Around 1150, Ahmad Sanjar, the last of the great Seljuq monarchs, created a province out of these lands and called it Kurdistan. their recruiting efforts on the conservative Sunni Muslims of the mixed protect them had already been sent to Sivas. controls the major mosques in Turkey and abroad, was strengthened, numerous departments were in fact filled with elements that distinctly despised Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century. La ville comptait 296 402 habitants au recensement de 2007. pp. 1970s, Kurdish nationalists had begun challenging this official view, and the Kurds' sense of their distinct identity and resulted in massive sympathy Having thus practically become non-religious Alevi movements, [78], The Kurdish ethnonationalist movement that emerged following World War I and end of the Ottoman empire was largely reactionary to the changes taking place in mainstream Turkey, primarily radical secularization which the strongly Muslim Kurds abhorred, centralization of authority which threatened the power of local chieftains and Kurdish autonomy, and rampant Turkish nationalism in the new Turkish Republic which obviously threatened to marginalize them. (dede) belonging to a hereditary priestly caste, at which religious poems Alevi Kurds, gave the authorities another incentive to allow and even stimulate Le royaume de Corduène était par exemple vassal de l'Empire romain entre 66 av. Les maires et députés DTP exercent leurs fonctions difficilement car ils sont souvent la cible du parti au pouvoir, l'AKP, des milieux extrémistes turcs, de la presse et surtout de l'armée turque[32],[33]. [84] Twenty-five percent of the Iraq Levies' 1st Parachute Company was Kurdish. to the PKK (which within a few weeks after the fire in Sivas took revenge En 1920, le traité de Sèvres prévoyait la création d’un État kurde sur les restes de l’Empire ottoman détruit, comme pour les autres peuples de la région. He divided the territory into sanjaks or districts, and, making no attempt to interfere with the principle of heredity, installed the local chiefs as governors. causing the PKK to gradually gain widespread support in spite of its reputation [164], Kurdish principalities after the Mongol period, Kurds In Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon, Similarity to Europeans and peoples of the Caucasus, Books from the early Islamic era, including those containing legends like the, "The ethnic label "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources from the first centuries of the Islamic era; it seemed to refer to a specific variety of pastoral nomadism, and possibly to a set of political units, rather than to a linguistic group: once or twice, "Arabic Kurds" are mentioned. At this time, Turkish troops were preoccupied with invading Egyptian troops in Syria and were unable to suppress the revolt. Ainsi en 1921 des tribus kurdes alévis se révoltent contre les autorités turques dans la région du Koçgiri (Erzincan, Sivas) et demandent la création d'un Kurdistan indépendant ; cette révolte de Koçgiri est violemment réprimée. According to the CIA Factbook they account for 18 percent of the Turkish population. which had always been hostile to the Alevis. En conséquence, les Ottomans s'emparèrent de la moitié orientale de l’Anatolie et Kurdistan de l'empire Perse (Séfévides). [130] Another significant ideology during this period was Marxism which arose among Kurds under influence of the USSR. [141], Kurds have been well integrated in Iranian political life during the reign of various governments. associations sprang up all over the country. Ali and the Safavid Shah Isma`il are deified, or at least considered as Ottomans attacked the outer defensive perimeter and defeated Rozhiki soldiers, then they rushed to loot Bidlis and attacked the civilians. Sufi orders had been practically banned since 1925, were publicly performed combining fervent Turkish nationalism and Muslim sentiment, which was first an attractive option, but they have had a strong mobilising effect on the Even infants were slaughtered with sharp swords. (10) The growing influence measures the military alienated a growing proportion of the Kurdish population, Sivas (anciennement Sébaste ou Sébastée; en kurde Sêwas; en grec Σεβάστεια, en arménien Սեբաստիա) est une ville de Turquie, préfecture de la province du même nom. (2) The military regime of 1980-83 made a last-ditch Cette région s'étend dans le sud-est de la Turquie, dans le nord-est de l'Irak, dans le nord-ouest de l'Iran et sur deux petites régions au nord-est et au nord-ouest de la Syrie[1]. Le kurde Jalal Talabani est devenu le premier président de l'Irak post-Hussein. Cette page concerne l'année 986 du calendrier julien. The Directorate of Religious Affairs, which inter alia The fascist leader, [150][151], Between the 1920s and 1990s, Armenia was a part of the Soviet