They are also sneaky athletic and agile too. They are still listed as a vulnerable native breed but numbers are more healthy especially in their home county of Lancashire. Eddy - thank you for the share. Usually this takes the form of hunting a human runner who sets off ahead of the dogs which gives a trail for them to follow. In a similar mould to the corgi they were originally cattle dogs and would harry the cattle along by nipping their heels when necessary, so they can be quite feisty. The Norfolk and the Norwich Terrier are two delightful little terrier breeds developed in the same area - Norwich being the county town of Norfolk in the east of England. Historians believed these dogs are the result of crossbreeding Welsh Corgis with Manchester Terriers. Their coats are also water-resistant, giving them the ability to work in rain or mist – which the borderlands often had. In 1835 dog fighting was made illegal and at this point some dog breeders from the English county of Staffordshire determined to preserve the breed as a show dog and pet. English Bulldog Facts.
Males and females, fully grown, differ in both aspects. The English Bulldog is one of the most popular breeds in the world actually ranking on number five. There are now a number of packs of bloodhounds in the UK kept for hunting. As given by the name, the Yorkshire Terrier was developed in Yorkshire county during the mid 1800s. The modern flat coated retriever can be worked, shown and a family pet. Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on May 07, 2013: What great coverage of the differing dog breeds...not hard to see why the great HOTD honor was bestowed upon you. Great Hub. There’s no better nickname for this English dog than the “king of terriers.” While most terrier-types are a small bundle of energy, the Airedale is a massive dog that stands 23 inches tall and can weigh up to 70 pounds as an adult male! Sanse on Wikimedia GNU Free Documentation License. When put on a stretch of flat land, these dogs use their long legs and lean frames to reach speeds upwards of 40 miles per hour. However he bred them at his Scottish home the Guisachan Estate, so they are really Scottish in origin. This was when the Airedale Terrier was developed. This is all about breeds which we can be fairly confident originated or were mainly developed in England. .hide-if-no-js {
That is, they will track down birds and point to them with their snout to signal to the hunter where the birds are. When in the home, they’re even-tempered dogs that are amiable, kind and affectionate. Beagles are not too friendly, but not too aloof. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are often called “Staffy” for short. These collies are clever and extremely intelligent dogs. I have a Beagle myself. Otterhounds are extremely rare. It’s why they’re so unique. The English Springer Spaniel is the embodiment of the spaniel-type spirit. Highlights: Intelligent, Energetic, Affectionate. They’re hefty dogs that are more durable than they look. The English Bulldog is one of the most famous English dog breeds, and for good reason. There are fewer than 100 pairs left to continue breeding. These dogs can draw back their lips to smile like a human. In the home, they’re affectionate and wouldn’t mind spending an afternoon lazying around with their owners. Because of their origins, Whippets are much more adaptable. American Cocker Spaniel. The Bloodhound can still follow a 300-hour scent trail, that is, with the source leaving the area 12 days ago. Wonderful! These type of gun dog breeds can also flush out game and point (or track) game. But for the most part, they are loving and gentle dogs. As such, they’re a balanced dog that knows how to play hard and work even harder. If left in a yard without proper exercise, they’ll likely start digging away! The Clumber Spaniel is calm, docile and mellow. Dogs resembling the staffie and known as bull terriers, existed in the 17th century as a breed for use in dog fighting which was popular and legal at the time. It’s what they were bred for, after all. English cocker spaniels are compact hunting dogs whose cheerful temperament makes for a great family pet—for both kids and seniors alike. The Duke spent a great deal of effort into breeding the ideal hunting companion for his estate, called the Clumber Park. Despite being an English dog breed, Pointers actually originated from their cousins – the Spanish Pointer. Highlights: Smart, Affectionate, Courageous. Bedlingtons are terrier dogs disguised in a sheep’s coat. In the past, spaniels were divided into two types: land spaniels and water spaniels. They were bred with stamina for fox hunting. Alsatian. Many owners describe them as tomboyish and full of life or energy. Bullmastiffs don’t bark. The English Shepherd temperament is the defining characteristic of the breed, with high intelligence and often a unique type of kindness for those in his home, both animals and people. Rather, the Norfolk is a working dog breed. These English dogs tend to sport either a black or liver colored coat. The Curly-Coated Retriever is believed to be the oldest of all retriever-type dogs. Bush had a Springer Spaniel named Millie. While they may look unique, they offer a kind of versatility not seen in many dogs. If you’ve ever seen a Border Collie in action, you’d probably notice the extreme focus and determination when they are on the field. All the toy breeds are very small or small. Some, like the foxhound, were bred with stamina to hunt by scent in packs whilst others, such as the greyhound, were bred for speed and more often hunt alone or in pairs. English