[99], Storm surge and flash flooding—stemming from flood gate releases at La Plata Lake Dam—converged on the town of Toa Baja, trapping thousands of residents. Maria est devenue un ouragan de catégorie 1 le 17 septembre en après-midi à 225 km à l'est-nord-est de la Barbade et se dirigeant directement vers la partie nord des Petites Antilles tout en se creusant[5]. I grew up in New York, so I know many people from Puerto Rico. [103] Beyond flights involving the relief effort, limited commercial traffic resumed at Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport on September 22 under primitive conditions. [35], Blustery conditions spread over Guadeloupe as Maria tracked to the south of the archipelago, which endured hours of unabating hurricane-force winds. franceinfo. Haïti : Ouragan Matthew 3W - Education (Du 20 fév au 31 mars 2017) Map. Maria passe à la catégorie 4 en soirée du 18 septembre selon le bulletin de 21 h UTC du NHC. [130] The Federal Emergency Management Agency planned to open an air bridge with three to four aircraft carrying essential supplies to the island daily starting on September 22. La Floride désertée par ses habitants . [232] The response was met with immediate criticism, including from Mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz and Florida Congresswoman and fellow Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.[233]. Au 28 septembre, le port de San Juan n'avait pu livrer que 4 % des livraisons reçues et pouvait donc difficilement accepter des expéditions supplémentaires[130]. ",[258] prompting further criticism from lawmakers in both parties;[259] Mayor Cruz replied, "You are incapable of empathy and frankly simply cannot get the job done. Track the latest winter storm activity with CNN's storm tracker Approximately 60,000 people lost power in northern areas of the country. [61] Water service was cut to 50,000 customers, especially in the communes of Le Morne-Rouge and Gros-Morne. [149][150][151][152] By September 24, there were thirteen United States Coast Guard ships deployed around Puerto Rico assisting in the relief and restoration efforts: the National Security Cutter USCGC James; the medium endurance cutters USCGC Diligence, USCGC Forward, USCGC Venturous, and USCGC Valiant; the fast response cutters USCGC Donald Horsley, USCGC Heriberto Hernandez, USCGC Joseph Napier, USCGC Richard Dixon, and USCGC Winslow W. Griesser; the coastal patrol boat USCGC Yellowfin; and the seagoing buoy tenders USCGC Cypress and USCGC Elm. This is what we found", "New data shows hurricane deaths in Puerto Rico could be 20 times higher than the government claims", "Official Toll in Puerto Rico: 64. Le mur de l'œil externe de Maria a traversé l'île de Sainte-Croix alors que l'ouragan était de catégorie 5. Securing the Future for Puerto Rico: Restoring the Island's robust Medical Product Manuring Sector, p. 4-5, EPA, 2017. [92], The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20, near the Yabucoa municipality at 10:15 UTC (6:15 a.m. local time) as a high-end Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph (250 km/h). [135] On October 6, a little more than two weeks after the hurricane, 89% still had no power, 44% had no water service, and 58% had no cell service. A complete replacement of fossil fuel infrastructure is unlikely as solar and wind are too intermittent and are also vulnerable to another hurricane. [264], In a press release on October 27, FEMA stated it did not approve of PREPA's contract with Whitefish and cited "significant concerns". Le 19 septembre, au moins 2 000 personnes les avaient gagné[27]. Celui-ci est alors établi à 499 réparti avec les chiffres provenant de 112 salon funéraires qui disent avoir traité des victimes de l'ouragan[105], mais ce rapport n'a rien d'officiel. [14] These winds, the most extreme to ever impact the island,[67] damaged the roof of practically every home—including the official residence of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, who required rescue when his home began to flood. [263] and less than a month later Trump described the federal response to Hurricane Maria as "an incredible, unsung success ... the best job we did was Puerto Rico [compared to hurricanes in Texas and Florida] but nobody would understand that". L'ouragan Maria est passé à 250 km de Haïti mais la partie nord a reçu beaucoup de pluie et subit de nombreuses