This was a nice house still full of details. The city urgently needs studentrooms so demolition can be expected anytime. Télécharger 20 maisons d'aujourd'hui à 100 000 Euros Livre PDF Online. My thought was how much more impressive cars where back in the days, they deserve more respect. it’s last use was as a hotel. Since then their house is decaying, even today, almost 20 years later it still exists! Urbex rda - l'allemagne de l'est racontée par ses lieux abandonnés; REF : 9782226443571 ... « URBEX » - en pénétrant plus de 250 lieux fermés, interdits ou délaissés. The showpiece is the wedding dress, where the location its named after. Suddenly 5 minutes later we heard a car driving around. The Belgian-Dutch expedition team consisted of 18 men, 8 of them where military support personnel. His widow continued living there untill 2004. Today the cemetery is property of a nature foundation and mother nature is doing the maintenance… We visited the cemetery during All Hollows weekend, only 1 patient of the whole cemetery received flowers (! Interest. Around 2007, 10 years ago, the owner left his house and nature is taking over, nobody knows why. There were some small grafitti tags (fixed in Lightroom) but the most important thing : the castle was no ruin but decay at it’s best ! Robert was a bank clerk at “De Generale Bank”, he lived together with his brother until his pension in 1999. Prison 15H was closed as it got outdated and decayed, +- 1000 prisoners where transmitted to a new prison. The building has various interior styles, Art Nouveau & Art Deco elements merge. The owner made the interior very cosy, wallpaper with colourful paterns, nice furniture,… this combination gives the interior an authentic retrofeel. The Germans took over the castle and used it as a jail for prisoners of war. Later the bakery had 2 enourmous buildings on both sides of the road linked by bridges. In the middle of nowhere we arrived at the castle, it had been abandoned for about 20 years. He was already in a retirement home and died at the age of 82. We spoke to a friendly neighbour and he said lots of cars with unwanted visitors stopped (even at night when you can’t take pictures) and his collection of nice shotguns and paintings was stolen. 3 years since someone stepped in…. The school part would be demolished while the chapel was hopefully going to be saved from demolition. In 1992 the government registered this historical monument as protected heritage. This place was real luxury, there was even a helicopter landing spot for the the well settled customers. In the garage and backyard we saw one after the other classic car wreck from the 60s and 70s almost completely overgrown, ideal to make some dramatic shots. Problems started with security, hygiene, pipelines got rusted and rotten, so costs elevated too fast. Interest. Usine S is a big textile factory situated in Belgium. Between 1921-1981 about 1750 people were buried on this cemetery. At first it was a house with only 1 floor. Paranormal investigators investigated those inexplicable phenomena and found the origin of it. It’s impressive to see what goes on behind the scenes to be able to get that piece of meat on your plate. It had been purchased around ten years ago by a group of French business men who even had the furniture ready. Manoir du directeur is a old manor situated on the terrain of a derelict company. Their father was the mayor of the city, he gave them the order to build two castles on his big domain. )… All patients got literally one with nature…. In 1994 the mill was protected and listed as national heritage and in 2009 would be renovated soon awaiting it’s next destination.Today it’s totally abandonned and wrecked. The Crypte has place for about 4000 corpses, mostly citizens of the 19th and 20th century. Coals were burnt and extinguished the whole year, 24h a day, the energy was no clean and quiet energy like we have nowdays of solar panels or windmills, but energy that had to be raised with force from deep underground. Ecole de Natation Mangombroux. The architecture is a real piece of artwork, Egyptian style carved figures look over the main hall, beautiful carved blocks built into the stairs and ceiling. When entering the bar we could imagine jazz bands playing live music here… the ballroom was the place to be for dancing ballads. The building has one of the most beautiful staircases ever made. Boon, his personal clothes, belongings and furniture where still in it’s place. In the end we said goodbye to the steam-generator robot, the only witness of the many changes & secrets since more than a century…, This old abandoned farm is located in the middle of a busy crossroad in a residential area in Belgium. The old or defective ones, were left behind awaiting their demolition. The history of this castle goes back to the 13th century. In 1997 a historic race was planned but cancelled for technical reasons. This mansion has been abandoned since 1999. Decay Boutique is a clothingstore established in 1970 in Belgium. It’s a mystery why the inheritants didn’t do anything more with the farm. Páginas na categoria "Cultura de Milwaukee" Esta categoria só contém a seguinte página. Almost 4 years later (black tuesday in the US) a worldwide crisis started and the fabric suffered a lot of this. We have visited many abandoned places except a supermarket. We still found some nice details refering to the activities of the past. Pigs were gasified as first anesthesia, next electrocuted (you can still see the pincer on one of my pictures), their throats were cut over and their hair was burnt off. lapse de les estructures constructives, animals salvatges, la contaminació quÃmica, etc. The baron, a man of noble rank, had a passion for classical music and hunting. Inside it was dark, moldy and the