', '=+', null, null, 'zZ'], '`': [null, null, null, '1! Date de sortie: February 19, 2019 Éditeur: Marie Claire Editions Diététique de la Musculation - Masse, Force, Perte de graisse, Santé, Performance. )n # math is similar to extra guesses of l33t substitutions in dictionary matches.n if match.shifted_countn S = match.shifted_countn U = match.token.length - match.shifted_count # unshifted countn if S 0 or U 0n guesses *= 2n elsen shifted_variations = 0n shifted_variations += @nCk(S + U, i) for i in [1..Math.min(S, U)]n guesses *= shifted_variationsn guessesnn dictionary_guesses: (match) ->n match.base_guesses = match.rank # keep these as properties for display purposesn match.uppercase_variations = @uppercase_variations matchn match.l33t_variations = @l33t_variations matchn reversed_variations = match.reversed and 2 or 1n match.base_guesses * match.uppercase_variations * match.l33t_variations * reversed_variationsnn START_UPPER: /^[A-Z][^A-Z]+$/n END_UPPER: /^[^A-Z]+[A-Z]$/n ALL_UPPER: /^[^a-z]+$/n ALL_LOWER: /^[^A-Z]+$/nn uppercase_variations: (match) ->n word = match.tokenn return 1 if word.match(@ALL_LOWER) or word.toLowerCase() wordn # a capitalized word is the most common capitalization scheme,n # so it only doubles the search space (uncapitalized + capitalized).n # allcaps and end-capitalized are common enough too, underestimate as 2x factor to be safe.n for regex in [@START_UPPER, @END_UPPER, @ALL_UPPER]n return 2 if word.match regexn # otherwise calculate the number of ways to capitalize U+L uppercase+lowercase lettersn # with U uppercase letters or less. '/Users/dan/zxcvbn/src/adjacency_graphs.coffee'. cache it.n min_guesses = 1n if match.token.length < password.lengthn min_guesses = if match.token.length 1n MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_SINGLE_CHARn elsen MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_MULTI_CHARn estimation_functions =n bruteforce: @bruteforce_guessesn dictionary: @dictionary_guessesn spatial: @spatial_guessesn repeat: @repeat_guessesn sequence: @sequence_guessesn regex: @regex_guessesn date: @date_guessesn guesses = estimation_functions[match.pattern].call this, matchn match.guesses = Math.max guesses, min_guessesn match.guesses_log10 = @log10 match.guessesn match.guessesnn bruteforce_guesses: (match) ->n guesses = Math.pow BRUTEFORCE_CARDINALITY, match.token.lengthn # small detail: make bruteforce matches at minimum one guess bigger than smallest allowedn # submatch guesses, such that non-bruteforce submatches over the same [i..j] take precidence.n min_guesses = if match.token.length 1n MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_SINGLE_CHAR + 1n elsen MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_MULTI_CHAR + 1n Math.max guesses, min_guessesnn repeat_guesses: (match) ->n match.base_guesses * match.repeat_countnn sequence_guesses: (match) ->n first_chr = match.token.charAt(0)n # lower guesses for obvious starting pointsn if first_chr in ['a', 'A', 'z', 'Z', '0', '1', '9']n base_guesses = 4n elsen if first_chr.match /d/n base_guesses = 10 # digitsn elsen # could give a higher base for uppercase,n # assigning 26 to both upper and lower sequences is more