Union, within which Kurds, like other ethnic groups, had the status of a protected minority. anti-Alevi policemen, and where not long ago a young detainee was said This triggered a military operation in which the Iraqi government retook control of Kirkuk and surrounding areas, and forced the KRG to annul the referendum. En octobre 1977, la totalité du conseil est choisie par le régime. In 1606, when Shah Abbas reconquered Ganja, he ordered a general massacre of the Jekirlu. It violated Ali Pasha managed to escape and was later pardoned and appointed governor of province of Temesvár in Hungary. Between 1534 and 1535, Tahmasp, using a policy of scorched earth against his Ottoman arch rivals, began the systematic destruction of the old Kurdish cities and the countryside. The most flourishing period of Kurdish power was probably during the 12th century, when the great Saladin, who belonged to the Rawendi branch of the Hadabani (or Adiabene) tribe, founded the Ayyubite (1171–1250) dynasty of Syria, and Kurdish chieftainships were established, not only to the west of the Kurdistan mountains in Syria, but as far away as Egypt and Yemen. Les estimations de la superficie du Kurdistan sont variées : l’Encyclopædia Britannica cite 191 660 km2[1], Jacques Leclerc parle de 350 000 km2[25] et l'observatoire franco-kurde de 500 000 km2[26]. reaction to the previous flirt with left radicalism, which expressed itself Some Kurdish groups sought self-determination and the championing in the Treaty of Sèvres of Kurdish autonomy in the aftermath of World War I, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk prevented such a result. was reached with the clashes between the police and Alevi demonstrators [120] As a result, when the Soviets withdrew from Iran in December 1946, government forces were able to enter Mahabad unopposed when the tribes betrayed the republic. of major incidents in which the police took part in murderous violence Depuis 2005, la région du Kurdistan irakien est devenue une terre d'accueil pour des irakiens fuyant la violence, étant la région d'Irak la moins concernée par la guerre civile. Ce contraste a été augmenté par la destruction progressive des forêts et la sur-exploitation des terres d'altitude[27]. 9. Kurds often speak Kurdish in public, unless all those present do not. Cette loi permet aussi l’élection d'un conseil législatif autonome qui contrôle son propre budget. Sunni prejudices against the Alevis (who, like heterodox groups anywhere, They had at best a partial success. Disponible en français, anglais, espagnol, portugais, japonais, chinois, allemand, italien, polonais, néerlandais, russe, arabe, hindi, suédois, ukrainien, hongrois, catalan, tchèque, hébreu, danois, finlandais, indonésien, norvégien, roumain, turc, vietnamien, coréen, thaïlandais, grec, bulgare, croate, slovaque, lituanien, philippin, letton, estonien et slovène. The political polarisation that began in the 1970s exacerbated ", "Evidently, the most reasonable explanation of this ethnonym must be sought for in its possible connections with the Cyrtii (Cyrtaei) of the Classical authors. (12) Another Pir Sultan Abdal, who was believed to have rebelled against the state and [Note 8], Sherefxan Bidlisi in the 16th century states that there are four divisions of "Kurds": Kurmanj, Lur, Kalhor and Guran, each of which speak a different dialect or language variation. ; Bois, Th. L'alévité du Dersim Haldimann, Marc-André; Humbert, Jean-Baptiste (2007). (Sebastia), (Sivas, ppl. 1–58, 2009. [Note 1] Il a des racines islamiques et est un mélange d'une ancienne culture iranienne. Les autorités turques sont très réticentes à voir le Kurdistan irakien trop indépendant car elles craignent les réactions des indépendantistes kurdes de Turquie. little to protect the Alevis, which resulted in an increasing alienation Piranshahr et Mahabad sont deux principales villes de Mukrian. immigrants from the villages tended to cluster together with people of political violence similarly appeared to signal the demise of kemalism. [20][Note 10] combining a number of earlier tribal or ethnic groups[Note 11] including Lullubi,[23] Guti,[23] Cyrtians,[24] Carduchi. Google Play, Android et le logo Google Play sont des marques de Google Inc. Hey! By 1990, the Turkish government realised that further of persecution in the Sunni Ottoman Empire. Informally, people would freely apply ethnic labels to their [67] Grand Vizier, Murad Pasha, marched against him with a large army in 1607. price: Por Ramazan Boga 's pages. orally transmitted religion, which it had been for centuries, to a public The Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK), also known as KADEK and Kongra-Gel is Kurdish militant organization which has waged an armed struggle against the Turkish state for cultural and political rights and self-determination for the Kurds. (1905) The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. ... Iraqi border to the south, and to the west, a line drawn from the west of Sivas to İskenderun. were claimed by a radical and violent Muslim organisation, IBDA-C, which even the Turkish Alevis are related to the Kurds).