Tavbloor in 1062; Dzamendav in 1066; Dzovk in 1116; and Hromkla in 1149. 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WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. [10] However, the Caliphate failed to gain a permanent foothold in Anatolia, as Cilicia was reconquered in the year 965 by Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. [40] Amidst failed Armenian pleas for help from Europe, the falls of Sis to the Mamluks in 1374 and the fortress of Gaban in 1375, where King Levon V, his daughter Marie, and her husband Shahan had taken refuge, put an end to the kingdom. Between 1078 and 1085, Philaretus built a principality stretching from Malatia in the north to Antioch in the south, and from Cilicia in the west to Edessa in the east. [15] In 1080, soon after this assassination, Ruben organized a band of Armenian troops and revolted against the Byzantine Empire. [2] Located outside the Armenian Highlands and distinct from the Kingdom of Armenia of antiquity, it was centered in the Cilicia region northwest of the Gulf of Alexandretta. Zabel decided to embrace a monastic life in the city of Seleucia, but she was later forced to marry Constantine's son Het'um in 1226. [16] With the Crusaders' help, they secured Cilicia from the Byzantines and Turks, both by direct military actions in Cilicia and by establishing Crusader states in Antioch, Edessa, and Tripoli. OCLC’s WebJunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus issues in their communities. Their capital was originally at Tarsus, and later became Sis. In 27 BC, the Roman Empire conquered Cilicia and transformed it into one of its eastern provinces. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. [7][43] European tradition was adopted for the knighting of Armenian nobles, while jousts and tournaments similar to those in Europe had become popular in Cilician Armenia. Bularghu, a recent convert to Islam, murdered the entire Armenian party. http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Place\/paris> ; http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/countries\/fr> ; http:\/\/\/class\/956.4014\/e21\/> ; http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Thing\/regno_armeno_di_cilicia_1080_1375> ; http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Person\/mutafian_claude> ; http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/id\/303319622> ; http:\/\/\/title\/-\/oclc\/954855196#PublicationEvent\/paris_cnrs_2001_borgo_s_dalmazzo_g_canale_&_c> ; http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Agent\/cnrs> ; http:\/\/\/isbn\/9782271051059> ; http:\/\/\/title\/-\/oclc\/954855196> ; http:\/\/\/class\/956.4014\/e21\/>, http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Agent\/cnrs>, http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Person\/mutafian_claude>, http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Place\/paris>, http:\/\/\/entity\/work\/data\/303319622#Thing\/regno_armeno_di_cilicia_1080_1375>, http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/countries\/fr>, http:\/\/\/isbn\/9782271051059>, http:\/\/\/title\/-\/oclc\/954855196>. [7] The European Crusaders themselves borrowed know-how, such as elements of Armenian castle-building and church architecture. Constantine saw the Crusaders' arrival as a one-time opportunity to consolidate his rule of Cilicia by eliminating the remaining Byzantine strongholds in the region. la Royaume de Cilicie arménienne (en arménien: Կիլիկիոյ Հայկական Թագաւորութիւն? Foreign coins such as the Italian ducat, florin, and zecchino, the Greek besant, the Arab dirham, and the French livre were also accepted by merchants. Cultural influence was not merely one-way, however; Cilician Armenians had an important impact on Crusaders returning to the West, most notably with their architectural traditions. The most successful of these early Armenian warlords was Philaretos Brachamios, a former Byzantine general who was alongside Romanus Diogenes at Manzikert. Learn more ››. [6] Het'um became co-ruler as King Het'um I. [23] Cilician Armenia also expanded and recovered lands crossed by important trade routes on the Cappadocian, Mesopotamian, and Syrian borders, including Marash and Behesni, which further made the Armenian Kingdom a potential Mamluk target. [6] In 1224, Philip was imprisoned in Sis for stealing the crown jewels of Armenia, and after several months of confinement, he was poisoned and killed. In 1293, he abdicated in favor of his brother T'oros III, and entered the monastery of Mamistra. [23] Armenia also engaged in an economic battle with