"As few people are crossing the Solent, except essential workers and freight, and to help restrict the spread of Covid-19 we will be operating a reduced 2 hourly timetable on our Portsmouth-Fishbourne car ferry service from 06.00 Tuesday, 7 April 2020.". We now guarantee single berth cabins on both routes, and have the capacity to meet your demand. For any reservation of tickets and passenger boarding until 11/05/2020.It must be requested by email, providing supporting documents and reasons for the trip, travel dates and passenger list, to the following addresses:Without this authorization, boarding will be refused.The transport of passengers from and to Corsica is strictly limited to travel for the following reasons, and passengers must have their derogatory travel certificate and their prefectural authorization :Without these authorizations, boarding will be refused.Passenger Cars and Motorhomes cannot travel on our freight ferry services. Meanwhile, for the drivers we put at disposition a room inside the port. ","Due to updated Government guidance you will now be asked prior to checking in if you have a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, if so travel will be refused. Registered Office of the Company: Le Palais de la Mer Avenue Pascal Lota - BP 275 20296 BASTIA CEDEX - France Siret : 496 320 151 000 46 To learn more, please read our.Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel updates from our ferry partners.© 2020 AFerry We look forward to your cooperation in these difficult to all circumstances. ","Please be advised that due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, we have had to take the decision to extend the suspension of our Amsterdam - Newcastle v.v service until May 20th. If you are travelling by van, please choose the relevant 'Van' option from the dropdown Vehicle menu.Registered in England: Company number 04838153. Therefore, it has been decided not to allow any passengers/ self-drive units on board of our vessels until further notice. "Following the restrictions impose by the government due to Covid 19 , should you be interested to use our service from Sicily to Malta and back , we can accept commercial vehicles on board, however, on arrival in Malta the driver will not be allowed to leave the port area. Corsica Ferries Read more: Jadrolinija: Driver health form must be completed before travel Ltd. All rights reserved,Santa Teresa di Gallura to Bonifacio Ferry.Luckily we had a cabin, it was a long trip. ",The safety of our passengers and crew is our number one priority and we ask that all freight drivers arrive at our ports prepared and with their own face mask or face covering.". ","Tallink Grupp will suspend operations of its Tallinn-Helsinki route vessel Silja Europa from Tuesday, 17 March 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus situation and new measures adopted by the Estonian government regarding border control, entering into force from 17 March 2020. ","In respect of refrigerated trailers being connected to the ship's electrical supply, there have been instances of drivers standing too close to the electrician performing this function. There are no changes to our sailing schedules and we will work hard to ensure that freight customers can undertake essential travel. Please check,Driver health form must be completed before travel,Summary of the current operational restrictions available,Accepting bookings of accompanied units and passengers on our Gothenburg-Gent and Gothenburg-Zeebrugge routes as of Monday June 15, 2020,Klaipeda – Copenhagen : Not accepting drivers on board. ","Due to increased unaccompanied demand, we have revised our Larne Cairnryan timetable and will operate an amended sailing schedule until further notice. A partire dal 15 giugno 2020, la Corsica è accessibile a tutti i passeggeri provenienti dall’Italia. Anyone travelling to the Bailiwick of Guernsey from anywhere in the world, including the UK and Jersey will have to self-isolate for 14 days. ","Due to temporary changes of the rules concerning border crossings, No tourists are accepted in Poland. Even if you would then eventually return to Sicily with another different one way ticket on another vessel, we are not authorized to load drivers without return ticket. "Please be advised that due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, we have had to take the decision to extend the suspension of our Amsterdam - Newcastle v.v service until June 3rd. ",But they will need proper documentation to get through the Danish border (documents proving they are travelling on a work related matter)",Latest Ferry Operator BAF Fuel Surcharges,Securing Vehicles & Cargo on Ferries Guide,Vehicle Types On Ferries & Eurotunnel Freight Guide,visit our Frequently Asked Questions page,VIEW OUR CORONAVIRUS : IMPORTANT DRIVER ADVICE INFOGRAPHIC,EU COVID-19 TRANSPORT RESTRICTIONS BY COUNTRY,"As you are aware we continue to support our freight drivers with the advance check-in facility in the Port of Dunkerque in order to provide drivers with a safe and secure area to park and take their rest period prior to shipping with DFDS. ","We are pleased to announce that from 4th May we will be carrying a maximum of 9 self-drive vehicles on the Bore Song, all with sole occupancy cabins, per sailing on our Zeebrugge - Teesport -Zeebrugge route, as per our current schedule. This is to safeguard a sterile environment and protect our crew of the lifeline service. ","The Polish state has asked us for