Just because you can't see it doesn't mean no one else can. You did not say anything then. JustSomeDude...  Talk | 16:54, January 12, 2013 (UTC), @DP: in the raw I got, it is unambiguously "Belly". Personally I like beli the best, but I'm not really picky so long as it isn't "belly".unsigned by User:STAREYe, Six years later, and this guy's request is now denied. SeaTerror (talk) 09:36, August 13, 2020 (UTC). Even without the edit, I think most of the people here can make out the "Belly". Free Download. Now considering the can the source of the paint when we see a box full of tubes, therefore implying the bills aren't coming out of the can, plus claiming the can was used for the "berry" color and not as signifying belly is dismissing evidence.StoopidGuy (talk) 10:13, August 13, 2020 (UTC), You have clearly never been in strong winds before. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Either way, its worth noting here. Lihat fandom yang anda favoritkan dan jangan pernah ketinggalan. You literally cannot see anything because both images have the dark smudge. I see Belly though. Dengan demikian, semua kelompok penculik mencari mereka karena mereka yang paling menguntungkan saat budak di lelang. He said he had checked the whole manga, and this "Belly" banknote is the closest and clearest romanization found, though he never checked a databook. JustSomeDude...  Talk | 18:41, February 19, 2013 (UTC), Because you are seeing what you WANT to see. Please sign your posts with ~~~~ next time! It is not there. Di SBS Volume 53, Oda menunjukkan desain di koin dan catatan dari One Piece. leviathan_89 11:06, 19 February, 2013 (UTC), The image was only uploaded to show that the banknote said "SOMETHING" You cannot see a "BE" because there is a dark smudge. Also, the text you erased exposed the possibility of that not being a romanization intended to be seen as correct anyway. leviathan_89 11:08, 4 January, 2013 (UTC), I found the first romanization as "Belly" in chapter 95. 5 out of 5 stars (1,551) 1,551 reviews $ 25.50. If you don't like "edited images", then change the contrast without saving the picture, it will be just like on your tv. Homophones: bury, Barry (in accents with the Mary–marry–merry merger) SeaTerror (talk) 18:16, August 17, 2020 (UTC), The money floating away is irrelevant since there is money visibly in the can. It's not speculation to name it "Belly" because "Belly" is very much visible on the image. Cause except if someone is willing to scrutinize every single page in the manga looking for a "Berry" or "Beli" romanization, we cannot leave the page with an unsourced title for years… sff9 17:02, January 12, 2013, Luckily, since I'm hunting quotes for a little project of mine on my wiki, I'm currently going through the whole series. Since it's the most recognized symbol for the money, it could at least solve the problem.Mugiwara Franky 17:36, 7 April 2008 (UTC) I'd say we go with the symbol until we've come up with something that can ultimatly be the "correct" spelling of beli/beri/berry. Some people might find this manga as silly and pointless (I’ve heard this before) but they never truly read the … Unique One Piece Symbol Stickers designed and sold by artists. Sewil 7:52, 3/1/13, But which romanization is his latest? Your "deduction" is nothing but speculation. If the page is fine as it is, you can remove the active discussion. The image cannot be used as a fact. SeaTerror (talk) 04:08, February 19, 2013 (UTC), I've been saying either one is actually speculation. All I've just talked about is evidence, something lacking on your side of the argument. It should be "Beri" or "Berry". We can keep it like this just until a RAW version of the various coins and bills image can be acquired, or until somebody edits it with "Belly". Karakter dari kiri adalah Yukichi Skull, karakter tengah adalah Ichiro Kumaguchi dan selanjutnya dari kanan adalah Hideo Usaguchi. When we look at the cover, he isn't just painting, he is selling the paintings. People are just seeing what they want to see. uknownada Talk 20:23, February 18, 2013 (UTC), No it isn't. And once we do have what believe is the correct romanization (which may be now), someone should edit the image used to show various coins and bills to show the correct spelling. leviathan_89 11:35, 18 February, 2013 (UTC), I honestly think we have enough to justify moving it to belly.DancePowderer Talk 14:45, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Agreed, the only reason we waited was to find other options, but we weren't that lucky. The differences are slight enough that it is clear Oda intended it to be belly. For me, One Piece is best Manga ever written. Letting her confidence shine bright like pink dynamite! You claiming the bills are flying from it is pure speculation on your part. However, I wouldn't dare to make that claim without analysing the actual cover. Sea, you still haven't explain why "Beli" is not speculative, since it didn't appear anywhere in the series. The only thing worth looking at is in