Pick up the quest: . Kill at least 15 peasants, then head back to the northern field. Turn in, Go northwest back to the gnome camp. You can now kill everything you see here except the elite trolls atop the altar. Before leaving town, make sure to stock up on food and repair. Exit the tower and keep going along the road until you see a camp to your left. Go to the Valley of Honor and turn in. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition, Curse These Fat Fingers. Leave the post and run southwest until you get to the road. While you’re swimming, kill nagas you see along the way. Use the auction house, repair, and sell junk now. Classic WoW Class Leveling Guides If you have your route set out, but want more tips on playing your class from 1-60, check out our Classic WoW Leveling Guides. When ready to go, take a flight to Ratchet. Now that all three quests are done, head north along the road and through Timbermaw Hold to reach Winterspring. Once you arrive, take a flight to Kargath. But they lacked vision. 0. Enter the settlement and accept the quest: . Go towards the dome of Dalaran and kill enemies there for Dalaran Patrols and Bracers of Binding. Now head southeast until you find Valorwind Lake. Go through Timbermaw Hold and go east to Winterspring. Kill and loot the, Circle around to the north of Dreadmaul Rock to locate. Kill scorpions and anything else you see until you are at least level 6. Hearthstone back to Orgrimmar when you are done. and kill her. If the list of wowhead is correct, the drop rate from the Witherbark Trolls is around 0.04%. Otherwise, you’ll find a number of the quests in the next section to be a bit overwhelming. Sell junk and repair before leaving town. Before leaving, make sure to collect any Nugget Slugs you need to finish that quest up. Inside will be. Before going in, if you are more than three bubbles away from level 34, then kill trolls just north of camp until you are. Run west back to Alterac Mountains. From Ratchet, start going southwest to reach The Stagnant Oasis. Turn in, This will take a long time, so consider doing any (or all three) of the Find OOX escort quests in Gadgetzan, Feralas, or The Hinterlands. Jump into the lake and dive towards the center. Just focus on killing and looting the harpy named. We added a line at line 12 in level 49 to clear up that confusion. Pick up the flight path, then return to Sludge Fen by exiting Orgrimmar the way you came, running south for a few minutes, then running directly west to reach Sludge Fen. Run along the road going north. Go south to Fire Plume Ridge and climb to the top. Loot him and find the outhouse behind the barn. Turn around and run east, hugging the mountain on your left. If you accidentally aggro the demon run away until the warlocks ignore you. Used this for a horde toon and it is phenomenal. First go near the Marris Stead for Blood Tinged Skies and Plaguehound Runts for Demon Dogs. Look for the map and chart here. Near the entrance, continue to kill Venture Co. enemies. Partway down the ramp, walk off the side path and accept the quests: Keep an eye out and loot any power crystals you see on the ground. Repeat what you did with the western tower and then leave the tower. Green text means that it is time to turn in a quest. Run around mountains when you see them. Head north all the way back to Brackenwall Village. Run up and down (north and south) the road to find a tauren quest giver. Don’t do the escort quest here unless you are in a group. Once you’re done, follow the road northeast. Run north from here to another pillar mountain behind it. Turn in, . For each one, you’ll want to fight your way up the tower and look for a bowl on the ground. Kill and loot the, There are more eggs north of here. Exit the lake via the north coast. to finish that quest, then run into the nearby lake and dive to the bottom. Keep killing harpies in the Roguefeather Den until you need just 4,000 experience to reach level 32. Don’t forget to use your Evergreen Herb Pouch to try and find Morrowgrain. Look for, Now turn around and run west past The Den of Flame to reach Bloodfen Burrow. Place your, The next tower is to the southeast. Thanks again. Find your class trainer and accept the quest they have for you. Go down the first tunnel to find two braziers. Hello and welcome to our 1-60 horde leveling guide for WoW Classic! Run south of the structure and enter the house. . Kill more miners to finish up the quest and exit the mine. Now you need to go to the forge near the