inondations. A couple of days later, Comfort departed on an around the island tour to assist, remaining a dozen miles off shore. Les maisons à Terre-de-Haut furent inondés ou ont perdu leurs toits et furent inondées, comme certaines à Marie-Galante[79]. We saved a lot of lives. Ce nombre s'ajoutant aux migrants qui chaque année font ce trajet à cause des difficultés financières de l'île[137]. Maria is the deadliest hurricane in Dominica since the 1834 Padre Ruíz hurricane[4] and the deadliest in Puerto Rico since the 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane. [7] Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist-deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. "[251] In an update on October 19, the agency called the situation in Puerto Rico "unacceptable" and called for "a more robust and efficient response from the US government". Hurricane Irma & Maria. [5] The death toll in Puerto Rico was initially reported as 64 by Puerto Rican authorities but revised after several studies estimated between 1,400 and 5,740 deaths were attributable to the storm. [148] By September 26, 2017, agencies of the U.S. government had delivered four million meals, six million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting. [7], Upon the initiation of the National Hurricane Center (NHC)'s first advisories for the system that would become Tropical Storm Maria on the morning of September 16, the government of France issued tropical storm watches for the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, while St. Lucia issued a tropical storm watch for its citizens, and the government of Barbados issued a similar watch for Dominica. Huit équipes de recherche et de sauvetage urbaines de la FEMA furent ensuite déployées pour aider aux efforts de sauvetage[116]. Why? Hurricane Maria, which remains a Category 3 major hurricane on the scale-Saffir Simpson, was located this morning (Thursday 21 September 21 2017) near the north-east coast of the Dominican Republic. Les vents ont détruit un grand pourcentage des maisons et soufflé une très grande partie des autres toits dans l'île[85]. L'aide fédérale est arrivée le 25 septembre avec la réouverture des principaux ports. [198] On February 11, an explosion and fire damaged a power substation in Monacillo,[199] causing a large blackout in northern parts of the island including San Juan, Trujillo Alto, Guaynabo, Carolina, Caguas, and Juncos. Lors de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies du 23 septembre, le Premier ministre a réitéré que la situation en Dominique d'« une urgence humanitaire internationale »[108]. In the immediate months following Maria, the initial death toll relayed from the Government of Puerto Rico came into question by media outlets, politicians, and investigative journalists. La mer démontée par Maria a inondé les promenades côtières à Bridgetown et endommagé des bateaux que les opérateurs n'avaient pu amarrer[54]. Des précipitations très fortes tombèrent sur toute l'île, atteignant 962,7 mm à Caguas[87]. Le passage de Maria a complètement détruit ce qui restait du réseau électrique de l'île, laissant les 3,4 millions d'habitants sans électricité[93],[94],[95]. [265] No requests for assistance had been made to the American Public Power Association by October 24. L'ouragan Eta dévaste la côte caraïbe du Nicaragua. 0:46. Des troupes de la Garde nationale furent activées et déployées à Porto Rico depuis le Connecticut, la Géorgie, l'Iowa, l'Illinois, le Kentucky, le Missouri, New York, le Rhode Island et le Wisconsin. [193], Puerto Rico is a major manufacturer of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, which represent 30% of its economy. Puerto Rican travelers often chose to go to Orlando, Miami, New York City, and Atlanta. Published on 06 Apr 2017 — View Original. L'ouragan Maria Par: Hailey Kennedy Merci! By September 15, 2017, 83% of the items there, including 90% of the water and all of the tarps and cots, had been deployed for post-Irma relief, mostly to the U.S. Virgin Islands. [144], The entirety of Puerto Rico was declared a Federal Disaster Zone shortly after the hurricane. Les survivants indiquèrent que le niveau de l'eau monta à un rythme de 1,80 m) en 30 minutes, le niveau maximal atteignant 4,6 m dans certaines zones. The islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique endured widespread