chapter 141: isn't there an "i" on the bill? Because the rug below Usopp is getting carried to the left (see on the right). Since SeaTerror is obviously the only person who can't see "Belly", why don't we just change it now? uknownada Talk 00:35, February 19, 2013 (UTC), No the image is clear enough that "lly" is visible. Gymboree So Berry Cute Romper One-Piece Size 0-3 Months as shown New with tag from a smoke-free home. You can also see a wooden case getting blown too. He used to be the Fleet Admiral and is currently a supervisor who trains and instructs junior Marines. ", Evidence for it being a can from whatever origin being used as a tip-jar - "he's selling the paintings, belly bills are flying from it and there's another source for the paint he is using. Are you trying to disprove the existence of the wind in the first place, SeaTerror? Drunk Samurai 20:41, 21 August 2008 (UTC), I say we change it to Beli then. Don't we always go by the latest spelling he makes? And even if you have one, all the other objects that show any clear indication of direction are moving to the left (I've shown several in the first comment here). SeaTerror (talk) 00:25, February 19, 2013 (UTC), The image is clear enough that "Belly" is visible. Sengoku, Monkey D. Garp, Zephyr (shown in One Piece Film Z) and Tsuru joined the Marines at the same time. Besides, if he never spells it as "Beli", that technically makes this article fan-named. Your thing with "berry" being the name of a color Usopp is using is what is purely speculative. One Piece: Aim! Yes paint cans with the paint on the label is totally zero evidence since they clearly do not exist in any form in fiction or real life. リ Is kana for "ri". All orders are … Berry Dog Swimwear. Its the correct name after all. Long story short, "Beli" may have been chosen as a knee-jerk reaction to 4Kids... "Belly/Berry" I think it they went with??? There is no evidence the bills came from the paint can. Funny baby Onesie® "Love ya (berry) much! is the Japanese way of pronouncing the word "berry". Your argument is just "your argument is speculation" without actually providing any type of counter argument; and then also claiming that that can is a paint can (for paint used in large structures) and that it is the "berry" color. SeaTerror (talk) 04:17, February 19, 2013 (UTC), Sea, that image (the unedited one) was uploaded one month ago and everybody immediately acknowledged that "Belly" was written there, it was used as reference in the article after all. Ketika Oda membahas merek Doskoi Panda, ia menyebutkan bahwa merek itu sangat mahal. It would be the whole "George" Black incident all over again. StoopidGuy (talk) 05:44, August 13, 2020 (UTC), "Now, where does the paint on the palette come from then? And before you say the contrast image shouldn't be used, I'll just tell you once again that that image is only used to help you see. Universally at *some* point it was decided between our business at wikipedia and the wikia that in regards to the the currency, that it wasn't important on the spelling due to the conflicting evidence for either use of "l" and "r" in the name. sff9 12:32, January 12, 2013, I'm not sure about how long we should wait, but from what I can tell, the "belly" romanization is correct. I am saying that it is speculation to rename it because it is. 6. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Obviously that isn't practical in this situation. Berry - symbol description, layout, design and history from Symbols.com Anime. Ayahnya hanya mengatakan 'buang-buang uang,' saja menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki kekayaan bahkan lebih dari ini dan sementara jumlah ini masih dianggap sia sia, itu berarti mereka tidak berada pada skala yang sama dari masalah keuangan sebagaian warga di dunia. @Levi and JSD: I understand, that's why I asked "how long?". Sorry guys, I forgot about this discussion. Meskipun sangat mirip dengan tagihan dolar Amerika Serikat, nilai besar pada dicatatan atas yen Jepang. YolkaEd 18:19, 7 April 2008 (UTC), The article uses the wrong name. They might have changed it in the subs; FUNimation often changes the localizations on their subs, but that's not important. Primary color is Purple. I said it would be speculation to use "Belly" due to that image not being 100% clear. With this in mind, to properly put the currency's value in a real-world context, a 10,000 shirt is expensive to the people of the One Piece world. leviathan_89 16:52, 18 February, 2013 (UTC), The image where "Belly" was shown doesn't actually exist since you cannot make out what it says exactly. Sewil 8:18, 3/1/13, Are you sure that's Oda's romanization and not the translation from the English volume?DancePowderer Talk 08:50, January 3, 2013 (UTC), I'm not sure. But the point that even you, ST, can read at least "...lly" which exclude without doubts Berry, Beri, Belli and Beli. SeaTerror (talk) 20:31, February 19, 2013 (UTC). During that time, fans have developed plenty of theories regarding the series' plot