", http://osmocom.org/projects/tetra/wiki/Funcube_Dongle, http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mossmann/hackrf-an-open-source-sdr-platform, "Radio-Kits - Suppliers of radio based kits to the hobbyist", "ISDB-T 2037 1 & Full seg Digital TV Receiver Manufacturers Suppliers-Digibest Technology CO., LTD", "KerberosSDR - 4 Channel Coherent RTL-SDR", "Lunaris SDR based on HERMES SDR Transceiver design", "Odyssey | New open source 16-bit HF DDC SDR TransceiverOdyssey | New open source 16-bit HF DDC SDR Transceiver", "Software Radio Laboratory LLC | QS1R Software Defined Receiver", "QUADRUS SDR hardware digitizer | SDR software receiver", https://www.rtl-sdr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/RTL-SDR-Blog-V3-Datasheet.pdf, http://www.ust.cz/shop/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=76, "КВ приемник SDR-Minor - Мои статьи - Каталог статей - Персональный сайт", https://web.archive.org/web/20111110012726/http://www.electronicsisfun.com/sdr-1/, "Welcome to 6V6 Electronics - 6V6 Electronics Company", "SoftRock RX Ensemble II LF Receiver Kit", "SoftRock RX Ensemble II HF Receiver Kit", "USRP B200 USB Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "USRP B210 USB Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "USRP N200 Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "USRP N210 Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "USRP X300 High Performance Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "USRP X310 High Performance Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Ettus Research", "Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting", "WiNRADiO WR-G31DDC 'EXCALIBUR' Receiver", http://www.ssb.de/product_info.php?info=p3407_Zeus-ZS-1-Transceiver.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_software-defined_radios&oldid=975605104, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 10 MHz – 6 GHz (planned modules for 9 kHz – 20 GHz; 9 kHz – 40 GHz, and 9 kHz – 64 GHz), Embedded or True IQ data via 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1, 1 x USB 3.1 GEN2 (power only), Internet remote via RTSA Software, 10 kHz – 30 MHz (planned modules for 50 – 54 MHz, 70.0 – 70.5 MHz, and 144 – 148 MHz), Embedded system (no computer needed), USB, Internet remote. The nano-sized USB OTG adapter & antenna allows for the smallest possible installation footprint of any SDR available anywhere. The NESDR Nano 2+ are custom-made by NooElec for SDR applications. This is a complete SDR kit that comes with 4 SMA antenna adapters, one ANT500 antenna, and HackRF One. Therefore, a low-noise amplifier must precede the conversion step and this device introduces its own problems. NESDR Nano 3 quick specs: tuning range 25MHz-1700MHz, tuning accuracy 0.5PPM, aluminum enclosure, MCX & SMA antenna input. All about software defined Radio (SDR) SDR Console is the main program in the SDR-radio.com suite. [32], ULF 300 Hz/1 Mm 3 kHz/100 km, VLF 3 kHz/100 km 30 kHz/10 km, LF 30 kHz/10 km 300 kHz/1 km, MF 300 kHz/1 km 3 MHz/100 m, HF 3 MHz/100 m 30 MHz/10 m, UHF 300 MHz/1 m 3 GHz/100 mm, SHF 3 GHz/100 mm 30 GHz/10 mm, radio communication system implemented in software. are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. The Nano 2+ contains a new custom TCXO fabricated exclusively for NooElec. A few months after the National Telesystems Conference 1992, in an E-Systems corporate program review, a vice-president of E-Systems Garland Division objected to Melpar's (Mitola's) use of the term "software radio" without credit to Garland. With v3.0.24 the API DLL is dynamically loaded, has been tested with 3.06 and 3.07. ● Automatic frequency calibration via received GPS timing. The NESDR Nano 3 USB OTG bundle includes everything you need to get started with mobile SDR with your existing USB On-The-Go compatible device! ● Good performance at VLF/LF since we personally spend time monitoring those frequencies. Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. ... ... an online radio station, ... felony. All about software defined Radio (SDR) Memory leaks fixed: Loading Analyser project. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; The SpeakEasy SDR system in the 1994 uses a Texas Instruments TMS320C30 CMOS digital signal processor (DSP), along with several hundred integrated circuit chips, with the radio filling the back of a truck. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; This operating mode of the Ubertooth One has been present in low-cost WiFi modules for years and has found myriad uses in research, development and security auditing but no such solution existed for the Bluetooth standard until now. This is probably because it is highly flexible and one manual would not really be of help. This is an RTL-SDR software defined radio receiver with RTL2832U ADC chip, 1PPM TCXO, SMA F connector, R820T2 tuner and aluminium case with passive cooling. The kit includes antenna base with 2m RG58 cable, telescopic antenna mast, UHF antenna mast, and 433 MHz masts. ... a software-defined radio (SDR) bandscope. FMC (to Xilinx board) then USB 2.0 or Gigabit Ethernet. What is RTL-SDR? Included is a Ham It Up v1.3 upconverter, installed in a custom black aluminum enclosure; an NESDR SMArt RTL-SDR, 3 antennas, an impedance matching balun for longwire and dipole antennas, and interconnect adapters. Mitola's publication of software radio in the IEEE opened the concept to the broad community of radio engineers. The easiest way to setup the NetSDR and SDR-IP for manual address use is to connect the radio to the PC using ... ... NetSDR and SDR-IP ... discover the SDR and display ... and the radio will change ... . Saving some XML strings. It can transmit and receive signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz and is on par with the latest technologies in the world of radio. They may introduce distortion in the desired signals, or may block them completely. Supports the RSP1, RSP1A, RSP2, RSPduo and RSPdx. COVID-19 UPDATE: Bliley continuing to stay open with full operation. are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. The SCA, despite its military origin, is under evaluation by commercial radio vendors for applicability in their domains. Software supplied on a micro-SD card. Let’s dig deeper and learn about a few more of its features: This is a redesigned SDR that offers lower consumption of power, lower noise (around 1/10th noise when compared to others), and better sensitivity. According to the brand, it is better and premium with the SDR in an aluminum enclosure. Still, software defined radio's inherent flexibility can yield substantial benefits in the longer run, once the fixed costs of implementing it have gone down enough to overtake the cost of iterated redesign of purpose built systems. All the programming buttons are easy to use and convenient. There is a bug in the 64-bit (and possibly 32-bit) version of the support library which is currently under investigation. This results in a vastly different HF experience--much better performance, and no loss of gain controls.Included is a Ham It Up v1.3 upconverter, installed in a custom black aluminum enclosure; an NESDR SMArt RTL-SDR, 3 antennas, an impedance matching balun for longwire and dipole antennas, and interconnect adapters. So instead, with USAF permission, in 1991 Mitola described the architecture principles without implementation details in a paper, "Software Radio: Survey, Critical Analysis and Future Directions" which became the first IEEE publication to employ the term in 1992. If you listen to a signal in the centre with a bandwidth greater than 2.048 MHz the audio will be distorted and have many unwanted artefacts. Airspy R2/Mini Calibration Tool 1.0; ADS-B Spy rev 57 – High Performance ADS-B Decoder; Spectrum Spy 1.0 – Fast Sweeping SDR Spectrum Analyzer; Astro Spy 1.0 – Radio Astronomy Utility for Hydrogen Line Spectroscopy Outperforms many devices 10x its cost! ● Extension interface for adding decoders and utilities. [5] When Mitola presented the paper at the conference, Bob Prill of GEC Marconi began his presentation following Mitola with "Joe is absolutely right about the theory of a software radio and we are building one." ... the iCloud download button next ... other streaming radio stations is ... ... is, basically, a radio wave, which ... with other radio waves, making ... of other radio waves. With v3.0.24 the API DLL is dynamically loaded, has been tested with 3.06 and 3.07. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bandwidths greater than 2.048 MHz have a spur in the centre of the display which is generated by the SDRplay hardware and cannot be eliminated. The goal is to satisfy the most demanding telecommunications professionals and radio enthusiasts while being a serious alternative to both cost sensitive and higher end receivers. This 1984 Software Radio was a digital baseband receiver that provided programmable interference cancellation and demodulation for broadband signals, typically with thousands of adaptive filter taps, using multiple array processors accessing shared memory.