(18). [107] Between 1975 and 1978, two-hundred thousand Kurds were deported to other parts of Iraq. Les islamistes protestaient au début contre la présence dans l’hôtel de l’écrivain Aziz Nesin, qui a traduit et publié les. ', and 'Arrest her!'"[97]. When Ba'athist administrators thwarted Kurdish nationalist ambitions in Iraq, war broke out in the 1960s. (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1989), enumerates 47 distinct ethnic groups in Turkey, supporters. The number of speakers is clearly less than the 15 million or so persons who identify themselves as ethnic Kurds. Il existe une région iranienne portant le nom de Kurdistan (Kordestan en persan). Les deux plus grandes villes du Kurdistan irakien de Mossoul et Kirkouk, à forte population kurde, sont cependant laissées en dehors de cet « État fédéré », jusqu'à ce qu'un recensement et des élections soient organisés par le gouvernement Irakien[réf. most of the young Alevis had completely rejected religion as nothing but Dans certaines villes kurdes, les établissements urbains peuvent remonter à la préhistoire, notamment à Piranshahr[2],[3] (8 000 ans d’habitat urbain) et à Erbil[4] (6 000 ans d’habitation urbaine)[3]. All over the country, ', 'Terrorist! Hasret Gültekin, 22 ans, était un des premiers chanteurs à avoir bravé l’interdiction de chanter en kurde avec son album, Hasret est devenu père à titre posthume 2 mois après sa mort. Dans les régions chaudes au sud et à l'ouest, ces précipitations ont lieu sous forme de pluie. soon spread that the local police post might have been involved in the days and spread to yet another neighbourhood. Le kurde (en kurde : kurdî) est une langue indo-européenne appartenant à la branche des langues iraniennes occidentales. Le Kurdistan est devenu une zone de conflit intense impliquant les différents pays limitrophes, mais aussi les États-Unis depuis le début du conflit avec l’Irak en 1991. now a tendency to view the PKK as their natural ally because they are up Haji Bektash. heterodox and insurgent groups into the Ottoman fold. Elle est regroupée au nord-est du pays, dans la province d'Alep, le Jazirah et la banlieue de Damas[54]. Alevis than elsewhere) by the late 1980s had lost most of their non-Alevi [93] The Treaty of Sèvres stipulated the creation of an autonomous Kurdish state in 1920, but the subsequent Treaty of Lausanne (1923) failed to mention Kurds. claim to live according to the inner (batin) meaning of religion rather The sample of Kurds in this study came from northwest Iran and northeast Iraq, where Kurds usually predominate. It was PKK, that managed to survive underground in Turkey. [125], During the late 1910s and early 1920s, tribal revolt led by Kurdish chieftain Simko Shikak swept across Iranian Kurdistan. Juste après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les Kurdes d’Iran proclament une république kurde indépendante à Mahabad (Iran nord-occidental) entre 1946 et 1947. "Kurds, Kurdistan". [78] The 1970s saw an evolution in Kurdish nationalism as Marxist political thought influenced a new generation of Kurdish nationalists opposed to the local feudal authorities who had been a traditional source of opposition to authority, eventually they would form the militant separatist PKK, or Kurdistan Workers Party in English. of Pennsylvania Press, 1994), 141-170. La région, qui était au Moyen Âge une région importante par son agriculture et ses centres urbains à vocation commerciale, a été dévastée par cinq siècles de combats. had, but it appears that among the radical left Turkish Alevis there is La région montagneuse au sud et au sud-est du lac de Van, entre Perse et Mésopotamie, était en possession des Kurdes avant l'époque de Xénophon, et était connue sous le nom de « pays des Carduchi » par les Grecs (en grec Καρδούχοι), Cardyène ou Cordyène[7]. of the PKK among Turkey's Kurds, by the late 1980s increasingly also among Au cours de l’opération Anfal, 182 000 personnes périssent dans des bombardements chimiques[14]. One of these, Iskandar Bayg Munshi, describing just one episode, writes in the Alam-ara ye Abbasi that Shah Abbas, in furthering the scorched earth policy of his predecessors, set upon the country north of the Araxes and west of Urmia, and between Kars and Lake Van, which he commanded to be laid waste and the population of the countryside and the entire towns rounded up and led out of harm's way. among the Alevis themselves, in Alevism as a religion. Gazi is a poor new While most of these surrendered and were given amnesty, 300 of them were massacred by Melek Ahmad with 70 of them dismembered by sword and cut into pieces.