and its characters. You don't want to see it, so you can't. There is no evidence for that claim. Either way it still is a dark smudge in that image too. When Oda discussed the Doskoi Panda brand, he mentioned that the line was very expensive. Get up to 50% off. Sea, we can read Belly on the original image, my version was made just for you. It is that simple. The only thing you can see in either image is a dark smudge. Read more. SeaTerror (talk) 00:52, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Clearly the RAW image on the bottom says otherwise, and the image on the top isn't RAW, so we have seen a romanization of "Belly", not "Beri". As far as I'm aware, portrait artists typically use paint tubes, which are seen in Usopp's briefcase. And as Nada says, it can be seen in the unaltered image anyways. Pastel Logo One-Piece (TM: 粉彩字母洋裝 Fěn Cǎi Zì Mǔ Yáng Zhuāng/JP: パステルロゴワンピ Pastel Logo One Pi) is one of Dress Up Cards that were introduced in 2004 Fall-Winter Collection/Version 1.It was eventually taken out of the main roster from 2005 Winter Collection/Version 5 onwards. Meskipun Beli adalah mata uang universal yang digunakan hampir di seluruh dunia, beberapa negara terisolasi memiliki mata uang sendiri. It is never Belly. Dragonus Nesha (talk) 20:03, August 15, 2020 (UTC), SeaTerror, your evidence for it being a paint can - "he's painting, also "berry" may be used as a color. StoopidGuy (talk) 07:46, August 16, 2020 (UTC), The "evidence" you posted by flat out stating they came from the paint can you mean? If this is met with no resistance, I will undo the edit. uknownada Talk 01:37, February 19, 2013 (UTC). Though the pun will be lost. The point is that, no offense at all to you Klobis, Klobis isn't needed for this. The author spells it this way, making it an official romanization, does it not?uknownada Talk 07:45, January 3, 2013 (UTC), He has also romanized it as Beri. 2006. You can use sprays to create bold and creative floral arrangements. Topi Jerami menganggap diri mereka "kaya" setelah mendapatkan emas senilai 300,000,000. Mostly, I've noted its a common difficulty for folks to grasp how 'wealthy' is 'wealthy' in the OP worlds context and a lot seem to think that a 100,000,000+ bounty isn't that high. SeaTerror (talk) 19:50, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Most of us can see the "Belly". They look more like coupons if anything. You clearly do not understand what wind is. SeaTerror (talk) 19:57, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Do you know what contrast is? High quality Berries inspired Short Sleeve Baby One-Piece by independent artists and designers from around the world. uknownada Talk 23:55, February 17, 2013 (UTC), The only image says Beri and not Belly. S… Do you still think no one can see the image clearly, SeaTerror? Not to mention your argument is nothing more than a basic assumption. leviathan_89 18:23, 12 January, 2013 (UTC), @Levi: oh, that's great then. You also fail to see that your argument is not based on any clue on the cover itself, you needed to talk about unrelated events like strong winds in real life - even though I showed how everything was going to the left and you did not even try to disprove that (also because it's impossible). Leviathan himself stated that he just re-read all the chapters and never found a "Beli". Or you choose to not admit that you can see it, because doing so would not only admit that you're wrong but also admit that you can see something you don't want to. Otherwise all times where money bills were shown they had always plain numbers and/or faces. Since the Straw Hats have gotten 200,000,000 and 300,000,000 in two different cases, its slowly becoming a fan problem with judging the amounts overall gross value. From shop twinzzshop. This game takes place from first arc in the story to the Baroque Works Saga. And the E can be recognized by the three points of the capital E. If you really still can't see it, I don't know what to tell you. It's fun that we are having this discussion when was exactly this behaviour of yours that brought up your ban forum. One Piece Patch - Whitebeard Pirates Skull Symbol. $7.99. I don't know what else to say here. That's the lid of the can. And then again, I already said this - even if your "berry" color speculation is right, Usopp still chose to use that can to put the money in, therefore the romanization "berry" is seen associated with money, which is trivia worthy due to it being similar to the "belly" romanization anyway. The issue with this image is the word Belly doesn't exist since it is speculation to say that a BE is where a dark smudge is. I think we need to find out that one first, because if it's more recent it makes more sense using "Berry". It's something you can adjust on your TV, not some magical zoom-in "enhancement". Doing anything to an image is actual editing. I removed it because it said the wiki was using it as evidence of "Berry" being an alternate romanization of the currency which is nothing but speculation since it wasn't shown in the actual manga like the bill. Galaxy 9000   21:01, February 18, 2013 (UTC), No you can't. She is a wild soul.. with a sweet heart! Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is one of the greatest and longest-running fictional series of all time. One Piece: Stampede, the 14th film in the One Piece series, recently premiered worldwide to critical and commercial success. It could be an error, though. "We have more than enough evidence that it's belly from images that weren't compromised." Department is Merchandise, Others, Patches. Not really speculation, but deduction. Claiming that they came from the paint can is speculation. Bring an image of "beli", that's the only case when we will keep this page as "Beli", otherwise tell us why Beli is less speculative. StoopidGuy (talk) 20:46, August 16, 2020 (UTC), That's still assuming that's where the money came from when there's no evidence of that. You cannot see what part of it says therefore it should not be used as a "fact". - my point is that unless you find other sources, "Belly" is the only one available. The previous picture in that file was an obvious translation, so this could be a raw that Leviathan uploaded. So it's an evidence that at least those romanizations are wrong, if other images don't come up that means those are the speculations, not Belly. I don't see what the problem is.DancePowderer Talk 22:36, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Technically the best solution would be to name it "Currency" or something along those lines. However, in Japanese, there is no "real" 'l' or 'r' sounds, so it would sound like something between 'r' in 'rock' and 'l' in 'lock'. I can also try changing "Beri" to "Beli". In One Piece, the currency is called ベリ. There is no evidence at all that that's where the bills came from. leviathan_89 16:39, 12 January, 2013 (UTC), Yeah, I agree with Levi, we should try and find the other romanizations before we rename the page. Kaido King of the Beasts (talk) 03:10, August 14, 2020 (UTC). On the edited version that is. Manusia dalah budak yang paling terjangkau dgn harga 500,000 sementara 70,000,000 beri untuk putri duyung wanita unsplit adalah tawaran awal tertinggi untuk ras apapun. You can't even see the "Be" in either image because both are dark smudges. Also, Leviathan, I couldn't find any Bellies on chapter 141. You cannot zoom in on something and "enhance" it like that. We need to find out where "Berry" was used and if "Beli" was even used. As for renaming it "Currency", the page is mostly focused on Bellies and the other currency is only in one section, so it's not really significant enough to rename "Currency" if we're only going to focus on one. Give me one or two weeks. The King of Berry is a Japanese only game for Game Boy Advance. So even if it was the color "berry" that Usopp is now using as a tip-jar and not something written by him, that would still be Usopp's decision to showcase it like that, therefore under "artistic license on his part". Stop trying to rush to change something to the official english translation and make sure you check everything. We can see everything, so obviously it's not "seeing what I want to see". ONE PIECE Font by Phantom King Graphics. I know editors want to always be accurate here and based on that image you have decided "lly" is correct, but there were a few other older images contradicting this that have long since been lost/forgotten and I don't know they are in relation to Oda's work nor desire to bring them up at this point. There was already a discussion about this at the bottom of this talk page and it was decided to keep it as "Belly". Beli telah ada unit pecahan. Only the last 3 letters stick out and that so called "o" looks like a capital D. That image can't be used because you can't make out what it says exactly. El Chupacabra 18:27, January 21, 2010 (UTC), Well I tried to create a sort of "Stepping stone" system of note on this page to indicate what is from poorest to richest 'wealth' but I need someone to give a second opinion on this. Phantom King Graphics. uknownada Talk 03:14, February 19, 2013 (UTC), Neither image says it. Even I can see the "Belly" without Leviathan's high contrast image. D'autres monnaies existent telles l' Exstol (îles célestes) et le Gor (Amazon Lily). I can't remember. BUT I will not rule out all other spelling (Beli, Beri, Berry, Belly) because I had this discussion in the past about the spelling. Dragonus Nesha (talk) 19:52, August 17, 2020 (UTC), No there isn't. At this point, there's still no evidence that "Beli" was ever a romanization, and that's what most of this discussion was about. Directly to the right of the can, we see a box with actual paint tubes. Tell us what is the source of the bills in that scenario, other than the can itself. In addition to getting a new country girl outfit for the movie, Nami also received a slightly more revealing alternative to her movie attire for her figurine. Shipping and handling. That is how wind works. But