Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 94,000 employees in more than 70 countries and territories. Sales and marketing careers are crucial to delivering Shell products and services to customers across the globe. Discover the impact you could make with a career at Shell. 4 tips to excel in a Shell face-to-face interview; 7 tips to prepare Students & Graduates for an online video Interview ; 4 ways to stand out as a candidate; 10 employees share their first week at Shell; 9 ways to help you find the right career path; 5 tips to improve your Resume; Careers FAQs. Find your future at Shell. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire de ces e-mails à tout moment. Sales and marketing careers are crucial to delivering Shell products and services to … Banner flies out. We are currently looking for : » a receptionnist Within the framework of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), we inform all datas of the application file will be collected by the Le Royal Hotel Human Resources department. We need people with passion. The family post for another photo and the Instagam frame appears again and we see the emojis for ‘petrol = food coffee shower’ pop up. Nutzen Sie das Shell-Stellensuche-Tool und finden Sie Ihre neue Stelle. Today, I’m going to take you through the steps for applying to the Shell Graduate Programme. Nous nous sommes engagés à contribuer au bien-être des chauffeurs routiers. A picture is taken of the boy giving a thumbs up and appears in the Instagram frame with the coffee and tick emoji flash up. Shell Fuels. Find out more about how we’re working to power progress together. Compensez les émissions de CO2 de votre parc automobile avec Shell et préparez votre entreprise pour l'avenir. Motivated, dynamic and guest oriented, we will be pleased to welcome you in Le Royal team ! Conditions générales de B2Mobility GmbH . Entdecken Sie die Karrierechancen bei Shell. Recent incidents have occurred involving organisations falsely claiming to recruit on behalf of Shell. We see a wide shot overlooking the Berchem forecourt at night. Shop. A picture is taken and appears in the Instagram frame, showing the ‘food and tick’ emojis. What is Shell's Net Carbon Footprint ambition? We then see the family inside the café shop, picking up their food tray at the counter café. Nous vous assurons que nous ferons tout notre possible pour vous servir de manière optimale en cette période de crise. Our Annual Report, Sustainability Report, Tax Contribution Report and other annual publications are available online and as PDF download. Explore Shell's career opportunities. Operating safely and efficiently has a significant impact on the company’s overall performance and will help Shell in becoming the most competitive and innovative energy company in the world. Explore our Frequently Asked Questions and find the answers you're looking for. Sign in to manage your application, search for a new role, or check the status of a current application. Technical careers Human solutions to global challenges: find out how you can develop your career in our technical teams. Operations and Maintenance jobs at Shell are essential to the ongoing successes of the company. Our family gets out of the struck towards camera and looks around amazed at the view. We see his family covering their ears outside. Des offres d'emploi : Shell sont disponibles sur, le plus grand site d'emploi mondial. Discover the impact you could make at Shell. Discover the benefits of working at Shell, from our outstanding training to the infinite opportunities to network and collaborate. Our Information Technology specialists are fundamental to the success of Shell. The trucker pulls out the three pumps and puts three nozzles into the three tanks, one at a time. We have done so by evolving to meet the needs of our customers. Sind Sie bereit? [Animated sequence] Deanna appears onscreen. A date, nos stations-service restent ouvertes et nous faisons de notre mieux pour vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions, en mettant en place les mesures de sécurité nécessaires. Discover the impact you could make with a career at Shell. It also provides  our approach to environmental and social challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity, access to water, health and safety, supply chain management, human rights, stakeholder engagement and other topics. Premium Products for Your Vehicle; Shell Products for Efficient Motoring; Shell Fuels. Shell Pakistan Limited is