Please Note: We do not consider uninvited submissions in fiction and poetry. Submissions for fiction will be closed during the month of April. UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN–MADISON: Associated Press palm oil investigation wins 2021 Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics. Non-history majors pieces are both accepted and encouraged.
The University of New Mexico Press does not accept queries for unsolicited fiction, poetry, or children’s books. Do not send submissions by postal mail. This year's guest judge will be National Book Award Finalist Carmen Giménez Smith.
Your query letter should address the following: Describe the subject of your book, including what issues or problems it addresses, and be clear about why your subject is an important topic. We strive to respond to all submissions in a timely manner. Areas of interest include: African American studies American history American literature American studies Business/Economic history Civil War Era history Classics/Ancient history Cooking and food history Craft studies Education history and policy Environmental studies Gend… University of Wisconsin Press
About the Submissions Process. The press accepts submissions from Wesleyan University faculty. yr=d.getFullYear();
We read and evaluate manuscripts throughout the year. Nicole Solano Executive Editor Rutgers University Press 106 Somerset St., 3rd Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (848) 445-7787 email: Send proposals in the regional studies, social sciences, the environment, criminology, and for the Critical Issues in Health and Medicine Series to: University of Michigan Press is a leader in publishing open access books. Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520 If […] Address this issue in your initial query to the acquiring editor. Please note, however, that we receive and carefully consider hundreds of submissions each month. Recommended content includes a paragraph describing the manuscript you are submitting, a second paragraph describing your writing experience, and a final paragraph containing any additional information relevant to the work submitted. « » 865-974-3321 865-974-3724 (fax) Featured Titles. Quertext An Anthology of Queer Voices from German-Speaking Europe Edited by Gary Schmidt and Merrill Cole. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, Brittingham & Felix Pollak Poetry Prize Contest Guidelines. UW Mailbox 359570. Please email your proposal to the appropriate acquisitions editor. When submitting a manuscript for consideration by Cornerstone Press, please include the following items: Academic Student Resources: University College. Cornerstone Press seeks book-length manuscripts in any genre and makes publishing decisions based on the clarity of thought and the marketability of the manuscripts submitted. Submit to the Brittingham & Felix Pollak Prizes in Poetry. To place an order by phone, please call the Chicago Distribution Center: 1-800-621-2736. Book Submissions What to submit. To inquire about potential interest in your project, you may submit a brief e-mail query of 1-3 paragraphs describing your project, or you may proceed directly to a proposal. We have a special interest in trade and scholarly titles about our region. The University of Wisconsin Press is a not-for-profit publisher of books and journals. @DrKarenLCox will be joining A Lincoln Bookshop @Lincolniana LIVE April 12 @ 3:30 CT to debut her new book "No Common Ground: Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice." Manuscripts submitted after the deadline will be held over for consideration during the next round of manuscript evaluations. Alternatively, you may mail a hard copy of your work, biographical and contact information to Wake Forest University Press, PO Box 7333, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. CONTACT US . Individual proposals should be directed to the appropriate acquiring editor at this address: University of Minnesota Press. Poetry submissions for the Portage Series may include a thematic overview in lieu of a synopsis. Submission Guidelines. Madison WI 53706-1418
Seattle, WA 98195 . We employ various business models to maximize access to scholarship. View Current Catalog. Any original works will be accepted for review by the editorial board of ARCHIVE. Vanderbilt University Press, Vanderbilt University, PMB 401813, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37240-1813. • 615-322-3585 Send proposals in film and media studies, Latino studies, and American studies to:. Our aim is to to avoid direct publishing charges to authors wherever possible; our preference is to help authors find supporting subventions from their parent institution or third-party funders. Poetry Submissions Brittingham & Felix Pollak Poetry Prize Contest Guidelines . (608) 263-1101
News + Events Blugold Briefing. The University of Virginia's specific guidelines for preparing proposals and manuscripts are all available on this Author's page. ... University of Wisconsin–Madison. Brittingham & Felix Pollak Poetry Prize Contest Guidelines, University of Wisconsin Press
728 State Street, Suite 443, Madison, WI 53706 USA
We aspire to hold justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as values that guide our policies, practices, and publications. The Press does not, however, publish original fiction, poetry, drama, memoir, or festschriften. Submit the cover letter, synopsis, and manuscript digitally document.write(yr);
University of Tennessee Press. 110 Conference Center 600 Henley St Knoxville, TN 37996-4108. Direct inquiries in the areas of Russian, East European, and Eurasian studies; classical studies; and folklore to: Amber R. Cederström, Acquisitions Editor
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Email: . Alien Miss Carlina Duan. If you are a native of Ireland and wish to submit a poetry manuscript, please email a representative sampling of your poetry and your biographical information to 1) Please indicate either in your cover letter or email submission which series your work will be considered for: Portage Poetry Series (Poetry) OR Legacy Series (Fiction/Nonfiction). Madison WI 53706-1418
Men I've Never Been Michael Sadowski. 3) A synopsis (1-2 pages double-spaced) of the work submitted. In some cases, we will consider simultaneous submissions. Do not submit a whole manuscript unless an editor invites it. Fiction Submissions The University of Georgia Press, established in 1938, is the oldest and largest book publisher in the state . UNC Press publishes nonfiction books for academic and general audiences. We currently publish 60-70 new books a year and have a long history of publishing significant scholarship, creative and literary works, and books about the state and the region for general readers. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point > Department of English > Cornerstone Press > Submissions Submissions Cornerstone Press seeks book-length manuscripts in poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction and makes publishing decisions based on the clarity of … Orders may be placed online via this website, by calling 1-800-621-2736, or by email to This takes time and it may take up to two months to respond to you so we encourage your patience. *Note: We will only consider manuscripts sent digitally. Phone: 608-263-1101 | Fax: 608-263-1173
Apply through Submittable by September 15! Within your letter, please include your mailing address, email address, and phone number. Feedback, questions, or accessibility issues:
9 talking about this. Fax: (206) 543-3932. Policy on Simultaneous Submissions. Please allow two months for an initial decision to be made on any proposal. (608) 263-1134
Direct inquiries in the areas of human rights; Jewish studies; modern European history; Southeast Asian studies; African studies; and Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest to: Nathan MacBrien, Editor in Chief
University of Wisconsin Press
Madison WI 53706-1428
Direct inquiries in the area of film studies to: Dennis Lloyd, Director
2) A one-page, single-spaced cover letter.