the article says it. So, SeaTerror is claiming it is obvious the can there is for a paint whose color is "berry" and not for belly notes. Find one piece swimwear, you can shop cute one piece swimsuits and cheap one piece bathing suit in various styles at BerryLook.com with low price. Use the high contrast image and a pair of glasses to help you see. I say it should be changed to what it really is. Well, through all this discussion you just said that you wasn't able to read it and just denied everybody's else points without saying more. Good day, gentlemen. Eiichirō Oda montre pour la première fois l'apparence des billets et des pièces utilisés dans le SBS Tome 53. There is zero evidence the paint can is associated with money. I left a message to Angel Emfrbl‎ since in the third discussion in this same talk page, she mentions some debate on Wikipedia. Never used by Oda himself. Now you come out saying that you cannot read it? Whatever is written there is hidden. The raw uses kanji both for names and the word beli. It's based on evidence. atau biasa di sebut juga Belly, yang diwakili oleh tanda adalah unit mata uang moneter di Dunia One Piece. Whether you are looking for a metallic green bikini, a gauze bikini, a one piece crochet suit or a more modest one piece swim suit, you will find it here. Anything can be blown in any direction that the wind is blowing from. SeaTerror (talk) 22:50, February 18, 2013 (UTC), I don't mind renaming the page "Currency" since it's not only about one currency, but we have still to write "beli" in some way in the page (and in the wiki), that's the issue. uknownada Talk 03:49, February 19, 2013 (UTC), St, you need to flat out get your eyes checked.DancePowderer Talk 03:50, February 19, 2013 (UTC), Discussion is never closed unless it is in an archive. I've asked more than once for evidence that disproves the validity of the evidence I've been providing, and all I've seen from the other side of the argument is "no evidence, that's speculation".StoopidGuy (talk) 06:31, August 16, 2020 (UTC), Ok you're just simply living up to your username then. IIRC "Belly" was up until now the only romanization properly cited in the original manga (beside adaptations), so now we have another one. ", cute strawberry one piece, fun and unique baby shower gift, baby bodysuit, baby gift, berry baby twinzzshop. He is stationed in the headquarters of the Marines, one of the 3 major powers that maintain the balance of the world. leviathan_89 23:46, 3 January, 2013 (UTC), But which one did Oda actually romanize it as, if at all? "Exactly Uknownada, everybody except SeaTerror can read "Belly"." Le Berry, représenté par le symbole, est la monnaie principale utilisée dans l'univers de One Piece. Anyhow, I uploaded an high-contrast version, you can clearly read "...elly", the "B" is a bit unclear, but you can also see the decoration typical of , basically it's written "elly". It says 10,000 Belly. Think of it as a a subliminal message where if somebody tells you something and you believe it only because you were influenced by that person into thinking it is there. You cannot see the full text of either image regardless meaning it cannot be used. JustSomeDude...  Talk | 04:05, February 19, 2013 (UTC), Because it doesn't exist. Top Rated One Piece Merchandise Shop with Action Figures, Anime Clothing, Hoodies, T-Shirts, Costumes, Hats, Caps, Bags, Jewelry, Wanted Posters, Tattoos, Game Cards, Gifts & Much More. So since it was spelled "Belly" in the manga, that's what we use. We know this because it is a street sale with various paintings being showcased, because of belly notes flying and due to the price shown above Usopp. Since the translation/dub section says it was also spelled "Berry" I guess that was later on. So in your minds you made up the dark smudge saying "BE" You see the LLY so you assume you also see the "BE" when you cannot see anything but a dark smudge from when oda drew it. Galaxy 9000   21:19, February 18, 2013 (UTC), The official English version, at least in the FUNimation dub, is "Berry". I'm pretty sure "belly" is one of the least popular spellings for beli/beri/berries, for the obvious reason that it looks the funniest. monodaily Berry Flower One Piece. Its just fixing your TV. Hal ini hampir secara eksklusif digambarkan dalam bentuk kertas meskipun koin memang ada. I think you're the one with the problem. SeaTerror (talk) 20:13, February 18, 2013 (UTC), Changing contrast on TV is still editing. Sebuah uang kertas seperti yang digambarkan di manga. The obvious conclusion here is that the "berry" can is there for money and that the paint on the palette comes from the paint tubes. Since Leviathan_89 uploaded it, we'd need his answer. Still, I don't know where "beli" comes from. You're just dismissing clear evidence in the cover to support a fringe interpretation you personally have, even though there's more than enough evidence to determine yours is not the interpretation the cover is providing. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. And because it's Engrish we say Beli. Public Domain. SeaTerror (talk) 20:08, August 14, 2020 (UTC), There's also no evidence that that's a paint can. Then we have also to figure out where Beli comes from. Lelouch Di Britannia Talk Page  03:38, October 22, 2013 (UTC), Why are you even having this conversation?DancePowderer Talk 03:58, October 22, 2013 (UTC). Series is One Piece. The conclusion is this: the evidence is the general movement of the wind is to the left, and as the bills are flowing either into the can (to the right) or from the can (to the left), there's more evidence for the bills coming from the can than the contrary. Also, we can see the girl's hair flowing to the left, as well as the skirt. SeaTerror 17:55, October 9, 2010 (UTC), I cannot really tell, but isn't Amazon holding some extols in her hand in the cover of chapter 645? Dalam spesial Boss Luffy, mata uang Rio-beli digunakan. By the way, it's not like George Black because here we can(not) see the first two letters, but we can clearly see "...lly", so that's exclude without doubts Beli, Belli, Berry, Beri. atau biasa di sebut juga Belly, yang diwakili oleh tanda adalah unit mata uang moneter di Dunia One Piece. Note that the belly notes' flow directs us exactly to the can, as if they've come from there and were carried by the wind that is going to the left. It's the difference between the dark and bright colors. If they aren't flying due to the wind, why are they flying in the first place, in a place where every object vulnerable to the wind is moving with the wind? Looking at the smudge, I'd read the word as "Belly" myself and the pronunciation in Japanese is a "be" sound. How do I know the wind is going to the left and not to the right? I can't find an example with high enough quality to read. YolkaEd 18:19, 7 April 2008 (UTC) Beli telah ada unit pecahan. That is not obvious at all, and it is a fringe interpretation. I'd also add that paint cans are predominantly for painting structures, not pictures on a canvas. I still maintain to this date on this particular one its not worth arguing over and that so long as the pages all go to the same place its fine. What are we gonna do? Therefore if its in the data books anything Oda uses in the manga will automatically be considered more correct then the use of "beli/berry/beri/etc". Saved by Archonia.US. Updated Aug 24, 2019. So yeah, thats the whole story about the use of "beli" and some of the issues with it and the reasons we went with it. https://onepiece.fandom.com/id/wiki/Berry?oldid=18101. This conversation should be over. uknownada Talk 01:05, February 19, 2013 (UTC), 3 people isn't enough. Sampai sekarang, dua mata uang seperti yang disebutkan: Mata uang seperti yang digambarkan dalam spesial Boss Luffy, perhatikan dalam hal tertentu uang itu ternyata palsu. Regular Style. Also your counter about the wind is only valid when you provide any clue from the cover for any object vulnerable to the wind moving to the right. Reminds me of all the people claiming that playing Stairway to Heaven backwards contains satanic lyrics. Also because above the wall we can see the direction of the leaves flying, the inclination of the treets dand the direction of the clouds, given to us by the sharp angles on the right of such clouds. uknownada Talk 16:39, March 1, 2013 (UTC), I have found another romanization: you can read "Berry" on the cup on Chapter 78's cover. Also why do they have a similar curvature to the leaves that are also flying with the wind (with the uppermost part leaning to the left)? Dalam penampilan dan denominasi, yang Bellyi mirip dengan, Simbol Belly 'mirip baht Thailand: ฿ (baht)/. It doesn't look like one to me, but I cannot say it for sure. One way to find these companies is by looking at several key metrics and financial ratios, many of which are crucial in the value stock selection process. :) leviathan_89 18:00, 12 January, 2013 (UTC). Dragonus Nesha (talk) 13:47, August 15, 2020 (UTC), The official English alternate spelling. My ban forum was only opened because of a grudge (at least the last time.) Anyway, unless Angel Emfrbl can show us a real "Beli", then "Beli" will have to go. With it's auto-open feature, it … It did not alter the image in a way that could change how the image looks, only highlight the difference between the background colors and the word. Well unless you want more speculation on the wiki. Look under the "10,000" in the bill. My point is that there may be other sources for different spellings that we should look into since searching the manga has proved fruitless. Anybody can do that. In George Black case we never saw the first part to begin with, but since all romanization starts with "Be-" and everyone but you can read it, there is no issue at all. 코디북은 다양한 쇼핑몰 상품을 한 자리에서 쉽게 구매 할 수 있도록 돕는 "중개 서비스"입니다. uknownada Talk 19:38, February 18, 2013 (UTC), I'm 1000% sure it's not Belly but is Beils, Caring16:) (talk) 03:26, October 22, 2013 (UTC), On what basis? I believe we have to look for it in the manga.