conservative.n base_guesses = 26n if not match.ascendingn # need to try a descending sequence in addition to every ascending sequence ->n # 2x guessesn base_guesses *= 2n base_guesses * match.token.lengthnn MIN_YEAR_SPACE: 20n REFERENCE_YEAR: 2016nn regex_guesses: (match) ->n char_class_bases =n alpha_lower: 26n alpha_upper: 26n alpha: 52n alphanumeric: 62n digits: 10n symbols: 33n if match.regex_name of char_class_basesn Math.pow(char_class_bases[match.regex_name], match.token.length)n else switch match.regex_namen when 'recent_year'n # conservative estimate of year space: num years from REFERENCE_YEAR.n # if year is close to REFERENCE_YEAR, estimate a year space of MIN_YEAR_SPACE.n year_space = Math.abs parseInt(match.regex_match[0]) - @REFERENCE_YEARn year_space = Math.max year_space, @MIN_YEAR_SPACEn year_spacenn date_guesses: (match) ->n # base guesses: (year distance from REFERENCE_YEAR) * num_days * num_yearsn year_space = Math.max(Math.abs(match.year - @REFERENCE_YEAR), @MIN_YEAR_SPACE)n guesses = year_space * 365n # double for four-digit yearsn guesses *= 2 if match.has_full_yearn # add factor of 4 for separator selection (one of ~4 choices)n guesses *= 4 if match.separatorn guessesnn KEYBOARD_AVERAGE_DEGREE: calc_average_degree(adjacency_graphs.qwerty)n # slightly different for keypad/mac keypad, but close enoughn KEYPAD_AVERAGE_DEGREE: calc_average_degree(adjacency_graphs.keypad)nn KEYBOARD_STARTING_POSITIONS: (k for k,v of adjacency_graphs.qwerty).lengthn KEYPAD_STARTING_POSITIONS: (k for k,v of adjacency_graphs.keypad).lengthnn spatial_guesses: (match) ->n if match.graph in ['qwerty', 'dvorak']n s = @KEYBOARD_STARTING_POSITIONSn d = @KEYBOARD_AVERAGE_DEGREEn elsen s = @KEYPAD_STARTING_POSITIONSn d = @KEYPAD_AVERAGE_DEGREEn guesses = 0n L = match.token.lengthn t = match.turnsn # estimate the number of possible patterns w/ length L or less with t turns or less.n for i in [2..L]n possible_turns = Math.min(t, i - 1)n for j in [1..possible_turns]n guesses += @nCk(i - 1, j - 1) * s * Math.pow(d, j)n # add extra guesses for shifted keys. Éditeur: Tec & Doc Lavoisier Nombre de pages: 252 pages Recettes à index glycémique bas. ', null, null, '3#', 'wW', 'qQ'], 'A': [null, 'qQ', 'wW', 'sS', 'zZ', null], 'B': ['vV', 'gG', 'hH', 'nN', null, null], 'C': ['xX', 'dD', 'fF', 'vV', null, null], 'D': ['sS', 'eE', 'rR', 'fF', 'cC', 'xX'], 'E': ['wW', '3#', '4$', 'rR', 'dD', 'sS'], 'F': ['dD', 'rR', 'tT', 'gG', 'vV', 'cC'], 'G': ['fF', 'tT', 'yY', 'hH', 'bB', 'vV'], 'H': ['gG', 'yY', 'uU', 'jJ', 'nN', 'bB'], 'I': ['uU', '8*', '9(', 'oO', 'kK', 'jJ'], 'J': ['hH', 'uU', 'iI', 'kK', 'mM', 'nN'], 'K': ['jJ', 'iI', 'oO', 'lL', ',<', 'mM'], 'L': ['kK', 'oO', 'pP', ';:', '.>', ',<'], 'M': ['nN', 'jJ', 'kK', ',<', null, null], 'N': ['bB', 'hH', 'jJ', 'mM', null, null], 'O': ['iI', '9(', '0)', 'pP', 'lL', 'kK'], 'P': ['oO', '0)', '-_', '[{', ';:', 'lL'], 'Q': [null, '1! ': ['0', '2', '3', null, null, null, null, null], '/': ['=', null, null, null, '*', '-', '9', '8'], '0': [null, '1', '2', '3', '. ', ']}', null, '|', null, '-_'], '>': [',<', '3#', '4$', 'pP', 'eE', 'oO'], '? Stream Babert - Boogie Oogie (Original Mix) by L.O.Dee from desktop or your mobile device. GitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Trend - DiscoDiva (Timbales Mix), Enzo Pianzola Mr. Per le Scuole superiori (Martin Ivernel), Le petit Julien - El Niño Julián: Livre bilingue pour enfants - Un cuento bilingüe para niños: Volume 2 (Les histoires d'Andie), Las ranitas del lago - La petite grenouille: Un cuento bilingüe para niños - Livre bilingue pour enfants: Volume 1 (Les histoires d'Andie), El Niño Julián - Le petit Julien: Un cuento bilingüe para niños - Livre bilingue pour enfants: Volume 2 (Les histoires d'Andie), La petite grenouille - Las ranitas del lago: Livre bilingue pour enfants - Un cuento bilingüe para niños: Volume 1 (Les histoires d'Andie), Une histoire des hébreux : De Moïse à Jésus, Le Livre de La Jungle, Mon Histoire Du Soir by Walt Disney (2010-06-16), Histoires inedites du petit nicolas: v. 2. ': [',<', 'lL', ';:', '/? 「なるほどwifi」は、光回線やWiMAX等のモバイルwfiについて詳しく丁寧に解説するサイトです。初心者にわかりやすいをモットーにインターネット回線の基礎を詳しくご紹介しています。 '], '(': ['8*', null, null, '0)', 'oO', 'iI'], ')': ['9(', null, null, '-_', 'pP', 'oO'], '*': ['7&', null, null, '9(', 'iI', 'uU'], '+': ['-_', null, null, null, ']}', '[{'], ',': ['mM', 'kK', 'lL', '.>', null, null], '-': ['0)', null, null, '=+', '[{', 'pP'], '. ': ['`~', null, null, '2@', 'qQ', null], '': [';:', '[{', ']}', null, null, '/? Niveau 6e. ', '-_', 'zZ', 'vV'], 'T': ['hH', 'cC', 'rR', 'nN', 'wW', 'mM'], 'U': ['eE', 'pP', 'yY', 'iI', 'kK', 'jJ'], 'V': ['wW', 'nN', 'sS', 'zZ', null, null], 'W': ['mM', 'tT', 'nN', 'vV', null, null], 'X': ['kK', 'iI', 'dD', 'bB', null, null], 'Y': ['pP', '5%', '6^', 'fF', 'iI', 'uU'], 'Z': ['vV', 'sS', '-_', null, null, null], '[': ['0)', null, null, ']}', '/? Shop your style at Shopbop.com! * Product(m.guesses for m in sequence) + D^(l - 1)n #n # where l is the length of the sequence.n #n # the factorial term is the number of ways to order l patterns.n #n # the D^(l-1) term is another length penalty, roughly capturing the idea that ann # attacker will try lower-length sequences first before trying length-l sequences.n #n # for example, consider a sequence that is date-repeat-dictionary.n # - an attacker would need to try other date-repeat-dictionary combinations,n # hence the product term.n # - an attacker would need to try repeat-date-dictionary, dictionary-repeat-date,n # ..., hence the factorial term.n # - an attacker would also likely try length-1 (dictionary) and length-2 (dictionary-date)n # sequences before length-3. PASSwORD),n # the number of ways to lowercase U+L letters with L lowercase letters or less.n U = (chr for chr in word.split(') when chr.match /[A-Z]/).lengthn L = (chr for chr in word.split(') when chr.match /[a-z]/).lengthn variations = 0n variations += @nCk(U + L, i) for i in [1..Math.min(U, L)]n variationsnn l33t_variations: (match) ->n return 1 if not match.l33tn variations = 1n for subbed, unsubbed of match.subn # lower-case match.token before calculating: capitalization shouldn't affect l33t calc.n chrs = match.token.toLowerCase().split(')n S = (chr for chr in chrs when chr subbed).length # num of subbed charsn U = (chr for chr in chrs when chr unsubbed).length # num of unsubbed charsn if S 0 or U 0n # for this sub, password is either fully subbed (444) or fully unsubbed (aaa)n # treat that as doubling the space (attacker needs to try fully subbed chars in addition ton # unsubbed. Magellan Histoire CM éd. ', null, null, '3#', ',<', ''], '3': ['2@', null, null, '4$', '.