ARCHIVE is not currently accepting submissions. ... “We had a really outstanding group of submissions this year,” said Lucas Graves, judging chair and UW–Madison professor of journalism and mass communication. Manuscript should be a maximum of 70,000 words. The University Press of Florida and University of Florida Press publish books and journals for scholars and general readers in the following areas: University of Wisconsin Press
Find all latest announcements, student and faculty success stories, events and more. var d=new Date();
Loving before Loving A Marriage in Black and White Joan Steinau Lester., Poetry Submissions
Please address your letter to: Dr. Ross K. Tangedal, Cornerstone Press. If your work falls outside of those series, please indicate why you have chosen to submit your work to the Cornerstone Press. 4h 1377768143234465792 . In order to be considered for publication as part of the Legacy Series or the Portage Poetry Series, manuscripts must be submitted by August 1st. If someone has referred you to the University of Wisconsin Press, or if you are approaching our editors as a follow-up to a conversation with our staff at a conference or other event, please be sure to mention this connection in your first contact with us. Submission guidelines . Ultimate approval for publication rests solely with the press staff and editorial board. During the waiting period, our editors do not accept phone queries regarding the status of your proposal, but please feel free to send a follow-up query via email. if (yr!=2002)
Collecting Music in the Aran Islands A Century of History and Practice Owing to the sheer volume of proposals we receive, it may take up to four months for us to respond. We encourage submitting scholarly papers, seminar research papers, articles, book reviews, and historical essays of reasonable length (40 pages or less double-spaced) by any undergraduate student. Blondes of Wisconsin Anthony Bukoski. 728 State Street, Suite 443
Once we receive your materials, we will review them carefully. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Search Our Site. The University Press of Florida stands with the Association of University Presses in opposition to racism. If you wish to present a book proposal, please write to one of our acquisitions editors, by post or email, sending a letter of introduction, curriculum vitae, table of contents, and a prospectus.You may include a sample chapter, but please do not send a … If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or just have a suggestion, please email cmoss (at) or call 479-575-7258. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Indiana University Press welcomes submissions in our fields of publication.Please submit your full proposal through our online submission form, which will direct your proposal to the appropriate editor. But you may have more general questions about publishing with a university press--such as standard timelines for publishing, explanations of copyright and contracts, and expectations regarding the marketing of your book. ORDERS: 800-621-2736 FAX: 800-621-8471 728 State Street, Suite 443
We do accept simultaneous submissions. Home / Books / Information for Authors / Submissions. Read full statement here. Submissions will open in July 2021 for the Brittingham Prize in Poetry and the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, awarded by the University of Wisconsin Press. Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding to our Submittable submissions manager.All submissions must be accompanied by a $28 entry fee, payable by credit card. Submissions are now open for the Brittingham & Felix Pollak Prizes in Poetry, awarding $1,000 each and publication by the University of Wisconsin Press! Do not email proposals or inquiry emails to … If your project is a good fit for our list, we will notify you of our interest and request any additional materials. Publisher for the University of Washington Member of the Association of University Presses University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point > Department of English > Cornerstone Press > Submissions Submissions Cornerstone Press seeks book-length manuscripts in any genre and makes publishing decisions based on the clarity of thought and the marketability of the manuscripts submitted. You can send your submission to You can download our submission guidelines here. 4) A complete manuscript that is typed, double-spaced, and includes page numbers, along with your name and the manuscript title on the first page. The University of Wisconsin Press (sometimes abbreviated as UW Press) is a non-profit university press publishing peer-reviewed books and journals. 728 State Street, Suite 443
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290. We are currently accepting literary fiction submissions on a limited basis. Swallow Press Alden Library, Suite 101 30 Park Place Athens, OH 45701-2909 +1 740 593 1154 We do not normally publish festschriften, memoirs, conference proceedings, or unrevised doctoral dissertations. Scholars proposing manuscripts for publication should submit a prospectus to the acquisitions department at the University Press of Colorado (submissions to our Utah State University Press will be routed to the correct personnel) before submitting a complete manuscript. If you are an agent or an author, please send an email of inquiry to Sarah Munroe that includes a brief synopsis of the project and the first two chapters of the manuscript.. University of Wisconsin Press 728 State Street, Suite 443 Madison WI 53706-1418 (608) 263-1101 . The University of Utah Press J. Willard Marriott Library 295 South 1500 East, Suite 5400 Salt Lake City, UT 84112.