all passengers to fill out a,Furthermore, please note we are not yet able to accept bookings on our Brevik-Gent route. Unless your cargo is live stock or IMO. Despite of the situation and the challenges this gives us we are happy to inform you that we will keep the freight business running, which means that we give all our freight customers and your freight drivers top priority and do our outmost to ship all your driver accompanied and/or unaccompanied units. Freightlink® is a registered trademark.Please fill in the details below to subscribe to Freightlink’s monthly newsletter to receive regular freight ferry industry updates, information about special offers, fuel surcharge changes and much more.Latest Ferry Operator BAF Fuel Surcharges,Securing Vehicles & Cargo on Ferries Guide,Vehicle Types On Ferries & Eurotunnel Freight Guide.http://www.haute-corse.gouv.fr/derogation-al-interdiction-of-stopover-fo...The movements of personnel of the internal security forces or of rescue or health services essential to the essential missions of protecting the population.The movement of personnel of the armed forces essential to the ongoing missions of the Ministry of the Armed Forces.Travel for imperative family reasons, for the assistance of vulnerable people, or for childcare.Business trips that cannot be postponed, on a case-by-case basis, only with prefectural authorization. ","Due to the current COVID-19 situation we are cancelling the sailings of M/S Color Magic & M/S Color Fantasy from 14.03.20 to 26.03.20. Stena Line reserves the right to extend the suspension depended on the spread of Covid-19 and official decree. If you are not travelling for essential purposes your request to travel may be refused by the operator. This only valid and applicable to drivers booked with return ticket on the same vessel (in our case the catamaran), not necessarily same day. ","Please be advised that we continue to operate our daily services for self-drive business between Hull-Europoort and Hull-Zeebrugge. ","The restrictions do NOT apply to freight drivers and goods transportation. ","The Isle of Man is to close its borders to non-residents from 9am on Monday 23 March 2020 to help contain the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus. We would therefore encourage freight drivers to bring any such supplies they require for the duration of the ferry crossing. As before, we are able to offer viable alternatives for unaccompanied units on our Immingham or Felixstowe services ex Vlaardingen. We will provide more information as this situations changes. Port Entry will still be available on mail and telephone at their regular opening hours and will help to resolve the situation that has arisen in the best possible way. As the operator, DFDS Seaways is tasked with ensuring this is completed for every driver entering the UK, therefore we have amended our Health Declaration Form to provide link to the form. Return One Way Different Return Open (both ways) Open (return only) Map. ",They will, however, need to comply with the requirement to complete an online declaration of the reason for their journey.". ","In connection with epidemic of the coronavirus, our company has taken a number of actions to prevent its spread, but we are not able to guarantee your drivers on all ferries single cabins. We will accommodate a maximum of 6 passengers per vessel, allowing drivers to have a single cabin for the duration of the voyage. ","We are pleased to announce that as from 28th April we will be carrying a maximum of 6 self-drive vehicles per sailing on our Zeebrugge Hull Zeebrugge route, as per our current schedule. It must be requested by email, providing supporting documents and reasons for the trip, travel dates and passenger list, to the following addresses: "Condor regrets to advise you that due to the ongoing Government advice on restricted passenger travel to and from the Channel Islands, France and the UK, all passenger sailings are being cancelled from 27th March up to and including 30 April. These people will require prior clearance from the Chief Secretary and will be subjected to a careful set of infection control protocols while they are on the Island. In that case you will have to arrange with the Maltese company receiving the goods to have a driver pick up the truck/ van from the port to unload and return truck empty for the return. This came into effect from 6am on Friday 27 March 2020. This new regulation discounts arrivals ex the Republic of Ireland.Freight drivers are exempted from self-isolation, however they are required to and have the responsibility to complete the form on this link before travelling. To inform you, there will be no restrictions on the circulation of trucks in France. This measure is based on clinical advice. Unless your cargo is live stock or IMO,Not accepting any drivers in Guernsey until the end of August/September,Jersey will be reviewing the situation on 2 July, but they won’t be accepting drivers till at least the end of July,The Isle of Man’s borders are now closed to passengers,Vehicles without drivers has been resumed,Compulsory covering of mouth and nose for drivers.Vans and rigids can be booked however every accompanied non-artic booking is processed on an individual basis. ","Tallink will make changes in the timetable on Tallinn-Helsinki route starting from Wednesday 18 March 2020. ","Due to the evolution of the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, we have no other option than to take adequate security measures. ","Due to increased demand for unaccompanied traffic, from 23rd March 2020 until further notice our Larne – Cairnryan route will be running on a revised schedule. Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel updates from our ferry partners. This measure in response to the global COVID-19 that has had a substantial effect on Stena Line’s passenger operations. Learn more Got it. Italian drivers may be quarantined. ".More details about the quarantine are available here:There will be a penalty for those who do not follow the rules, so we urge you to read this information carefully. Good meal options but no entertainment or outside space.Easy to use comparison website and specific one for moby once chosen very intuitive and best price saved in effect £40 and only booked 2 days prior.Wonderful journey to Bastia. If you wish to book more than one bicycle you will need to make a separate booking for each bicycle.There are currently no timetables available for routes selected,Please enter all the information for your vehicle,Please enter trailer type, length and height.Sorry, this route is currently unavailable.The return time must be after the outbound time.Please note that the information provided is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time we have received the same information from the Ferry Operators. ","As from Friday 17 April, Seatruck Ferries will recommence driver-accompanied shipments on its Dublin – Liverpool service, with reduced capacity. In the case of passengers on ships and boats, the use of masks will not be necessary when they are in their cabin. "Please be advised that due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, we have had to take the decision to extend the suspension of our Amsterdam - Newcastle v.v service until July 15th.As before, we are able to offer viable alternatives for unaccompanied units on our Immingham or Felixstowe services ex Vlaardingen. ","Due to the closure of borders across Europe and a number of travel restrictions in place between countries, Tallink Grupp will start operating its vessel Star temporarily between Estonia and Germany from Thursday, 19 March 2020 to ensure transportation of goods between Estonia and western Europe. Un’autodichiarazione che attesti l’assenza dei sintomi da infezione Covid-19 deve essere presentata al personale dell’imbarco, il giorno della partenza. ","Due to the recent development with Covid 19 / Corona the Gothenburg Roro Terminal (GRT) will close its visit expedition at Port Entry from Thursday 26/3. ","To help limit the further spread of Coronavirus, please be advised that all food outlets on board Brittany Ferries ships will be closed until further notice. Customers who normally move driver accompanied vehicles on our services can of course continue to move their traffic, albeit on an unaccompanied trailer only basis. until further notice. ","Free shower, toilets, free drink and free snack - As of today, Eurotunnel will distribute vouchers to drivers on our French and UK terminals enabling them to benefit from certain facilities. As such, the directive has been that we are limiting our accompanied bookings out of Immingham and Felixstowe. ","You can be reassured that currently there are no travel restrictions in place between the UK and France and we continue to run our freight shuttles normally. ".Ferries are sailing as usual. "We are pleased to announce that the Amsterdam - Newcastle v.v service will be commencing again on the 15th July. "With the progressive easing of lock down measures in several countries, wearing a facial covering is a growing practice in many public places and could soon become the norm.In this context, we are now recommending that all drivers and their passengers wear a facial covering when travelling on our trains and minibuses. ","During the current restrictions on travelling, please note that until further notice, our catamaran between Malta and Pozzallo in Sicily, shall be operating as normal, carrying commercially registered vehicles (commercial vans, trucks and trailers) loaded with freight/cargo. This is due to the current need to switch our vessels to freight only mode carrying unaccompanied units and freight self drive vehicles only. FS Sassnitz is inlay-up in the Port of Mukran. Should the booking request not meet criteria for commercial travel (considered factors are vehicle types, load description, HGV driving licences), it will not be allowed.All freight drivers entering Greece must either cross the country and exit or to head to their destination and remain indoors for fourteen (14) days quarantine.Restoration of Civitavecchia - Olbia and Civitavecchia - Cagliari,Freight vehicles accepted from Sicily but driver can't leave Malta port area,Freight drivers not restricted but there are booking requirements. Freightlink® is a registered trademark.Please fill in the details below to subscribe to Freightlink’s monthly newsletter to receive regular freight ferry industry updates, information about special offers, fuel surcharge changes and much more.Our passenger shuttle services continue to operate but the shops and cafés in our terminal building in France have had to close due to new French regulations. "We are pleased to announce that from 30.06.2020 the service of vehicles without drivers has been resumed. Corsica Ferries Update - Coronavirus For any reservation of tickets and passenger boarding until 11/05/2020, a prefectural derogation is compulsory.