Having a vigorous, independent will and views. presque: bijna; haast; nagenoeg; schier; welhaast; direct; terstond; aanstonds; zowat; vrijwel; bijna geheel; bijkans; zo goed als 2. 25 synonyms of for certain from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 7 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 28 Certain thing synonyms. Look up the French to English translation of presque in the PONS online dictionary. positive . Near Antonyms for certain. Sure to come or happen; inevitable: certain success. See also: présure, presqu'île, présumer, Persique. : Les normes DAISY permettront de conserver les livres audionumériques presque indéfiniment. Antonyms for certainty. ES:presque certain. Controleer 'presque' vertalingen naar het Nederlands. : Las normas de DAISY permitirán que los libros parlantes se conserven prácticamente para siempre. Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Synonyms for phrase Certain dragons. en vigueur adjective, adverb. What are another words for For certain? Als de visserij-inspanning ongemoeid wordt gelaten, zou dat erop neerkomen dat wordt aanvaard dat de herstelplannen vrijwel zeker mislukken. synonym.com. Previous, former. Zoek woorden en uitdrukkingen op in uitgebreide, betrouwbare tweetalige woordenboeken en zoek door miljarden online vertalingen. Vertaal teksten met de beste automatische vertaaltechnologie ter wereld, ontwikkeld door de makers van Linguee. This is the British English definition of certain.View American English definition of certain.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Synonyms for phrase Certain helmets. in force, in effect, applicable, operative. Mijnwoordenboek.nl is een onafhankelijk privé-initiatief, gestart in 2004. tain (sûr′tn) adj. quasi-certain \ka.zi.sɛʁ.tɛ̃\. Certain Synonyms; sure . Another word for certain: sure, convinced, positive, confident, satisfied | Collins English Thesaurus La biotechnologie est presque devenue synonyme d'organismes génétiquement modifiés. : El término biotecnología se ha convertido prácticamente en sinónimo de organismos modificados genéticamente. Find 177 ways to say CERTAIN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The code for attribution links is required. à peu près preposition, adverb. 4. Certain to remain safe and unthreatened. Translation for 'presque' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. We can't find synonyms for the phrase "Certain helmets", but we have synonyms for terms, you can combine them. I'm certain that they'll arrive on time. nearly, about, approximately, just about, around. Capable of being relied on; dependable: a quick and certain remedy. particular, specific. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. And I had little difficulty in determining the objects with which it was necessary to commence, for I was already persuaded that it must be with the simplest and easiest to know, and, considering that of all those who have hitherto sought truth in the sciences, the mathematicians alone have been able to find any demonstrations, that is, any, I should not, however, on this account have ventured at once on the examination of all the difficulties of the sciences which presented themselves to me, for this would have been contrary to the order prescribed in the method, but observing that the knowledge of such is dependent on principles borrowed from philosophy, in which I found nothing, In the vertebrata, we see a series of internal vertebrae bearing, -- It has already been casually remarked that, Even as he did so he thought he perceived a, Meanwhile, John had gone upon his holidays without a word, which was irregular; and there had disappeared with him a, The chevalier had repudiated the ridiculous costume still preserved by, At any rate, he went; but, what's more, he went with a, Wordsworth's own character, as we have already observed, was dominated by a, An emanation, a particular spirit, belonged not to the moving leaves or water only, but to the distant peak arising suddenly, by some change of perspective, above the nearer horizon of the hills, to the passing space of light across the plain, to the lichened Druidic stone even, for a, I never heard him speak of those whose work had a. L'adoption du système EMAS par le secteur manufacturier de l'UE a donné des résultats encourageants, quoique difficiles à quantifier avec précision, et il, La présente proposition a pour objet la révision et la refonte du règlement (CE) n° 2037/2000 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 juin 2000 relatif à des substances qui appauvrissent la couche d'ozone1 et ses actes modificatifs successifs, alors que les substances appauvrissant la couche d'ozone ont é, Dit voorstel beoogt de herschikking en herziening van Verordening (EG) nr. Vertalingen in context van "suis presque certain que" in Frans-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Je suis presque certain que j'ai jamais utilisé l'expression "tout en rose". La non-institution de mesures compromettrait l’existence à long terme de l’industrie communautaire et il est presque certain qu’au moins quelques-uns des producteurs communautaires seraient amenés à fermer en raison de la concurrence des importations faisant l’objet d’un dumping. 