The westernmost was attacked by the Carthaginian cavalry and forced into the lake, leaving the other two groups with no way to retreat. Gaius Flaminius, (died 217 bc), Roman political leader who was one of the earliest to challenge the senatorial aristocracy by appealing to the people. Bataille du lac Trasimène 43° 12′ 09″ N 12° 07′ 04″ E / 43.2026, 12.1179. In less than four hours, most of the Roman troops were killed. [46][47] Hannibal left his brother Hasdrubal Barca in charge of Carthaginian interests in Iberia. A Rome, deux nouveaux consuls avaient été nommés : Cneius Servilius Germinus et Caius Flaminius, avec pour mission d'éradiquer le problème punique. Definition of flaminius, caius in the dictionary. Of the initial Roman force of about 30,000, about 15,000 were either killed in battle or drowned while trying to escape into the lake—including Flaminius himself, who was slain by the Gaul Ducarius. [117][118][78] Contemporary reports claim that the Carthaginian soldiers accumulated so much booty they had to cease looting because they could not carry any more. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Livy, however, claims the Carthaginians suffered from a shortage of food throughout the winter. Caius Flaminius et ses hommes sont devancés par les Carthaginois, qui de toute évidence se dirigent vers Rome. Hannibal decided this was a suitable spot to turn and fight. [23], The First Punic War was fought between Carthage and Rome: the two main powers of the western Mediterranean in the 3rd century BC struggled for supremacy primarily on the Mediterranean island of Sicily and its surrounding waters, and also in North Africa. [69] In Polybius's account there were only minor operations during the winter and most of the surviving Romans were evacuated down the Po and assigned to one of the two new armies being formed,[71] while the flow of Gallic support for the Carthaginians became a flood and their army grew to 60,000. [120] These more aggressive commanders offered battle to Hannibal, who accepted and won a victory at Cannae which Richard Miles describes as "Rome's greatest military disaster". Roman commander; Gaius Flaminius. Sempronius returned to Rome and the Roman Senate resolved to elect new consuls the following year in 217 BC. "Shock" troops are those trained and used to close rapidly with an opponent, with the intention of breaking them before or immediately upon contact. J.-C.) est un consul romain, d'origine plébéienne. Gaius Flaminius C. f. L. n. was a leading Roman politician in the third century BC. Personne ne s’y arrête. The Carthaginian cavalry were positioned furthest to the west, the north Italian Gallic infantry to their east and the experienced African and Iberian infantry furthest east, relatively close to their camp. In 196 BC he was curule aedile. Hannibal and the remnants of his army were recalled from Italy to confront him. The Carthaginians moved south into Etruria, plundering, razing the villages and small towns and killing all adult males encountered. [35] Hamilcar ruled as a viceroy and was succeeded by his son-in-law, Hasdrubal, in the early 220s BC and then his son, Hannibal, in 221 BC. Carthage victory. Several days later the Carthaginians wiped out the entire cavalry contingent of the other Roman army. Twenty-four June 217 BC: As the early rays of dawn crested the steep hills surrounding the crystal blue waters of Lake Trasimene, Roman proconsul Caius Flaminius pulled his heavy cloak closer about his shoulders. Fabius Maximus est nommé dictateur.-216 Consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus & Caius Terentius Varro . Hannibal decided to march on Apulia, hoping that Flaminius might follow him to a battlefield of his own choosing. VERCINGÉTORIX. According to some ancient accounts the Romans could hear these signals on their flank and to their rear, but could not see their enemy, which caused confusion. TRASIMÈNE TRASIMÈNE (en latin Trasimenus lacus, en italien Trasimeno). [33], Shortly after Rome's breach of the treaty the leading Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca led many of his veterans on an expedition to expand Carthaginian holdings in south-east Iberia (modern Spain and Portugal); this was to become a quasi-monarchial, autonomous Barcid fiefdom. Lake Trasimene 217 BC. The