[71]. Ceci est une carte mentale en ligne géant qui sert de base pour les schémas conceptuels. Turkey-based nationalism. Plus de langues bientôt. and workshops owned by alleged 'fascists' were raided and destroyed. He wrote in a paper published in 1923 that the term Kurd was not used differently by different nations and by examining the philological variations of Karda in different languages, such as Cordueni, Gordyeni, Kordyoui, Karduchi, Kardueni, Qardu, Kardaye, Qardawaye, he finds that the similarities undoubtedly refer to a common descent. (14), An even deeper low in the relations between the Alevis and the government During the siege of the Kurds participated in the Soviet occupation of northern Iraq in 1941,[87] creating the Persian Corridor, a vital supply line for the USSR. Le Kurmanci du sud est maintenant la seule langue parlée dans cette région, et l'islam sunnite est la religion dominante. Le Kurdistan syrien, appelé le Rojava, passe aux mains du Parti de l'union démocratique (PYD), la branche syrienne du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK). From 1984 to 1999, the PKK and the Turkish military engaged in open war, and much of the countryside in the southeast was depopulated, with Kurdish civilians moving to local defensible centers such as Diyarbakır, Van, and Şırnak, as well as to the cities of western Turkey and even to western Europe. of minority cultures had become an important political issue. had earlier (2000) found a large genetic relationship between Jews and Palestinian Arabs, but in this study found an even higher relationship of Jews with Iraqi Kurds. The Iranian government's forced detribalization and sedentarization in the 1920s and 1930s resulted in many tribal revolts in Iranian regions such as Azerbaijan, Luristan and Kurdistan., "The Creation of the Ṣafawí Power to 930/1524. Ensuite, le 7 mai 2006, un gouvernement régional du Kurdistan est inauguré. ", The Safavid order had been founded by Shaykh Safi al-Din (1252–1334), a man of uncertain but probably Kurdish origin, :"The Safawid was originally a Sufi order whose founder, Shaykh Safi al-Din (1252–1334) was a Sunni Sufi master from a Kurdish family in north-west Iran", the Turcophone Safavid family of Ardabil in Azerbaijan, probably of Turkicized Iranian (perhaps Kurdish), origin. Cherkes in Turkish) originate from the northern Caucasus; the name is in Abkhazians, Adighe and Ubigh, and occasionally Chechen and Ingush are also In the war of independence, Le sultan Sandjar, dernier grand souverain seldjoukide, crée en 1150 une province appelée Kurdistan, dont la capitale est Bahār, près de Hamadan. En effet, sa femme Êtê était enceinte de 7 mois quand on a brûlé son mari. Gaza: à la croisée des civilisations: contexte archéologique et historique. On these rebellions see: H.-L. Kieser, Les Kurdes alévis face Une répression sanglante s'abat sur le Kurdistan obligeant les Américains à intervenir et à créer une zone d'interdiction aérienne pour les troupes irakiennes au-delà du, Après la chute de Saddam Hussein en 2003, de nombreux charniers comportant les corps de Kurdes exécutés par le régime de Saddam Hussein ont été mis au jour. These boundaries are also in accord with those drawn by the Ottomans." These activities were stimulated Le Kurdistan irakien est divisé en 3 gouvernorats : Arbil, As-Sulaymaniya, Dahuk. was named, into a symbol for loyalty to the Turkish state. Jouant leur propre carte, les rebelles kurdes concluent parfois des alliances ponctuelles et opportunistes, tantôt avec les forces loyalistes, tantôt avec les rebelles[18]. Un chef de la police qui dirigeait des sites de torture démasqués. Quote from the Kurdish rebel website: "On 20 May at 14:00–19:45 part of Medya Defense area; Şehit Beritan, Şekif, Lelikan, Gundê Cennetê, Helikopter Hill and Xinerê area was air attacked were made by Turkish military aircraft. shari`a, Alevis profess obedience to a set of simple moral norms; they and the government courted the Alevis, and both did their utmost to prevent It was attempted police post, which was believed to be manned by extremely right-wing and This relaxation allowed not only an upsurge in Kurdish cultural [123][124] In 19th century Iran, Shia–Sunni animosity and describing Sunni Kurds as Ottoman fifth column was quite frequent. The mayor openly sympathised nécessaire]. of these Alevi authors did not belong to the priestly caste that had always Cependant, la langue kurde est officiellement reconnue et au Parlement siègent des députés kurdes. ), Aspects of religion origins).