[4]. This allows experimentation with new techniques and devices without the need to replace the entire set of boards. Most software for the RTL-SDR is also community developed, and provided free of charge. More recently,[when?] You can use this device to monitor Bluetooth traffic and not just transfer & receive signals. Depending on the particular model it could receive frequencies from 500 kHz up to 1.75 GHz. First International Workshop on Software Radio, Greece 1998. RJ Lackey and DW Upmal contributed the article "Speakeasy: The Military Software Radio" to the IEEE Communications Magazine special issue that Mitola edited and for which Mitola wrote the lead article "Software Radio Architecture", in May 1995. Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been traditionally implemented in hardware (e.g. ... Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers, ... stage with a radio that is ... the Ham Radio Deluxe ... A ham radio contest log program that features a software-defined radio (SDR) bandscope. The term "digital receiver" was coined in 1970 by a researcher at a United States Department of Defense laboratory. KiwiSDR is a software-defined radio (SDR) covering shortwave, the longwave & AM broadcast bands, various utility stations, and amateur radio transmissions, world-wide, in the spectrum from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. One thing that sets the Ubertooth apart from other Bluetooth development platforms is that it’s capable of not only sending and receiving 2.4 GHz signals, but can also operate in monitor mode, monitoring Bluetooth traffic in real-time. The aluminum enclosure is of extremely high quality. Examples of radio terminals that require support include hand-held, vehicular, airborne and dismounted radios, as well as base-stations (fixed and maritime). Topics: mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) Capabilities: ● half-duplex transmit and receive ● official operating frequencies: 300-348 MHz, 391-464 MHz, and 782-928 MHz ● unofficial operating frequencies: 281-361 MHz, 378-481 MHz, and 749-962 MHz ● modulations: ASK, OOK, GFSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, MSK ● data rates up to 500 kbps ● Full-Speed USB 2.0. Al replied "Then it's a digital receiver but without a transmitter, it's not a software radio." It also has an improved R820T2 tuner. SDR# (SDRSharp) x86 revision 1756 2991c02 (2020-09-23) – The best free SDR software for Airspy and RTL-SDR dongles! [16] Radio frequency signals are down converted to the audio frequency band, which is sampled by a high performance audio frequency ADC. It comes with a 2.4 GHz Duck Antenna and an expansion connector that enables inter-Ubertooth communication. A high quality telescopic antenna and strong magnetic suction mount base included free of charge in order to facilitate a wide variety of antenna mounting options. The version 2 (old) and version 3 (new) implementations are independent, the image below shows the selection option. The drivers are available here [link]. The modules are said to communicate without a central operating system. Here is an example of the centre spur at 3 MHz bandwidth compared to 2.048 MHz. His May 1995 special issue of the IEEE Communications Magazine with the cover "Software Radio" was regarded as watershed event with thousands of academic citations. ● 1 MHz to 6 GHz operating frequency ● half-duplex SDR transceiver● up to 20 million samples per second● 8-bit quadrature samples (8-bit I and 8-bit Q)● compatible with GNU Radio, SDR#, and more● software-configurable RX and TX gain and baseband filter● software-controlled antenna port power (50 mA at 3.3 V)● SMA female antenna connector● SMA female clock input and output for synchronization● convenient buttons for programming● internal pin headers for expansion● Hi-Speed USB 2.0● USB-powered● open source hardware. PowerSDR/IF Stage is a modified version of FlexRadio Systems PowerSDR software. Most superheterodyne receivers use a variable-frequency oscillator, mixer, and filter to tune the desired signal to a common intermediate frequency or baseband, where it is then sampled by the analog-to-digital converter. The software architecture identified standard interfaces for different modules of the radio: "radio frequency control" to manage the analog parts of the radio, "modem control" managed resources for modulation and demodulation schemes (FM, AM, SSB, QAM, etc. Supports the RSP1, RSP1A, RSP2, and RSP2duo (not RSPdx). Interface to a PC is provided by a USB 2.0 interface, although Ethernet could be used as well. An antenna is not included. Without further ado, here are 10 great Software Defined Radios available in 2020 to take your electronic designs further: **Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links at no addionional cost to you. The receiver will also operate in the VHF and UHF range using either mixer image or alias responses. A fast PC performs the digital signal processing (DSP) operations using software specific for the radio hardware. How small? It also has an improved R820T2 tuner. The standard solution is to put band-pass filters between the antenna and the amplifier, but these reduce the radio's flexibility. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which were once only theoretically possible. This has since become a standard design scheme for wideband software radios. noise when compared to others), and better sensitivity. SDR-RADIO.com is a Windows console for Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers and transceivers. The ... , GNU Radio signal processing ... CubicSDR is a cross-platform Software-Defined Radio program that enables you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might discover. The receiver performance of this line of SDRs is directly related to the dynamic range of the analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) utilized. The included accessories allow for a wide variety of installation and configuration options. [31], On account of its increasing accessibility, with lower cost hardware, more software tools and documentation, the applications of SDR have expanded past their primary and historic use cases. ... software defined radio (SDR). (SCARI) can be downloaded for free. The Pothos SDR development environment allows you to start exploring and developing in the ecosystem of open-source software-defined radio. The radio functions that are possible by customizing IM-Me firmware are now at your fingertips when you attach YARD Stick One to a computer via USB. Several software radio efforts use the open source SDR library DttSP.[17]. Melpar built a prototype commanders' tactical terminal in 1990-91 that employed Texas Instruments TMS320C30 processors and Harris digital receiver chip sets with digitally synthesized transmission. The SDR starts in FM mode for the Weather channel. [1] While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which were once only theoretically possible. A free female SMA adapter is also included at no cost for those looking to connect SMA antennas to the NESDR Mini 2+. (HF mode works in direct sampling mode - V3 models and above only). That’s why we have compiled some of the best kits for you. They are also very helpful in times of emergency. Prill gave a GEC Marconi paper on PAVE PILLAR, a SpeakEasy precursor. amzn_assoc_asins = "B01K1CCHR0,B01GDN1T4S,B06Y1RVHBP,B00VZ1AWQA"; 1) HackRF One SDR, ANT500 & SMA Antenna Adapter Bundle. [18] Amateurs also experiment with new modulation methods: for instance, the DREAM open-source project decodes the COFDM technique used by Digital Radio Mondiale. RF Technology, A range of bandwidths is available. The SDR software performs all of the demodulation, filtering (both radio frequency and audio frequency), and signal enhancement (equalization and binaural presentation). It is apparently the best one in the market right now for portable iOS and Android applications mostly because it allows remote installation. Its cryptographic processor could not change context fast enough to keep several radio conversations on the air at once. [6] Both transmitter and receiver of an adaptive digital satellite modem were implemented according to the principles of a software radio, and a flexible hardware periphery was proposed. If you have any others to add to this list, we would love to hear from you! The bundle includes a telescopic antenna. On the PCB, you will also see through-hole direct sampling pads. Related Article: 10 Great Tablets With USB Ports for your SDRs. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "sdrradiokits-20"; This tiny USB set is affordable and comes with a 2-year warranty in the USA and Canada. First generation SDRs used a 44 kHz PC sound card to provide ADC functionality. 6) NooElec NESDR Mini 2+ RTL-SDR & ADS-B USB Receiver. An ideal transmitter would be similar. 