flooding, damaged roofs, and uprooted trees. Les premiers rapports de Roseau indiquèrent une « dévastation totale », avec la moitié du village inondé, les voitures parties avec la crue des eaux et la zone résidentielle « aplaties »[59],[60]. The winds stripped the public library of its roof panels and demolished all but one wall of the Baptist church. Martin's foundation had raised over three million dollars by October 13, 2017. [29] By September 19, 2017, at least 2,000 people in Puerto Rico had sought shelter. The death toll in the Caribbean hit 37 after the first death on Haiti was confirmed. However, most of the 250 bed floating state-of-the-art hospital went unused despite overburdened island clinics and hospitals because there were few referrals. [252], On October 3, 2017, President Trump visited Puerto Rico. [205] Although banks require that people with mortgages have homeowner's insurance, Puerto Rico has a low mortgage penetration rate with only 500,000 active mortgages in a population of 3 million as many homes are fully owned by families and passed to the next generation. [33], The outer rainbands of Maria produced heavy rainfall and strong gusts across the southern Windward Islands. [53][54] Maria stirred up rough seas that flooded coastal sidewalks in Bridgetown and damaged boats as operators had difficulties securing their vessels. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000 ...", "Trump rejects Puerto Rico storm death toll", "Trump falsely claims Hurricane Maria death toll was made up by Democrats", WSLS: "First group of Virginia National Guard soldiers departs for US Virgin Islands", West Virginia Metro news: "W.Va. Guard troops to ride out Maria in Virgin Islands" By Chris Lawrence, U.S. Army news: "Missouri Army National Guard to support Virgin Islands relief effort" by 1st Lt. Phil Fountain, "Why Hurricane Maria Was Such a Catastrophe in Puerto Rico", "Recovering What Was Lost in the U.S. Virgin Islands, One Boat at a Time", "Donald Trump attacked for calling Hurricane Maria response an 'incredible success, "Fact-Checking Inaccurate News About the Jones Act", "America denies Puerto Rico request for waiver to bring vital fuel and supplies to island", "Trump finally responds to Puerto Rico crisis, saying island has 'massive debt, "White House waives Jones Act in response to Puerto Rico devastation", "Mayor Issues 'S.O.S.' [249], A Harvard Humanitarian Initiative analysis of the military deployment in March 2018 said the military mission in Puerto Rico after hurricane was better than critics say but suffered flaws. Les bandes de pluie externe de Maria ont brossé les Outer Banks de Caroline du Nord le 26 septembre alors que le centre de la tempête passait au large en s'affaiblissant. Quatre-vingts pour cent des câbles aériens de téléphone et d'Internet furent soufflés[98]. [271], On April 11, 2018, at the 40th session of the Regional Association Hurricane Committee, the World Meteorological Organization retired the name Maria from its rotating name lists, due to the highly extensive amount of damage and loss of life it caused along its path, especially in Dominica, Saint Croix, and Puerto Rico, and it will never again be used to name an Atlantic hurricane. Caraïbes : quitter l'enfer des ouragans. In late August 2018, almost a year after the hurricane, the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University published their results. The police report that a 45-year-old man drowned as he attempted to cross the Grand Ravine river. Le 13 septembre, le National Hurricane Center (NHC) repère une zone orageuse au sud-ouest des îles du Cap-Vert avec un faible potentiel de développement en cyclone tropical. [158], On September 29, the hospital ship USNS Comfort left port at Norfolk, Virginia to help victims of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and arrived in San Juan on October 3. [261][262], After the official death toll was updated to the estimated 2,975 on August 28, 2018, President Donald Trump stated that he still believed the federal government did a "fantastic job" in its hurricane response . Total losses from the hurricane are estimated at upwards of $91.61 billion (2017 USD), mostly in Puerto Rico, ranking it as the third-costliest tropical cyclone on record. Une quatrième noyade a eu lieu à Fernandina Beach, en Floride[48]. They utilized average monthly deaths and the spike in fatalities