the Mamluks for control of the spice trade. Many served in the Byzantine army as soldiers or as generals, and rose to prominent imperial positions. [39] The final king, Levon V, was granted safe passage, and died in exile in Paris in 1393 after calling in vain for another crusade. [16] He was joined by many other Armenian lords and nobles. Ruben was alongside the Armenian ruler Gagik when he went to Constantinople upon the Byzantine emperor's request. On January 6, 1198/99, the day Armenians celebrate Christmas, Prince Levon II was crowned with great solemnity in the cathedral of Tarsus, in the presence of the Syrian Jacobite patriarch, the Greek metropolitan of Tarsus, and numerous church dignitaries and military leaders. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. The E-mail Address(es) field is required. As kings, the Lusignans attempted to impose Catholicism and the European ways. Levon II was accepted as the first king due to Byzantium not accepting previous de facto kings as real kings and not dukes. [33], The Het'umids continued ruling an unstable Cilicia until the assassination of Levon IV in 1341, at the hands of an angry mob. [26] They took control of Egypt and Palestine in 1250 and 1253, respectively, and filled the vacuum caused by the Mongol destruction of the pre-existing Ayyubid and Abbasid governments. He was assisted by fourteen bishops in administering the Armenian Church in the kingdom, a number which grew in later years. The southern border of his domain reached as far as Ptolemais (modern Acre). The Armenians assisted these warriors with their utter courage and loyalty during the Holy wars. [30] The combined force defeated the Mamluks in the Battle of Wadi al-Khazandar, on December 23, 1299. They resulted in the Antiochene Wars of Succession between Levon's grand-nephew Raymond Roupen and Bohemond IV of Antioch-Tripoli. In 1303, the Mongols tried to conquer Syria once again in larger numbers (approximately 80,000) along with the Armenians, but they were defeated at Homs on March 30, 1303, and during the decisive Battle of Shaqhab, south of Damascus, on April 21, 1303. [14] The Het'umids have always contended with the Rubenids for power and influence over Cilicia. [7], The Catholicosate of the Armenian Apostolic Church followed its people in taking refuge outside the Armenian highlands, which had turned into a battleground of Byzantine and Seljuk contenders. [3] Cilicia was a strong ally of the European Crusaders, and saw itself as a bastion of Christendom in the East. Seven years later, they earned a decisive victory against Byzantium by defeating Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes' army at Manzikert, north of Lake Van. Demographically, Cilician Armenia was heterogeneous with a population of Armenians who constituted the ruling class, and also Greeks, Jews, Muslims, and various Europeans. [5] Both during his trip to the Mongol court and in his 1256 return to Cilicia, he passed through Greater Armenia. Tigranes invaded as far southeast as the Parthian capital of Ecbatana, located in modern-day western Iran. In the 16th century, Cilicia fell under Ottoman dominion and officially became known as the Adana Vilayet in the 17th century. Het'um II became a Franciscan friar after his abdication. [20] At the time, Saladin of Egypt defeated the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which led to the Third Crusade. In 1198, with the crowning of Leo the Magnificent of the Rubenid dynasty, Cilician Armenia became a kingdom. Meanwhile, the Egyptian Mamluks had been replacing their former Ayyubid masters in Egypt. [38] In 1396, Levon's title and privileges were transferred to James I, his cousin and king of Cyprus. Le royaume arménien de Cilicie ou royaume de Petite-Arménie (en arménien Կիլիկիոյ Հայկական Թագաւորութիւն transcrit Kilikio Haykakan Tagavoroutioun, à ne pas confondre avec le royaume d'Arménie de l'Antiquité) est un État fondé en Cilicie, au sud-est de l'Anatolie, par des réfugiés arméniens fuyant l'invasion seldjoukide de l'Arménie1. During the twelfth century, they were the closest thing to a ruling dynasty, and wrestled with the Byzantines for power over the region. Had it not been for their presence in Cyprus, the kingdom of Cilician Armenia may have, out of necessity, established itself on the island. In 1292, it was invaded by Al-Ashraf Khalil, the Mamluk sultan of Egypt, who had conquered the remnants of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in Acre the year before.