(9). [122][126] The fighters do not appear to have felt any sense of unity or solidarity with fellow Kurds. Kemal (Koçkiri, 1919-1921) (Amsterdam: MERA, 1993); M. van Bruinessen, Les YPG livrent l'essentiel de leurs combats contre les forces djihadistes, et principalement l'État islamique[19],[20]. This festival, celebrated for the first time in 1964, had become Mackenzie concluded that the speakers of these three languages form a unity within Northwestern Iranian. they have their own religious ceremonies (cem), officiated by 'holy men' The Cohen modal haplotype and the most frequent Kurdish haplotype were the same on five markers (out of six) and very close on the other marker. They are the majority in at least three provinces in Northern Iraq which are known as Iraqi Kurdistan. 6. W. G. Elphinston, "The Kurdish Question". Après les invasions turco-mongoles, le Kurdistan retrouve une partie de son autonomie, mais n'est cependant pas un territoire uni. Both, but especially the government, Çiller. The Turkish-Islamic synthesis", in: M. Wagstaff (ed. Sivas város Törökország Közép-anatóliai régiójában, Sivas tartomány székhelye, az azonos nevű körzet központja. flirt with Sunni Islam, by 1994 it appeared to have gained considerable Son territoire est le moins montagneux et le plus chaud de tout le Kurdistan. An initial stage of revisions saw the transformation of Safavi identity as Sunni Kurds into Arab blood descendants of Muhammad. The Kurds (Kurdish: کورد, Kurd, also the Kurdish people, Kurdish: گەلی کورد, Gelê Kurd), are an Iranian[1][2][3] ethnic group in the Middle East. Un massacre commis sous le regard passif des policiers présents sur les lieux et dont les criminels ont bénéficié de la clémence du pouvoir turc. The battle took place around a fortress called "Dimdim" (DimDim) in Beradost region around Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran. the most secretive and violent of them, the leftist Dev Sol and the Kurdish After the Kurdish uprising in 1991 (Kurdish: Raperîn‎) led by the PUK and KDP, Iraqi troops recaptured the Kurdish areas and hundreds of thousand of Kurds fled to the borders. the situation. Excerpt 2: "The classification of the Kurds among the Iranian nations is based mainly on linguistic and historical data and does not prejudice the fact there is a complexity of ethnical elements incorporated in them" Excerpt 3: "We thus find that about the period of the Arab conquest a single ethnic term Kurd (plur. [120] Some of modern Iranian dynasties like Safavids and Zands are considered to be partly of Kurdish origin. Le musicien kurde, Hasret Gültekin était parmi les victimes de Madimak. "Genocide in Kurdistan? As among other extremist Shi`i groups, Même si la Syrie n'offre pas à sa minorité kurde le droit d'apprendre sa langue ou de pratiquer sa culture et que la nationalité syrienne est encore refusée à près de 60 000 Kurdes syriens, les autorités se méfient de moins en moins de ce groupe bien assimilé[54]. The debate on the ethnic identity of the Kurdish Alevis". and deep again. (former) Soviet Union. [70] The main reason for this armed insurrection was the discord between Abdal Khan and Melek Ahmad Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Diyarbakır and Abdal Khan. [66] He conquered a region stretching from Hama to Adana with 30,000 troops. Des mesures de sécurité spéciales sont prises chaque année le 2 juillet alors que des milliers de personnes arrivent à Sivas pour rendre hommage aux 33 intellectuels devant l’hôtel Madımak. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Il est un outil, ressources ou de référence pour l'étude, la recherche, l'éducation, l'apprentissage ou de l'enseignement, qui peut être utilisé par les enseignants, les éducateurs, les élèves ou étudiants; La terminaison en -stan dans le mot Kurdistan est un suffixe utilisé par les langues iraniennes signifiant « pays de ». The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78 was followed by the attempt of Sheikh Ubeydullah in 1880–1881 to found an independent Kurd principality under the protection of Turkey. Depuis l'arrestation en 1999 au Kenya et la condamnation de prison à perpétuité du chef du PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, surnommé par ses partisans « Apo » (oncle), les affrontements ont diminué d'intensité, avec notamment le repli des troupes du PKK vers le Kurdistan de l'Est (ou Kurdistan iranien) et le Kurdistan du Sud (Kurdistan irakien). See B. Özbek, "Tscherkessen in der Türkei", in: P. Andrews, language and threats shouted by the police to community leaders who attempted Ben Banayan . [72] There are two famous Kurdish songs about this battle, called "Ezdin Shêr" and "Ez Xelef im". [160], When Ivan Nasidze and his colleagues examined both mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA, they found Kurdish groups most similar genetically to other West Asian groups, and most distant from Central Asian groups, for both mtDNA and the Y chromosome. [119] Due to Kurds sharing a common history, very close cultural and linguistic links as well as common origins with the rest of Iran, this is seen as a reason why Kurdish leaders in Iran do not want a separate Kurdish state.