12 popular Software Defined Radios or SDRs. Fixed asymmetric filtering in broadcast FM (BFM) mode. Let’s take a look at some of its main features: This SDR kit is apparently an improvement on its previous model. The NESDR Nano 3 is compatible with most host devices, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and Raspberry Pi. In the bundle, you will also get a remote control and a telescopic antenna. The included Y-cable and Y-adapter will allow for an auxiliary power source to be connected (USB charger or additional battery) to provide power to the SDR and prolong the battery life of your host phone or tablet. It seems you are using a mobile device; click here to switch to the mobile version of this site. Recently he has analyzed Chirp Transmitter signals using the coupled system of receivers. Tunes from 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz with up to 3.2 MHz (2.4 MHz stable) of instantaneous bandwidth. the GNU Radio using primarily the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) uses a USB 2.0 interface, an FPGA, and a high-speed set of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, combined with reconfigurable free software. -Currently ... welle.io is an open source DAB and DAB software defined radio (SDR). By the late 2000s, the emergence of RF CMOS technology made it practical to scale down an entire SDR system onto a single mixed-signal system-on-a-chip, which Broadcom demonstrated with the BCM21551 processor in 2007. The Garland VP said "No, of course not — ours is a software radio receiver". The SpeakEasy architecture was refined at the MMITS Forum between 1996 and 1999 and inspired the DoD integrated process team (IPT) for programmable modular communications systems (PMCS) to proceed with what became the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS). The term "software defined radio" was coined in 1995 by Stephen Blust, who published a request for information from Bell South Wireless at the first meeting of the Modular Multifunction Information Transfer Systems (MMITS) forum in 1996, organized by the USAF and DARPA around the commercialization of their SpeakEasy II program. A full, wide-band RF solution for those interested in getting started with software defined radio and with a keen interest in HF bands. ... Software-Defined Radio program that ... navigate the radio spectrum and ... SmartSDR for Windows sets a new bar for visual radio display and interactive control. Users say that setup can be slightly difficult or time-consuming but it works really well. The main problem in both directions is the difficulty of conversion between the digital and the analog domains at a high enough rate and a high enough accuracy at the same time, and without relying upon physical processes like interference and electromagnetic resonance for assistance. It comes with an RF-suitable voltage regulator and shielded primary inductor. ), "waveform processing" modules actually performed the modem functions, "key processing" and "cryptographic processing" managed the cryptographic functions, a "multimedia" module did voice processing, a "human interface" provided local or remote controls, there was a "routing" module for network services, and a "control" module to keep it all straight. Many amateur radio operators and HF radio engineers had realized the value of digitizing HF at RF and of processing it with Texas Instruments TI C30 digital signal processors (DSPs) and their precursors during the 1980s and early 1990s. 4) NooElec NESDR Nano 2+ Tiny Black RTL-SDR USB Set. Amateur radio, ADS-B, police & fire scanning, trunking, satellite images--you name it, this little guy can probably do it. (also purchasable in other tunings), 80m/40m, ? 10.173 – 10.077 MHz, Ham/amateur radio enthusiasts, rejoice! the Elonics E4000 or the Rafael Micro R820T,[27] can be used as a wide-band (3 MHz) SDR receiver. User a lower bandwidth, 2.048 MHz or lower. Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been traditionally implemented in hardware (e.g. Important TCXO specifications: Frequency stability: 0.5PPM (max) Phase noise @1kHz offset: -138dBc/Hz (or better) Phase noise @10kHz: -150dBc/Hz (or better) Phase noise @100kHz: -152dBc/Hz (or better) This is, by far, the highest performance TCXO available in any low-cost SDR. The project is modular and comprises a backplane onto which other boards plug in. The project produced a demonstration radio only fifteen months into a three-year research project. The adoption of general-purpose SDR frameworks outside of military, intelligence, experimental and amateur uses, however, is inherently hampered by the fact that civilian users can more easily settle with a fixed architecture, optimized for a specific function, and as such more economical in mass market applications. The Ham It Up Upconverter works with the most common SDR platforms to create a HAM radio. While the previous post still holds some extremely valuable information, a lot has changed in 3 