Mastiffs were on the Mayflower that sailed to New England in 1620. I really enjoyed this hub and I am saving all my favourite animal hubs and this is most certainly one. American Foxhound. Not only were they quick dogs, but also were much more cost effective. The Border Terrier is an English dog that’s tough and never misses a beat. This breed has a medium-length, double-layered coat, and is known for its great versatility as a working farm animal; dogs of this breed are equally adept at herding, hunting, and property guarding. American Bulldog. English Bulldogs are brave and courageous, but can also be calm and docile. And just like with retriever dogs, England is home to some of the most famous gun dogs.English Cocker Spaniel, Highlights: Loving, Trainable, Fun-loving. It’s actually a bit surprisingly considering their gentle nature. In fact, they are one of the 5 most popular dog breeds in America! The curly coated retriever is believed to have originated in England around 200 years ago. You earned HOTD. They’re also called “gypsy dogs” because they frequently accompanied nomadic Roman Gypsies in the 1700s. Hence it became known as the Staffordshire bull terrier. These dogs have a habit and instinct to dig. They’re always friendly and calm with very little aggressive tendencies. It’s a sport where these dogs were put in pits to essentially fight a bull to the death. They originated in hill country where sheep were kept, so Wales, Scotland and Northern England all contributed to the breed. In fact, the Whippets are very much like the Greyhounds, though a bit shorter and slimmer. This breed is the national symbol of England, it has been associated with Winston Churchill, it appeared in many cartoons (Spike from Tom & Jerry), movies, commercials, is the … They were generally a mix of white and one or two other colours, could be short or long legged and rough or smooth coated. Their noses are so reliable that their findings and “testimony” are considered admissible in a US court of law. Jumpy the Border Collie holds the world record for dog skateboarding, going 100 meters in just 20 seconds. Yorkies are bold and spirited with a dash of courageousness. This is a comphrehensive, well structured informative and entertaining HUB regarding a subject many of us happen to LOVE! The OES was first developed in 1904. But don’t be fooled by their goofy looks – these dogs are herding dogs, after all. These are other famous and popular English dog breeds that couldn’t be categorized in the above sections. Border collies can claim to be a truly British breed rather than an English one. That said, let’s examine 28 popular and unique dog breeds from England. And even today, police departments and search & rescue groups deploy these dogs for all types of tracking and rescuing work. As you may have guessed from the name, the point of the English Pointer is to point. They’re mostly eager dogs, but can go on their stubborn streaks occasionally. However their appeal as companions began to override everything else and breeders started to select for companionship qualities and cuteness. And while the first domesticated dog is believed to have been in 10,000 BC (somewhere in China), England is not far behind. Other breeds I could have included are the Airedale terrier, English bull terrier and miniature bull terrier, fox terriers, lakeland terrier, Manchester terrier and dandie dinmont terrier. The original grooming tradition of the Bedlington Terrier, with the ear tassels, clipped crown, and shaved head, is still a mystery. For example , terriers... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples They also have stamina. English Bulldog. In 2006 only 103 ETT puppies were registered. Other breeds from this group which I could have included are the clumber spaniel, Sussex spaniel, field spaniel, springer spaniel and English setter. An English dog breeder named Frank Jones is largely credited for the development of this dog. Though a Norfolk stands at just 10 inches tall, they’re bursting with energy and have a lively demeanor that’ll put a smile on anyone’s face. However from these original dogs long legged sight hounds were developed by most area or countries, resulting in the Ibizan hound, the saluki (from the middle east), the sloughi from north Africa, the greyhound in England and many others. English Bulldog Temperament: Charismatic Couch Potatoes. Lancashires are also wicked smart. The Staffordshire knows when to be calm, like in the presence of older kids. Plus, they play well with kids and other dogs. A nickname for the OES is the “bobtail,” despite having a tail. These dogs are the happiest when they have a job, such as guarding and watching territory. In addition, they love to work and will often work for the sake of working. They were bred for a bloodsport, called “bull-bating” – much like the Pitbulls. They may be petite, but they are toy lap dogs. These dogs pack a lot of power into a fun-sized bite. Check out the American Kennel Club's list of smallest dog breeds, including the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Maltese, and more. In fact, there’s evidence that suggests these dogs were present in ancient Egypt, Greece, China, Tibet and even in the Roman Empire. Only one breed from the working group can claim to have been developed in Britain and that is the English mastiff, known here just as the mastiff. whonunuwho from United States on May 07, 2013: Beautiful animals, all, and well done in your pictures and writing. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Plus, the OES can also be very playful, often taking up to three years to fully mature. They’re famously known for being an even-tempered dog. Rather, these toy dogs were bred to warm your laps and laze around with their owners. Perhaps the most iconic and well-known dog breed from England, the Old English Sheepdog holds a reputation for being gentle, smart and agreeable. Border Terriers were bred to solve multiple problems, giving them a versatile edge. For this reason, the smaller and more convenient Whippet was born. Such comprehensive information on each of the breeds you wrote about and your pictures are superb! The greyhound was already well known in England in the middle ages. Although they’re called “old,” they’re a relatively new breed. That said, these mastiffs are highly biddable and trainable dogs. In other words, they made dangerous deliveries and kept guard. Any common person caught owning a greyhound would be severely punished. They were called the “gamekeeper’s dog” because they were so widely used on English estates for hunting and sport. Because this dog flushed smaller game, such as woodcocks, they were known as the “cocking spaniel.” And although they hunt all types of game today, the name was kept. Historians believe that the Border Terrier is one of England’s most ancient terrier breeds. The long profuse double coat with shaggy fur over the head is the signature look with the OES. These dogs were bred in the mid 1800s and shortly after, became Britain’s most popular retrieving dog due to their top skills. Nettlemere (author) from Burnley, Lancashire, UK on February 22, 2013: Thanks for reading Dr Mark - I suspect that the foxhound may be more common now in America than it is over here. The front legs are straight and the hindquarters are strong and providing great endurance. The loose skin of the Bulldog was bred into them as a layer of protection. In the 1800s, at the height of fox hunting, Parson Russells were used exclusively to hunt fox. Even so, there’s a loving, friendly and outgoing side to the Airedale that people can’t resist. Despite the lack of registrations with the Kennel club there are still packs of foxhounds kept for hunting. Few animals are faster than a Greyhound. texture. And given how popular hunting was in England, hounds were crucial dogs to society. They are fearsome hunters. The show strain enjoys plenty of exercise and mental stimulation but that requirement is more than doubled in a working dog who would really need some sort of job to do, like agility training, even as a pet. American Staffordshire Terrier. All Free. What’s more, Greyhounds have a wonderful and pleasant temperament. He first set his sights on breeding an effective gun dog capable of navigating the terrain of his estate in the highlands. And through many iterations, the Golden was born. They’re a muscular dogs with a lean frame. The history of Clumber Spaniels is unclear. Strictly speaking hunting animals with dogs is illegal in the UK since the Hunting Act 2004 was passed, but packs can hunt a human runner laying a trail. Busy owners should not own a Whippet. English Springer Spaniels adapt well to town or city life. More recent breeds may have a well-documented history, especially if an individual breeder set out with the purpose of creating a dog breed for a specific purpose or appearance. Though hard workers with a strong work ethic, Flat Coats know how to slow down and enjoy their time with the humans. Historians point to the 13th century when the Bulldog was developed in England. It's hard to resist a golden retriever! And while they may be stubborn and “slow at learning,” we think this is just because of their inquisitive nature. Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on February 20, 2013: This was very well done and enjoyable. These dogs likely descended from the English Water Spaniel, Retrieving Setter and the Irish Water Spaniel. For some breeds, the name is a clue to their birthplace—for example, the Norfolk terrier. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. I have never seen an Old English Sheepdog closely shaved before na dI was pleasantly surprised. Rather, they’re good-natured dogs that can be patient and easy-going. This iconic English dog was developed by Dudley Marjoribanks, the first Lord Tweedmouth. England is one of the most historic countries today, known for their London tea, fish & chips, the Big Ben and The Beatles. The Otterhounds have webbed feet, giving them an extra boost when swimming in water. How in the world did you get to take pictures of so many breeds? Fortunately, the Golden Retriever fit the bill. Hi Nettlemere. The modern breed is shorter and more squat and unfortunately can suffer respiratory difficulties and be inclined to heat stress due to its 'squashed' nose. We are the proud owner of a bloodhound! In the past, hunting was a big sport in England (and still a year-round sport today). The crazy energy and mischief can also get them into trouble, especially if they’re not properly exercised. About Author Michele Welton; See All of Michele's Best-Selling Dog Books → Respect Training for Puppies → Teach Your Dog 100 English Words → 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy → Dog Quest (Find the Dog of Your Dreams) Dog Breed Reviews . And while they are called sheepdogs, they were actually herding or drover dogs. Congrats on the HOTD - so deserved! In the beginning, there were two breeds. Although it's name indicates that the old English sheepdog is an archetypal English breeds it almost certainly had European breeds such as the corded coated Bergamasco in its development These were bred to lighter coated sheepdogs from England.
