Step 4: You can even add Emojis to your custom status. Step 1: Open the Discord App in your iOS or Android device and click on the user icon on the bottom right of your App. You can add game status for mobile phone so that you can see what is playing on the mobile phone. Thank you guys or watching my video on how to set a custom playing status on discord! Discord; Feedback; Mobile; Game status Purple Watermelon February 10, 2020 14:38; Allow mobile to display what they're playing , for ex. x Get webhook notifications whenever Discord creates an incident, updates an incident, resolves an incident or changes a component status. It's surprisingly easy to show a custom playing status message, instead of a genuine one, in Discord. Both you can change it and set your “”Custom Status,”” and the second way is to go to user settings then game activity. The drawback here is if you are playing a game that is not present in the Discord database or unverified games then the Discord app will not recognize your game status. Change Your Discord Status on Android, iPhone, or iPad. one thing that makes ios so secure is the fact that apps are heavily sandboxed, which provides many protections for the user (unless jailbroken, which essentially is bypassing them) but limits certain functions that apps can do, and other open apps is one of those. You can also change your status in the Discord mobile app on Android, iPhone, or iPad. Hence, discord game status is great fun, and the verified game is an exciting way to do a set. With Rich Presence you can add beautiful art and detailed information to show off your game even more. Step 2: Tap on the “Set Status” button to add custom discord status. Comments 0 comments. Players love to show off what they are playing with Discord’s status feature. Change Your Game Status in Discord Manually. Changing Playing Status on Discord on Mobile App. But, there is a way through which you can change your game status for unverified games. Get Viral Exposure For Your Game. This lets players know what their friends are … Yes. Please. Welcome to Discord's home for real-time and historical data on system performance. Before we start, it is important to note that this does not work on the mobile version of Discord. Custom Status Using The Mobile App. 4. :) Showing what game you're playing on your Xbox. To toggle the game status feature on or off, click "Games" in the menu on the left of the settings screen, and click the toggle button, pictured: Note: the "Games" button will not be in the menu if your device does not support the game sharing feature. Well, while using smartphones, there are two ways to change the game status. Step 3: Tap on the “Set a custom status” button and add your preferred custom status. For example, your status will switch to “Idle” if you don’t touch your keyboard for a brief period (unless you’ve already set a status manually). This guide details the steps you must follow to do so. If you liked please remember to like, comment, and subscribe! let’s’s talk about how you can change your Discord playing status on Discord mobile app.