, Centre d'art contemporain des 2 églises. And yet, his framing and cropping are entirely modern, subverting any suggestion of nostalgia. He focuses on their root systems so that the landscape in the background blurs and seems to swirl around their bodies, creating a vortex that further frames his subjects and emphasizes their singular energy. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Useful Lies is notable, Antoine explains, as it is his first wholly optimistic body of work. Eric ANTOINE. Media in category "Éric Antoine" The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total. He is uninterested, he explains, in finding and documenting the exotic, the strange, or the new. Les 50 comiques préférés des Français 2018, Le grand show de l'humour. Anne Roumanoff et Eric Antoine - L'assistante du magicien, Kev Adams, le gala - Montreux Comedy fête ses 30 ans, Madénian et Eric Antoine - Un nouveau duo de magie, Le grand show de l'humour: Les sketchs préférés des Français, Le grand show de l'humour. Éric Antoine Centre Porsche Caen. From Dolby Chadwick Gallery, Éric Antoine, Olivier XII (2019), Ambrotype, 10 1/4 × 12 3/4 in Although he makes prints as well, many of his final works are ambrotypes, which are underexposed glass negatives that appear as positives when the light is stopped by a black background. His medium dovetails with his interest in New Objectivity by allowing for great precision and very fine detail. Such parallels to human life are also underlined by Antoine’s decision to take the photographs as portraits, as if the trees were people. He is married to Calista Sinclair. By using an older form of technology, Antoine strips away modern-day conceits in the quest for simplicity, solitude, and core truths. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. His art is instead an intimate and highly personal project, one that is impossible to separate from his life. Known as wet-plate collodion, Antoine’s photographic process is slow and complicated, and contributes to the already time-consuming nature of his practice. In addition to their silvery quality, which catches the light as you tilt the plate, the ambrotypes exhibit vignetting, bokeh and blurring, drip marks, circumscribed areas of unreadability, and dramatic contrasts between light and dark. Les Cerveaux features piles of books and sheets of papers, both Antoine’s own and those collected over the years from his parents and grandparents. Caen. The white ball sits in stark contrast to the smaller black ball, which appears in series such as Les Cerveaux and symbolizes something darker and burdensome, even adverse. Dolby Chadwick Gallery is pleased to announce Useful Lies, an exhibition of recent work by the French artist Éric Antoine. These quiet and at times somber—but always sublime—images are reservoirs of feeling and symbolism that are usually set in and around his home, located in the forest of northeastern France. The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total. The exhibition takes its title from the series of the same name. Some of the most captivating stories are authored by the protagonists of The Olive Trees series. Cate Blanchett shares her list of films to inspire hope in support of the UN Refugee Agency to assist those without a place to call home amidst our global health crisis. Sketchs cultes et magiques!! Eric Antoine's Instagram profile has 1,001 photos and videos. It should be noted that scars, both visible and invisible, play a prominent role in his work. Éric-Antoine has 5 jobs listed on their profile. At the same time, the process is highly pictorial in that the artist essentially paints the glass plate with a sensitive coating, which pools and drips and must be controlled. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Éric Antoine (es); Éric Antoine (fr); Éric Antoine (nl); Éric Antoine (en); Éric Antoine (ca); Éric Antoine (sl); Éric Antoine (ast) humorista francés (es); acteur, prestidigitateur, auteur de textes humoristiques, français (fr); French humorist (en); فكاهي فرنسي (ar); humorista francés (ast); Frans humorist (nl) Eric antoine, Eric Antoine (fr); Eric Antoine (en), Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 155274060, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Éric_Antoine&oldid=346872283, Uses of Wikidata Infobox with no family name, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Eric Antoine! Éric Antoine, Writer: Éric Antoine: Mystéric. Antoine’s work consequently has a unique patina that heightens the mood he sets in motion through his artistic choices, from lens to framing to subject matter. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the. 77 others named Eric Antoine are on LinkedIn. Eric Antoine - 2012-07-03 - IMG 4874.jpg 2,004 × 3,006; 5.78 MB In addition to their silvery quality, which catches the light as you tilt the plate, the ambrotypes exhibit vignetting, bokeh and blurring, drip marks, circumscribed areas of unreadability, and dramatic contrasts between light and dark. Eric ANTOINE Business Unit HR Director. Jamel et ses amis au Marrakech du rire 2018, Jamel et ses amis au Marrakech du rire 2015, Emission spéciale Humoristes (2ème édition), Eric Antoine - Le mystère du grand magicien. The ball is this useful lie—this optimism that we carry around in the face of pain. In the beautiful, provocative series Drowning Flowers, for example, cut flowers submerged upside down in glass bottles signify ruined youth. The works speak to the passage of time but also to a sense of timelessness. This optimism is symbolized by a large, almost luminescent white ball, which he situates at the edge of a rocky ledge, on the bank of a rushing stream, under a vaulted canopy of trees, and in a quiet corner of his home, among other places. All of his choices make room for the telling of a thousand stories. He is a writer and actor, known for. Aside from a single cardboard box in Les Intrus—a series that highlights the human body and the fragility of shelter—nothing in the photographs dates them. See others named Eric Antoine … Audition secrète: qui deviendra une star sans le savoir? Éric Antoine was born in September 1976 in Enghien-les-Bains, France. Some of the most optimistic people, Antoine imagines, live lives that are fraught with agony and hardship, and yet somehow they find this hopefulness that helps them keep going. He is a writer and actor, known for Éric Antoine: Mystéric (2012), Unnecessary Force (2014) and Fly by Knight (2011). View Éric-Antoine Menard’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. This tension between exactitude and imperfection opens up the works, creating scenes that are both true to nature and evocative of their own realities. They have two children. Cinema is an important reference for the artist, who notes that the olive trees of his photographs are reminiscent of those dark yet enchanted forests from the films of our childhood, in which the trees can look at you and talk. Looking for some great streaming picks? In French, les cerveaux means “the brains.” Different elements are integrated into or positioned around each pile, including the aforementioned black ball, various geometric curiosities, keys, human hands and torsos, sand, sediment, and rocks. More specifically, Antoine is drawn both to German New Objectivity of the 1920s, with its rejection of Expressionism, and to the movement known as pictorialism. As part of his near-obsessive approach, he typically first creates drawings that allow him to closely consider different nuances and possibilities before making the actual photograph. Every leaf represents an individual memory, a single layer in a multifaceted life, and each connective element is a link between those two memories; taken together, they form a complete system. Often such perseverance can only be achieved by way of what he calls “useful lies,” which we tell ourselves so as to save ourselves. Eric ANTOINE Project Management . Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Eric ANTOINE. Some are classical symbols while others are fashioned by Antoine in service of his own order of meaning, which sometimes extends to encompass subtle social commentary. Follow them to see all their posts. In this series, they suggest recovery and rebirth, growing along with the tree, which in turn generates new wood to heal the injured area. Éric Antoine was born in September 1976 in Enghien-les-Bains, France. Les comiques préférés des Français, Velouté de carottes au curcuma - Pancakes à la banane sauce caramel. Antwerp Metropolitan Area. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Éric-Antoine’s connections and jobs at similar companies. They also carry with them a long history, having been invented over 150 years ago, shortly after the birth of the photographic medium. Antoine works in series, repeatedly photographing the same subjects while experimenting with light, reflection, and composition. From Dolby Chadwick Gallery, Éric Antoine, La Natte (2019), Ambrotype, 21 × 15 1/2 in This page was last edited on 22 April 2019, at 12:12. Antoine’s trees are very humanlike, with twisting trunks, expressive limbs, and deep scars. These are one-of-a-kind objects poised at the cusp of image and sculpture. Antoine’s work consequently has a unique patina that heightens the mood he sets in motion through his artistic choices, from lens to framing to subject matter. These are not attempts to replicate nineteenth-century photographs but rather forays into unchartered territory that use the past to draft new stories. The collodion process also helps visually convey the feeling of being caught between two forces: the drive toward perfection and the desire to embrace flaws. But if you scratch the surface, countless other plotlines and histories come tumbling out.