Romans had already withdrawn to their winter quarters and were astonished by Hannibal's appearance. Flaminius was the son of Gaius Flaminius who was killed in the battle of Lake Trasimene. [39][40] In spring 219 BC Rome declared war on Carthage. Part of the Second Punic War. [63], Numidian cavalry lured Sempronius out of his camp and onto ground of Hannibal's choosing, where the Battle of the Trebia took place. [93] In 216 BC at Cannae the Carthaginians, not having been reinforced since crossing the Apennines, had 40,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry; it is usually assumed that more than this fought at Lake Trasimene. Gaius Flaminius synonyms, Gaius Flaminius pronunciation, Gaius Flaminius translation, English dictionary definition of Gaius Flaminius. "[112] The historian Toni Ñaco del Hoyo describes the Battle of Lake Trasimene as one of the three "great military calamities" suffered by the Romans in the first three years of the war. [70] The Carthaginian cavalry isolated both Placentia and Cremona, but these could be supplied by boat up the Po. Ancient accounts state that a thick morning mist near the lake limited visibility, but some modern historians have suggested that this was either invented or exaggerated to excuse the Romans subsequent unreadiness for battle. Jusqu'ici le plan d'Annibal avait réussi. See "Terms of Service" link for more information. Other groups of Romans put up a stiff fight; especially in the centre, where the attacking Gauls suffered heavy casualties before beating down the trapped Romans after three hours of heavy combat. Polybius has 15,000 killed and most of the rest captured. [78] Hannibal learnt that one Roman army was at Arretium and was eager to bring it to battle, before it could be reinforced:[79] Hannibal surmised the Romans would have another army on the east coast. The destruction of the Roman force at Lake Trasimene firmly established Hannibal as one of the Ancient World's greatest commanders thanks to … The Carthaginians moved south into Etruria, plundering the plentiful stocks of food and looting, razing the villages and small towns[76][77] and killing out of hand all adult males encountered. Après la mort du consul Caius Flaminius Nepos à la bataille du lac Trasimène en avril (Fabius Maximus devenant le mois suivant dictateur), il assume le commandement de la flotte romaine surveillant la Sardaigne, la Corse et la côte d'Afrique du nord. Époque: République romaine moyenne (d) Activités: Homme politique de la Rome antique, militaire. Il entra ensuite en Apulie. Men attempted to swim across the lake and drowned; others waded out until the water was up to their necks, and the Carthaginian cavalrymen swam their horses out to chop at the exposed heads. C'est l'histoire d'un événement important qui s'est produit près du village de Tuoro, la lutte du lac Trasimène, qui a vu s'opposer les armées romaines et carthaginoises, dirigé par Hannibal, qui a vu la défaite romaine avec la mort du consul Caius Flaminius et … Publié dans Les soldats. Unable to goad Flaminius into battle, Hannibal marched boldly around his opponent’s left flank and effectively cut Flaminius off from Rome, providing the earliest record of a deliberate turning movement in military history. Following Hannibal's crushing victory at the battle of the Trebbia, the reeling Roman Republic sent a new army under the over-confident consul Caius Flaminius to destroy the Carthaginian invaders – unbeknownst to him they were ready and waiting. En 216 av. These more aggressive commanders offered battle to Hannibal, who accepted and won a victory at Cannae which Richard Miles describes as "Rome's greatest military disaster". [82], Most male Roman citizens were eligible for military service and would serve as infantry, a better-off minority providing a cavalry component. The army then marched south into Apulia, in the hope of winning over some of the ethnic Greek and Italic city states of southern Italy. They repeatedly ambushed a Roman relief force and blockaded it in Tannetum. Enfant: Caius Flaminius. Punica – scénario 2 : Lac Trasimène – 217 av. [48][49] The Carthaginians crossed the Alps with 38,000 infantry and 8,000 cavalry[46] in October, surmounting the difficulties of climate, terrain[46] and the guerrilla tactics of the native