• Up to 2 hours: € 6 Zurich. 21 €/day. * You can receive a discount at the S. Marco or Tronchetto parking lot (variable according to the season) using the hotel coupon provided at check-out upon request. Parking is probably 25 euro/day in Venice (Piazzale Roma). {{features.value}} Gal
closed, Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Sat 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, 2021
In this case, either you must rent your car at the airport location, or provide your own transportation to the off-airport location where you prefer to rent. spaces, 68
You are logged in as {{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}. 58,220 Providing your country allows us to give you a more accurate rental estimate. Please try again later or contact Customer Care for further assistance. -
miles away, -
Rate Code requires minimum length of 5 days. Discover Avis car rental options in Venice, Italy, Locationswith Avis Rent a Car.
Select the Avis Wizard Number option to enter both your Avis Wizard Number and Last Name, Select the Discount Code option to enter an AWD (Avis Worldwide Discount), Coupon Code or Rate Code.
Find car parks .
Ce fut un plaisir de vous accueillir! Quel est le meilleur plan pour garer sa voiture une huitaine de jours sans que ça coûte un bras ? YOU DON’T NEED TO RESERVE OR PAY IN ADVANCE : the car parking has about 4.000 spaces: we have always a parking lot for you and you don’t have to pay in advance! 2
Add gas and tolls to get there and back. Parking in Venice proper at Piazzale Roma will cost 21EU/day. Located at the entrance of Venice, the most economic car park of the city, which is very close to the boat stops. As traffic is forbidden (and impossible) in Venice, you will have to park your car in the paying car parks at the entrance to the city. -
La circulation automobile étant interdite (et impossible) à Venise, il faudra garer votre véhicule dans les parkings payants situés à l'entrée de la ville. We are sorry, Avis Preferred Points cannot be combined with additional offers and discounts. • Up to subsequent 24 hours: € 21, Email: info-tronchettopark@interparking.com
Celui du Tronchetto est le plus grand et le plus connu, facile à trouver car tout de suite à droite après le pont. spaces, 123 Maintenance updates are in progress. You are successfully logged in. Nous n'avons jamais eu de problème avec le parking Tronchetto. Tronchetto.
Vous payez 25 € pour 24 heures et 18 € pour chaque 12 heures supplémentaires. parking tronchetto à Venise - forum Venise - Besoin d'infos sur Venise ? At the end of the Ponte della Libertà, just before reaching Venice, turn right and follow the "Tronchetto" arrows.
Please update your credit card information. Coupon codes are seven characters, four letters followed by three numbers.
You are logged in as {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}. Le parking Ca Doge a un tarif de 4,50€ la première heure puis 3,50€ les heures suivantes avec un maximum de 35€ pour 24 heures. spaces, 16
When you call the location, be ready to provide all applicable information including precise address, exact time of pick up, and a phone number where you can be reached at that time. It’s not necessary to consign the keys of your car, COMFORTABLE: parking lots very comfortable (14m), 2,80m width to park your car. January
Restrictions and fees may apply for underage driver's. The car park has also VIP spaces where the cars are parked in a closed area, under dedicated video surveillance and close to the pedestrian exit and the steamboats, very comfortable for the storage of your luggage in security. Park with Parclick! Of course, they can't take the car to their hotel which is in the historic center of Venice. Are you leaving for a cruise and you need a car park for some days in Venice?
From Tronchetto, if you are heading straight to San Marco area, take #2 Vaporetto(ACTV) in Giudecca direction. E-mail vela@velaspa.com. You can get a special discount of 40% if you pay in advance to the manual cashes. The car park is under video surveillance and our staff is always present, 24h/24 and 7d/d, to help you and give any information. {{trips.toCode}}. {{features.value}} litres, Current Fuel
To park your car in the VIP area, please enter in the car park and go to the manual cashes to ask information. 08:00AM - 08:00PM. THE CHEAPEST CAR PARK IN THE CENTER OF VENICE! Almost done! Cost depends. closed
If the problem persists, please. 1
Select from a range of car options and local specials car parks Once you complete your profile you'll be able to skip the counter, earn points and more. We are sorry, the site has not properly responded to your request. [GPS 45°28'02.61" N - 12°16'45.92" E; car parking available on a first come first served basis, except for Porta Gialla parking lot for campers only] San Giuliano parking lots. From only €21.00 per week. car. {{features.value}} litres, Confirmation:
If you park at one of the parking structures in Piazzale Roma the car will be reasonably safe.
Au bout du Ponte della Libertà, juste avant d'arriver à Venise, tournez à droite et suivez les flèches "Tronchetto". 4
Days. 6
One of our top picks in Venice. The car park has indoor and outdoor parking lots, for every type of vehicles (cars, minivan, bus, camper vans, these ones only in the outdoor area, not covered).
Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. Your coupon number cannot be used for this reservation due to following reason(s): 2021
If you have a rental car, you'll save a LOT of money by returning it in Venice rather than paying to park. Please update the terms and condition section to go to Avis Preferred status. '+rentalHistory.pickLoc.locationCode}}. Find car parks . EPIPHANY
The car park is very close to the steamboats stop, very comfortable to reach in few minutes the center of Venice and the famous San Marco square . You are logged in as {{vm.customer.wizardNumberMasked}}. Days, Your rental ends in {{rentalHistory.hoursInRental}}
{{features.value}} Gal
car parks Leave the airport and follow the SR14 state road indications for Venice (Venezia).
Update. January
A restored monastery, Hotel Abbazia is in the quiet Cannaregio district of Venice, 300 feet from Santa Lucia Train Station.The hotel features a large courtyard garden with bar. C'est un grand stationnement moderne multi-étages recouvert et bien éclairé (même le soir), géré par InterParking (Rome et Trieste aussi). hour hours, Starting Fuel
FrequentFlier520156, VR Owner de Precious country house near Venice, with large park and parking., a répondu à cet avis Réponse envoyée 19 septembre 2019 Merci beaucoup pour votre belle critique! Pick-up service policies (hours of availability, allowable pick-up distance, etc.) 16,578 Venice. Fax: +39 041 5285750, 41 They will arrive from northern Italy by car. Parking Auto Venise sur l'île de Tronchetto Tarif : 2 premières heures, 3 € de l'heure, de la 3e à la 5e heure 4 € de l'heure, de la 6e heure à 24 heures : 21 €, puis 21 € par tranche de 24 heures successive. e P.I.
I'm confused.
Large parking lot guarded 24 hours a day. ParkVia is the quickest and easiest way to book parking online. 26,085 car parks
Tronchetto Parking is the cheapest car park, located in the center of Venice, turning on the right to first traffic light at the end of the Liberty bridge. However, you can book a parking place ahead of time at www.veneziaunica.it.
En tout état de cause, il est beaucoup plus probable de trouver une place de parking couverte en basse saison. Location voiture à VENISE : retrouvez les coordonnées de toutes les meilleures adresses du Petit Futé (BELT LIMOUSINE SYSTEM, AVIS ET BLIT, FUSINA). |6.23
Note: Rates are calculated based on details you provide. Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. Grand Canal: arrivee au parking tronchetto et prise du vaporetto - consultez 41 137 avis de voyageurs, 29 039 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Venise, Italie sur Tripadvisor. January
miles away, Venezia Mestre Station
Location services must be enabled to choose your
You are logged in to your Amazon account as {{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}. The car park is very close to the steamboats stop, very comfortable to reach in few minutes the center of Venice and the famous San Marco square. car parks We are sorry, we are unable to retrieve your Upcoming Reservations currently. Book parking online with ParkVia. Your Rate Code cannot be used for this reservation due to following reason(s): Providing your age allows us to give you a more accurate rental estimate. Cet appartement dispose d'une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite et d'une cuisine entièrement équipée. The ferry takes 45 minutes to reach San Zaccaria, just 70 meters from the hotel. Parking Tronchetto: 18E par jour, parking Piazzale Roma près du Pont de la Libertà: 20E, aéroport Marco Polo: 5 Euros par jour + 2E un parking couvert. spaces, 239 car parks Parking du Tronchetto ou Gare de Mestre à Venise - forum Venise - Besoin d'infos sur Venise ? spaces, 24
Connection Failed or Some Error occurred. Continue by ferry (line 2 from Tronchetto or line 5.1, 1 or 2 from Piazzale Roma). 20
Your Coupon can't be used for this reservation.
• Up to 3 hours: € 11 Électricité et eau disponibles. In these squares all Venice parking garages are located. This refers to Rome Square (Piazzale Roma) and Tronchetto Square or to be more precise Tronchetto Island (Piazzale Tronchetto). From only Fr.64.00 per week. lees meer Parking in Mestre runs about 10EU/day. Enjoy more benefits with an Avis Preferred Account.
spaces, 62 To use our free pick-up service, call your A rental location directly at the location phone number listed on your reservation confirmation. 6
03096680271 REA VE-246771 – Capitale Sociale € 85.549.237,90 i.v., Tel. 31,143 car parks Registro delle Imprese di Venezia, C.F. '+rentalHistory.pickLoc.locationCode}}, {{rentalHistory.pickLoc.name+',
Modifications may change your rate, and if so, the Car Selection page will redisplay.