southfield. Start hugging the wall on your left until you find another room. Cross through the cave and stop on the other side. Turn in, Run back down and head west to get back to Freewind Post. Turn in. You need to loot a. from the yetis here, which will likely take several kills. In the center by the fire, you can find. Kill the elves here until Spiritual Unrest is done. . Kill and loot any raptors along your way. Numbers within the bars indicate the level range. Kill all the owlbeasts you need here, then continue south on the road. Run up the hill to the northwest and climb the tower to pick up the quest: Run southeast out of Razor Hill until you see a keep in the distance, killing anything in your path. Kill them for their hearts. Swim through the water to reach the island on the other side, Caer Darrow. Make sure to use the. Kill a zhevra and loot their carcass. Look for crates here and loot it to finish Expedition Salvation. Head southeast and cross the river. Collect 11. When you arrive, place your, From here, go north to find yet another tower. Repair and clear out your bags. Repeat this until the quest is done. Do “Arachnophobia”. Does anything exist? Once you have 10, exit the water and go southeast until you find Misty Reed Post. Kill him and loot the key off his corpse. Fight your way through the cave and loot everything. While you’re still here, accept the other quests here: . Then at level 56 part 3 it says to once again pick-up the quest Volcanic Activity, I’m assuming at this point it’s meant to say to turn in the quest. that you see. Leveling in WoW Classic is hard. Kill the elementals in the lake, including one named, near the island found in the middle. Once you’re near Sen’jin village, start heading west until you see some Centaurs (half human, half horse). Click the. Run southeast back to Tarren Mill (or hearthstone if it is available). Keep following the road west through Astranaar until it begins to curve north. Collect the last of your legs for Fresh Meat here. Thanks! You should also try and purchase a. . Begin hugging the mountain as you run north. Kill Echeyakee and loot his body. Run back and forth between Irontree Cavern and the area to the south. Turn in. The full list of dungeon quests can be found in the Leveling: List of Classic Dungeon Quests guide by Cielos. Make your hearthstone location Gadgetzan now. Now head east from town and a little to the south to find Waterspring Field. Leave Stonard and heard northeast to find, From here head south until you reach Misty Reed Post by the coast. Get any shredder manual pages that you have stored in your bank. Leave the area and head north back towards Bloodvenom River. . Turn in. Thanks for catching this one. Proceed east to Steamwheedle Port once the ruins are empty. Run east towards the entrance of Booty Bay, but head north once you reach the road. Kill the enemies here and make sure to fully explore the area to finish Verifying the Corruption. These can be started via Distress Beacons (. At Warcraft Tavern we’re huge fans of World of Warcraft Classic. There is a pack of three enemies inside, but once they’re killed you can find. Begin to climb it, but this time enter the cave on the east side. Teleport to Orgrimmar. This article is a list of all zones by level for World of Warcraft: Classic.. Run southwest across the river until you find the Boulder Lode Mine. Turn in. Go fight the slimes there to collect three, Once both quests are done, go east to an area filled with wolves and bears. Return west to the main road and follow it all the way west. . Cross this bridge and find the last chest with a note inside. Now head directly northeast to go back to Marshall’s Refuge. Click on the rug to finish Elixir of Agony. This.. Should we just give up on that item? But never say to accept this quest. Now go northeast of Hillsbrad Fields until you find a cave of yetis. . Leave the canyon and follow the road north until it splits into two. Follow the main road near Camp Taurajo north until it begins to curve to the east. right next to you. Kill Oasis Snapjaws until you have enough shells to complete Altered Beings. Find the cauldron next to. Keep killing owlbeasts here until you find a. […] Once the forest is clear, keep going northeast to Shaol’watha again. Turn in. WoW Classic: 40-50 Horde Leveling Guide. Most classes will just die repeatedly. While you’re still here, accept the quests: Head south from here until you see troggs in Agmond’s End. Kill the raptors surrounding them, then