tribes. See the bottom of each page for copyright information. [72] In spite of their losses, the Romans fielded twenty two legions in 217 BC, ten more than in 218 BC. [45], Meanwhile, Hannibal assembled a Carthaginian army in New Carthage (modern Cartagena) over the winter, marching north in May 218 BC he entered Gaul to the east of the Pyrenees, then took an inland route to avoid the Roman allies along the coast. [88][89] Both Iberia and Gaul provided experienced infantry; unarmoured troops who would charge ferociously, but had a reputation for breaking off if a combat was protracted. Many of the Roman troops, mainly infantry, were forced into Lake Trasimene (modern Lake Trasimeno), where Hannibal was left largely free to ravage Apulia for the next year, until the Romans ended the dictatorship and elected Paullus and Varro as consuls. The Battle of Lake Trasimene was fought when a Carthaginian force under Hannibal ambushed a Roman army commanded by Gaius Flaminius on 21 June 217 BC, during the Second Punic War. Brillante victoire du général carthaginois Hannibal sur les Romains près du lac Trasimène le 23 juin 217 av. [41], It was the long-standing Roman procedure to elect two men each year, known as consuls, to each lead an army. Antonymes de Flaminius Nepos pas d’antonymes. fr Après la mort du consul Caius Flaminius Nepos à la bataille du lac Trasimène en avril (Fabius Maximus devenant le mois suivant dictateur), il assume le commandement de la flotte romaine surveillant la Sardaigne, la Corse et la côte d'Afrique du nord. [70] Two armies – of four legions each, two Roman and two allied, but with stronger than usual cavalry contingents[71] – were formed. Also, the night before the battle commenced, Hannibal ordered his men to light campfires on the hills of Tuoro, at a considerable distance, so as to convince the Romans that his forces were further away than they actually were.[7]. News of the defeat caused a panic in Rome. Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus was elected dictator by the Roman Assembly and adopted the "Fabian strategy" of avoiding pitched conflict, relying instead on low-level harassment to wear the invader down, until Rome could rebuild its military strength. Caius Flaminius Nepos (mort en 217 av. Flaminius, Caius kā´əs fləmĭn´ēəs, kī´əs , d. 217 BC, Roman statesman and general. Both Consuls moved fast, but Hannibal moved faster and passed Consul Flaminius, pillaging as he went and was able to get Flaminius to give chase. [36] In 226 BC the Ebro Treaty was agreed, specifying the Ebro River as the northern boundary of the Carthaginian sphere of influence. Sans aller jusqu'à citer des ouvrages, je pense que vous pouvez apprendre beaucoup de certains articles de wikipedia. . In 210 BC Flaminius served as quaestor Scipio Africanus in Spain. As it was, with the Carthaginians attacking unexpectedly from the flank and the rear, possibly with poor visibility, there was no chance to form even a rudimentary fighting line. Below the camp, he placed his heavy infantry (Iberians and Africans) upon a slight elevation. JC. Surprised and outmanoeuvred, the Romans did not have time to draw up in battle array, and were forced to fight a desperate hand-to-hand battle in open order. Voir et Entendre > ALÉSIA. The following spring Rome declared war on Carthage and Hannibal left Iberia for Italy with a major military expedition. Voir Flaminius Nepos. Trasimene synonyms, Trasimene pronunciation, Trasimene translation, English dictionary definition of Trasimene. [121][122] Subsequently the Carthaginians campaigned in southern Italy for a further 13 years. 3 – Sardaigne de 214 à 207 av. However, Flaminius did not send out cavalry scouts to make a more distant reconnaissance; this was not unusual, Roman armies of the time rarely did so. ‎Following Hannibal's crushing victory at the battle of the Trebbia, the reeling Roman Republic sent a new army under the over-confident consul Caius Flaminius to destroy the Carthaginian invaders – unbeknownst to him they were ready and waiting. The Carthaginian general Hannibal’s success against the Romans was largely down to his own skill, but Romans also played their part. Bloomsbury Publishing26 ian. According to the contemporary annalist and senator Fabius Pictor 15,000 were killed and 10,000 scattered. Dans le coeur vert de l'Ombrie, entre les roseaux et les nymphéas blancs, se trouve le lac Trasimène, un véritable paradis naturel peuplé entre autres de canards sauvages, de cormorans, de milans et de martins-pêcheurs. J.