To find the chapter name, press the Options button and select Load Game from the pause menu. A sniper rifle lies on the left (if you look in the same direction as in the picture below), right under the window. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is still a hot contender for the best game in the series, thanks to its classic train level. $357.00, Chapter 1 ‘A Rock and a Hard Place’ treasures, Chapter 2 ‘Breaking and Entering’ treasures, Chapter 7 ‘They’re Coming With Us’ treasures, Chapter 24 ‘The Road to Shambala’ treasures, The cyberpunk genre has been Orientalist for decades — but it doesn’t have to be, Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from the same xenophobic tropes as its predecessors, Prisoners of Ghostland might be peak Nic Cage, which is saying something, Cage finds his match in director Sion Sono, Studio Ghibli’s first stab at CGI is better than it looks, But anyone expecting a 3D Spirited Away will be disappointed, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves treasure locations guide. Chart your way through Uncharted 2: Among Thieves with our full walkthrough, including hidden treasure locations. 2.1k views. Uncharted 2 picks up a couple of … Assuming you'd like a quick checklist next to you as you go treasure hunting, here's a perfectly printable quicklist. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Walkthrough – Chapter 12: A Train To Catch Part 3. However, they are better equipped. To open it, jump towards the signs in the central part of the square. Transcript. Don't leave the destroyed building. After you jump to the ground, run towards the destroyed building and crouch under the window. The feeling of entering Chapter 12... :(Close. Jump on the cargo to reach the train car closer to the center of the hangar (photo on the right). This chapter has five treasures. On your journey to “unstuck” the door for Elena, you’ll climb on some signs and get in a brief shootout. Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. The Nepali Bronze Lion is near the gate at the end. You need to get a weapon to be able to kill enemies. Shortly after that, you’ll take a zip line down to the train yard. Two down. This ends the chapter. Right after you pick up the Nepali Bronze Lion, you’ll climb a ladder to a nearby roof and boost Elena to a fire escape. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. The eleventh chapter of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Keep Moving, is one of four chapters in the game to contain no Treasures. Then, get close to the enemy and throw him over the wall. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves takes place 2 years after the events of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and 2 years before Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.The narrative opens with a quote attributed to Marco Polo, \"I did not tell half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed.\" The plot revolves around the doomed voyage home of Marco Polo from China in 1292. 525. Drake will attract attention of a huge number of opponents. We’ve organized our guides by chapters. Run towards the damaged wall on the right (look in the same direction as in the picture on the left) and eliminate the next opponent patrolling the area. After that, you will be attacked by enemies. She will lower the ladder for you. There are 13 collectible relics to be found here, and getting them will help you unlock the Treasure Master trophy. Early on you first kill five or six guys on ground level. The tenth chapter of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Only One Way Out, is one of four chapters in the game to contain no Treasures. Slow them down by throwing grenades. Watch a short cut-scene. You need to boost her. Use it and then jump on the roof on the right. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. This chapter focuses more on traditional fights. Don't forget to throw grenades at the enemies. Drake will reach the door to the big hangar [secrets 4]. Until the next chapter I hope you all Have a good day/night. This page contains the walkthrough for Chapter 12: At Sea in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. A Train to Catch Ch. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the most exciting and enjoyable games to be released for the PS3 to date. Remember to come back to check for updates to this guide and much more content for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Print this page More Guides Chapter 2 Remember to switch the signs' sides to avoid getting hit. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Walkthrough – Chapter 12: A Train To Catch Part 1. Hide behind signs and walls to avoid snipers and other "elite" opponents. The PlayStation 4 Pro is 4K-ready, and several of the PS4’s best games are enhanced to take advantage of the more powerful console’s improved visuals and frame rates. For the North American region, Uncharted 4 is the fastest-selling PS4 first party title to-date. This page of the guide contains the walkthrough of the second part of chapter 12 of Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception.This chapter is titled Abducted.The main character must continue going through the places occupied by pirates. Chapter 12: At Sea is one of the levels in Uncharted 4. Archived. Just remembered another terrible section, in chapter 12 (A Train To Catch). Posted by. You’re able to explore a pristine island paradise setting. I see you buddy. Stop fighting the enemies in the front and focus your attention on the new threat. Some of them cannot be eliminated immediately and we … « Previous Next » Chapter 1: Meeting Her Chapter 2: The Nightmare Chapter 3: Planning Chapter 4: Getting to know her better Chapter 5: Confronting a stalker Chapter 6: Arguing Over the Matter Chapter 7: Kyle Chapter 8: Tristen Chapter 9: Waking Up Chapter 10: Making Amends Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Character Fact Sheet Nobody Asked For! Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – Complete Chapter List I finally finished the most anticipated game of the year for the PlayStation 3, and all I can say is WOW. 103 shares; Facebook; Twitter; 103 shares, 525 points. Set which events Uncharted 2 will tweet about, including When Connecting to Multiplayer, When a Cinema File is Uploaded, When a Chapter is Completed, When Earning Multiplayer Money, When This page of the guide has a walkthrough for chapter 12 of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves called A Train to Catch. Read Chapter 12 - Blizzard from the story Uncharted||Mistaken [Book 2] by TwistTheKaleidoscope (NerdyFangirl ️) with 1,043 reads. Go up and hang down from the edge. Uncharted 3 Walkthrough - Chapter 12 (2 of 4) By Howcast. When Elena lowers the walkway, look over by the door you unstuck for her. This video is an Uncharted 2 Fast-Forward walkthrough guide in easy mode. M32-Hammer galore! Wait for the enemy and grab him when he passes you by. This way you will reach the closed gate. Use it to kill the enemies located farther away. When you land, follow the train to your left to find the Jeweled Statue Crown. um, you can jump around and still get the trophies, i started on hard, accedently switched it to easy and beat it. In the first week alone, I’m happy to report that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End exceeded 2.7 million units in global sales*. Beat 'Chapter 3 - Borneo' in less than 6 minutes 30 seconds 2.2% Ultra Rare: 20.66% Uncommon: Quick Jaunt Through a Warzone Beat 'Chapter 5 - Urban Warfare' in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds 2.1% Ultra Rare: 20.52% Uncommon: Bullet Train From Hell To get inside, you have to move the cart with the bags blocking the door. by Anonymous 4 months ago 4 months ago. Nov 7, 2018. The Cham Lion Mask is near the wall. You must be quick - you need to attack the second opponent before he turns around [secret 1]. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Walkthrough – Chapter 12: A Train To Catch Part 2. (There are no treasures in chapters 10 and 11.). In this Uncharted 2: Among Thieves guide, we’ll help you find the five treasures in Chapter 12 “A Train to Catch,” part of the PS4’s Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. As a shotgun the Moss - 12 is extremely effective over short ranges, making it a good choice for close quarters combat, killing all enemies with one shot. Run outside when both of them are turned around. Grab the largest orange sign and aim at the three boards blocking the passage from the other side. After spending almost 20 years in the court of the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan… Uncharted 3 Walkthrough - Chapter 12 (2 of 4) Check out Part 3 and beat Chapter 12 "Abducted" of Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception with this online demo. In this Uncharted 2 trophy guide we take a look at every single trophy in the game and reveal how best to achieve them. Uncharted 3 Walkthrough - Chapter … By Andre Segers on February 3, 2012 at 11:21AM PST 7 Comments 1 Change the symbol - 1st ring . Uncharted 2 will feature new gameplay mechanics, such as stealth action segments, and will change the climbing mechanic to allow free movement over walls and cutting down the amount of bullets needed to kill an enemy. Leave the building and go to the left edge of the roof/balcony. To eliminate them, go to the door of the building and look out on the street. After that, you need to climb the ladder. Uncharted 4 Chapter 12 Puzzle The Wheel Chamber Guide. At some point, after the snipers are dead, the game will play a short cut-scene. As soon as the chapter starts, you’ll need to find a gun and clear the soldiers from the street. There are only two opponents left on the ground. Find every collectible treasure in Chapter 12, In this Uncharted 2: Among Thieves guide, we’ll help you find the five treasures in Chapter 12 “A Train to Catch,” part of the PS4’s Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. When you see a red laser, it means that snipers appeared on both sides of the car. The path leading back is cut off - you are stuck on the sign until you kill all the enemies. No, no, no. Uncharted 3 Walkthrough - Chapter 12 (1 of 4) By Howcast. There is M32-Hammer sitting here as well as a bonus M32-Hammer if you successfully take him out silently. You will be attacked by two heavily armored enemies equipped with heavy machine guns. There are five enemies here and you can defeat them all without raising the alarm. The name of the current chapter (but not the number) appears on the bottom line of the most recent save in the Load menu. The feeling of entering Chapter 12... :(18 comments. When you reach the top of the train of the left side of the building, use the beam and bars along the wall to reach the Three-Stone Coral Ring. Use the images to make sure you’re in the right area and the added arrows to help you find your way. Nov 7, 2018. 