My ears are ringing after 20 hours. Want to see Jean Michel Jarre in concert? Vinyl LP jean Michel Jarre Equinoxe 33 Tour musique électronique bon etat vintag. Aujourd'hui sur Rakuten, 389 Tour Jean Michel Jarre vous attendent au sein de notre rayon . He's interesting without fail, if nothing else. Final verdict 6/10 I am sorry to say. Musically the concerts focused on the two Oxygene albums. The tour coincided with the release of the Oxygene album sequel, Oxygene 7-13. I need to write 30 words? 6,00 EUR. It was also during this tour that Jarre introduced his new plaything, the Theremin, one of the worlds oldest electronic instruments, which was invented by Russian, Leon Theremin, in 1917. This FB fan page is dedicated to Jean-Michel Jarre. Several of the numbers, such as Oxygene II and VI, had not been played at concerts for a considerable time. 30/12/2020. They don't need the high end either. The music was very close to the originals, so much so in some places that I began to wonder. JMJ's music does not really get old. Tournée en salle, initialement prévue pour le monde entier, mais certains concerts ont été annulés, et finalement les concerts ont eu lieu en Europe seulement. To have in mind it was a smaller arrangement and less orchestral the visual effects was really nice just to be expected from a perfektionist like Jarre and crew. The visual effects from the light shows is amazing. Il est influencé dès son plus jeune âge par son grand-père musicien et bricoleur, qui était employé de la société Teppaz fabriquant le célèbre petit électrophone portatif et qui est co-inventeur de la première table de mixage pour la radio française. But great musicians can replicate performances with little variation. Would love to see his concert again somewhere. I saw him at the Falconer salen i Denmark 26/10. This concert was AWESOME!!!!!!! Most part of the songs were newer material, more clubbish then what Jarre is known for. Electronica World Tour ELECTRONICA WORLD TOUR visits Latin America, with his first performances ever in Buenos Aires & Santiago de Chile in March, before heading back to North America for more concerts plus 2 Coachella Festival headline gigs, gaining rave reviews. to track Jean Michel Jarre and get concert alerts when they play near you. The music is a little different than the music I used to hear. Find information on all of Jean Michel Jarre’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2021-2022. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Jean Michel Jarre scheduled in 2021. As for special effects, JMJ's other recognizable trait, the concert was not as crazy or innovative as his biggest shows in the 80s and 90s but it was a fantastic use of a fairly rare projection tech. Jean Michel André Jarre is a French composer, performer and music producer. Over 250 dates in 35 countries, he offered a rare opportunity to share his talent live. Years previously I saw Prince from a few rows back. It is very loud (lung shakingly loud at one point) and the light show is a barrage of sensory input - in 3D no less. If you can, go and experience this. The Arena was draped with lingering 'smoke', the lights dimmed to be replaced with a low rumbling chime that penetrated your body. Sounds and light go off the scale. NORDICDNA° / JARRE LABS. This was infact my first Jarre experience. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Jean Michel Jarre scheduled in 2021. C’est en réutilisant une partie de la scène du concert des Trois ténors avec Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo et Jose Carreras (qui se déroule 3 jours plus tôt) que ce spectacle peut être monté rapidement. well I'm not totally writing 30 words because one can describe the gig with two words: the best. The repertory mixed old and new stuff, and JMJ proved why he is been on top for so long. Explore other live performances Welcome to the other side Objets similaires sponsorisés Votre avis sur nos suggestions - Objets similaires sponsorisés. 20,00 EUR. You'll not be dissapointed. Jean-Michel Jarre Tour Dates & Tickets 2021 | Ents24 Jean-Michel Jarre Tour Dates French composer, performer and producer Jean Michel Jarre, who is widely regarded as one of the original pioneers of experimental electronic pop and A Moscou, trois millions de fans viennent l'applaudir en 1997. My only beef with his music is that he plays some of his newer stuff too loud, succumbing to the modern desire for more base and more drums. Aero Productions. What a nightmare of acoustic mayhem. Listening to Oxygene, Chantes Magnetiques, Equinoxe and many others being played by Jean Michel Jarre himself - unbelievable!!! Maybe the sound engineers were being kind to the failing hearing of the audience whose average age must have been 60. The on-stage LED curtains reflected a series of moving blue images, similar to that of the surface of water, displaced by sound...... and away we went becoming immersed