following the hurricane. Au moins 20% du territoire d’Haïti a été touché par l’ouragan Matthew. "[270], Cruiseline French America Line claimed to be working with Whitefish Energy, and that their boat the "Louisiane" would serve as "headquarters for relief services" after Hurricane Maria. La région de Basse-Terre a subi de graves dommages et près de 100 % de ses cultures de bananes, une superficie totale de plus de 2 000 hectares, furent complètement anéanties selon les agriculteurs[73]. [30] Using anonymous aggregate cell phone tracking data provided by Google from users that opted to share location data, researchers reported that travel from Puerto Rico increased 20% the day before the hurricane made landfall. ", "Puerto Ricans Concerned That $20 Billion Recovery Plan Is 'Not For The People, "FEMA Has Rejected 60 Percent of Assistance Requests in Puerto Rico. [211] However, many people feel that this amount is insufficient, and worry it will not help the day-to-day lives of ordinary affected Puerto Ricans. 11 Sep 2017 . "[161] After remaining offshore for three weeks, the Comfort docked in San Juan on October 27, briefly departing only once to restock at sea from a naval resupply ship. lalibre. According to Phil Klotzbach, research scientist at Colorado State University's Department of … A dozen commercial flights operated daily, as of September 26, 2017. Maria arrived before supplies were replenished. [142], The Guajataca Dam was structurally damaged, and on September 22, the National Weather Service issued a flash flood emergency for parts of the area in response. Many houses in La Plaine caved in or slid into rivers, and its single bridge was broken. [80], Overall, the hurricane damaged the roofs of as much as 98% of the island's buildings,[74] including those serving as shelters;[72] half of the houses had their frames destroyed. Le navire d'assaut amphibie USS Kearsarge, qui était venu en aide aux victimes de l'ouragan Irma, quitte Saint-Thomas aux îles Vierges des États-Unis afin de ne pas subir l'ouragan directement. Un bilan officiel au 28 août 2018 indique que Maria aurait fait au total 3 059 morts, dont 2 975 à Porto Rico[2]. [219] Official statistics showed increases of about 20% and 27% in overall fatalities in Puerto Rico during September 2017, compared to 2016 and 2015, followed by a decrease of about 10% in October 2017 compared to the previous two Octobers. President Donald Trump declared a major disaster in the U.S. Virgin Islands one day after Maria hit. Other wikis • Commons: Maria images. They estimated 2,658–3,290 additional people died in the six months after the hurricane over the expected background rate, after accounting for emigration from the island. Inadequate safety mechanisms also plagued Puerto Rico's electric company, and local newspapers frequently reported on its poor maintenance and outdated control systems. [6] As result, the official death toll was updated from the initial 64 to an estimated 2,975 by the Governor of Puerto Rico. Internally, there was an influx of people into San Juan. Approximately 400 megawatts of electricity production was lost. [195] This caused a months long shortage in medical supplies in the United States, especially of IV bags. Trois morts sont à signaler : un homme de 45 ans est mort noyé sur la commune de Limbé, dans le département du Nord, alors qu'il tentait de traverser une rivière en crue. [127], The power grid was effectively destroyed by the hurricane, leaving millions without electricity. Les pluies entraînèrent une surcharge des barrages dont celui de Guajataca, affecté par des problèmes structuraux liés à une forte érosion, forçant des dizaines de milliers de personnes à évacuer en aval[98]. Dans tout l'archipel, l'ouragan a laissé 40 % de la population (80 000 foyers) sans électricité et coupé 25 % des lignes[78]. Les cours dans les écoles des comtés touchés furent suspendus les 26 et 27 septembre[29],[30]. Au 26 septembre, 95 % de l'île était toujours sans électricité, moins de la moitié de la population avait de l'eau potable et 95 % de l'île n'avait pas de service de téléphonie cellulaire[124]. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on Google+; Print; Feedback; Download. The Assessment Capacities Project estimates that the hurricane has caused EC$3.69 billion (US$1.37 billion) in losses across the island, which is equal to 226 percent of its 2016 GDP. [165] By September 28, 44 percent of the population remained without drinking water and the U.S. military was shifting from "a short term, sea-based response to a predominantly land-based effort designed to provide robust, longer term support" with fuel delivery a top priority. L'ouragan Matthew déferle sur Haïti et les Caraïbes. Les inondations et les glissements de terrain ont rendu les routes infranchissables, isolant 38 communautés[106]. [137], Elaine Duke, who was, at the time, the acting Secretary of Homeland Security, recalled years later that President Trump suggested "selling" Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the hurricane. ACAPS - Assessment Capacities Project . [124] The Royal Canadian Navy vessel HMCS St. John's was dispatched to Dominica[125] at the request of Dominican Prime Minister Skerrit. Everywhere needs rebuilding but there is no money to rebuild things with. At least eight people died from the flooding, while many were unaccounted for. [239], Soon after the hurricane struck, Whitefish Energy, a small Montana-based company with only two full-time employees, was awarded a $300 million contract by PREPA, Puerto Rico's state-run power company, to repair Puerto Rico's power grid, a move considered by many to be highly unusual for several reasons. [31], As Maria approached the coast of North Carolina and threatened to bring tropical storm conditions, a storm surge warning was issued for the coast between Ocracoke Inlet and Cape Hatteras, while a storm surge watch was issued for the Pamlico Sound, the lower Neuse River, and the Alligator River on the morning of September 26. [68] Downing all cellular, radio and internet services, Maria effectively cut Dominica off from the outside world; the situation there remained unclear for a couple of days after the hurricane's passage. En soirée, c'est au tour de la République dominicaine d'être alertée[7]. [62][61] Streets in Fort-de-France were inundated. The radar was rebuilt and finally brought back online 9 months later. Des pluies torrentielles et des vents forts affectèrent la côte nord de la République dominicaine alors que Maria longeait cette côte. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic destruction and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Les pluies furent également importantes car en 24 heures, l'ouragan laissa l'équivalent de près d'un mois de précipitations à certains endroits. third-costliest tropical cyclone on record, Meteorological history of Hurricane Maria, International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, Effects of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Before and After María Northeast Puerto Rico Satellite Image, Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Whitefish Energy § Hurricane Maria controversy, PREPA, Puerto Rico's state-run power company, List of disasters in the United States by death toll, "Puerto Rico issues new data on Hurricane Maria deaths", "Puerto Rican Government Acknowledges Hurricane Death Toll of 1,427", "Hurricane Maria caused an estimated 2,975 deaths in Puerto Rico, new study finds", "Puerto Rican Government Admits Hurricane Maria Death Toll Was at Least 1,400", "Ascertainment of the Estimated Excess Mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico", "Atlantic hurricane best track (HURDAT version 2)", "As Hurricane Maria slowly pulls away from Puerto Rico, the U.S. East Coast awaits its next move", Post-Tropical Cyclone Maria Discussion Number 59, "Potential Tropical Cyclone Fifteen Advisory Number 1", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Tropical Depression Fifteen Intermediate Advisory Number 1A", "Hurricane Jose lurks off the East Coast, Tropical Storm Maria threatens the Caribbean", "Hurricane Maria in the Dominican Republic", "Puerto Rico's electric company was already $9 billion in debt before hurricanes hit", "Puerto Rico's water woes raise fears of health crisis six weeks after Hurricane Maria", "Maria Latest Threat to Puerto Rico After $1 Billion Irma Hit", "2017 Hurricane Season FEMA After-Action Report", "Hurricane Maria upgraded to 'extremely dangerous' Category 4, islands including Puerto Rico brace for impact", "Puerto Rico Braces for 'Potentially Catastrophic' Hit by Hurricane Maria", "Cellphone data reveals Hurricane Maria's impact on travel in Puerto Rico", "Downgraded but still dangerous: Maria brings wind, flooding to OBX; hundreds evacuated", "Maria climbs back to hurricane status, brings wind, flood threat to OBX", Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Hurricane Maria September 18, 2017, "Cinco muertos, el resultado del huracán María en RD", "República Dominicana estima reparar daños del huracán María costará US$63 millones", "L'ouragan Maria a fait quatre morts en Guadeloupe, selon un dernier bilan", "Ouragan Maria, provisoirement 3 morts en Haïti", "Ouragan Maria : l'Etat va indemniser les agriculteurs de Guadeloupe et de Martinique", Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters: Table of Events, "La cifra de personas desaparecidas tras María baja a 60", "Five hurricane-related deaths confirmed", "Federal disaster relief begins on St. Croix", "3 Drown Off Jersey Shore, Dozens Rescued Despite 'No Swimming' Warning", "Man, 49, drowns in rough surf in Fernandina Beach, police say", "Flooding still possible, met office warns", "Tropical Storm Warning discontinued for St Lucia; no "All Clear" given", "Acting PM concerned about hurricane 'fake news, "LUCELEC: Hurricane Maria electricity system update #1", The flood warning for Barbados has been extended until 6:00 A.M tomorrow Tuesday 19th September, 2017, "Ouragan Maria, en direct : Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy en vigilance violette", Hurricane Maria Special Advisory Number 11, "Ouragan Maria : à quoi correspondent les pluies déjà tombées", "En direct - Ouragan Maria : un mort et deux disparus en Guadeloupe, un blessé grave en Martinique", "Ouragan Maria : point de situation - 20 sept. 7h", "Hurricane Maria Does 'Mind Boggling' Damage to Dominica, Leader Says", "Maria : un voilier échoué à Fond Lahaye", "Les bananiers de Guadeloupe et de Martinique mis à terre par l'ouragan Maria", "Center of Hurricane Maria to move across Dominica tonight", "Hurricane Maria Damages Dominica's Main Hospital, Leaves 'War Zone' Conditions", "Hurricane Maria, Now Category 5, Blows Away Roof Of Dominica PM's House", "Concerns over Dominica communication blackout", "Radio Amateur on St. Lucia relays reports of hurricane devastation on Dominica", "Hurricane Maria makes landfall on Puerto Rico – live updates", "Hurricane Maria turns Dominica into 'giant debris field, Hurricane Maria: Dominica – Situation Report No. Hurricane Maria became the costliest hurricane to track across the Caribbean on record, and the second- costliest storm of the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Des éboulis, des glissements de terrain et des arbres déracinés ont causé des dégâts mineurs et bloqué certaines routes[51]. [134], On September 26, 2017, 95% of the island was without power, less than half the population had tap water, and 95% of the island had no cell phone service. Il minimise les dommages causés par l'ouragan Maria en comparant le nombre de morts à celui de l'ouragan Katrina (1800). [66] Maria made landfall at 21:15 AST that day (1:15 UTC, September 19) as a Category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 165 mph (270 km/h). On August 28, 2018 (almost a year after the hurricane), Puerto Rico revised its official tally of 64[2] killed in the hurricane up to 2,975, making the total death toll 3,059: an estimated 2,975 were killed in Puerto Rico,[3] 65 in Dominica, 5 in the Dominican Republic, 4 in Guadeloupe, 4 in the contiguous United States, 3 in the United States Virgin Islands, and 3 in Haiti. [97] Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80-percent destroyed. Grâce à des conditions environnementales favorables, Maria s'est constamment réorganisée alors qu'il s'éloignait de Porto Rico. [155][156], The United States Transportation Command moved additional personnel and eight U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from Fort Campbell, Kentucky to Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport to increase distribution capacity. [85] Aside from wind-related effects, rainfall from Maria was also significant. La cinquième victime est un Dominicain mort dans un glissement de terrain[43]. [222] Two scientists, Alexis Santos and Jeffrey Howard, estimated the death toll in Puerto Rico to be 1,085 by the end of November 2017. [49] Scattered rock slides, landslides and uprooted trees caused minor damage and blocked some roads. L'ouragan Irma continue son avancée destructrice dans les Caraïbes.