11 . At the beginning of Chapter 5: Urban Warfare, it's required to shoot the vehicle: slk_23: 4: 6/4 5:50AM: During the Nepal part, was there a massive plot hole, or even a voodoo shark? However, you shouldn't aim through the scope. They are the reason why you had to save up some grenades (at least two). When the fight starts, try to kill a few opponents coming from the front (you can use grenades, but try to save some for the very end of the battle). Reach its end and pull the lever. slk_23: 3: 12/21 8:36AM: Uncharted 2 Glitch PS3: JasonBlueeyes69: 2: 6/19 6:25AM: First time playthrough: Fei519: 3: 6/9 1:16PM Active 7 years, 11 months ago. Shitload to go. Thank you for printing this page from There’s no map in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, so for each of the collectibles below, we used photo mode to zoom out and give you some context surrounding the treasure locations. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Walkthrough – Chapter 11: Keep Moving Part 2. Solve The Wheel Chamber puzzle in Uncharted 4 – Chapter 12 How do you solve the wheel puzzle in Uncharted 4? 94. The last opponent is on the nearby roof - and you will get there by climbing the ladder. Nate: Okay, making progress. Tick off those boxes as you go. Wait until the enemy inside turns around (photo on the left) and jump inside. Just don't turn around. Remember that this weapon is also effective at a short distance. Viewed 2k times 3. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Go up [secret 2], jump over the barrier, and to the next roof. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves ‘A Train to Catch’ treasure locations guide, Amazon In this article we cover Chapter 12: At Sea in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Use the stairs to climb the fire escape to the top, and pick up the Yuan Dynasty Lotus Jar. Hang down from it and jump on the ground (try to remain undetected). You should see them both. Chapter 12 provides various ways in which you can kill enemies - you can fight from behind covers, hanging down from signs or by hiding in a train car. There are 13 Treasures, 6 Journal Entries, 2 Notes and 2 Optional Conversations to find in this chapter. Watch the cut-scene and then go to the rope leading down to the train cars, and press the Triangle. Now move forward and towards the enemy standing by the turret. Stuck on Uncharted 3 chapter 12. You need to get a weapon to be able to kill enemies. save. Once the last opponent is dead, the journalist will lower the footbridge [secret 3]. share. With that being said, I managed to compile the complete Chapter list of the game. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. It’s the one where you drive a motor boat between exotic islands with Sam. While inside, run to the freight car and climb to the large window. Inside the train yard building, the next treasure is over your head when you walk in, but you’ll have to do a bit of jumping and climbing to reach it. Hide behind signs and walls to avoid snipers and other "elite" opponents. Wait for Elena to join you. 2 years ago. Don't turn around. You start with no weapons. Fortunately, the authors have provided a lot of ammunition and grenades. For more information, see our ethics policy. This page of the guide has a walkthrough for chapter 12 of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves called A Train to Catch. Jump on the yellow metal footbridge [secret 5] and then on the passenger car (on the right, if you look in the direction of the entrance). Soon, Nathan will be saved by Elena. The Moss - 12 is a pump-action shotgun commonly featured in the Uncharted series. Uncharted 4’s Chapter 12 is a bit long and full of free-roaming. Once they’re handled, watch along the right side of the street for short alley — there’s a green and a blue building along it. Keep Moving Ch. You will be attacked from all sides. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Sony Interactive Entertainment or Bluepoint Games. This chapter focuses more on traditional fights. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. They will appear in three waves. So if you won’t rest until you get all Uncharted 2 trophies check here for help. / 12 Get closer to that enemy and kill him. Most of them are in plain sight, however, they can still be missed rather easily. 8. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. One of the most important segments in this chapter is the pirate puzzle, but before we get to that you need to start the chapter off by first driving the boat between the island as you look for a tower on the east side. I've only completed Uncharted 1 Brutal as of now, half way through Uncharted 2 Brutal and its already clearly much harder than Uncharted 1 Brutal. Near the end (I think) of chapter 12 when you climb vertically on red and yellow pipes, hiding behind boxes and shooting bad guys, at the top you swing across pipes.