>', ',<'], '4': ['3#', null, null, '5%', 'pP', '.>'], '5': ['4$', null, null, '6^', 'yY', 'pP'], '6': ['5%', null, null, '7&', 'fF', 'yY'], '7': ['6^', null, null, '8*', 'gG', 'fF'], '8': ['7&', null, null, '9(', 'cC', 'gG'], '9': ['8*', null, null, '0)', 'rR', 'cC'], ':': [null, 'aA', 'oO', 'qQ', null, null], ';': [null, 'aA', 'oO', 'qQ', null, null], '<': ['', '2@', '3#', '.>', 'oO', 'aA'], '=': ['/? ': ['`~', null, null, '2@', '', null], '': [null, '1! ', null, null, '3#', ',<', ''], 'A': [null, '', ',<', 'oO', ';:', null], 'B': ['xX', 'dD', 'hH', 'mM', null, null], 'C': ['gG', '8*', '9(', 'rR', 'tT', 'hH'], 'D': ['iI', 'fF', 'gG', 'hH', 'bB', 'xX'], 'E': ['oO', '.>', 'pP', 'uU', 'jJ', 'qQ'], 'F': ['yY', '6^', '7&', 'gG', 'dD', 'iI'], 'G': ['fF', '7&', '8*', 'cC', 'hH', 'dD'], 'H': ['dD', 'gG', 'cC', 'tT', 'mM', 'bB'], 'I': ['uU', 'yY', 'fF', 'dD', 'xX', 'kK'], 'J': ['qQ', 'eE', 'uU', 'kK', null, null], 'K': ['jJ', 'uU', 'iI', 'xX', null, null], 'L': ['rR', '0)', '[{', '/? # a match's guess estimate doesn't change. ', ']}', null, '|', null, '-_'], ',': ['', '2@', '3#', '.>', 'oO', 'aA'], '-': ['sS', '/? Shopbop offers assortments from over 400 clothing, shoe, and accessory designers. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ', null, null], 'a': [null, 'qQ', 'wW', 'sS', 'zZ', null], 'b': ['vV', 'gG', 'hH', 'nN', null, null], 'c': ['xX', 'dD', 'fF', 'vV', null, null], 'd': ['sS', 'eE', 'rR', 'fF', 'cC', 'xX'], 'e': ['wW', '3#', '4$', 'rR', 'dD', 'sS'], 'f': ['dD', 'rR', 'tT', 'gG', 'vV', 'cC'], 'g': ['fF', 'tT', 'yY', 'hH', 'bB', 'vV'], 'h': ['gG', 'yY', 'uU', 'jJ', 'nN', 'bB'], 'i': ['uU', '8*', '9(', 'oO', 'kK', 'jJ'], 'j': ['hH', 'uU', 'iI', 'kK', 'mM', 'nN'], 'k': ['jJ', 'iI', 'oO', 'lL', ',<', 'mM'], 'l': ['kK', 'oO', 'pP', ';:', '.>', ',<'], 'm': ['nN', 'jJ', 'kK', ',<', null, null], 'n': ['bB', 'hH', 'jJ', 'mM', null, null], 'o': ['iI', '9(', '0)', 'pP', 'lL', 'kK'], 'p': ['oO', '0)', '-_', '[{', ';:', 'lL'], 'q': [null, '1! (Pete&'s Freakin&' Stomp), Brother Nebula - Going Clear (Original Mix), Brookside Chase - Good Love (Original Mix), Brookside Chase - Good Love (Brookside Chase Street Dub), Brain Masters - We Super Stylin (Original Mix), Boddhi Satva - Basic Knowledge (00&'s Mix), Block & Crown - The Witness feat Jeff Bloom (Original Mix), Black Mighty Orchestra - Keep On Loving On (Metamatics Remix), Black Mighty Orchestra - Keep On Loving On (DJ Eden&'s Vocal Mix), Black Mighty Orchestra - Keep On Loving On (DJ Eden Tribal Mix), Black Mighty Orchestra - Keep On Loving On (DJ Cream Remix), Black Mighty Orchestra - Keep On Loving On (Bass Funk & Cev&'s Remix), BiG AL, Kiano, Below Bangkok - You Cant Understand (Original Mix), BiG AL, Kiano, Below Bangkok - You Cant Understand (Harlem Knights Remix), BiG AL, Kiano, Below Bangkok - You Cant Understand (Harlem Knights Intro Mix), BiG AL, Kiano, Below Bangkok - You Cant Understand (David Kassi Remix), Apollo 84 - Warehouse Party (Original Mix), Antonello Ferrari, Aldo Bergamasco - At The Club (F&B Extended Version), Angelina, Soul Fortune - Touch (Original Mix), Alvaro Hylander, Ivan Garci - Zero Clouds (Ivan Garci Original Mix), Alvaro Hylander, Ivan Garci - Zero Clouds (Alvaro Hylander Remix), Alvaro Hylander, Ivan Garci - Le Groove (Ivan Garci Remix), Albano Bastonero, Alejandro Conde - Fragile (Original Mix), Adham Zahran - You, On A Sunday Night (Original Mix), Acid Pauli, Nico Stojan - Call of the Valley (Original Mix), 5&Dime, Left of the Boom - Shackles feat Janine Fagan (Original Mix). Stream Babert - Boogie Oogie (Original Mix) by L.O.Dee from desktop or your mobile device. Write something about yourself. ', 'lL'], '|': ['=+', null, null, null, null, null], '}': ['[{', null, null, null, '=+', '/? other date matches: 15_06_04, 5_06_04, ..., even 2015 (matched as 5/1/2020)n #n # to reduce noise, remove date matches that are strict substrings of othersn @sorted matches.filter (match) ->n is_submatch = falsen for other_match in matchesn continue if match is other_matchn if other_match.i <= match.i and other_match.j >= match.jn is_submatch = truen breakn not is_submatchnn map_ints_to_dmy: (ints) ->n # given a 3-tuple, discard if:n # middle int is over 31 (for all dmy formats, years are never allowed in the middle)n # middle int is zeron # any int is over the max allowable yearn # any int is over two digits but under the min allowable yearn # 2 ints are over 31, the max allowable dayn # 2 ints are zeron # all ints are over 12, the max allowable monthn return if ints[1] > 31 or ints[1] <= 0n over_12 = 0n over_31 = 0n under_1 = 0n for int in intsn return if 99 < int < DATE_MIN_YEAR or int > DATE_MAX_YEARn over_31 += 1 if int > 31n over_12 += 1 if int > 12n under_1 += 1 if int <= 0n return if over_31 >= 2 or over_12 3 or under_1 >= 2nn # first look for a four digit year: yyyy + daymonth or daymonth + yyyyn possible_year_splits = [n [ints[2], ints[0..1]] # year lastn [ints[0], ints[1..2]] # year firstn ]n for [y, rest] in possible_year_splitsn if DATE_MIN_YEAR <= y <= DATE_MAX_YEARn dm = @map_ints_to_dm restn if dm?n return {n year: yn month: dm.monthn day: dm.dayn }n elsen # for a candidate that includes a four-digit year,n # when the remaining ints don't match to a day and month,n # it is not a date.n returnnn # given no four-digit year, two digit years are the most flexible int to match, son # try to parse a day-month out of ints[0..1] or ints[1..0]n for [y, rest] in possible_year_splitsn dm = @map_ints_to_dm restn if dm?n y = @two_to_four_digit_year yn return {n year: yn month: dm.monthn day: dm.dayn }nn map_ints_to_dm: (ints) ->n for [d, m] in [ints, ints.slice().reverse()]n if 1 <= d <= 31 and 1 <= m <= 12n return {n day: dn month: mn }nn two_to_four_digit_year: (year) ->n if year > 99n yearn else if year > 50n # 87 -> 1987n year + 1900n elsen # 15 -> 2015n year + 2000nnmodule.exports = matchingn'. ', null, null, null], '1': [null, null, '4', '5', '2', '0', null, null], '2': ['1', '4', '5', '6', '3', '. ', '2@', ',<', 'aA', null], '#': ['2@', null, null, '4$', '.>', ',<'], '$': ['3#', null, null, '5%', 'pP', '.