Bac2basics - I agree the KC breed standards can cause real problems for the dogs as do trends amongst the breed judges as to exactly what they are looking for. Other toy breeds I could have featured are the Yorkshire terrier, Cavalier king Charles spaniel and King Charles spaniel. Back when poaching was a problem, these dogs were bred to take down a poacher in the middle of the night. aviannovice - I'm pleased you like it, I suspect some of the breeds aren't available in America, so you probably don't see them. Voted up and sharing. It’s believed that these viking dogs were the original ancestors of the Border Collie. Their ability to effectively track people down even with a cold trail is largely due to the Bloodhound’s incredible noses. Although they are an active breed there is considerable difference between the show strain and working strains which are still widely used on farms throughout the world. Not only do they make perfect search & rescue dogs, but also thrive in a family-oriented situation. Known for their long bodies, short legs and bright smiles, the Pembroke Welsh Corgis are some of the most popular dogs today. Gun dogs are much like retrievers. I learned about a few dogs that I had no knowledge on. The Flat-Coated loves to play with others. These dogs were bred to hunt and work in packs. On the field, Cockers are tireless workers that will go above and beyond to please their hunters. The Parson Russell Terrier is a clever and spirited dog that has a seemingly unlimited amount of energy and excitement. Combine this with their sheer strength and size, and few intruders would want to mess with this Mastiff. There are over 30 breeds that originate in England: hunting dogs, companion dogs, guard dogs, sheepdogs you name it, they have it. Voted up and Awesome, Nettlemere. For the most part, the OES is an easy-going and laid-back dog. There are now two strains with the working cocker and the show cocker having diverged somewhat. Herding became an essential part of farms with livestock in the rural regions of England. The Lancashire heeler is a pastoral breed which was almost lost until efforts in the 1980s were made to boost the numbers of the breed by people such as Jean Lanning, a breeder and international dog judge. Read More. These tend to be less active but with a strong guarding instinct. Beautiful dogs, great hub! In fact, they are one of the 5 most popular dog breeds in America! There’s no other hound in the canine kingdom like them, as they’re the only ones bred to hunt these aquatic animals. However, they should be taken out for walks and a romp in the park. However, they can be aggressive towards small animals, including cats and rats. Cat Friendly: 3 stars. The English Shepherd is a fairly rare breed of medium-sized herding dog. Historians believe the English Mastiff actually descended from the old Roman war dogs. Parson Russells are intelligent dogs, but not in the obedient and blindly-following-orders kind of way. And although they were prominent cattle herders, these dogs typically are companion dogs today. The United English Shepherd Association was established as a breed club and it has given very common guidelines on the dog’s look, with the focus still being on his ability to work. :). One theory suggests they were smuggled from France into England during the French Revolution. In fact, they’re the most intelligent dog breed in terms of obedience and working IQ. They were traditionally used for fighting and guarding. American Pit Bull Terrier. English Shepherds are adaptable and learn routines quickly. This was when the Otterhound made its name. Pointers get their name from their unique way of tracking game. In the home, they’re playful and fun-loving with the people they know, but can be aloof with strangers. The 19th century was a time when a significant number of breeds were developed in the gundog world. (I'm partial, as my longtime childhood companion was a Foxhound cross.). They may be stubborn, but they’re smarter than you think, making them highly trainable and potentially obedient toy dogs. It’s believed they have 200 to 300 million scent receptors. Learn more about English cocker spaniel colors, size, and health here. Combine this with their always alert nature and they make some of the finest watch dogs. These dogs will always be courageous and brave, making them outstanding guard dogs and watch dogs. Part of the four pitbull-type dog breeds, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the smallest of the bunch. The English Shepherd dog breed has been fortunate in that a small number of determined fanciers continued to breed the dog. They do everything with a lot of enthusiasm, making them an ideal fit for owners that enjoy plenty of activities. Even so, this doesn’t mean they’re hard to train. So, the following dogs’ job was born. However, they do more than just retrieving. Sadly this also means that it is the breed most commonly found in dog rehoming centres around the country. The word “corgi” actually means “dwarf dog” in Welsh. Great hub. =