use your Sunscale Feather on the nest. Go north out of The Crossroads until you see a camp of quilboars to your right. Head northeast until you reach Plaguewood. In addition to everything in step 14, kill any. 40-41 – Badlands. Run over to Scrabblescrew’s Camp. Turn in, Accept the next follow up quests: only the next parts of, Head southwest now all the way to the coast. Make sure to loot everything. Fight your way inside the main building here. Kill the naga and crabs around Zoram Strand for easy experience. Why does this guide assume players will automaticly go to Barrens, Its not assuming, they are providing a route for u ( which u can either take or not), RE:Shadow Priest Damage Coefficients (TBC). Enter the house on the west side and turn in, Use your hearthstone to return to Undercity. Leave Thunder Bluff by taking a flight to Gadgetzan. . Go back on the road south and follow it until it splits into two. . Run west to find the entrance, but get off the road and instead stick to houses as you fight enemies in here. Run west to get back to The Crossroads. Now enter the cave and follow it through. Don’t enter town until you have enough raptor eyes. Repeat this until you pick up a, . Once you arrive at Tiragarde Keep, kill and loot all the humans you find. Head southeast to return to Owl Wing Thicket. Turn in, Make sure to repair, sell junk, and buy food if you need it. I actually started this guide late at level 21 so I’m 4 levels over this guide and still can’t get through. Right next to it is a much tougher centaur. Fight your way to the top of the guard tower by the main gate. Now head west down the cliff to reach Felpaw Village. Run just southeast of the lake to your northwest to find a small camp. Turn in, of the caves in Dreadmaul Rock. Keep going until you find ruins with trolls. Stay killing stuff here until all three remaining quests are done. Kill all of the trolls you see. Dive down and pick the tablet up without drawing attention from the murlocs. Enter The Crossroads and learn the flightpath. the guide never says to pickup that quest so when I got there I couldnt loot the clams.. It was realized that almost no mention of the dungeon was made in the guide and BFD is an important milestone for Horde level progression. From here, run northeast to find Sargeron. Then head east towards the wall of the zone. Stay in the area until Defenders of Darrowshire and A Plague Upon Thee are both finished. Head northeast to the main road. Run east and make your way back up the cliff. Go back to the road to the west. Learn the flightpath at the end of the docks. Flesheaters can be found further north. Don’t go inside the lodge, but instead run around it by going west. Kill all the elementals near the cavern and loot them when you are there. Head north to Emerald Sanctuary and turn in, Head north until you reach Jaedenar. Look for the pool of water south of here. Kill enough pirates to complete Southsea Freebooters, but don’t worry about. Who made this leveling guide? Turn in, Take a flight to Thunder Bluff. all optional, but you will need to spend more time grinding to make up for it instead. Repair, buy consumables, and sell your junk. I’m in 24 at the momment and loving it. At level 38 step 11, the guide tells you to hand in “An Unusual Patron”, but it has not previously told you to pick up this quest. Then run southeast back to the slope leading down. Find the hyena named. Follow the path to take you into Silithus. Head north from here to reach Flame Crest. near the bottom of the pyramid. Now you need to swim all the way to the islands in the distance. Kill things in the area until you find. Go to the right and kill the Quel’Lithien Protectors you see. . Turn in, Ursangous’s Paw, Ashenvale Outrunners, Torek’s Assault, Stonetalon Standstill, Take a flight to Zoram’gar Outpost. At this point, head northwest and enter Marshall’s Refuge. Run south until you find a path leading you into Jaedenar. The guides have been tweaked many times over the years to make things "faster". Look for. Turn in, Now go west all the way back to Kargath. Also the map to Swamp of Sorrows at level 40 part 6 is a little off. Great guide thank you. In the rest of the town, accept the following quests: Go south from Ratchet, closely following the coast to your left. Looks like it forget to turn in the quest too. You’ll also need 30. Turn in. I think you should note to turn in A Peon’s Burden at 6-1, as well as WANTED: Arnak Grimtotem at 29-14 as otherwise these quests are picked