years... especially the technology related to SDRs. SCA-based infrastructure software and rapid development tools for SDR education and research are provided by the Open Source SCA Implementation – Embedded (OSSIE[11]) project. For HDR support the radio must be started in 2 MHz Low-IF mode. Full compatibility with a wide variety of popular SDR software packages, such as Matlab, HDSDR, SDR Touch, Planeplotter, SDR#--too many to list, really. Ethernet Yes Yes Yes US$2,999 SDR-LAB SDR04: Pre-built 0.4 – 4 GHz ? While not a stand-alone SDR, this one made our list anyways. A digital signal processor would read the converter, and then its software would transform the stream of data from the converter to any other form the application requires. Just 24mm x 21mm x 8mm (15/16" x 13/16" x 5/16")! Also, this kit is on the more expensive end of the spectrum. It has been discovered by Eric Fry that some common low-cost DVB-T USB dongles with the Realtek RTL2832U[25][26] controller and tuner, e.g. Improvements include increased sensitivity, ultra-low voltage noise floor, optional battery-powered operation, side-mounted LED indicators, fully-assembled broadband RF noise-source circuit, u.fl socket for optional external clock injection, surface-mount high-accuracy oscillator and much, much more! ● Multi-channel, parallel DDC design using bit-width optimized CIC filters. Also, because it’s a fully open-source platform (software and hardware), the schematics and code are readily available for all of your hacking needs. The Wireless Innovation Forum funded the SCA Reference Implementation project, an open source implementation of the SCA specification. ● Each connection tunes an independent receiver channel over the entire spectrum. In 1991, Joe Mitola independently reinvented the term software radio for a plan to build a GSM base station that would combine Ferdensi's digital receiver with E-Systems Melpar's digitally controlled communications jammers for a true software-based transceiver. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The secondary goals were to make it smaller, cheaper, and weigh less. This application talks directly to the WDM driver of the sound card; ... ... SDR software for the SoftRock radio ... bladeRF is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform designed to enable a community of hobbyists ... ... a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform designed ... Elad FDM-SW1 is a SDR (Software Defined Radio) software that is intended to be used with the Elad FDM-Sx Receiver family. It has 8-bit I and 8 bit Q quadrature samples. [7] about a year after the First International Conference in Brussels. ", The world's first web-based software-defined receiver, Software-defined receivers connected to the Internet, Using software-defined television tuners as multimode HF / VHF / UHF receivers, Free SDR textbook: Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR, Welcome to the World of Software Defined Radio, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Software-defined_radio&oldid=976603899, Short description is different from Wikidata, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Dynamic transmitter power adjustment, based on information communicated from the receivers, lowering transmit power to the minimum necessary, reducing the, This page was last edited on 3 September 2020, at 22:29. The goal was to get a more quickly reconfigurable architecture, i.e., several conversations at once, in an open software architecture, with cross-channel connectivity (the radio can "bridge" different radio protocols). **Product Images and descriptions from product websites. Out of the 3 antennas that the bundle consists of, 2 are fixed frequency while 1 is variable. kHz @ -60dB. 3 antenna ports, Soft66AD / Soft66ADD / Soft66LC4 / Soft66RTL, < 2 MHz External ADC required (I/Q output), 0/1 - Scalable (multiple receiver can be connected to the same LO), Ethernet or USB usually, but other interfaces are available in MLAB modular system, Optimized for HF amateur bands with 4 user selectable pre-select HF filters, USB, Serial, jtag, 10Gbit/s SFP+ Ethernet, External soundcard required (I/Q input/output), LPT parallel port or USB/W QRP2000/UBW/UBW32, Up to 25 MHz (40MHz b/w cards limited by GigE interface), 25 Msps for 16-bit samples; 50 Msps for 8-bit samples, Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, PCIe, Embedded system (no computer needed), I/Q output for interfacing with a PC or XDT1 panadapter, ±24k bandwidth spectrum display with waterfall, This page was last edited on 29 August 2020, at 13:11.