Great job and thanks for sharing. And over time, the two breeds became distinct as more clubs recognized both. Despite their large stature, Airedale Terriers were originally bred to hunt and kill rats. Some dog breeds (such as the bloodhound) originated so long ago that it is hard to ascertain exactly where they were developed. The hallmark of the breed, are the flopped downward ears and the large, brown eyes. They’re a classic breed that strikes the perfect balance in a family companion. Today, the Yorkshire Terrier has all the traits that you would least expect from a toy dog breed. Terriers have earned a reputation of being bold, spirited and good-natured. They originated from dogs bred by the Reverend John Russell (1795-1883) who was also instrumental in breeding lines of smooth fox terriers. So which English dog breed is your favorite and why? Highlights: Affectionate, Devoted, Courageous. May 15, 2013 - English Shepherd / Farm Collie Dog. I didn´t even realize how things were going for the Foxhound. Historians know very little about the true origins of the Bloodhound. In fact, the early ancestors of the Beagles arrived in England long before the Roman Empire. However, this doesn’t mean they’re friendly to everyone. Did we miss any that deserves to be on this list? Whippets are known to suffer from separation anxiety. The toy dog breeds have often been developed from breeds which originally had a job to do such as the terriers and the spaniels. With all the scents they smell, it’s easy to get distracted! What an interesting hub this is. Early paintings of Pointers can be found on 3,000 year old Egyptian tombs. After locating the birds, hounds will chase them down. But as their goofy appearance suggests, they are mischievous and playful when in the home. In other words, they’ll be very energetic and active, demanding a decent amount of physical and mental exercises. Highlights: Lively, Friendly, Even-tempered. Their noses are so incredible that a Beagle named Elvis is capable of smelling pregnancy in women. And while they may seem fragile, they’re sturdy and strong. I know there are quite a few American breeds that we don't get over here. They were very popular, but not recognised under Kennel club rules. Retriever dogs have a simple yet necessary job. Working dogs (or Utility) Herding dogs, including Sheepdogs. This almost led to the extinction of the English Mastiff. The golden retriever is a hugely popular breed worldwide being attractive, adaptable and amenable. But their high energy levels, frequent exercise needs, and pack instincts make them tricky fits for an individual owner or family. But am I the only one who appreciates half-breed dogs as well? It is a gundog and still used in gundog trials and by some gamekeepers, however the rise of the labrador retriever meant that the breed decreased in popularity as a gundog in the 20th century.The tight curly coat is waterproof and shakes dry quite satisfactorily - it was purposely developed for retrieving game from water. The two English monarchs, King Charles I and II, devoted their lives to breeding these toy dogs. In many cases, a hunter cannot easily get to the game without a boat. We call this the “heeler smile.”. Not only were they quick enough to chase them on land, but tenacious enough to hunt them in the burrows of these clever and agile animals. These spaniel dogs were first developed many centuries ago when flushing and tracking game birds in the uplands was needed. Their obedient nature and intelligence makes them great for training. Hunting and shooting were extremely popular pass times and the large estates could afford to run large kennels of dogs. American Pit Bull Terrier. As a result are known for their ability to retrieve from water as well as on land. Despite having presumably been bred for working sheep I haven't come across any evidence of them still being used as a working breed. Parson Russell Terrier (Jack Russell), eager gun dogs that helped flush out birds, Developed in the past for the aristocrats, take down rodents, but also help with hunting, kill vermin and participate in pit fights, crossing with the tenacious Scottish Terriers, devoted their lives to breeding these toy dogs. Suhail - thank you for commenting - I like the English setter and do plan to fill in the gaps at some point, but the hub was getting long and I thought I'd best get it published! The Cocker Spaniel is slightly smaller than the springer, standing at 15 to 17 inches tall. They can hunt rabbits, foxes, groundhogs, raccoons, possums, and other game. This dog breed originates from the northern England and Scotland. For the most part, Beagles are easy-going and laid back dogs. They were originally tough farm terriers used to keep the rat population under control. American Black and Tan Coonhound. They’re very affectionate dogs who tend to get along well with all members of the family. They’re agile yet tenacious, making them perfect watchdogs for livestock. These dogs aren’t new, as they’ve been pointing for centuries. This well-balanced medium-size dog is built for speed and agility, and his supreme intelligence makes him relatively easy to train. The modern greyhound is more popular as a racing dog then as a show dog, but valiant efforts by greyhound charities to raise the profile of the breed as a pet has meant that increasing numbers of ex-racing greyhounds find their way into the comfort of home life and happily swap the racetrack for a comfy sofa. English Foxhounds look good on paper. The white-tipped tail of the Beagle was bred into them so hunters could find them while tracking in the woods. They’re highly capable hunting dogs and they know it too.