stairs above were rotten. The chapel was abandoned for many years and in 2015 it was demolished. In 1998 they promoted to 4th National division, the new stadion had a capacity of 10.000 spectators, this was still too big for a club in this lower division. The family used the castle as a holiday manor up till 1943. In the hall of the second floor we saw beautifull wallpaintings and a decayed piano with carpets on the wall. This location had somewhat of a fairytale feeling. The site has been sold recently but the municipality doesn’t seem to know where to start and slow progress is being made. The villa almost had to make place for a shoppingmall with big parking, but luckily there were people that bought the castle to maintain the heritage value, now the new owners are renovating it. Time stood still in this nice typical old farm in Belgium. We found them in state of hibernation, mother nature took care of them. Business stopped in 2008 and the newest machines were shipped to Italy, the company had some fires recently so not much detail left…. In 1950 the castle was rented as a hotel/restaurant. Birth: 1768 Bruges Grave of Antoine Michel Wemaer & Marie-Alide Heene Co to Urbex i czym jest Urbex i Urbex History ? Mais c'est vrai que ce n'est pas évident. It was getting dark and we just managed to take the last shots of the day. 2 car wrecks are parked in the garden. In 2010 there were about 425 births, after the last birth the hospital closed as it was too small with only +-25 beds, all people and machines were moved to a new hospital. We finished with a groupshot with the old man, as a present he gave us some expired seaweed salades (a not so typical product of the region , This five star hotel is situated in the mountains of Germany and it is surrounded by an immense valley of pine trees, we drove 6 hours to reach it. It’s an architectural pearl and flashback in time. On a sunny day we visited the champagne region of France and we stopped at the famous abandoned racing circuit of Reims to bring it back alive for you. Further we saw an old Lada with a big tree that had grown through the bumper, seen the height of the tree this Lada must have stood there for many years! Mansion of the bride is actually more a large city farm, still authentic with lots of personal belongings of the former occupants and where time stood still. We were charmed by the retro publicity posters everywhere. First I climbed into the marine plane, it had enormous space with benches on both sides and nice symmetrical shapes. Visited in September 2013. This place was an established value during many years where also famous artists came to party. The Nato invested more than 37 million Euros for new technology, the site will be renewed in 2014. L'exploració urbana és també coneguda comunament com a infiltració, encara que alguns consideren que la infiltració està més estretament associada amb l'exploració de zones amb activitat o llocs habitats. In 2005 there were plans to exploit it as a gambling area with slots, but the politcal parties protested as there was a school, graveyard, church and library close to it. This was the end of half a century of redemption and everything was for sale. Télécharger LES 10 LIVRES D'ARCHITECTURE DE VITRUVE Livre PDF Online Télécharger Les 1001 merveilles de l'architecture qu'il faut avoir vues dans sa vie Livre PDF Online Télécharger Les Demeures Philosophales Et Le Symbolisme Hermetique Dans Ses Rapports Avec L'Art Sacre Et L'Esoterisme Du Grand-Oeuvre Livre PDF Online In the 60s – 70s it was a successful disco/bar, a lot of famous Belgian and international artists performed there. Territorio Urdune. It re-opened thirty years later in 1907 and operated until 1977. We did a healthy walk in the woods and suddenly we saw a crashed abandoned plane…. In 1971 all governmental support for Antarctic research was halted. It almost burnt down completely. Pete unchains his artistic devils onto canvases as well as walls. Later this building was used as a ballroom. The husband was born in 1909, they survived both World Wars and experienced the lack of food. The good news is that the chapel is protected heritage, it will be probably be renovated and connected to a new building. It was not healthy being down there but was worth a visit, now it’s demolished. After some research we found out he passed away at the early age of 52. The nuns had red clothing and were called the “red nuns” popularly. In 2005 the building got abandoned, now 12 years later it’s still abandoned. Lines that intertwine, light that follows the curves of the building and mirrors that create a parallel world. Possibly this was the last small grocery store in the village at that time, just before the big supermarkets took over…. The stunning chateau hidden away in a quiet town in Alsace, France. The kitchen was extremely small, just like it was made for dwarfs. Germany’s most impressive justice complex was built around 1910. And a few storage barns with an antique scale, pool table and even a tandem taken over by nature. Today the factory still exists, 60 people work in the new fabric, the brand is operational in more then 40 countries worldwide.. 7 days a week and 24h a day the production is still active as the ovens need to stay on constant temperature to deliver the best quality crystal. This allowed maximum straight-line speed resulting in many famous slipstream battles. The skulls are real, some are dated on the date that the hunter shot them. In a small pitoresque village in France we visited this authentic château, built in 1750 by a rich merchant. The ideal setting to have a hunter’s menu during cold winterdays and socialize with your friends with some background music, it must have been a great atmosphere here back in the days. Since the 70’s many past owners died due to a deadly curse, they all died in their sleep and got to ashes by self-combustion. I’ve seen several piano’s in abandoned places but this has to be my favorite so far in combination with the beautiful staircase. Mysteriously 4 years later, used swimming clothes are still ‘drying’ in the fitting rooms, suncream, magazines, towels, chairs, drinks… are still present just like the last visitors had to leave in a hurry. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion fr Premium Livres en français. Manoir Des Peintures was formerly owned by a rich painter – it’s a real pearl that was left behind with all it’s memories. This eclectic castle has strong neoclassical influences. Secondly, the smaller polygonal ballroom in the more common Louis XV style. In the 50’s, due to a lack of maintenance, the impressive metallic structure of the ceiling had to be demolished. The real gem was the chapel still in good condition with it’s huge stained glass windows, the coloured lightbeams entering the building where amazing. Part of it is now a museum. It was built next to the home of it’s owner Mr. Gilbert. A travers mes photos, j'aime redonner une beauté perdue en ces lieux et raconter une histoire imaginée, un sentiment perçu lors de la visite. Territorio Livre Praça Shopping. Most people take effort to stay out prison, we took effort to get in…You don’t get the chance much to take a look inside a place like this, we visited the male & female division. The most impressive was a steam locomotive from 1846, the Henschell was active at a German steel plant and later in a mine and cokes factory. Artist. The highlight of this farm is the bedroom full of stray and the soulless skeleton of their cat, laying peacefully on a stray basket. Today they still look very futuristic, some even had the possibility to open the roof, during summer they were used as open air pools. Creepers give it a true to nature impression. Suddenly at the back we bumped against an old hermit who sat on a chair wearing one sandal and one shoe. My pictures show you the natural decay after 7 years of abandonment. This steel industry site was built in 1836 in Belgium. The Chateau is in a seriously bad state, the only floor that is properly accessible is the ground floor and even that has some totally impassable parts. Personal Blog. Valorizzare ridare nuova vita al castello di sommariva perno. Around 1926, when the fabric existed 100 years, about 5.000 people worked at the crystal factory. No history is known about this place, nevertheless enjoy the pictures! In that period psychiatric patients where banned out of society and stayed for the rest of their lives in the asylum. A lot of people miss Sauna Jee and would love to see it re-opened. In 2000 a boy lost his arm on the Nautic Jet attraction, followed by many other incidents. The magnificent Château de l’étoile is located in the center of a small French village. Villa Heil is a stunning abandoned notary villa built in 1895 in Erpe Mere Belgium. Mother nature is taking care over them now as no one cares anymore…. After WWI the dormitories were tranformed into comfortable rooms for elderly couples or single people with a nursing home. We didn’t give up and with some luck we found an entrance! Personal Blog. The abandoned Aegidium Theatre has been on my to do list since many years. Hidden between the trees it was hard to find this abandoned farm at first. Food & Beverage Company. This one was blooming business until the downfall started and it was sold. La filosofia dels investigadors és deixar el lloc intacte, tal com el van deixar des del primer dia des del seu abandonament per conservar la seva estètica i naturalitat. Valorizzati. After the disastrous summer of 2011 this Art Deco pool had to close. The project is constantly blocked by petitions of neighbours and politicians. Seating in the auditorium was provided in stalls and balcony levels. Hotel L was built in 1920, once it was a fine piece of art-deco architecture, you can still see the blankets on the ceiling from the Belle Epoque area. Early in the morning we entered the abandoned Maison Anaconda, full of terrariums from a passionate hobbyist and/or a reptile dealer. In 1943 the buildins housed a nursing high school for girls. The staircase in the hall is authentic carven out of wood. The last mine that closed it’s doors was Zeche Hugo in Germany. The backside of the church was totally in decay, inside it was dark and difficult to take pics, we were welcomed by hundreds of pigeons. This is the urbex database map from my website They brought over the family to a Nazi concentration camp. In one of the big industrial cities we visited this former cooling tower with a small house in the middle. Comments. The skull and cross bones signify mortality and death, something very common during this time period. Art - Culture - Société. To prevent this in future they filled their basement full of jars with beans, carots, tuna, pineapple,… Reserves for months in case of a new WWIII. Once there has been an offer for an amount that was way higher than the real value but it was refused. The school has great architecture. The Count of Liedekerke-Beaufort was the first owner between 1816-1890. Territorio Cupcake. The staircase is mindblowing and the villa is full of memories. They needed to enter the pool via the back entrance with unheated facilities. From 1927 there was finally a watervalve, before everyone washed hands and face under the pipe. There isn’t much known about this place pity enough, so I can’t tell you why everyone suddenly dissapeared and left everything behind. The garden is full of wrecked trucks, cars, buldozers, tractors,.. . In the livigingroom his wheelchair is still waiting for him while nature takes over slowly and fungus is growing through the walls…, In