>'], '%': ['4$', null, null, '6^', 'yY', 'pP'], '&': ['6^', null, null, '8*', 'gG', 'fF'], '': [null, '1! '], '#': ['2@', null, null, '4$', 'eE', 'wW'], '$': ['3#', null, null, '5%', 'rR', 'eE'], '%': ['4$', null, null, '6^', 'tT', 'rR'], '&': ['6^', null, null, '8*', 'uU', 'yY'], '': [';:', '[{', ']}', null, null, '/? ', null, null]}n dvorak: {'! ': ['0', '2', '3', null, null, null, null, null], '/': [null, null, null, null, '*', '9', '8', '7'], '0': [null, '1', '2', '3', '. ', '0'], '4': [null, null, '7', '8', '5', '2', '1', null], '5': ['4', '7', '8', '9', '6', '3', '2', '1'], '6': ['5', '8', '9', '+', null, null, '3', '2'], '7': [null, null, null, '/', '8', '5', '4', null], '8': ['7', null, '/', '*', '9', '6', '5', '4'], '9': ['8', '/', '*', '-', '+', null, '6', '5']}n mac_keypad: {'*': ['/', null, null, null, null, null, '-', '9'], '+': ['6', '9', '-', null, null, null, null, '3'], '-': ['9', '/', '*', null, null, null, '+', '6'], '. ', null, null], '? Mar 19, 2019 - 26 – Atjazz, N'dinga Gaba, Sahffi – Summer Breeze (Atjazz Main Mix) 6:30 / 125bpm. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 小学校・中学校向け製品一覧のページです。チエル(CHIeru)は未来の子供達のためにICT製品による教育現場への貢献や、教育に関するセミナーを開催しております。 )1+/gn lazy_anchored = /^(.+? 緊急性及び確実性を求められる「移植用角膜」の輸入通関・配送国内取扱シェアは9割以上です。 移植用角膜 輸入通関・配送. ', null, null], 'a': [null, '', ',<', 'oO', ';:', null], 'b': ['xX', 'dD', 'hH', 'mM', null, null], 'c': ['gG', '8*', '9(', 'rR', 'tT', 'hH'], 'd': ['iI', 'fF', 'gG', 'hH', 'bB', 'xX'], 'e': ['oO', '.>', 'pP', 'uU', 'jJ', 'qQ'], 'f': ['yY', '6^', '7&', 'gG', 'dD', 'iI'], 'g': ['fF', '7&', '8*', 'cC', 'hH', 'dD'], 'h': ['dD', 'gG', 'cC', 'tT', 'mM', 'bB'], 'i': ['uU', 'yY', 'fF', 'dD', 'xX', 'kK'], 'j': ['qQ', 'eE', 'uU', 'kK', null, null], 'k': ['jJ', 'uU', 'iI', 'xX', null, null], 'l': ['rR', '0)', '[{', '/? ', '.>'], '<': ['mM', 'kK', 'lL', '.>', null, null], '=': ['-_', null, null, null, ']}', '[{'], '>': [',<', 'lL', ';:', '/? 日本最大級のフィギュア,ホビー通販「あみあみ」公式のYahoo!店-安心の年間ベストストア受賞店舗です。最新商品を随時更新!あみあみ限定品やおトクなセール品も!フィギュア,アニメ,グッズ,プラモデル,ゲーム,トレカなど幅広い品揃え! Uncommon words are better. 'n if feedback?n feedback.suggestions.unshift extra_feedbackn feedback.warning = ' unless feedback.warning?n elsen feedback =n warning: 'n suggestions: [extra_feedback]n feedbacknn get_match_feedback: (match, is_sole_match) ->n switch match.patternn when 'dictionary'n @get_dictionary_match_feedback match, is_sole_matchnn when 'spatial'n layout = match.graph.toUpperCase()n warning = if match.turns 1n 'Straight rows of keys are easy to guess'n elsen 'Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess'n warning: warningn suggestions: [n 'Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns'n ]nn when 'repeat'n warning = if match.base_token.length 1n 'Repeats like 'aaa' are easy to guess'n elsen 'Repeats like 'abcabcabc' are only slightly harder to guess than 'abc'n warning: warningn suggestions: [n 'Avoid repeated words and characters'n ]nn when 'sequence'n warning: 'Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess'n suggestions: [n 'Avoid sequences'n ]nn when 'regex'n if match.regex_name 'recent_year'n warning: 'Recent years are easy to guess'n suggestions: [n 'Avoid recent years'n 'Avoid years that are associated with