2037/2000 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad. What are another words for Certain thing? Full list of synonyms for For certain is here. Definition and synonyms of certain from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. More 500 For certain synonyms. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Online vertaalwoordenboek. ( Mathématiques) Se dit d’un événement A d’un univers probabilisé (Ω,P) tel que P (A)=1. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Certain? Antonyms for certain. 79 synonyms for certain: sure, convinced, positive, confident, satisfied, assured, free from doubt, bound, sure, fated, destined, inevitable, … Sure thing, safe bet, cert. Definition and synonyms of a certain from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Certainly, for sure, sure. Full list of synonyms for Certain thing is here. quasi et presque empêchent les gens de mentir: Almost and very nigh save many a lie. Established beyond doubt or question; indisputable: What is certain is that every effect must have a cause. Synonyms: indisputable , irrefutable , incontrovertible , inarguable , positive , sure , undeniable , unquestionable , incontestable Sense: Adjective: unavoidable Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Certain and Helmets. 2 having or showing a mind free from doubt. Proposition 1.2.6 : Si B est quasi-certain, pour tout événement A : P (A∩B)=P (A). Certain helmets Synonyms. Find another word for for certain. Vertalingen in context van "je suis presque certain" in Frans-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Mais je suis presque certain sur le fait que je ne te tirerai jamais plus dessus. — (Cours de A.M. Boussion, Université Paris-Dauphine, Many translated example sentences containing "je suis presque certain" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. La non-institution de mesures compromettrait l’existence à long terme de l’industrie communautaire et il, Ne pas modifier l'effort de pêche reviendrait à accepter l'é. Veel vertaalde voorbeeldzinnen bevatten "presque certain" – Frans-Nederlands woordenboek en zoekmachine voor miljoenen Franse vertalingen. Another word for certain: sure, convinced, positive, confident, satisfied | Collins English Thesaurus (2) Many translated example sentences containing "presque certain que" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Het komt niet overeen met mijn zoekopdracht. Rate it: (1.00 / 1 vote) à toute Being a single, sole or solitary member a kind, type, or class. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea, Certainly His Resurrection Is Supreme Truth. Dit is niet een goed voorbeeld van de vertaling hierboven. Cherchez certain et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. There's hardly any space., There's hardly any room. This is the British English definition of a certain.View American English definition of a certain.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Rate it: (5.00 / 1 vote) il vaut mieux être marteau qu’enclume: Il vaut mieux battre que d’être battu, se dit dans des circonstances où il est presque inévitable de souffrir du mal ou d’en faire. antonym.com Word of the Day: chatterbox. Gebruik DeepL Translator om direct teksten en documenten te vertalen. somewhere, anywhere, some place, anyplace. Synonyms for certainty in Free Thesaurus. 1. 5. … Conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way. De vertaling klopt niet of is van een slechte kwaliteit. Definite; fixed: set aside a certain sum each week. Synonyms for certain in Free Thesaurus. Het zou niet samengevat moeten worden met de oranje resultaten. known, named, specified. Synonyme für Certain (verbunden mit unavoidable). personne, ou presque next to nobody, hardly anyone. De meest voorkomende Nederlandse woordenboekaanvragen: Als vertaling van "presque certain" voorstellen. 3. Kijk door voorbeelden van presque vertaling in zinnen, luister naar de uitspraak en neem kennis met grammatica. Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Certain and Dragons Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. Insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a … definite . Find 177 ways to say CERTAIN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. confident . Synonyms for certain.