the Official Fuel Partner of Multan Sultans – Pakistan Super League Season 5! Client professionnel, fournisseur, partenaire ou investisseur Informations destinées aux personnes associées à nos clients professionnels (B2B), fournisseurs, partenaires commerciaux, parties prenantes et/ou investisseurs. En créant cette alerte Emploi, vous acceptez les Conditions d’utilisation et la Politique de confidentialité de LinkedIn. Upstream Production covers Shell’s oil and gas production operations across the globe. Shell Diesel Extra. We pan out, the music cuts back to the upbeat music from before and the kids run into shot shouting and climb onto the bench next to them. Join the front line of Shell’s global activities and ground-breaking projects. Bon pour les familles, idéal pour les camionneurs. Read our latest Sustainability Report online or access our archive. in 2015, the company distributed $93.6 million to the NDDC, which was required by the law. Discover the benefits of the Shell Graduate Programme. Ces prix sont valables dans toutes nos stations-service (hors autoroute) au Luxembourg. Careers FAQs. La priorité de Shell est avant tout la sécurité et la santé de ses collaborateurs et de ses clients mais également d’opérer ses activités en toute sécurité. C’est pourquoi Shell partage ses Expertips utiles à tous les usagers de la route. 10 Reasons to Choose Shell . 102816-Shell Berchem CVP NL_Final_250817 – Transcript, START: “Welcome to Berchem”, with ‘Welcome to’ spinning round in the different languages. Reference: W1005 Closing Date: 15/03/2020 Rank: Second Engineer Vessel type: LNG Tankers Company Description: In 2006, Shell and Nakilat (Qatar) celebrated the signing of an agreement in which Shell would manage the fleet of 25 liquified natural gas (LNG) carriers which were being built for Nakilat. Dans les stations Shell, nous prenons toutes les mesures nécessaires pour vous accueillir et vous servir dans les meilleures conditions tout en assurant la sécurité de tous. Plus de détails. We then cut to the exterior terrace, which looks over the forecourt. Through powerful letters, Shell employees share their passion for transforming the way energy could be provided to world. Shell’s ambition to be a net-zero emissions energy business, Cutting carbon together, sector by sector, Natural Gas: providing more and cleaner energy, Putting Safety First in Shale Oil and Gas, Leveraging Technology in Shale Oil and Gas, Social and Environmental Responsibility in Shales, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Scientists, The role of technology in the energy transition, Another step towards a global electricity business, View New Energies: building a lower-carbon power business, Explore Shell’s Global Energy Resources database, Share your idea and transform the energy industry, Boosting local economies through entrepreneurship, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Preventing the facilitation of tax evasion, View Sustainability reporting and performance data, Voluntary reporting standards and ESG ratings, Investing in access to energy for communities, View Environmental, social and governance. A good resume can get your foot in the door, but a well-written one can put you on the top of the consideration list. Bienvenue à Shell Berchem, la plus grande station-service du monde. A video showing all of the facilities the Berchem services - good for families, great for truckers. We cut to a wide shot of the front of the truck, with the children in the cabin and the mother and father filling the tank either side of the truck, all happily holding out three fingers in the air. Welcome to Shell. This quickly fades to a blur and we see the copy, ‘Good for families, great for truckers.’, Découvrez les opportunités Shell dans le Business Retail. Le partenariat entre Shell et la Scuderia Ferrari est l’un des plus longs dans l’histoire du sport automobile, et surtout l’un des plus prolifiques en termes de victoires. It will depend on the level and nature of the role in which you’re interested. Do I need a degree to work at Shell? Introducing Shell at Home; Go Home with Luxury! Join the front line of Shell’s global activities and ground-breaking projects. Services & Amenities. Interested in the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the machinery in our refineries, petrochemical plants, or offshore rigs? A blue coloured banner appears at her side with the words Welcome to Shell. These records enable us to search against candidate profiles with