Join the largest SWGOH Discord server. Note that all synchronous code in an event handler will run on the gateway socket’s thread and should be handled as quickly as possible. Discord Server Giveaway Event. Invite Vote. Discord Names: Everybody is loving the new way of chatting with friends and sharing photos and videos online having all the tools we need at discord servers. Kariari is now Eventcord × Kariari's name has changed to Eventcord! UberToast Well-Known Member. The best calendar bot for Discord. Simply click any of the options below, and the server listing will instantly become boosted with the selected amount - You don't even have to own the listing! Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UberToast, Jul 6, 2017. Recommendations: In general, I would send the invite link to the Discord server several days before your event because it will take some time to get hackers acclimated to using Discord. Events, games, and a seriously active chats and VCs! - Chill and eggsperienced staff. We also take part in War Thunder tournaments and play a wide range of other games including the most important one of all, Star Citizen where we look to recreate the world of James Camerons Avatar with our own tribe of Valestreal. Join the community where "Discord's Got Talent" was born! Discord Events allows for community events to be more accessible, informative, and engaging. Server description Solgaleo Univers Serveur Discord FR-ENG Ancienne Team Zygarde Go et de retour! HypeSquad T-shirt, stickers and pins (link received in acceptance email). Represent Discord at local events - as an attendee or event coordinator. Get ready for the LOVING DAY 2 votes in March. History Talk (0) Comments Share. watch 03:24. Overview. Read more . If you are another guild and would like to participate in a GVG, feel free to contact me on our discord server. Standout Features: Not a P2W (play-to-win) Server. From a few to a fandom. Your server is your auditorium. Check out the buttons below for help. Tabletop.Events has a direct integration with Discord that allows you to replicate your Rooms and Spaces as Categories and Channels on a Discord server. If your server is a "generic gaming server" or "generic public server" or "random server" or "memes" or any variation, then it is not going to grow. Login. ¶ Event Coordinator Tier. Login . Discord Server Templates Check out the templates from our diverse collection and find the one you'll love! - Events, Competitions, and Giveaways! Go to the Discord web site and create a Discord server. As for the weekly giveaways, they will be hosted on the Discord server via the #events channel. Mature, Active Staff Team. By using your tokens, you can help this server become even more popular. Hop in and out. Get ready for the LOVING DAY Home; Join Discord; Blog; Discord Servers; Advertise; Premium; Login; Event Nuker Nuke your or your friends discord servers to make it valentine's themed. An among us server filled with only the best among us players. HypeSquad Events Badge. Discord Giveaways. - They have regular server events, interactive bots, giveaways, active text and voice chats. Mod Jacmob Near Reality Management Team. Prefix + Server Count. Dashboard . Automated Backups . Messages from the Discord server are exposed via events on the DiscordClient class and follow the standard EventHandler C# pattern. Meet and hang out with Discord staff at events. - Cute global eggmotes and a variety of fun bots! Walking around the real world with an exclusive “Discord HypeSquad” shirt, the HypeSquad Events badge is for HypeSquad Event Attendees & who attend local conventions in the name of HypeSquad. With this feature, all discord server managers will be able to create events with their community. Where hanging out is easy. ¶ Join the HypeSquad. The Loop (Games) Do you like this video? sesh is the best! - Kind, carefree, yet protective staff members. 1 Add 2 Use 3 Event 4 Multipliers You can add Dank Memer by its own direct link. Yes, discord usernames, or as we say discord server nicknames have to be chosen with a unique approach, and when you are on discord for fun and cool stuff, you should pick the relative username or server name too. Post messages frequently. 0 Share this post. × Eventcord is ready to assist you in running events! - Server Events! Hey, If anyone has some sick discord event ideas drop em' below! Discord Event Suggestions. Discord To provide good communication for our guild we have a fairly active discord server. Dank Memer is a very popular bot on Discord for image manipulation and playing with the currency system. Support Server . 