into the techno world of music accompanied by light and images. Thanks guys ! This FB fan page is dedicated to Jean-Michel Jarre. He reinvents himself, samples his old work, plays 'against' himself sometimes. Is made by people from the first Slovak and Czech fan club Jarre K.I.D. The French musician had previously only given indoor concerts during his mini-tour of China in 1981. Track list:Oxygène 7Chronologie 6Equinoxe 7Magnetic Fields 1Oxygène 6Oxygène 10Oxygène 4Oxygène 11Souvenir of ChinaOxygène 2Magnetic Fields 2Oxygène 5Oxygène 8Oxygène 12RevolutionsEquinoxe 4Oxygène 13, Musicians:Jean Michel JarreLaurent FaucheuxDominique MahutChristoph PapendieckDominique PerrierFrancis Rimbert, Date and Place:May 3rd-October 20th Europe, Estimated Audience:230,000 people during 37 concerts. De quoi nourrir vos convictions personnelles avec la référence Tour Jean Michel Jarre si la seconde main fait partie intégrante de vos habitudes d'achat. 29,639 fans get concert alerts for this artist. 160,00 EUR + livraison . @2021 JEAN-MICHEL JARRE. Not really. Thank you Mister Jarre! Just one word: Excellent. I was delighted at how energetic and sound perfect this show was. Fantastic concert, as always. Would like to see him again soon in Vienna! This was one of the best shows in the past for me! Et cela, aussi bien du côté du neuf que des produits Tour Jean Michel Jarre occasion. Brought back a lot of memories. Little if any high end, that which provides the complexities and nuances I so love and the sound just overpowering, too much to really enjoy. livraison: + 20,00 EUR livraison . It was sad though that not that many people attended the show; because the show was PHENOMENAL!!!!! This time the concept was very different to that of his Europe in Concert tour, as the concerts would be held indoors. 40 year later Oxygene is still as vibrant and stirring as ever. Get tickets by checking out the tour dates and information below on Stereoboard. JUKEBOX N°148 JEAN-MICHEL JARRE ERIC BURDON ALICE SHANE McGOWAN & POGUES EL TORO . I've been listening to JMJ for many, many years. Get Jean‐Michel Jarre setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Jean‐Michel Jarre fans for free on! Jean-Michel Jarre has composed and recorded a 52 minute musical score for ‘Amazônia’, a new project by award winning photographer and filmmaker Sebastião Salgado, for the Philharmonic Paris. Jean-Michel Jarre, pionnier de la musique électronique en France, est le premier a avoir introduit la musique électroacoustique à l'Opéra de Paris dès 1971. Last saw the man at the London Docklands - twice. Not everyone can use les ondes martenot, but every other kid abuses drums. Jean-Michel Jarre a conclu son show en beauté en offrant un rappel mémorable avec Oxyène 17 et Stardust. Seeing the setting of the concert in Israel just a few weeks earlier made me think that a desert-like setting, amidst sands and rocks and under the stars would be infinitely better than the suffocation of a small, low-ceiling theare downtown Toronto. Excellent concert. JOHNNY HALLYDAY rare DOUBLE 33T original 1981 IMPACT 818170-1. 143 talking about this. What a waste of great composition, great performance and a fantastic light show. Given that the types of music heâs concerned himself with over the course of his career - which, at this point, has spanned in excess of four decades - itâs quite astonishing to think that Jean Michel Jarre has not only sold more than eighty million albums, but also ingratiated himself into popular culture in a way that no other ambient producer - except for maybe Brian Eno - has achieved. I've always been a huge fan since childhood so I had high expectations but also kept in mind that this tour was presented in a smaller format for a smaller audience. livraison: + 25,00 EUR livraison . Great Show and a very nice and warming artist. This is the 5th time we have seen Jean Michel and wouldn't miss it for the world.he is a 1 off and totally original. DVD 39,90 € 39,90 € 2,79 € pour l'expédition. However, again the sound and O2 acoustics let the concert down. Pure awesomeness. That felt awkward and stupid. The track Exit, with Edward Snowden was well up there, perhaps better live. For the second time in his career Jean Michel Jarre consented to go on a major tour, which once again took him around Europe. 45 tours jean-michel jarre rendez-vous. All I can say is the 40 years wait was worth it. Jean-Michel Jarre voit le jour le 24 août 1948 à Lyon. When I was given the tickets to see JMJ I was elated, then my heart sank as I saw it was at the O2. 