specific skill sets, should we have specific recruitment needs in the future. A photo is taken of this scene which appears in the Instagram frame, with the shower tick emojis pop up. Tous les restaurants sont fermés, certains services ne sont plus accessibles et il n’est plus possible jusqu’à nouvel ordre de rester dans le bâtiment pour consommer une boisson prise aux distributeurs ou des produits achetés en boutique. Do I need a degree to work at Shell? Proposez aussi le vôtre : chaque mois il y a des pleins à gagner. it’s important we find talented sales and marketing professionals brimming with personality and corporate experience. Localisez les stations qui acceptant votre carte Shell, Transition vers un futur énergétique plus propre, En savoir plus sur les projets en eau profonde, Technologie innovante pour libérer davantage d'énergie, Nous pouvons soutenir votre idée novatrice, En savoir plus sur la durabilité au sein de Shell, Découvrir comment Shell fournit de l'énergie de manière responsable, En savoir plus sur les actions que nous menons auprès des communautés locales où nous opérons, En savoir plus sur notre performance de durabilité, En savoir plus sur notre mission, nos collaborateurs et notre histoire, En savoir plus sur nos valeurs fondamentales et nos principes de conduite, Télécharger ou consulter les publications de Shell, Localisez votre station shell et le dépôt petrolier, Politiques sur la protection de la vie privée, Modifier les préférences relatives aux cookies. Careers. People who want to make the future by providing more and cleaner energy solutions. Shell is the world's largest fuels retailer and one of the largest single-branded retailers of any kind on the planet serving fuel, food, coffee and other convenience goods to more than 30 million people every day. View Shell Fuels. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place un plan de continuité pour l’ensemble de nos activités en Belgique et au Luxembourg afin que nos opérations se poursuivent. We open to see two hands making a heart shape around the exterior Shell logo. Through powerful letters, Shell employees share their passion for transforming the way energy could be provided to world. The photo then freezes into the Instagram frame and the caption reads ‘Berchem, three thumbs up and fireworks’ emojis. Explore the many ways you can make your future with a career at Shell. !’ emojis and then a firework emoji. Toilet. Industrial Lubricants and Oils for Business, New Energies: building a lower-carbon power business, Sustainability reporting and performance data, Shell Rimula Truck & Heavy-duty Engine Oils, More and cleaner energy solutions for your business, Our home energy offer for households in Great Britain, Purchase order general terms and conditions, Shell invoicing channels and invoice requirements, Electronic signature data privacy statement, Health, Security, Safety and the Environment, Subscribe to Shell Catalysts & Technologies, View Industrial Lubricants and Oils for Business, Flightpath: exploring the future of aviation, The benefits of chemicals in everyday life, Shell FuelSave Diesel and Shell Diesel Extra, Shell Fuel Oil Plus and Shell Fuel Oil Extra, Shell Electronic Vendor Managed Inventory, HSSE & Social Performance Commitment and Policy. Financial reports and articles of association Shell International Finance B.V. 4 tips to excel in a Shell face-to-face interview, 7 tips to prepare Students & Graduates for an online video Interview, 10 employees share their first week at Shell, 9 ways to help you find the right career path, Find a Job in the Shell Graduate Programme, Read Shell employees’ letters to the future. A photo is taken of this scene, again appearing in an Instagram frame with the ‘petrol = 7 mins! Whether you’re a student or an experienced professional, you can find your place at Shell. Learn more about applying and the opportunities that await you. These records enable us to search against candidate profiles with specific skill sets, should we have specific recruitment needs in the future. Shell at Home Form; Fuelling Smiles, One Litre at a Time; Power Back to Work; Power to Save & Win! Whether you’re a student or an experienced professional, you can find your place at Shell. Bénéficiez des avantages liés aux cartes Shell, quelle que soit la taille de votre parc de véhicules, que vos interventions soient internationales ou locales. Discover the impact you could make with a career at Shell. Use Shell’s job search tool and find your next role, whether that’s in engineering, finance, IT or geoscience. Bitte konkretisieren Sie Ihre Suche durch Hinzufügen weiterer Filter, wie Regionen, Branchen, etc. Just some tips from me before we start. Please note that Shell does not (nor do any of the organisations that recruit on our behalf) ever ask for money or payments from applicants at any point in the recruitment process. Pour Shell, il est très important de savoir ce que vous pensez de nos stations et de notre service. 