2. Join this Server. HypeSquad. Recurring events. It helps you play games with your friends more often with slick event creation, timezone conversions, and more - all right inside Discord. - Eggstra perks/rewards for active members. This server also doubles as a hub for the economy and announcements. The K-ON!Discord Server was created on 29 June 2020 by Violet, and open to the public on 30 June 2020. We have paused Discord Hypesquad Applications while we tidy up things on our end. Invite Again . Join the HypeSquad and let Discord support your gaming community. Duration: October 30, 2020 12:00:00 PM GMT+8 ~ November 05, 2020 12:00:00 PM GMT+8 . About us Flow Cast is a late-endgame Skyblock guild originally created by Akinsoft on the 07-13-2019 which has switched ownership to Brontii. Frequency. View More. Adopting Discord's design system and features such as push notifications, group messaging, and servers, Discord Events would seamlessly integrate into the existing app and meet the emerging needs of Discord users beyond a voice/text client. Nuke your or your friends discord servers to make it valentine's themed. Join to chat with other J-fashion enthusiasts about the event, your coordinates, panels and activities, and tea party snacks! Event Coordinators run the events themselves, such as a university club or LAN event. This community orbits you. 1,083. Quarterly swag box for distributing at events. Download Why Discord? Mayo and Kenshi could not start the server themselves because they were reportedly "busy with life stuff" 1. Super flexible time parsing. 1 days ago . The bot functions the same just under a new name. Hop on and enjoy the happy train! We have an active and friendly community. Links to your calendar. 3 reviews. Warning. Simple plugin to display server events in a Discord channels using Webhooks. Step 2: Enable Discord Integration. Joined: Jul 5, 2016 Messages: 487 Likes Received: 103. Follow the following steps to integrate. Get Discord swag to spread the word and brighten people's day. View More. Displays events to a Discord channels. Server Events. Community 10. Tags. The Bay Area Kei Discord server is the main hub of activity for attendees to socialize before the event and between panels. Event and karaoke management bot for Discord. Frankly, no one is interested in joining a server that doesn't have a defined topic. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. Want to rep Discord? In this article you will learn why servers run community events, how to set up an event, and h ow to get people involved in an event. Configuration A server can run events for many reasons, but with this guide you will hopefully be able to understand the value of hosting events and how to set one up for your community. Grief Recovery (CoreProtect) 20 TPS Average. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Eggmotes (Discord Server) - Friendliest yolks on Discord! An Event is like which takes place when a person leaves/enters a server or a person's role changes or Someone boosts a server which is a rare thing I am joking but anyways jokes apart so basically what and all happens in a server is basically a sort of event so I will be listing all the events available in Search a template or select a category to get started! - Topic Wise Categories Anime, Gaming, Tech, Formula1 and many many more individual categories with live participation We also have many many roles which unlock things! Talk about SWGOH on Discord. Boosted servers show up more frequently, and the more tokens used for boosting, the higher position the listing will receive. Access to an exclusive HypeSquad Events server. We would love to expand into minigames and make the server more popular but at the moment we just don't have the player base to do so, if you would be interested come and join us! Getting Started . Official Announcement. Nitro Safety Support. Supports polling. Joining HypeSquad Online is done through the Discord client. While we aren’t a competitive guild, we do have a GVG team. Consider yourself a host here. Talk about event news, rumors, tips & more. And are currently the #12 guild. ’ . We will also be hosting all tea parties on Discord using the video chat function. Pop in and say hello to old friends. Violet approached the r/k_on subreddit mods u/MayoSimba and u/The_Kuroi_Kenshi with the suggestion to create a discord server affiliated with the subreddit. Joined: Mar 1, 2017 … This feature consist in the addition of event creation and notification directly in discord. Apply Now. While some of your die-hard fans will hang out in there and some extremely community focused members will remain, you have to interact in there. Why Do Discord Servers Run Events? I hope you all enjoy. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call. Please check it out, it only takes a second to enter! Fun. Thanks, Jake #1 UberToast, Jul 6, 2017. This page contains information about a finished event, that may or may not return in a future version. Step 1: Create a Discord Server. Emperor SkyLord Captain. You need "manage server" permission on the chosen server to add the Dank Memer bot. Hello discord users / staff, I just discussed with other users about the benefits to integrate this feature into Discord servers. Monthly tournament Giveaways Other events Invite link: Memes , Community , Gaming 1 Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Making a Discord server and just expecting your community to be active and lively is a fools game. DISCORD SERVER LIST Valestreal 0 9 upvotes in March Join Valestreal Upvote Valestreal ... ⭐ | Exclusive Events, Competitions, & Giveaways! Highly configurable. Edit. Play Sound "Every journey has its final day." HypeSquad Events badge. Thank you for inviting Eventcord to your Discord server!