165 talking about this. I was an early fan, and dreamed to see him playing here. Dernière mise à jour le 21.04.2018 Suite à la sortie des albums “Electronica 1: the time machine” (2015) et “Electronica 2: the heart of noise” (2016), Jean-Michel Jarre a entamé une tournée mondiale intitulée “Electronica World Tour” depuis juin 2016. Quite a surprise, lots of new material, lots of hits that are slightly update to mix nicely with the new upbeat tracks. Right up there with head banging ! Management. Hopefully he comes back to Southern California in the near future. The French musician had previously only given indoor concerts during his mini-tour of China in 1981. Sony Centre is great for plays and quiet concerts that are perfectly enjoyed while sitting. En 1998, Jean Michel Jarre donne un concert au pied de la Tour Eiffel, quelques jours après la victoire de l’équipe de France de Football lors de la Coupe du Monde. Jean-Michel Jarre a donné un concert virtuel intitulé “Welcome to the other side” (Bienvenue ailleurs) le 31 décembre 2020 à 23h25 dans Notre Dame de Paris numérisée. I have been going to various concerts for a while, but this was the first time that I've had the opportunity to go to a JMJ concert. Heâs certainly the towering figure of the new age music movement, so much so that he earned his own radio station on popular video game Grand Theft Auto IV in 2008; his success, though, has been built on much more than just his records, with his breathtaking live shows having plenty to do with it, too. Il est le fils du compositeur de musiques de films, Maurice Jarre et de la résistante lyonnaise France Pejot. Unfortunately I was a bit let down to the fact that no songs from either of his best albums, Magnetic Fields, Zoolook, Rendez-Vous or Chronologie were performed! Is made by people from the first Slovak and Czech fan club Jarre K.I.D. 9,00 EUR. 17,00 EUR . Invité de Michel Durcker, dans Vivement Dimanche le 13 octobre, Jean-Michel Jarre est revenu sur le terrible récit des obsèques de son père, Maurice. Great concert. The Theremin has since become a regular feature at Jarres concerts. Next up, he takes his 'Electronica' Tour back to North America in spring 2018. Vinyle 33T LP Jean Michel Jarre – Equinoxe . You can find the list of Jean Michel Jarre tour dates here. He continues to make appearances at UK arenas on a sporadic basis, so thereâs always the possibility youâll get to see for yourself before too long. What's that, showing our appreciation to Jarre. Oxygene Tour. 2010-2011 sees Jarre booked for his first ever world tour. Join 29,639 fans getting concert alerts for this artist. Also Jarre encouraged us to cheer along during the concert clapping hands which made the whole experience feel all too much commercial not letting the audience to be swept away in his dreamlandscapes of sounds and arrangements. The music, the lasers, the show, the energy that JMJ put into the show. Thanks J! 4,4 sur 5 étoiles 63. A l'occasion de la sortie de son nouvel album Oxygène 7-13, Jean Michel, fidèle à lui-même, se lance un nouveau défi : après avoir proposé le concept de concert-spectacle géant, piratage d'une nuit d'un lieu public, puis celui d'Europe en Concerts, il veut retourner vers une dimension plus humaine, retrouver une ambiance plus intimiste. Long time fan, but never been to a JMJ concert, until now! JMJ was warm, engaging and energetic. 45 tours JEAN-MICHEL JARRE oxygene. De Jean-Michel Jarre à Romy Schneider, nos idées culturelles pour attaquer 2021 du bon pied Aude Le Gentil. One of the best gigs ever! So, so disappointed that I swore I would never return. Jarre held a tour of huge outdoor concerts throughout Europe in 1993 After the release of the Chronologie album, starting in Mt. Interesting ? That is just cheap and rubbish. This is the first time that he played in Los Angeles - AMAZING SHOW. Having performed to over a million people at Place de la Concorde in Paris in the seventies - heâs since broken his own record three times in that respect - heâs often released new albums to coincide with huge gigs, with his sprawling shows lasting over two hours and incorporating diverse instrumentation and frankly mindblowing light shows. In total 660,000 people attended the venues, and a VHS of the Barcelona concert was released. See JMJ if you can. Jean-Michel André Jarre naît le 24 août 1948 à Lyon , dans le quartier de la Croix Rousse, dans une famille de musiciens. Fils de Maurice Jarre, compositeur, et de France Pejot, ancienne résistante, il a cinq ans lorsque ses parents se séparent. For the second time in his career Jean Michel Jarre consented to go on a major tour, which once again took him around Europe. Get your tour dates seen by one billion fans. The light show was the most brilliant and inventive I have ever seen (and I see 25+ shows a year). I think my only quabble was the venue. I had a great evening, great music, awesome show with lots of effects, 3D lighting, lasers, etc. Maybe he was setting a counterpoint for what was to follow. 20,00 EUR. The bass is deep and solid. To get my 30 words together, I only can repeat this several times. He is a pioneer in the electronic, ambient and New Age genres, and known as an organiser of outdoor spectacles of his music featuring lights, laser displays, and fireworks.