up and completed but simply not turned in. Kill them and the tigers nearby until you Mok’thardin’s Enchantment and Panther Mastery are finished. At this point, you’re probably going to want to do a dungeon to pad out your xp and get closer to the next level before continuing. Fight your way west again towards the entrance of the Slag Pit. . Now head northwest to get back to Stonard. What we’ve surmised is that you must have been looking at the second half of the quest Broken Alliance (https://vanillawowdb.com/?quest=793) which is, as you’ve pointed out, meant for a higher level, or for a group. Don’t forget to pick up a stone before leaving. Fight through and enter Shadow Hold. Check the corner of the next room to find, Exit the chasm and run all the way north back to Gadgetzan. Return to the foreman east of the The Den and turn in. Run all the way south now back to the main road. Head south and go to the Undercroft. Continue on the road until you are south of the Marris Stead. He has the quest: Run southeast now until you reach Bael Modan. Accept Blood Feeders. chapter 15 of lvl 25 have a typo in it, I think you meant lvl 26? Sometimes you pull them anyway and need to use your class skills to flee. . Again thanks for helping us to improve the guide. When you find them, start running north along the mountains until you find Northwatch Hold. Kill everything around it to prepare for a fight. Kill oozes outside if you don’t have slime samples yet. Fight your way inside the lodge and go east. Classification For the classification before Cataclysm, see Zones by level (original).For the original classification after Cataclysm pre-Patch 7.3.5, see Zones by level (Cataclysm). Hey! From here run just a bit further north until you find a path leading to the west. Kill. Turn left and run until you find. Collect the six crystals you need here. You’re going to use it several times to return to specific locations. Go to the larger house in the northern field. Now get on a flight to Marshall’s Refuge. Use the auction house, repair, and clear out your bags now. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Head out the west gate of The Crossroads and keep running until you get close to Stonetalon Mountains. If you are a rogue and your lockpicking is high enough, you can technically skip the Key to Scholomance and its lead up quests, but you will miss out on all of the xp, so don’t. Run to the top of the plateau and kill the humans there. Eventually you’ll arrive at Kargath. Anytime you need to travel, ride your mount! Change your hearthstone location to Orgrimmar! Don't forget, if … 20-21 – Stonetalon Mountains. Run to the northern part of town and turn in. Once you have them, head back to the docks. Great guide nonetheless! Lvl 37 Step 30 you say to collect clams from clam shell for the quest “clam bait”. Run southwest again to get back to Hillsbrad Fields. – This guide is designed to be usable with every horde race. After reaching level 16 start heading west. Fight you way towards the tower and wait for, Use your hearthstone to return to Undercity. Run south along the river until you it opens up into a clearing. Cross the first bridge you see, but stop at the second one. Kill any bears and spiders that you see along the way. When you reach the eastern pylon, follow the ramp up. Look for a ramp leading downwards and follow it to enter Un’Goro Crater. . Eventually you will find. Hand in, Now start running north back to Marshall’s Refuge. At 26-3 you have us pick up the quest A New Ore and then at 28-13 you have us turn it in. Kill and loot a, . If you aren’t yet level 47, head west and kill the darters until you are. Continue killing any spiders and bears that you see. Turn in, Head southwest back to the furbolg village. When you click it, you will be ambushed by three trolls. Combine the meat and mixture, then use the meat to summon, Keep running north along the wall until starts to go north. Kill any remaining trolls that you need for Speaking with Gan’zulah. Proceed to clear both camps of trolls again. Cross the bridge and enter the gate to enter Orgrimmar. Look for. You are already on the high end of the level requirement for the dungeon and there are a lot of quests for it at the Outpost. Clear the gorillas you see and keep going to find, Finish the escort, then immediately hand in, Run southwest to the river past the tar pools and cross it. This Classic World of Warcraft Mining leveling guide will help you to level your Mining profession up from 1 to 300.