Het'um II abdicated in favour of his sixteen-year-old nephew Levon III and became a Franciscan friar; however, he emerged from his monastic cell to help Levon defend Cilicia from a Mamluk army, which was thus defeated near Baghras. As a result of the Byzantine military campaigns, the Armenians spread into Cappadocia, and eastward from Cilicia into the mountainous areas of northern Syria and Mesopotamia. Prince Levon I, T'oros' brother and successor, started his reign in 1129. [47], After the sacking of Hromkla by the Mamluks in 1293, the Catholicosate was transferred to Sis, the capital of the Cilician Kingdom. 1993 It also served as a focus for Armenian nationalism and culture, since Armenia proper was under foreign occupation at the time. [43] The multi-ethnic population, as well as commercial and political links with Europeans, particularly France, brought important new influences on Armenian culture. He secured agreements with Pisa, Genoa, and Venice, as well as the French and the Catalans, and granted them certain privileges such as tax exemptions in return for their business. Often at the invitation of Armenian barons and kings the Crusaders maintained for varying periods castles in and along the borders of the Kingdom, including Bagras, Trapessac, T‛il Hamtun, Harunia, Selefkia, Amouda, and Sarvandikar.[3]. He sent his brother Smbat to the Mongol court of Karakorum in 1247 to negotiate an alliance. The archbishops' seats were located in Tarsus, Sis, Anazarba, Lambron, and Mamistra. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Middle Armenian: Կիլիկիոյ Հայոց Թագաւորութիւն, Giligio Hayoc’ T’akavorut’iun), also known as Cilician Armenia (Armenian: Կիլիկեան Հայաստան, Giligian Hayastan), Lesser Armenia, or New Armenia[1] and formerly known as the Armenian Principality of Cilicia (Armenian: Կիլիկիայի հայկական իշխանութիւն), was an Armenian state formed during the High Middle Ages by Armenian refugees fleeing the Seljuk invasion of Armenia. [10] This led the Armenians to seek refuge in Byzantium and in Cilicia. • Claude Mutafian in Le Royaume Arménien de Cilicie, p. 55, describes "the Mongol alliance" entered into by the king of Armenia and the Franks of Antioch ("the King of Armenia decided to engage into the Mongol alliance, an intelligence that the Latin barons lacked, except for Antioch"), and "the Franco-Mongol collaboration." Byzantine Empire under the Angelos dynasty, List of monarchs of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, "Chapter XXV: Magnificence to be soon followed by Calamity", "Chapter XXVII: The Barony of Cilician Armenia", "Chapter XXX: The Kingdom of Cilician Armenia — Mongol Invasion", Recueil des Historiens des Croisades, Documents Armeniens I, p.664, County palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos,, States and territories established in 1080, States and territories disestablished in the 14th century, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Articles containing Middle Armenian-language text, Articles containing Armenian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with Armenian-language sources (hy), Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 19:46. [8] Most Armenian castles made atypical usage of rocky heights, and featured curved walls and round towers, similar to those of the Hospitaller castles Krak des Chevaliers and Marqab. On his return voyage, he remained much longer, receiving visits from local princes, bishops, and abbots. The Caliphate's occupation of Cilicia and of other areas in Asia Minor led many Armenians to seek refuge and protection further west in the Byzantine Empire, which created demographic imbalances in the region. Les Arméniens de Cilicie : Description; Cite this; Email this; Export record. All rights reserved. During King Levon I's rule, the Catholicos was located in distant Hromkla. [17] Ruben was blinded and killed while in prison, but Levon's second son and successor, T'oros II, escaped in 1141 and returned to Cilicia to lead the struggle with the Byzantines. Der Nersessian. [34] Oshin, brother of Het'um, immediately marched against Bularghu to retaliate and vanquished him, forcing him to leave Cilicia. The papal claim of primacy did not contribute positively to the efforts for unity between the Churches. The structure of Cilician society became more synonymous with Western feudalism than to the traditional nakharar system of Armenia. [45], In the thirteenth century, under the rule of Toros, Cilician Armenia already struck its own coins. [39] Frequent appeals for help and support were made by the Armenians to their co-religionists in Europe, and the kingdom was also involved in planning new crusades.