Take, for example, Kate Kane trying to find a way to better understand whether or not her past with Sophie means anything insofar as the present goes. The photos hint at a new turn for the relationship between Kate Kane/Batwoman (Ruby Rose) and Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy), after Sophie kissed Batwoman at the tail end of this week's installment. Back at Crows Headquarters, Sophie and Commander Kane try to uncover who may have had a vendetta against Kate. I don’t mind Sophie I just wish she was a stronger … Warning: This article contains spoilers from Sunday's Batwoman, titled "Survived Much Worse." My issue is that unless she knows Kate is batwoman why is she all up on the bat. Sophie is hit and calls Batwoman "Kate" before passing out. 2 3she’s looking out for Kate’s safety mmm yeah i know but it works push come to shove. Kate’s disappearance also resulted in Sophie learning that Kate loved her and is Batwoman, helping Sophie recognize her own feelings which led her to end things with Julia Pennyworth. In a pinch, Ryan dons the suit again and comes face-to- face with Alice for the first time. When asked why she didn't take her to the hospital, since Sophie can afford it, she explains that the clinic was closer than a hospital and that Mary can't let Sophie leave. Batwoman's second season features a "horrifying" storyline involving Black Mask and Kate Kane. The premiere episode of Batwoman Season 2 ended with every member of the show's supporting cast who wasn't aware that Kate Kane was Batwoman being informed of that fact. ... Ryan and Sophie … Batwoman is far from done with Kate Kane. Batwoman season 2 spoilers ahead. The information was conveyed in different ways, but by the episode's end everyone from her … Batwoman episode 7 carries with it the title of “Tell Me the Truth” and, to go along with that, there are questions fittingly over trust. This teaser … As it turns out, Kate Kane never strayed too far from Gotham City. Batwoman takes Sophie to the clinic and Mary tends to her. This post contains spoilers from Sunday’s episode of Batwoman. Warning: The following feature contains SPOILERS for the Batwoman Season 2 premiere, "What Happened To Kate Kane?". WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for "Rule #1," the latest episode of Batwoman, which aired Sunday on The CW. The two hooked up … Spoilers for Batwoman Season 1, Episode 6 “I’ll Be Judge, ... Sophie and Kate were positioned as star cross’d lovers, blown apart by circumstances and politics. Read at your own risk. I guess she is separated so she should explore fully. With Kate still missing and the city in an uprising, Luke (Camrus Johnson) and Mary (Nicole Kang) are desperate to find a stand in. Sophie awakens in Mary's secret clinic.