03069670275 Capitale Sociale € 1.885.000,00 i.v. At peak times, many car parks become completely full. Nous y allons en voiture. Please check your browser's setting. 20, Venezia Mestre Station
If you already have a 6 digit Wizard number, {{vm.loyaltyDetails.points | number}}
• Up to 24 hours: € 21 Tronchetto Parking is the cheapest car park, located in the center of Venice, turning on the right to first traffic light at the end of the Liberty bridge. car parks | 22.51
These are the available options that may be redeemed. miles away, Padova Railway Station
Almost done! For subscriptions, please contact the car park. If you wish to use your Preferred Points for this reservation, please remove coupon code. Le parking Autorimessa Comunale AVM - Porto di Venezia est ouvert 24h/24 toute l'année, et il rend possible l'accès au parking du Rio Terá S. Andrea. miles away, WELCOME, {{vm.customer.firstName | uppercase }}, WELCOME {{vm.customer.firstName | titleCase}}, WELCOME, {{vm.customer.firstName | uppercase}}, Welcome, {{vm.customer.firstName| uppercase}}, Welcome {{vm.customer.firstName| titleCase}}, California – Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Get the #1 Ranked Rental Car Travel App in Customer Satisfaction >. So be careful. Bonjour, on doit prendre un bateau de croisière à Venise. 13,019 Vous êtes à Venise en 10 minutes à vélo. 10
112,402 Tronchetto. closed, 2021
Site officiel du parking Ca Doge.
{{rentalHistory.confirmationNumber}}, {{rentalHistory.pickLoc.name+',
Given the structure of the car park that allows to accommodate about 4500 vehicles including motorcycles, cars, camper vans, minibuses, vans and buses, you will always find a space even on particularly busy days. Il existe plusieurs parkings à Venise même.
+ 39 041 27 22 111, Fax + 39 041 27 22 098. Italy - Parking in Venice - Parking close to Vaporetto 1 or 2 - My GF and her parents will go to Venice in June. • Up to 1 hour: € 3 Book parking online, guarantee your parking space and save up to 70% of the official price. | 1.09
{{trips.fromCode}} -
Please try again. miles away, Venice Railway-Bus Station
5, Padova Railway Station
Are you leaving for a cruise and you need a car park for some days in Venice? 5
Please note that an off-airport Budget location cannot pick you up at an airport that has a Budget location.
The minimum stay required to access the promotion is three days.
Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM; Sat 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM, 2021
), can take the very comfortable People Mover, that in only 2 minutes will bring you to the cruise terminal. Answer 1 of 5: Where is the Budget Car Rental office in Venice? Hauteur maximale des véhicules : 2m10 Téléphone +39 041 520 75 55 Parking Auto Venise … January
car parks miles away, -
Società del gruppo Avm per la commercializzazione dei servizi di trasporto e dei principali eventi a Venezia - Sede Legale: Isola Nova del Tronchetto, 21 - 30135 VENEZIA Fax +39 041272.2663 Registro delle Imprese di Venezia n. 03069670275 – REA VE 278800 C.F e P.I. spaces, 57 Grand parking … Only {{vm.customerData.profCompStep}} step to go between you and Avis Preferred status. I have read on this forum its in Piazzale Roma but the Budget website shows the address as Isola Nova Del Trochetto 37a, Venezia XX-30135. This is the official ASM Venezia car park (tel. People with luggage, that don’t want to go to the cruise terminal by foot (only 5 minutes! Please update the terms and condition section to go to Avis Preferred status.
Then, proceed straight on at the first set of traffic lights to car parking facilities at Piazzale Roma. AVM S.p.A. – Azienda Veneziana della Mobilità, soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento del Comune di Venezia Sede Legale Isola Nova del Tronchetto, 33 – 30135 VENEZIA. For full Avis and Amazon benefits, after logging in with Amazon you'll need to log in to Avis and link your accounts. March
Only {{vm.customerData.profCompStep}} steps to go between you and Avis Preferred status. Parking in Venice on Piazzale Roma Pull into the first garage on your right (the cheapest of the bunch) and park your car for the duration of your stay.
closed. Your rental ends in {{rentalHistory.rentalEndsIn}}
The three parking lots – run by AVM - can be easily reached from all the main motorways and are located in San Giuliano. 10, Venice Railway-Bus Station
4,033 January
Vous pouvez donc également arriver de nuit. spaces. spaces, 5 Le Rudy House Venice propose un hébergement à Venise, à 2,5 km de la basilique Saint-Marc. car parks TEMP CLOSED
Please update your credit card information. Please activate your profile to view upcoming reservations. If you want to visit the beautiful Venice or go on cruise, Tronchetto Parking is your most accessible, safest and especially cheapest parking solution in Venice, EASY TO REACH: you can easily reach it avoiding queues and long wait to find a parking lot in Venice, THE CHEAPEST: it’s absolutely the cheapest covered car park in the center of Venice, VERY WELL LOCATED: the car park is located close the boats stop (vaporetto) to reach in few minutes the famous San Marco square and close to People Mover to reach in 2 minutes the harbour of Venice (Stazione Marittima), SAFE: staff present 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and more than 120 installed cameras.