you'n ]nn when 'date'n warning: 'Dates are often easy to guess'n suggestions: [n 'Avoid dates and years that are associated with you'n ]nn get_dictionary_match_feedback: (match, is_sole_match) ->n warning = if match.dictionary_name 'passwords'n if is_sole_match and not match.l33t and not match.reversedn if match.rank <= 10n 'This is a top-10 common password'n else if match.rank <= 100n 'This is a top-100 common password'n elsen 'This is a very common password'n else if match.guesses_log10 <= 4n 'This is similar to a commonly used password'n else if match.dictionary_name 'english'n if is_sole_matchn 'A word by itself is easy to guess'n else if match.dictionary_name in ['surnames', 'male_names', 'female_names']n if is_sole_matchn 'Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess'n elsen 'Common names and surnames are easy to guess'n elsen 'nn suggestions = []n word = match.tokenn if word.match(scoring.START_UPPER)n suggestions.push 'Capitalization doesn't help very much'n else if word.match(scoring.ALL_UPPER) and word.toLowerCase() != wordn suggestions.push 'All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase'nn if match.reversed and match.token.length >= 4n suggestions.push 'Reversed words aren't much harder to guess'n if match.l33tn suggestions.push 'Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much'nn result =n warning: warningn suggestions: suggestionsn resultnnmodule.exports = feedbackn'. ', '2@', 'wW', 'aA', null], 'r': ['eE', '4$', '5%', 'tT', 'fF', 'dD'], 's': ['aA', 'wW', 'eE', 'dD', 'xX', 'zZ'], 't': ['rR', '5%', '6^', 'yY', 'gG', 'fF'], 'u': ['yY', '7&', '8*', 'iI', 'jJ', 'hH'], 'v': ['cC', 'fF', 'gG', 'bB', null, null], 'w': ['qQ', '2@', '3#', 'eE', 'sS', 'aA'], 'x': ['zZ', 'sS', 'dD', 'cC', null, null], 'y': ['tT', '6^', '7&', 'uU', 'hH', 'gG'], 'z': [null, 'aA', 'sS', 'xX', null, null], '{': ['pP', '-_', '=+', ']}', '', ';:'], '|': [']}', null, null, null, null, null], '}': ['[{', '=+', null, '|', null, ''], '~': [null, null, null, '1! Babert â The Breeze (Extended Mix) Club Sweat. (% instead of 5, A instead of a. Première femme nommée au poste de médiateur des antennes à Radio France, Emmanuelle Daviet va poursuivre le travail accompli, depuis 2015 par Bruno Denaes, son prédécesseur. ', '2@', 'wW', 'aA', null], 'R': ['eE', '4$', '5%', 'tT', 'fF', 'dD'], 'S': ['aA', 'wW', 'eE', 'dD', 'xX', 'zZ'], 'T': ['rR', '5%', '6^', 'yY', 'gG', 'fF'], 'U': ['yY', '7&', '8*', 'iI', 'jJ', 'hH'], 'V': ['cC', 'fF', 'gG', 'bB', null, null], 'W': ['qQ', '2@', '3#', 'eE', 'sS', 'aA'], 'X': ['zZ', 'sS', 'dD', 'cC', null, null], 'Y': ['tT', '6^', '7&', 'uU', 'hH', 'gG'], 'Z': [null, 'aA', 'sS', 'xX', null, null], '[': ['pP', '-_', '=+', ']}', '', ';:'], ': [']}', null, null, null, null, null], ']': ['[{', '=+', null, '|', null, ''], '^': ['5%', null, null, '7&', 'yY', 'tT'], '_': ['0)', null, null, '=+', '[{', 'pP'], '`': [null, null, null, '1! '(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require'function'&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error('Cannot find module '+o+'');throw f.code='MODULE_NOT_FOUND',f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require'function'&&require;for(var o=0;o