-C. They were divided into three ranks, of which the front rank also carried two javelins, while the second and third ranks had a thrusting spear instead. [3] His works include a now-lost manual on military tactics,[4] but he is now known for The Histories, written sometime after 146 BC. J.-C.1 est une bataille-clé de la deuxième guerre punique et oppose les troupes romaines du consul Flaminius à l'armée carthaginoise commandée par Hannibal Barca, qui prend ses adversaires dans une embuscade et leur inflige une sévère défaite. [114][115] Hannibal hoped some of these allies could be persuaded to defect. Celle qui est évoquée ici a eu lieu près du lac Trasimène (217); Flaminius commandait l'armée romaine. The main source for almost every aspect of the Punic Wars[note 1] is the historian Polybius (c. 200 – c. 118 BC), a Greek general sent to Rome in 167 BC as a hostage. Hannibal had arrived in Italy with 20,000 infantry and 6,000 cavalry,[51][92] and had fought at the Trebia in December 218 BC with 31,000 and 11,000 respectively. Première guerre de Macédoine qui se terminera en -205. Next spring the Romans positioned two armies, one on each side of the Apennines. [88][90][note 8] Most of the Carthaginian infantry would fight in a tightly packed formation known as a phalanx, usually forming two or three lines. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). The Roman advance guard saw little combat and, once the disaster to their rear became obvious, fought their way through the skirmishers and out of the forest. Polybius reports losses of 1,500 killed for the Carthaginians, most of them Gauls; while Livy gives 2,500 killed and "many" who died of their wounds. TRASIMÈNE (en latin Trasimenus lacus, en italien Trasimeno). Pour les articles homonymes, voir Trasimène. [note 9][101] The Romans would have had a screen of light infantry out to their front and, to a lesser extent, their flank, as skirmishing was usual before a battle with the armies' respective light troops shielding their close order colleagues while they formed up. Product code: AT804 Gaius Flaminius at Battle of Lake Trasimene Le 21 juin est donné ici comme le jour anniversaire de la défaite, en 217 a.C., de l'armée romaine par Hannibal près du lac Trasimène : le consul Caius Flaminius avait méprisé tous les avertissements divins qui lui déconseillaient de livrer bataille. 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[105] Many of the Carthaginian infantry, especially the Libyans, equipped themselves with captured Roman armour. [94] In any event, the Carthaginian army was considerably larger than the Roman. What does flaminius, caius mean? 1ère partie: [22,1-18] La campagne d'Italie; défaite de Trasimène 2ème partie: [22,19-22] La campagne d'Espagne 3ème partie: [22,23-61] Suite de la campagne d'Italie; la défaite de Cannes (216) Crédits Eugène Lasserre, Tite-Live, Histoire romaine, t.IV, Paris, Garnier, 1937; traduction reprise - avec autorisation - au site Textes latins de Philippe Remacle. The Romans were quickly split into three parts. Après la mort du consul Caius Flaminius Nepos à la bataille du lac Trasimène en avril (Fabius Maximus devenant le mois suivant dictateur), il assume le commandement de la flotte romaine surveillant la Sardaigne, la Corse et la côte d'Afrique du nord. [68] Recognising the Carthaginians as the dominant force in Cisalpine Gaul, Gallic recruits flocked to them and their army grew to 60,000. Le lac de Trasimène. [38] In 218 BC a Carthaginian army under Hannibal besieged, captured and sacked Saguntum. [53] The Carthaginians needed to obtain supplies of food, as they had exhausted theirs on their journey, and obtain allies among the north-Italian Gallic tribes from which they could recruit, in order to build up their army to a size which would enable it to effectively take on the Romans. News of the defeat caused a panic in Rome. An army was usually formed by combining a Roman legion with a similarly sized and equipped legion provided by their Latin allies; allied legions usually had a larger attached complement of cavalry than Roman ones.