4 tips to excel in a Shell face-to-face interview So, you got the call and an invite to your first interview at Shell. Explore a career with Shell and be a part of a better future. We open to see the Berchem forecourt with a truck arriving at the station, camera pans down. We see the parents sharing a hot drink at a table. Shell Business Operations (SBO) forms the operational backbone of business processes, helping deliver Shell's business solutions across the globe. The audio changes to soft gentle music as they stare into each other’s eyes. 5 Tips to Improve Your Resume. Use Shell’s job search tool and find your next role, whether that’s in engineering, finance, IT or geoscience. Donnez-nous votre avis! Postulez directement en ligne Curieux de joindre le groupe Cactus avec toutes ses fonctions diverses : boucher, poissonnier, animateur produit, spécialiste fruits/légumes, chauffeur-livreur, caissier, hôtesse d’accueil, acheteur, service après-vente, … il y a autant de possibilités pour trouver votre place parmi notre équipe. Conditions générales de B2Mobility GmbH pour l’utilisation de la BP + Aral Routex Card délivrée au Luxembourg applicable au 1er Octobre 2020. Shell Business Operations offers unique opportunities to influence Shell’s business solutions worldwide. How are we driving our business strategy in the context of climate-related risks and opportunities? This report provides an overview of our environmental and social performance for key stakeholders. All individuals who are successful in gaining an offer of employment from Shell, whether directly or indirectly, are always required to go through a formal recruitment process. Obtenez des nouvelles par e-mail concernant les nouvelles offres d’emploi de Spécialiste Unix (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Ignorer. Afficher Huiles moteur et lubrifiants Shell, Huiles moteur Shell Helix pour véhicules légers, Huiles moteur Shell Rimula pour poids lourds et grand rendement, Questions fréquemment posées sur les lubrifiants, Faites le plein chez Shell et repartez avec une Ferrari, Shell et le championnat du monde des rallyes, Shell et le championnat du monde d'endurance, Découvrez Shell V-Power avec la technologie DYNAFLEX, Afficher Lubrifiants pour les professionnels, Constructeurs automobiles et poids lourds, Shell Driveline lubrifiants pour engins et poids lourds, Localisez votre station Shell et planifiez votre itinéraire, Politique de confidentialité cartes Shell, Assistance dépannage, Paiement des amendes Shell, TruckParking, truckwash et nettoyage de citernes. A photo of the family is taken and freezes into an Instagram post and three thumbs up emojis pop up. Le coronavirus, COVID-19, a un impact majeur sur notre vie quotidienne. Entdecken Sie, welche Karrieremöglichkeiten Shell Ihnen bietet. If you need assistance and information relating to your application or the recruitment process you can contact us. La manière la plus simple et la plus rapide de gérer en ligne les cartes carburant de votre parc de véhicules. *If there are any circumstances preventing a visit to a Shell office, your Recruitment point of contact will be in touch and provide further advice. Wollen Sie neue Karrierechancen erkunden und Ihre Karriere voranbringen? By providing energy to sustain people’s lives over 125 years, Shell has become one of the world’s leading companies. Explore career opportunities and discover how you can make an impact with Shell. They currently supply power to more than 200,000 residents and businesses on Bonny Island via a rural electrification scheme. Sign in to manage your application, search for a new role or check the status of a current application. Learn more about Shell Business Operations END: Good for families, great for truckers. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place un plan de continuité pour l’ensemble de nos activités en Belgique et au Luxembourg afin que nos opérations se … La priorité de Shell est avant tout la sécurité et la santé de ses collaborateurs et de ses clients mais également d’opérer ses activités en toute sécurité. Are you ready to explore opportunities to propel your career? Hi, I’m Deanna. We see a coffee being poured from a machine and the young boy jumping up and down in front of his dad, our trucker. Il y en a 424. Car Wash. Helping to build and implement IT solutions right across our business. Browse through our Resource Centre for hints and tips that can help you when applying for a job, and learn more about life at Shell. A printed copy of our Annual Report can be ordered free of charge. Emploi: Unix shell • Recherche parmi 532.000+ offres d'emploi en cours France et à l'étranger • Rapide & Gratuit • Temps plein, temporaire et à temps partiel • Meilleurs employeurs • Emploi : Unix shell - … We pan out to see the whole family standing outside the main entrance to the Berchem shop and café. It will depend on the level and nature of the role in which you’re interested. A Euro then appears, which is crossed out. Shell in Luxembourg öffnungszeiten heute. Sales and marketing. Nous voulons vous simplifier la vie au maximum, sans que cela ne vous coûte en énergie ou en argent. Shell et NewMotion : branchés sur le futur ! Du 5 octobre 2020 au 31 mars 2021, vous avez la possibilité de collectionner 5 modèles réduits Ferrari exclusifs en faisant le plein dans votre station Shell (jusqu’à épuisement des stocks). Discover the impact you can make at Shell. Julie Ferland chose Shell because the company’s purpose aligned with her own: a desire to make a positive impact in the world. Ensemble, nous faisons tout notre possible pour limiter la propagation du virus. They all hug and look to camera for another photo. We then see ‘shower + singing = thumbs down’ emojis. Shell Eurosuper 95 E10. We see a CU of our trucker’s hand putting his card into the petrol pump card machine, selecting all three pumps. Les prix actuels des carburants au Luxembourg sont repris dans cette liste (stations-service hors autoroute) Notification de cookie Navigation sur le site et cookies nous utilisons des cookies (et des technologies équivalentes) pour collecter et analyser des informations sur les performances de notre site et pour permettre au site de fonctionner. There are many reasons to join a great company like Shell. Explore a career with Shell and be a part of a better future. 306 Route d'Esch, 1471 Luxembourg, telefon:+352 48 13 38, öffnungszeiten, bild, karte, lage Emojis pop up showing one card = 3 pumps. Visit address 7, Rue de l'Industrie 8069 Bertrange Luxembourg Postal address P.O.Box 100 8006 Bertrange Luxembourg Contact people - Shell Luxembourgeoise SÀRL Download the executives list Il y a cependant des restrictions. We cut to the inside of the shower, where our trucker is washing and singing loudly. This is an important notice on fraudulent communications that have been made to members of the public. Des offres d'emploi : Station Service comme Vendeur (H/F), Patrouilleur (H/F), Project Assistant sont disponibles sur The trucker mouths ‘WOW!’. Informations destinées aux postulants, aux participants à un événement de recrutement ou à une évaluation pour Shell. Plus de détails . View Careers FAQs. Shell and Visa present winners of the campaign ; Shell Pakistan presents winners of Love Takes You Places; Shell Advance presents winners of Namumkin se Agay campaign; Shell Pakistan Limited is the Official Fuel Partner of Multan Sultans – Pakistan Super League Season 5! Royal Dutch Shell is commonly known as “Shell” is a British-Dutch oil company. Are you ready to explore opportunities to take your career to the next level? Along with seeing the facilities, you’ll get the chance to learn more about the energy industry and available career opportunities, as well as experience the culture at Shell. Life at Shell Meet, and be inspired by, our pioneers, innovators, adventurers and … In one of our Operations and Maintenance roles you will be part of a growing team that is tasked with the safe and efficient day-to-day operation of our global projects and assets. We ask three of Shell’s Recruitment Managers about what they think makes a candidate stand out. The focus of SBO is driving excellent corporate performance to enable Shell to succeed in a globally competitive and ever-changing business environment. As an experienced professional enhance your career development with Shell and continue on your path to reaching your potential. Explore Shell's career opportunities. Are you ready to explore opportunities to take your career to the next level?