a charming village full of rivers, flowers, horses and panoramic views this majestic castle stands out impressively like the king of the hill. The last usuage was as a small charm hotel with wellness, sauna and a swimming pool. This majestic building was built in Bourgondic style, it has been a famous restaurant for many years. The history starts in early 1902, the national railway company wanted to add a new line for freight trains, but it stopped in 1912 when WWI started. Once inside you can’t imagine that this still exists, a complete villa full of furniture and details with a lovely chapel, it feels like the inhabitans are out for a walk and can return any moment. In the garden we saw a conservatory, completely overgrown where the couple relaxed enjoying crates of Spanish wine. Unfortunately the castle does not seem to be protected as a historical monument but it really should be. Les "urbexeurs" explorent les sites laissés à l'abandon et immortalisent un monde fini... à leurs risques et périls ! In the basement an old washing machine and a ironing board. They loved travelling seen the many details left behind. Brandweerwagen Depot Gent. Step into the timemachine and enter a 50’s interior! Maison de la Castafiore is a small abandoned house where everything is biological, you can sleep & shower very close to nature . I didn’t find any further information online, except that it got bankrupt in the summer of 2013. The theatre is closed so you cannot simply visit it as a tourist. Personally I was under the spell of the old pictures, the bed in decay, the vintage buggy and the great sight from the terrace.The harmony of colors and atmosphere was amazing. Somewhere in Germany on a sunny day we made a walk in an abandoned military zone. Plus on y prend goût, plu Maison Theo is a nice hunters house situated in Luxemburg. We saw his footprints and traces of dogpaws in the snow, apparently he just patrolled. This 15th century farm is situated in Belgium, it has been preserved well since WW I. This was the hotspot of Brussels nightlife and got property of VZW “Parochiale Werken” that had put the building available for social life. It was a difficult shoot seen the height of the church to have some symmetry in the lines. The wardrobes were full of stylish ladies and gents clothing. When leaving I discovered a second abandoned empty house next to it of which I took some pictures in the garden to end the day…. Unfortunately the castle didn’t escape WWII and it was occupied and bombarded by the Germans, a side pavilion still remains a ruin. After a bunch of people drowned, lifeguards were finally recruited. Their son is also a doctor in Berlin, he never cleared the house so now it is a true time capsule. Farm Paternoster is an old farm, built in 1906, where time stood still. Today the Grand Hotel is rotting away and the floor is like cardboard. Suddenly we saw an old car wreck in front of us with some unexpected things behind… This place made me think of a mixture of the 70’s cultmovies the Hills Have Eyes & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. His widow and children continued living there and she remarried. Many trees were cut in the courtyard, probably by a neighbour, or the farm would get taken over by nature completely. The inheritants, three families, needed to sell the factory to an Italian company after a lack of profit. Suddenly she woke up, distressed she saw her new face and body with it’s never ending pain. Development of the first and second blocks were completed in 2008 and 2011 respectively. No history is available, so simply enjoy the pics. Every worker had it’s own numbered chain with basket. Step into the time machine and flashback! There is totally no history available, so I let the pictures tell you the story…. Lumière, light, is something that immediately catches the eye in the hall thanks to the massive light dome on the roof, a lot of light shines through it and it makes the castle very special. The last signs of life were in 1996 so he definitely got to the respectable age of 81. Inside it was as usual a bizarre moment , knowing that all people had to leave and left everything behind. We walked on the domain and saw that some lights where turned on (like we where told), our hearts began to beat faster and faster… We took the risk, entered and heard music playing softly… In the livingroom we turned on the lights and the old lustre with candles made some spooky shadows across the livingroom… This place scared the shit out of us. Even worse : after the financial uncertainty the fabric got bombarded heavily during WWI by the Germans. The bedroom window was full of dead beas who got attracted to the jars of marmelade. The owner even made a trainconnection to bring over the workers from one side of the company to the other side of the street and to distribute the pasta over whole Germany. Enjoy the pastel colors, the smell of old books, the nice paintings and rustic furniture. amateur d'urbex depuis 2011. the former owner smoked a pipe daily, the nicotine painted the walls brown & black. This is a recently abandoned castle, it has a great entrance hall with classic staircase, the furniture is a mix of retro/minimalistic design, the castle is full of pictures of African kids, toys, media… we found even a PS4 box and Far Cry II game which shows it’s really recent. This fairytale mansion was built around the year 1900 in France. The soup with spoon was still on the table just like they had to leave in a hurry, all the windows were thick with cobwebs. He had a complete pharmacy room stuffed with old medicins and pills which have been removed recently. In 1585 it was reconstructed as a theatre house, between 1661-1810 it was used as a drawing academy, stock exchange, trading marineschool and a courthouse.